Izuku Midoriya: Ultra Instinct

By DefinitelyNotTKJ

256K 3.9K 4.8K

Izuku Midoriya... Some knew him as a nice boy, most knew him as a quirkless nothing living a dream-namely, Ka... More

Entrance Exam
The New Succesor
Deku vs. Class 1-A
Declerations of War
Welcome To The Sports Festival!
Sports Festival: Cavalry Battle
Final Round.... BEGIN!!
Bakubum vs. Uraraka!
Battle of Beliefs
The Final Battle: Deku vs. Uraraka
Hatred Consumes
Gran Torino
Hero Killer
Meet The Daughter!
Final Exams
Deku vs. Class 1-A (Final Exams)
Breaking Limits
Half and Half
A Brand New Power
The Power of Ultra Instinct
Getting Back on Track!
Heading to Training Camp!
A New Technique
Training Camp Massacre
The Wrong Path
Welcome to the Prison Tournament!
Two Months
A New Symbol

Call Me Deku

1.6K 49 59
By DefinitelyNotTKJ

Josh POV

As I was on my way back to the waiting room, a voice  in front of me called out and stopped my train of thought.

"Congratulations on your victory, Mr. Josh." A lady said to me as she bowed in respect and courtesy.

I looked at her slightly confused, until I realized that she was only calling me by the alias I had given before. I nodded in acknowledgment and thanked her as I began walking past her.

I need to hurry up with my plan. This whole "alias" thing doesn't work for me. I am Deku. And everyone should know that.

As I was contemplating on this, I walked into the waiting room and all eyes immediately shifted towards me. I looked up a little and analyzed all the gazes that were tracing my every movement.

There was a mixture of emotions within these gazes. Most were filled with similar emotions: fear, apprehension, and confusion.

Of course there were some who looked on with disregard and disrespect, but those gazes would be corrected soon enough.

"I know I'm handsome, but it's rude to stare." I brag while chuckling a little.

Most of the prisoners glared at me for my blatant disregard of their attention. However, as this is a unisex prison just as much as there were glares, there were also plenty of blushes from the opposite sex.

"Ohhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyy~." One of the female prsioners exaggerated.

Though it's certainly not a secret as to who that was.

"As confident as ever, I see," A man called out as he walked to the front of the crowd. "Just make sure that confidence doesn't turn into arrogance."

The man fully revealed himself to be the dark mannered Slade. He had appeared and looked at me with an air of confidence of his own.

"Please," I began as I rolled my eyes. "If all the joy in my life were sucked up little by little every time I got called arrogant, I'd be as emo as you."

His eye twitches a little in annoyance at my remark, but he quickly covered it.

"My darkness represents the power within me, and make no mistake that power is immense." He warned as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Ooooohh, feisty!" I sarcastically joked as I laughed a little and he growled in annoyance. "I always do love to get on someone's nerves. It's a common lesson never to push random buttons because you don't know what will happen, but I find it's always those buttons that give the best reaction." I replied as I smiled at the thought.

"Keep pushing my buttons and you'll get a reaction all right." Slade threatened.

"Well at least you're owning up to the fact that you're nothing more than my plaything. Simple entertainment to pass the time." I replied as I smirked at him and gave him a look of condescension.

He glared at me in anger, but he then began to close his eyes and relax his nerves.


After hearing the announcement, Slade turned back and looked at me once more with narrowed eyes. He walked towards me slowly and with anticipation until he was right in front of me. We locked eyes for a split second, and then he continued walking by me as if nothing happened.

"Well then, I guess we'll see."

With that, he was well on his way toward the arena and the other contestants followed with him.

There are 10 brackets with 80 people each, so there should be 800 people at the start of the tournament. However, that is no longer the case after my victory; now, the numbers have dwindled to 721.

I went to the corner of the room and sat there by myself, hoping to get in some more mental training. The other prisoners left me alone due to my earlier showing, so it seemed like I would be good.

However, I was clearly wrong.

I sensed three people in front of me, and I opened my eyes to see some interesting figures.

One of them was Amanda: the girl I had met 2 weeks prior.

I had never really taken in her appearance, but now that she was standing in front of me it was hard not to.

She was fairly tall for a girl; she was probably about 5'8. She had Dark hair with crystal blue eyes and small eyebrows. She had a slender, but curvy figure with all her "womanly assets" being perfectly expressed and complimented. She was fairly attractive for a prisoner in a general sense. However from a personal point of view, I honestly could not care any less about her body.

The other two next to her were unknown to me though.

The one closest to my left had blonde hair with thick yellow eyebrows and light blue eyes. He had a scowl on his face and, at least it seemed like, a massive stick up his rear. He was taller than the woman but only by a little, he appeared to be 5'11.

