"A Hellish Scenario" [Alastor...

By m00n_studi0s

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"Leave It At The Doorstep and I'll Get Back To Ya Soon."
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"Dance With Somebody" [Alastor X Reader!Demon]

775 12 2
By m00n_studi0s

July 10, 1991
Pride Circle, Hell
Bloody Sound Retro Store


          The front door store bell rang as you and your friend stepped into the number one retro store of Hell. The store was lined with aisles and shelves full of VHSs, CDs, records, Gameboys, magazines, tapes, and others. Anything technology wise they invented in the 1980s or 70s, this store had it. Magic by FM Attack, Kristine could be heard playing as well as the hum the bright pink and blue fluorescent lights.
          "Oh! Look at this!." Your friend, Jazzy, said out of nowhere excitedly before racing over to an aisle and grabbing off the shelf this magazine of the latest news on her favorite artist Ollie Wride She was practically ready to jump out of her own scales. Her long lizard tail was wagging while she stared at the pristine magazine that displayed captions and words of the singer.
           You watched as a small smile formed on your face. Your friend then sprinted off to go and get lost in the store and do her own thing. This was normal for her. Every time you two would visit, she would always run off to her own thing, and you would find yourself wondering about the store until you found something that caught your eye.
           As you walked off, you stumbled into one of those mirrors that looked like a wave, and you just admired your outfit for a minute. The crop top you wore had white with red stripes going across, and the buttons were red on it, too. There was a small collar that was there to add style to the shirt. Your high-waisted jeans had a patchwork style to them as well as ripped sections, and your shoes were the original black and white converse. Your [H/S] hair has a red and white deisgned bandana tied around your face frame, so no hair is in your face, and your small horns are not crushed.
           You flashed a toothy grin at your reflection and then posed before taking some pics to upload to Scarechat and Instagrime. After your mini photoshoot, you began walking away from the mirror and found yourself by some stairs.
           Thinking to yourself, it seemed this section was just added. As your eyes followed the bowling alley deisgned stairs with shapes that glow they lead you down to some tables and red diner-like booth lining the wall with a few demons, some shelves lined with records and disc's and, a checkered floor and all the way in the back you saw a multicolored dance floor with a real authentic antique Jukebox.
           Seeing this immediately made your eyes light up, and without another second to spare, you ran down the steps towards the Jukebox and stared excitedly at it. Nothing was playing on it yet, or sitting in the que, and this made you even more excited. Knowing that the whole machine was for you and you didn't have to wait for anyone made you super happy.
           Pulling out some quarters, you began looking for the slot to put the coins in. Your eyes then landed on an opening that read 25€ and you placed a dollars worth of quarters in the slot and started going through the songs. Your favorite band was The Midnight, so you started to scroll through their discography for some songs to play.
           You picked your first song and "Don't Want to Change" and started to play throughput the downstairs section of the shop. It was loud and clear, but not obnoxiously blaring. You added 3 more songs from them to the que and made your way over to a table with a magazine on it.
           As you sat down, you noticed no one else was there except one demon. He was sitting across and to the right from you at the booth holding a newspaper that was covering his face. All you could see was his 4-point black antlers along with his black tipped ears. You stared at him for a bit, wondering if he was always there or had walked in when you were at the Jukebox. After pondering this a little, you shrugged your shoulders, looking back down at your magazine and immersing yourself in it.
           While reading through some of the magazine pages, your friend shows up and sits right next to you. She had already bought her stuff, and you could see the bag that held her merchandise in her hand. She immediately started going off about this cute demon that had walked in the store and how good-looking he was as if he was the next Bone-Jovi in his prime days.
           "I'm so serious right now! Like this guy was just drop-dead gorgeous. You should have seen him. Who knows, maybe you two might hit it off if I introduced yall, ya know?" She stated as she looked at you from her seat. You stared back at her with a face. You've never been interested in any demon, let alone wanting to date them. Your reptilian looking friend, on the other hand, has always had a fancy for men and switched boyfriends like clothes.
           She's been trying to get you to date for some time now, and you just were not interested at all. You didn't want it to happen in a forceful manner but in a more natural way. You liked things the old school way.
           "Well, do you want me to rearrange something? I did get his number!" she asked, still staring at you from her seat. You were still looking down at your magazine and said,
           "No, Jazzy."
           "But -"
           "I said no!" You stated with a firm tone while looking up from whatever page you were reading and stared directly at her with a stern face. She had a habit of trying to force this stuff onto you on a regular basis, and you just weren't having it that day.
