Pan Never Fails

By AlainaMHall

3.2K 51 7

I am a huge fan of OUAT and by extension Peter Pan. The problem is, I'm yet to find a story where I'm not sca... More

Think Lovely Thoughts
Lovlier Things To Follow
The Island Come True
Lost Boys
The Mermaid's Lagoon
The Flight
The Shadow
The Dream
The Return Home
A Distant Melody
The Heart Of The Truest Believer
A Kiss

Let's Play

74 3 2
By AlainaMHall

The two grim little girls hit the ground running. They ducked underground and sprinted through the echo caves, taking the shortest path to the training grounds. Good, faster. A memory rang through the clearing. She shook the phantom off and grabbed for a sword. She hadn't used the real weapons yet but the balance was the same as the wood and leather she learned with.
She passed over the crossbows and wrinkled her nose at the dreamshade. Her arm throbbed at the thought of the poison and she shivered.
Wendy saw. "Are you all right?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
Wendy gestured at the sword in Y/N's hand. "You sure you'll be able to use that? Last you told me, sparing and shooting didn't work out too well."
"It's a long sharp stick," Y/N mumbled, testing the balance. "The pointy end goes in the other guy. It can't have changed too much." She turned and ran down the next tunnel, calling over her shoulder, "just find them!"
The two split up to cover more ground. The Island above their heads was constantly moving and changing. Only the Echo Caves stood still, so even if they had tried to stay close they might have come up on opposite sides of the island. Y/N knew just where she was when she stepped from the tunnel and before long she was back where it all started. She was standing in a clearing she recognized, staring at her tree.
She whipped around, slamming Pan against a tree trunk and raising her sword to his throat. "You lied to me," she snapped.
The look of surprise on his face didn't last long. "You've still got fire, but I was the one who taught you that," he smirked, "and there's one thing I didn't teach you."
"Yeah, and what's that?"
"Never make a cage you can't get out of." He twisted out of her grip, knocking the sword aside and before she knew it, Y/N was the one pinned.
She struggled against him but he didn't move any more than the tree at her back. "You can't keep Henry and his mother separated. You have to stop this Pan." She spat the name like it was bitter on her tongue.
A look of hurt crossed his face at the name. "Y/N all of this is for you. Soon enough you'll see that."
"Let them go." She was pleading now.
"I can't." He stepped back, releasing her. "I'm sorry, but I won't fail you."
Before Y/N had time to speak or go for the sword or even take a step, he waved his hands and the clearing was gone.
When the smoke cleared Y/N was back in the cave of Skull Rock. She ran out to the shore, hoping for a way back to the main island but all around her was water and she knew she couldn't fly anymore.
"Peter Pan!" She screamed to the stars.
She paced the length of the small beach and scoured every wall of the cave for a way out before her vision swam and she was forced to sit. Sit and wait for Pan and Emma to come back so she could give him a piece of her mind. She was furious.
She stood when she finally heard footsteps, ready to throw a punch but it wasn't Pan who walked in first. It was Henry.
"Henry! What are you doing here?" Her mood switched from anger to overwhelming concern. The change was dizzying. "Have you found your mother?"
His face fell a little. "Why would I be looking for my mother?"
"Because she's looking for you! Pan needs her. He took you for me but Henry, I promise I didn't know."
Henry still seemed confused. "Pan doesn't need Emma."
"Of course he does. She's the Savior. She's the Truest Believer." Henry just looked at her until realization set it. "No she isn't," she whispered. "It's you. Henry, you're the Truest Believer. You're here to save me?"
He nodded and looked somehow both tentative and determined.
"Thank you Henry" she sobbed, holding him tight. 
Peter materialized in the doorway. Even on a dying island, with his magic nearly gone, he still managed a flair for the dramatic. The anger that had just recently drained out of Y/N came back in full force.
"Peter! Why didn't you—" she cut herself off. "What are you doing?"
Peter was still in the doorway, drawing lines in the dirt. "Casting a protection spell," he called over his shoulder. "I'd rather not have to guard you both from flying arrows or sword fights just now."
Y/N shook her head but the anger didn't come back as strongly. "Why didn't you tell me it was Henry? He's my friend. He would have helped anyway."
"I needed him to find you Y/N. He needed to see what the island dying meant."
"I need his heart."
"He already believes Peter, you have his heart." Peter gave her a look that made her stomach drop. "Wait, you need his actual heart? To do what?"
Pan's voice was calm and calculating, every inch the mastermind. "I'll use it, in place of my own, to restore the island."
Henry blanched, "but what will happen to me?"
"You'll become the greatest of all heros."
"He'll die!" Y/N screamed, colored spots popping and dancing in her sight.
"You can tell me the truth," Henry was fighting to keep his voice steady. "I know all magic comes with a price. Saving it must come with a price too."
"I would never lie to you Henry. And you're right. There is a price. I know it's a huge sacrifice but isn't it worth it?"
Henry took another step towards Pan. "Heros have to make sacrifices all the time. My family taught me that."
"They'd be proud if they could see you now. Because you're about to save them all. Now, are you ready?"
"Then let me help you." Pan took Henry's hand and closed his eyes. A moment later Henry's hand was glowing, enchanted with the ability to pull out his own heart.
"No!" Y/N pleaded. "Peter, Henry please! There has to be another way!"
Pan rounded on her, gesturing frantically, "look at that hourglass Y/N. We're nearly out of time. There is no other way."
"It's you or me Y/N. And I'm going to choose you. I just want to be a hero too." Henry smiled so sweetly, it broke her heart.
"No Henry, that's not what I meant. That is not what makes you a hero." Henry looked down at his still glowing hand. "Henry, look at me. Please look at me! You know what your family taught me? It's that there's another way. There is always another way, do you understand me? Henry? You understand?"
He nodded numbly and dropped his shaking hand. Y/N pulled him down on the stone next to her and held him. Both were crying.
Emma, Regina and Neal burst into the cave, swords drawn, magic flaring and eyes flashing.
"Henry, whatever Pan is telling you to do, don't do it," Neal warned.
Henry looked up to see his father standing in the doorway. "Dad, you're alive?" He ran to him and they fell into an exhausted hug.
"I am buddy."
Emma held a threatening sword at Peter and Y/N. They put their hands up. For a moment Y/N felt very light, like a top spinning on its head until Emma and the sword and the cave and Peter were drowned in darkness. That last bit of strain was too much and she collapsed, finally giving in to the poison.

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