The one directly in front of me and in the middle of the other two was another man who was about as tall as the blonde guy. He had red hair with thick red eyebrows and dark eyes. He was smirking a little and seemed fairly confident. His outfit matched his appearance, as did the others' outfits respectively.

I took in all three of their appearances and analyzed their next moves. They had not said a word since they appeared in front of me and they were just staring and waiting.














"Sorry, I'm not interested in a foursome."

This seemed to snap them out of whatever trance they were in and they became shocked. The girl covered her cheeks as her face turned red, and the two men were taken aback and completely caught off guard.

"What the- NO." The blonde shouted in complete shock and disgust as he blushed in embarrassment and great surprise.

"WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT??" The redhead asked in disbelief, sharing the same embarrassed appearance as the guy next to him.

"Cause you didn't say anything."

"BUT WHY WAS THAT YOUR FIRST GUESS??" They both shouted at the same time.

"Anyways," I ignored as I focused my attention on the girl.


"What brings you to my presence?" I inquire of the three. "Care to join me in my revolution?"

"Ah yes, Slade told us about your little plans." The blonde stated as he calmed back down and stood with his hands behind his back and shook his head in mock pity. "It'll never work."

"Yeah and besides, I agree with Slade. I don't do subordination." The redhead continued as he crossed his arms, closed his eyes, and nodded in agreement.

"Really?I inquire with a smirk. "Cause from my standpoint, it seems like you guys are bent over the knee and perfectly obedient as King's lapdogs."

They immediately focused their attention on me and grilled me with a glare of pure hatred.

"Watch your mouth, boy." The blonde threatened with a dark undertone.

"I take orders from no one. That includes King." The redhead continued with the same level of undertone.

Amanda had remained quiet this entire time, slowly watching and observing every move I made and every action I took.

A cautious one, eh?

When I had called them out for being King's lapdogs, while the other two got angry, she felt something else.


Not just any fear or apprehension, it was a deep and irregular fear that felt so potent that it almost seemed- artificial in a way.

I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but she had given a similar reaction in that mini stadium I met her in. It would seem whatever got to her last time has once again gotten to her today.

So this "King" is the trigger, huh?

I would think more on that later. I refocused on the two angry men in front of me as they were still glaring at me.

"You say that, yet King is the one who runs this prison." I continue as I further egg them
on. "He's the reason why this place is under such rule and hierarchy. You guys are just backups. Minors and side characters to keep things interesting."

"I fight under and back up no one." The blonde warned as he narrowed his eyes.

"You act all tough but you don't got any proof that I'm wrong, do you?" I asked smugly with a knowing smirk.


The two glare at me once more before they both stop abruptly.

"Well, you don't have to take my word for it." The blonde spoke once again.

"Yeah, we'll let him show you." The redhead spoke once more.


I turn my head and I see Slade walking out of the arena and towards the waiting room with his hands in his pockets and eyes closed. As he walked away, I noticed the entire ring was completely gone, and maybe I've been closing my eyes for too long but the stadium seemed... darker?

As he walked into the waiting room, Slade immediately pointed me out and warned me with these two words:

"You're next."

I smirked in anticipation as I got up to face him.

"Took the words right out of my mouth." I began as I shook my head with a smirk. "You'll make a great plaything as my subordinate."


Third Person POV

All the preliminary battle royales had finished, and it was now time to start the actual tournament.

The rules were simple: there are 5 total rounds with 10 participants. Each match you win, you move to the next round. The winner would be crowned the king of Prison and he or she could gain control all of all the prisoners and their actions.

The ways to win were similar to the preliminaries: KO, forfeit, or death.

The first match of the first round had been set: Deku vs. Slade.

The two were in their respective waiting rooms, preparing for the fight. Well, Slade was but Deku, however, was sitting in a chair with his arms crossed and his eyes closed in thought.

Finally, the first step to my plan is underway. He began in his mind. Deku had been looking forward to this tournament, but not for the same reasons as he might've before when he was still at UA.

This will be different from the Sports Festival. This isn't gonna be "fun". Before, when I fought I only fought for pleasure and excitement. The way I saw it, there was no one who was ever going to beat me. So I would always either hold back, or let my guard down, or purposely fall for stuff in fights in order to entertain myself. My goal was to enjoy fights after all. However, that is no longer the case anymore.

As he was ranting in his head, the objects around the room started to rise up due to just his presence being there. He just naturally put out so much power that the objects around him were affected. Chairs, tables, etc. Everything around had succumbed to the power of Deku.

My goal is to take over Japan and instill my own peace. He thought with resolve. The peace that All Might created, while incredible in content it's also incredible in flaws. The peace he created was such a peace that if he were not at the center of it, then it would be gone.

In other words, the moment he retires, the country is screwed.