           "If it happens, it happens. The universe will provide. It's that simple." You stated before picking up your magazine and flicking it back into proper placement with both hands as you looked down at your page, eyes forwarded. Jazzy looked at you and just sighed. She was used to you being this way about this topic.
           A few minutes passed, and you both sat in silence before your friend decided to get up and leave. As she did, the song on the Jukebox changed to "Lost Boy" by The Midnights. You brushed off the small biff that you just had and started tapping your feet to the beat of the song as you returned to your original state of being before your friend had arrived.
           Humming through the chorus of song, you looked up and looked around before you saw that black tipped eared  figure with jet black antlers was now pearing over his paper, looking directly at you. Where he was, the lighting was darker, and with that, his eyes glowed with a scarlet red to them. He had this half lidded look to them with his brows resting forward, giving this impression that he was analyzing you like you were some fascinated mythical creature to him.
           Not wanting to stare too long at him and make things awkward, you looked back down at your magazine pretending to read something on whatever page you were on. You looked back up, not moving your head to see the figure was returned to his original state of being before he had begun looking at you. A part of you felt like you were going crazy for a bit.
          Breathing in a quiet sigh of relief, you couldn't help but ponder some thoughts to yourself such as, "How long had he been staring at me?", "Did he hear the entire conversation my friend and I had?" , "Why was he looking at me like that?" All these questions danced around your head as you continued to read and barely take in what it was that you were looking at. You felt so lost in your thoughts that the words on each page started to become just words with no meaning to them. You felt all you were reading were letters with no meaning what so ever.
           This back and forth in your head want on for a bit as the song played in the background until it ended. After finally calming down from the whole thing and settling your thoughts, the next song on the que that you chose started up. was Heart Worth Breaking by The Midnights.
           As you turned the page of your magazine you began actually reading peacefully again, you could then hear shuffling happening in front of you for a bit, and as soon the sound of movemnt had ceased and you also finished the paragraph you were on you then looked up.
           You expected to see the pointy eared figure gone and for it to be just you, but instead, it was quite the opposite. Directly in front of you was the red and black eared demon, but this time, there was nothing obscuring his face, and in fact, the newspaper he was reading was nowhere to be seen.
           "Greetings." ??? He said. His tone was calm, ending with a toothy grin as he cocked his to the side a bit. His ears flopped a bit as a huge Cheshire grin with rows of sharp yellow teeth spread across his face. It almost looked like he hadn't brushed them, and all he drank was coffee and soda. "The names Alastor, my dear." He continued before extending a hand across the table from you as a means to offer a polite shake.
           You looked down bit. He had black hands with pointy red talons pertruding from his long knobby fingers with red dots on each knuckle. You lifted your hand to take his and gave it a gentle shake. His hands were cold but not freezing with skin that felt rough as if he had never exfoliated his palms before. 
           Pulling away, you then looked back up to fully examine more than just his face. The deer-like demon was wearing a black leather jacket with a maroon collared shirt under it with black buttons. He had a golden chain around his neck, and hung was a creole saints symbol made up of gold. You stared at it for a bit before replying to him.
           "Je m'appele [Y/N]." You said in french, hoping he might catch onto the fact that you saw his necklace pendant.
           "Ahh. . . Tu parles française?" He replied back, his eyes widening slightly with as a red glow lit up in them.
           "Ah, Oui, mais un peu." You answered.
           "Hm. . . You must have noticed the small token around my neck. You're very aware of detail, my dear. And to top it off. you're the only demon I have met so far down here that understands any French, let alone can speak it, and I have been here for some decades." He responded, while ending emphasis on the last word, decades, in his statement.
           He then clasped his hands together before leaning closer with his back, his upper body almost reaching the center of the table. "You're the one that played this music, aren't you?" He said. He already knew the answer to this question, and so did you. He saw you put the money in the Jukebox earlier that evening. Before you could respond, he continued, "It's different. I actually quite enjoy it and wanted to know the group, if you don't mind?"
           You looked up at him and just stared. You could feel an eye flutter coming on because you were in such disbelief. The only other person you knew that took an interest in your kind of music was Jazzy. That's really what kick-started both you guys' long 4 year friendship. Other than that, there was no other demon in hell that could give a rats ass about the artist you liked until now.