I won't have that. If I create my army, I can spread my influence all throughout Japan. Everyone will feel the effects of my absolute power, and no one will stand in the way. Me and my army will spread its influence all across the globe and we will ensure that peace reigns. That way, even generations after I'm gone Japan will still be in good hands. It won't be a one man show where every other hero is basically irrelevant when faced with a half decent villain. No. With this era of peace, I will cement myself as the true number one. Not just hero, or villain, or vigilante- but the number one of all.

That is my goal.

As Deku finished his mental monologue, he opened his eyes and noticed that everything around him was currently in the air. He sweatdropped and realized that he had accidentally put out a little bit of his power. He quickly masked it once more,and all aforementioned objects fell back in their original place as if nothing happened.

Ochako would be proud. He sarcastically thought as he sighed.

He got up and then walked out the door towards the arena, with one thing on his mind:

I will show everyone in here true power.

He walked towards the arena and he could hear the announcer calling him out towards the ring. It would seem that Slade was already out there.

Deku walked out and everyone cheered after seeing him. They all knew the boy was fabulously strong due to his earlier showing. However, they still didn't think too much of him because as great as his showing was, it would seem that Slade finished his own battle royale faster than Deku did.

Tch, maybe if I didn't waste time on those two idiots then these guys would know what I'm about. But that's okay, they'll learn soon enough. Deku thought in his head.

"At least your confidence hasn't gone down," Slade's voice broke him out of his thoughts. "You still haven't ran, after all."

Deku looked and saw Slade standing in the ring with his arms crossed and a smirk plastered on his face.

For an emo, he sure is annoying.

"Actually I did think of running," Deku began with a chuckle. "I was trying to come up with the best way to not embarrass you out here."

"Your mouth is as lively as ever, I see." Slade answered back with a glare.

"We'll see how far that gets you."

The announcer looked at both of us and nodded to himself and gave the signal to begin: "AAAAANNNNNNDDDDD BEGIN!"

Suddenly, a circle of darkness started forming around Slade and it started flaring out into flame like patterns. Deku narrowed his eyes as he looked at this.

So his quirk is literally darkness, huh?

"My quirk is called: Dark King," Slade began. "I can emit, control, and even become darkness."

"Huh, you'd better not go near American police then."

"Make your jokes while you can," Slade accused while pointing at me. "But no one can escape my darkness."

Deku rolled his eyes as he glared at Slade, "You talk big for someone who's greatest enemy is Thomas Edison."

"And unlike him, it'll take more than one bright idea to get rid of me." He warned.

He raised his arm and a sickle-like creation was formed of pure darkness. The creation became huge and Slade shot it at Deku with great speed.

"Dark Sickle"

He sent this at Deku, but he merely stepped his right foot to the side and let it blow by him as if it were nothing, his eyes never leaving his target the entire time.

Slade grit his teeth and ran at Deku while making finger guns and shot out projectiles made out of darkness.

"Dark Bullets!"

Each and every single bullet went through Deku as if he were an afterimage, but he was simply dodging so fast that no one could see.

Slade reached him, jumped up and charged a fist that was enhanced with his darkness and launched it at Deku. Deku simply caught the fist and held him in the air with the very same hand he caught the fist with, his eyes never leaving his target.

"What the-" Slade exclaimed in surprise at finding himself stuck in midair. "I can't mov-"

Before Slade could even finish his sentence, he was punched in the stomach so hard that you could see the imprint of Deku's left fist through his back.

Slade's eyes went blank and he spat out blood as he flew backwards and landed hard on the ground and tumbled a little before coming to a stop. He tried getting up, but his arms and legs gave out before he could even get on one knee.

What- was that- Slade tried reasoning in his mind. My darkness has the ability to absorb physical attacks and substances- so why do I feel like I'm going to die-

"Congratulations, I deem you worthy."

Slade's eyes opened wide and he looked up to see Deku walking slowly towards him menacingly. His eyes and expression looked so calm that it instantly struck fear in his heart.

"That light jab was a test. If you had died, then you wouldn't have been worth the trouble anyway." Deku stated with a lighthearted smile with closed eyes.

"So, congratulations."

Slade couldn't even believe his ears. That was a light jab?? He couldn't even begin to fathom what a real punch felt like. Something told him he didn't wanna find out either.

Something was wrong, he had never felt like this in his entire life before. Not even when faced against King. He felt like he was actually going to die; he couldn't even move.

"Well, it's time to end this now." Deku began as he reached Slade and looked down on him with impassive eyes.

Slade went into fight or flight mode and immediately his body began to become covered with darkness. Deku jumped back and observed the situation and waited to see what would happen.

Slade slowly got up, and his entire figure was covered in this flame-like darkness. He opened his eyes wide, and he grit his teeth as the darkness overtook him and he screamed out loud and emitted a great amount of power that shot blasts of wind in every direction. The wind nearly knocked the audience out of their seats, but Deku remained unfazed- even knocking a rock that was in his vision out of the way.

Once the wind died down, there was lots of smoke surrounding Slade. The smoke slowly subsided and revealed Slade covered in Darkness, but that's not all. His hair was completely spiked up and his body looked bigger and stronger. He opened his eyes and they glowed a bright yellow, which further emphasized the darkness covering him.

"Ultimate Move: Elemntal Form - Erebus"

"Oh?" Deku mused aloud as he raised an eyebrow.

"Here it is," Slade called out in a noticeably deeper voice. "This is what my full power looks like."

Slade looked like a demon to Deku. His hair was spiky, his skin was completely covered in darkness, he even had a tail and horns.

However, Deku wasn't fazed in the slightest.

"So you think I'm worthy of your full power huh," Deku said while laughing a little. "I feel so honored."

Slade grit his teeth, both in annoyance and in pain. He knew he couldn't hold this form for long. So he opened his arms wide the ground began to shake. The entire stadium slowly became darker and darker until it was pitch black and you couldn't see anything.

Slade had absorbed all the light present in the stadium and turned it into darkness.

"With this, I WILL END IT!" Slade called out  in a voice that almost seemed like it had a second one tied to it.

Slade released all the darkness within him into one gigantic sphere of energy that was almost as big as the whole stadium. He condensed it with his powers until it fit into both of his hands and he aimed it at Deku ready to fire.

"This is the END!"

Slade shot this attack at amazing speeds with everything he had towards Deku.

The ball of Darkness was speeding it's way towards Deku and as it was about to connect, a circle of light appeared amidst all the darkness.

This whole time it had been pitch black and no one could see a thing. Everyone was confused as to what was currently going on, until they heard Deku speak.

"So that's it, huh?"

Slade's eyes widened as he heard those words. He dropped to one knee in energy exhaustion, quirk overuse, and, if he was being honest,


Suddenly, a light orb formed in the midst of the darkness and slowly rose to the top of the stadium. The moment it reached the top, it began shining brightly and it blinded everyone there momentarily. After the moment was gone, everyone opened their eyes and they could see perfectly again. In fact, probably a little better than before.

Deku had essentially created an artificial sun.

Now that everyone could see again, they quickly refocused to the ring and they saw Deku standing there with his arm out, holding back the energy of the 5th top prisoner as if it were a toddler.

"I really hate to have to use his move, but I feel it's appropriate with the current setting." Deku sighed as his palm started glowing a light blue and orange sparks starting emitting from it.

"It was quite the attack," Deku began as he looked in the eyes of the defeated Slade. "It was so weak it made me wanna clap in admiration that you could present such an attack to me with a straight face, and then proceed to think it would work." Deku snickered a little.

"For that, I gift you the bane of my existence's signature move."

The moment he said that, a colossal explosion sounded off and not only blew the ball of darkness to smithereens, but it blew half the stadium to kingdom come.

Luckily, this part of stadium was under construction and the workers were currently on break.

Unluckily, however, the workers have a lot more work ahead than they originally thought.

The smoke subsided and Slade, who was caught in the explosion, was laid out in between what used to be walls. Deku appeared in front of him and stared at him for a while before putting his hand out, grinning widely with a tilt of his his head and his eyes closed.

"So, subordinate?" He asked jubilantly.

"S-Subordinate-" Slade barely managed to say as he reached his hand out, but his arm gave out and he was knocked unconscious.

Deku sweatdropped and cautiously grabbed his finger and shook it lightly to make up for a handshake.

"T-The Winner by way of KO is, JOSH!" The announcer started off nervously before getting himself together.

The crowd cheered wildly for this newcomer as he defeated one of the top prisoners in all of Prison with only two attacks.

Deku turned around and began his walk back to his waiting room with his hands in his pockets and eyes closed while whistling innocently.

One down, four more to go.


Josh POV

As I was walking back to my waiting room, an angry voice shouted at me and caught my attention.


I turn around and it's the two guys from before stomping their way over to me.

"WHAT DID YOU DO OUT THERE??" The blonde one questioned with an angry look on his face. "YOU CHEATED, DIDN'T YOU!?"

I deadpanned at him and blinked slowly, showing my utter disinterest in this conversation.I wondered what I could say to placate him or maybe get out of this situation, but I saw no way out and frankly it didn't seem worth the effort trying to get on this guy's good side.

"Yup." I lied with a blank face just to spite him.

The blonde got a tick mark on his forehead and prepared to attack, so it's safe to say it worked. Before he could try, the redhead stopped him with an arm.

"Don't be stupid, Lior," The redhead said to the now named Lior. "There's no way he could've cheated, we were checked before the tournament and they have cameras and quirks built for this situation everywhere, they would know."


"oH mY gOsHHH- you're still on that??"

"How could I not be if it's THE REASON WE'RE IN HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!"