           Still scrambled, you sort of just shook your head and said a few fillers before actually responding. "Uh. . . Uhh. . . The group is called "The Midnight." You stammered out before then turtling in on yourself and brushing a strand of hair behind your ear while looking away from embarrassment
           Alastor chuckled a bit. He found it quite intriguing your sudden shift in emotion. The song that had been playing was now coming to an end, and before you knew it, your last and final song, "Dance with Somebody" by your favorite group, was now playing. Alastor still facing you stood up and decided to lean on the table near you. He placed his hand as he said,
           "May I have this dance?" He asked, his hand still in front of you. Not sure what to say, you stared at his hand for a moment before stuttering out a quited agreement and taking his hand. He helped you up and walked you to the 80's illuminated colored dance floor that glowed slightly but not too bright that it was blinding.
           Standing there, Alastor had taken your hand and wrapped his other around the small of back. This caused you to trip slightly forward towards him. Alastor let out another chuckle as he watched you jerk forward at him. Soon after, you both began to move to the rhythm of the beat. You picked up the movement quite fast.
           "Fast learner, I see?" Alastor stated with a chuckle as he tilted his head again and looked down at you. You were very tiny in comparison to him. His 6"6" height towered over your [Y/H]. You both were swaying gently to the beat of the song, and still looking up at him, you responded.
           "Yea, something like that. I dance a lot in my room to music in my free time so I guess you can say I am well trained in the bedroom." You responded, and the realization hit you on what you just said towards the end. Your eyes got wide, and your skin got pale. You were hoping he would not say anything about what you just said there.
           "Ha ha! Well, that's great. So you can say you're self-taught in the arts of bedroom dancing?" He said, his laughter booming across the store, and he didn't even mention or showed signs that he heard your miswording before.
           Taking a deep breath, you relaxed and continued to sway with him to the chorus. You two kept this going for a while till tall deer demon leaned down close to your ear and whispered, "And by the way, being skilled in the bedroom in other ways is not something you need to shy away from my dear. We're all adults here, after all." He stated, pulling away back to his upright position.
           Your face began to turn every shade of red you could possibly imagine. His words caused you to lose focus and stop in your tracks for a moment but not fall out of position. You had no words and just started sweating. Never have you ever felt so vulnerable or these feelings, especially in front of a man. Most times, you would just shake it off or not feel phased, but this one, oh with this one; it felt different. He managed to take all the butterflies in your stomach and not only tie them up, but you with them.
           Alastor looked down upon you and saw everything happen before his eyes. Watching you marinade then drown in what he had said, filled him with a humorous joy that he hadn't felt in a long time. He found your reaction to be quite cute and couldn't help but marvel in it.
           The song was slowly coming to an end, and before it finally did. Alastor pulled out a card from the pocket of his jacket. He then wrote something on it with a pen he found sitting on one of the tables. Approaching you, he took your hand and placed the card in it, sandwiching your hand between both his palms. He leaned in once more and said,
           "It was a pleasure finding you here, and I hope we meet again sometime, and maybe next time, you can show me some of those moves you learned in the bedroom." He winked at you before turning away, grabbing his paper, and leaving out the front. You just watched still speechless from everything that had just happened.
           You looked down to get a good look at what he had written on the card he gave you, and you saw it had his name written out in cursive with a little heart at the end and below he gave you his phone number as well as the words for am address: "Hazbin Hotel" 66th street, Pentagram City, Hell 06660. Which is where you would be able to find him.
           You stared at the card for a good second and then chuckled to yourself as you placed the card into your pants pocket. Walking over to the table where you had sat earlier, you could still get a whiff of the cologne he was wearing. This made you smile as you leaned into the smell, closing your eyes and imagining he was still there beside you.
           "What are you doing?" A voice said, snapping you right out of your thoughts. You turned your head to see it was just Jazzy standing to the right of you. She was holding a bag, which must have been the stuff she had bought. This signaled to you that it was time to go.
           "H-hey. . ." You said as you began grabbing your bag and the magazine that you were reading. You placed the paperback onto the shelf and then turned to Jazzy, indirectly letting her know that you were ready to go.
           "You're not going to get anything." She asked, with a questioning look on her face and tilting her to the side with confusion.
           "No. I have everything that I need." You said with a smile as your hand began discretly fingering the card Alastor had given you in your pocket.

"I don't normally feel this way, but my whole life is just the chances I'm not taking."

The Midnight

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