"You're right, it's the reason we're LAUGHED AT IN HERE!"


"'OnE mIsTaKe' he says," Lior mocked as a tick mark grew on his head. "We were supposed to meet up with a client in order to supply him with some pot. I told you to get the product and meet me there. I get to the meetup place, and you show up with POTS! AS IN- THE UTENCIL YOU COOK WITH!!"



I sweatdropped at the argument.

So we've got an emo, a jerk, and an idiot. I concluded in my mind. Great, instead of the Three Musketeers I've got the Twit Trio, headlined by the Dimwit Duo in front of me.

They stopped arguing and Lior turned his attention back to me.

"Anyways," Lior began as he sent a last glare at Agnus. "It doesn't matter if you cheated or not, I will avenge Slade by beating you in the ring. Don't underestimate me, I'm far stronger than that idiot."

True to his word, just standing in front of him I could tell he was leagues above Slade in every possible way. There really were no mincing words with them, the Prison Top Five definitely deserve their ranks.

"I was hoping I got to take you down myself, but I guess I'll let my brother do it." The redhead named Agnus decided with a smirk.

I raised my eyebrow at this, "Brother?"

"Yeah, we're twins unfortunately," Lior stated with an annoyed look.

"You should just be lucky you were born on the same glorious day as me." Agnus bragged with a smirk.

"That's why I was born first."

"Nuh uh! I was!"

"Nope. Mom said so herself I was born 4 seconds before you."

"But that's 4 seconds! Being born 4 seconds before me doesn't mean anything!"

"Being born 4 seconds before you means everything!"

I'm starting to wish I wasn't born at all. I thought in my mind with a sweatdrop.

"Regardless," I begin, which stops their arguing. "I don't plan on losing to Slade's buddies. You will fall just as he did, and when you do you will join my army."

"Army?" Agnus repeated. "Not a chance."

"Care to make it interesting then?" I smirk at the opportunity.

"I will beat both of you without moving from my spot once."

They both widened their eyes in surprise at the declaration.

"What?" Lior asked in disbelief.

"You'll definitely lose if you do that." Agnus warned.

"All the more reason for you to accept then," I said with the smirk still on my face. "Is that a deal?"

They looked at each other and thought it over before nodding their heads, "Deal."

"But if I win, then you're gonna become my subordinate." Lior declares with a smirk.

"Nuh uh! He'll become mine!" Agnus complained with a frown.

"Oldest gets the subordinate."

"No, strongest does!"

"What did you say??"

"Did I stutter!?"

"I'll give you a permanent stutter you flameheaded moron-"

Before they could continue their argument, I slipped away unnoticed so they couldn't drag me into it anymore.

Well, they certainly have... character


Third Person POV

The 1st round had ended and all the winners had advanced to the second round. Naturally, this included Deku and his opponent, Lior. As fate would have it, he was his next opponent.

Deku figured that it was most likely that he would face all of the PTF (Prison Top Five) eventually, which was perfect because it was exactly how he wanted it.

Apparently, the top 2 got free entry into the semifinals and finals respectively. That didn't seem fair, but then again Deku didn't really care

Deku walked towards the arena after getting ready for his second match of the day. Deku had only one thought on his mind: destruction. He wasn't here for a good fight, he was here to prove a point, and had no problem bulldozing through his opponents to do it.

He reached the ring and Lior was standing in front of him smirking and looking at him condescendingly.

"I like the nightlight you put up there- reminds me of home," Lior taunted with a smirk.

"Well not to worry, because if your quirk is as bad as your insult then you'll be headed there soon." Deku retorted back effortlessly.

He gained a tick mark on his head and proceeded to flip Deku off, "Dirty trash like you doesn't get to speak to me that way. I am a god."

Deku rose an eyebrow at this, Is he really that full of himself?

Though, Deku quickly took back his thought because he does remember saying something similar before, but he chose to ignore that for the time being.

The announcer once again looked at the competitors to see if they were ready and he nodded to himself before starting the match.

"Remember, don't move." Lior said with a deep voice as he charged Deku at light speed with his leg outstretched for a kick. However, as he reached what seemed to be Deku's body, he did not feel any contact and went flying past Deku.

Lior was so disoriented from the feeling of thinking something was there, but it ends up not being there, that he didn't notice the pole he was about to fly into.

However, it was too late.

Deku cringed in pity and empathy as he witnessed Lior doom the next generation.

Lion's eyes were nearly out of their sockets and his mouth puckered as he took quick and shallow breaths.

"M-My- n-nuts-"  Lior barely managed to breathe out before sliding to the ground in almost slow motion, and crumpling to the floor.

The whole stadium was silent out of pity, until a loud and obnoxious laughter broke the silence.

Up in the stands, you could see Lior's brother Agnus laughing his heart out as he rolled on the ground crying. He was holding his stomach as he laughed with no remorse or pity for his older brother in his time of need.

Back in the ring, Deku was debating whether to laugh or not, but to be honest he was just glad it wasn't him this time.

"I'd help you but, I'm not allowed to move from this spot." Deku said as he scratched his head.

"Oh well I'm sure you can fix it, Mr. god." Deku snickered.

Lior crawled back to the ring and shakily raised his hand to grab the ring and pull himself into it. He had a deep scowl on his face and he had murderous intent.

He stood back up with his face darkened, before the ring shook and a bright yellow light started forming an aura around him. He screamed as this light took over every single place in the stadium. His hair spiked up and became covered with pure light. His body had formed an armor around it made of light and even his eyes had turned into the color of light.

"Ultimate Move: Elemental Form - Apollo"

Deku sweatdropped at this, "I guess that only managed to piss him off."

Deku had thought Lior would try to test him with a couple of attacks, but it seemed like his will to fight was gone and had been replaced with the will to destroy.

"My quirk is called: Heavenly Light," Lior began in an emotionless voice. "I can emit, control, and become light."

"Huh," Deku thought aloud. "So the exact opposite of Slade."

"Exactly," He confirmed. "The light will always overtake the darkness."

"Allow me to show you."

In an instant, he summoned a giant sword made of light. Him simply grabbing and holding it caused the ground next to him to split and dissolve into light particles which he then absorbed.

Lior launched at Deku at even greater speeds than before and appeared in front of him in an instant. He brought his sword back and swung it as hard as he could, with the full intention of slicing and disintegrating Deku.

The moment the blade came close enough, Deku stopped the blade with nothing but his pinkie and thumb.

Lior was shocked.

In his ultimate form, with one of his strongest attacks, Deku stopped it with the weakest of his fingers. Even when he tried to pry it away and try again, the sword wouldn't budge. Try as he might, the sword wouldn't move an inch from Deku's hold.

"So," Deku began as he looked Lior straight in the eye. "If you're a god, then what does that make me?

Lior's eyes widened in anger, and before he could even respond, his eyes nearly shot out of their sockets once again as a fist was launched so far into his stomach that it was seen from the other side.

Lior stepped back and his sword dissipated as he fell to one knee, and then fully on two. Spit was coming out of his mouth as he was gagging with his eyes red and wide open. He was kneeled down on all fours, trying to regain himself, but the most he could manage was to get back up on one knee.

Lior barely managed to look up and he saw Deku directly in front of his face, not even a breath away.

"You might as well start calling me boss."

Lior then charged up his light to maximum as he became so bright that everyone was blinded.

His adrenaline kicked in and he jumped back. Lior charged every bit, every scrap, every piece of energy he could muster. He even absorbed light from the stadium and the entire artificial sun that Deku put up. So now not only did he have all the light in the Prison right now, but he had some of Deku's energy as well.

The stadium was once again pitch black, due to all the light being absorbed by Lior. The only light present was coming off of Lior.

He put his arms out to the side and tried to focus all of the gathered energy into both of his arms. Slowly, every single particle of light was siphoned into these two arms. His hair returned to normal, and the rest of his body as well. He had massive amounts of light flowing through his arms. Then, he connected his arms by bringing the bottom of his palms together.

"I don't have much energy left after that punch, but I've gathered everything I could muster," Lior spoke. "Feel the power of a god!"

"Ultimate Move: Heavenly Ray!"

All the power he had gathered in his arms shot out in a gigantic beam of light and was headed straight towards Deku.

The beam was disintegrating everything in its path and turning it into light particles which then made the blast stronger and stronger as it made its way toward Deku. Deku looked on with a little interest at the beam and figured it would be very destructive.

However, he only thought that because the beam had some of his power in it.

Deku reached his arm out and stopped the raging beam with one hand.

Try as it might, the beam could not get past Deku's hand and he had not even moved, not even a struggle.

"Well, at least you tried."

Deku then began to close his hand a little, and the beam of light started to condense from the action.

"However, you were mistaken," Deku continued as he started closing his hand even more and the beam became smaller and smaller until Deku closed his hand fully, and the beam of light completely dissipated and all the particles of light refilled the room. Everyone could see once again and they saw Deku unfazed with his arm stretched out. "You are no god. The reason is because you're looking at one."

Lior's eyes were wide in shock and exhaustion as he could barely keep himself standing.

"B-But how?" Lior barely managed to breathe out in disbelief."

"I'll tell you all about it later, my trusty subordinate." Deku smirked as he raised his arm up to form a fist. He brought his elbow back ever so slightly and shot it forward with great speed.

The result was a shockwave that traveled faster than any of Lior's Apollo attacks, and hit him right in the gut, effectively knocking him out.

"THE WINNER IS JOSH!!" The announcer called out, slightly less caught off guard now.

It appeared the crowd shared the same sentiment as they immediately cheered and hollered for Deku.

Deku turned around and was about to begin walking away until he felt a sudden change in temperature.

Deku is heat resistant. So for him to actually the temperature rising says a lot about the source.

Deku turned slightly to see a giant aura of flame in the stands with an angry man behind it.

It was Agnus, and he was very upset.

"Stay right there."

That was all he said before Deku's body sidestepped instantaneously as Agnus crossed the distance between the stands, to the ring in mere milliseconds.

Agnus was clearly far better than his brother, and Deku was well aware of that now more than ever. He still remained composed and relatively unfazed, however. He only narrowed his eyes and Agnus checked on his brother.

A stretcher with medics came out to get Lior on board, but they couldn't really get close because of the heat that was coming off of Agnus. He simply stretched his arm out and a rope of flame tied itself around Lior and brought him to the stretcher.

So he can control the temperature of his flames, as well as manipulate them into weapons? Interesting. Deku thought in his head.

"You won't leave this ring alive, I can promise you that." Agnus threatened as his flames raged even wilder and they became hotter.

His flames were so hot that part of the stadium was beginning to melt.

That would put his flames around the same level of heat as Deku's during the final exams with level 2 when he wanst trying.

While it doesn't sound that impressive on paper, that is actually quite a feat.

"I figured you were a hothead but I guess you took it literally," Deku spoke to him with a relatively uncaring tone.

"H-Hey- you can't just do that!" The announcer tried to reason, but was quickly silenced by Agnus' glare.

"My match was earlier. I already made it to the quarterfinals. So why wait? Let's go at it right now." Agnus said as he glared at Deku and made his flames rage even more.

The announcer looked unsure, and he was about to deny the request until Deku spoke and broke him out of his thoughts.

"No it's fine, let's do it." Deku stated calmly as he looked Agnus in the eye, with his eyes glowing silver.

"It's a master's job to discipline his subordinates."

Agnus glared harder and grit his teeth as he charged up his flames and they completely overtook him in an aura that covered him head to toe. Agnus screamed and grunted as he charged up his flames and energy as high as they could go.

Fire was starting to form from the energy he was putting out and it was so hot that it turned into magma and began covering the entire ring.

Deku formed a ring of his own heat that sealed away the magma from getting to him, proving his own flames were that much hotter.

Agnus saw this and got even angrier as his flames got hotter and covered his hair and turned it a bright red and orange. His hair texture changed and became wavy, as if his hair were a literal flame. His clothes started to turn into fire as well as he further evolved into a true master of flame.

The audience could feel their skin burning and were getting second degree burns, some even third degree just by being present at the fight. The heat was so high that it was hard to breathe. Yet, at the same time they couldn't look away from such a display of power, almost like it was impossible to.

Agnus had finished with his transformation and looked at Deku with his eyes and eyebrows even on fire.

"Ultimate Move: Elemental Form - Prometheus"

Deku looked on and narrowed his eyes at Agnus. He was beginning to get tired of these so called "elemental forms".

They all have so many glaring flaws and it was a complete waste of time to fight against it. He would have to properly train them to use these forms efficiently.

He put that thought to the side as Agnus was getting ready to attack.

"Our deal was to not move, so don't go chickening out now!" Agnus shouted as he raised both his arms and shot out fire at Deku.

This path of fire picked up the magma flowing on the ground and became a powerful fire storm that was headed straight towards Deku.

Deku put his arm out and formed a sort of shield made from his own heat and it completely nullified the attack from Agnus. However, Agnus expected this and as soon as the fire storm subsided, he was right in front of Deku with a gigantic flaming fist ready to strike at Deku.

Deku caught the fist without so much as a blink, and quickly reciprocated with his signature gut rearranging punch.

However, Agnus had dodged it by dissipating the fire around his fist so Deku had nothing to grab onto and sidestepping the fist that was coming at him.

Before Agnus could even regroup or celebrate his intuition, the moment he dodged he saw something in the corner of his eye and turned a little to see another fist coming straight at him without missing a beat.

Deku had punched Agnus and when he dodged, his body instantaneously threw a second punch at the precise location that he dodged to. The punch landed on Agnus's face fully and Deku followed through and punched him into the very ground, making the ground crumble and the magma scatter.

Agnus had a huge imprint on the side of his face where he had been punched. His pupils were gone and he coughed out blood while on the ground.

"Wow, you're the first one to dodge it. I give you props." Deku stated impassively as he lifted his leg up to finish the job. "But it's still not enough."

He stomped on the ground and Agnus got out of the way just in time to avoid being crushed under the force of Deku.

Agnus was breathing heavy and hard, and he didn't have much time left. He charged up his flames once again and put every ounce of energy he could as he put his arm out and faced his palm towards Deku as all of the flame and magma he had spewed out came flying into his hand. All of the energy and flame within his own body was also being sent to his hand. All the flames formed a ball of fire that was so hot that it turned blue, with dashes and sparks of white hot flames.

"This is everything I have!" Agnus shouted as he launched his flaming death ball at Deku.


The ball of fire came speeding towards Deku. Even though they were in the crowd, the audience members nearly caught fire just from being in the same vicinity as the attack.

Agnus' flames were truly destructive.

However, there was still no way he could defeat him.

Deku smirked and laughed as the ball of flame came towards him. He looked at Agnus with a little sliver of respect, as the flames he was emitting were hotter than anything he's ever seen before. He assumed it was a "rage boost" due to his brother being out of action. However, now that Deku knew of his potential, and the others' as well, Deku was going to do everything possible to unlock it.

"Such a powerful flame," Deku began as he shook his head.

"I'll reward you with one of my newer moves."

Just as Deku said that, the flaming ball stopped just inches away from Deku. Agnus became confused as the attack he put everything in was no longer moving.

Before he could question anything, a light blue substance covered the ground he was on. All the magma and flames that formed from the path of the ball of flame were immediately absorbed by this blue substance, and he even began to burn just by being on the ground where it was.

He jumped back and looked at Deku who was smirking at him, before Deku raised his head and widened his eyes with a grin.

"Special Move: Demon Dwelling."

As Deku said that, the blue heat on the ground rose up and completely overtook the arena and caused it looked like a gigantic bonfire. The flame was so immense and hot that it practically melted the stadium save for the people and their seats, but everything else was beginning to melt.

In an instant, the flame subsided and Agnus was left there with his pupils gone, his mouth opened, his clothes burned, and his ego shattered.

He fell to his knees in defeat before passing out.

Deku looked on with narrowed eyes before turning his attention to the frightened crowd. He then raised his hand and formed a gigantic energy ball and launched it at them.

The crowd screamed in horror as they tried to get away, but they inevitably couldn't.

The ball of energy landed and there was a bright flash. The flash lasted for a little before subsiding. The audience members slowly opened their eyes and were shocked to see that they were still alive. In fact, they felt better than ever.

They looked down at their injuries to see that there were none.

Deku had completely healed all of them.

Deku turned back to the downed Agnus and looked at his open hand before closing it into a fist.

"I win."

The crowd was more than happy to cheer for Deku as they witnessed an amazing fight and were actually gonna be able to live to tell about it. Deku walked over to Agnus and gave him energy to heal as well. He then picked him up a threw him over his shoulder.

"Welcome to the team, hothead." Deku said with a small smirk as he walked towards the waiting rooms bf infirmary to meet his other unlucky victims from earlier.


Josh POV

I was sitting in the infirmary on a chair with my arms crossed and eyes closed as I waited for the Twit Trio to wake up.

I had given them each sufficient energy to wake up fully healed.

If I'm not mistaken, they should wake up in 3... 2... 1...

Suddenly, three idiots sat up in their beds at the exact same time and screamed super loudly, which was incredibly annoying.

I covered my ears with my eyes closed in annoyance as the trio took in their surroundings.

"Where am I?" The emo asked as he looked at the bandages that were on him.

"Yeah, what happened?" The blonde asked, on the same boat as Slade.

"I think you lost, you weakling." The hothead teased as he began snickering at his older twin.

"SHUT UP!" The blonde replied back with a trademark angry face. "You're in here too, you idiot so that makes you a loser too."

"I'm not a loser, you're a loser!."

"If you're not a loser then why are you covered in bandages looking like one?"

"At least I don't have bandages on my nuts. The next generation of Agnus is fully functional."



"Ugh just knock me unconscious again." The emo stated as he witnessed the two argue.


The two immediately stopped arguing and the emo focus's his attention on me. I had spoken with a silver glare and my hair flashed black and silver to assert dominance.

"You all lost," I began as I powered down and they noticeably relaxed. "Which means you guys are my subordinates now."

"Tch, whatever." Slade grumbled as he crossed his arms and looked away.

"A god such as myself will never accept a superior." Lior began stubbornly until I grabbed him by his face and lifted him in the air with frighteningly innocent smile. "But of course gods can be open to change."

I accepted this answer and let him go before turning to his hotheaded brother.

"Fine, but the moment I beat you then you'll become my subordinate." Agnus grumbled.

If I'm being honest, to me that basically means he's gonna be loyal forever so I accepted that answer.

"So," I began. "Now that you're my subjects, you must follow my orders."

"Now, I want information. Tell me everything you know about the top 2: Amanda and King."

Lior and Agnus looked at me with surprised as they questioned my motives: "Amanda and King? What do you want to know about them?" Lior asked curiously.

"Well," I began as I walked towards Slade's bed. "Some of you haven't been very helpful in supplying info, so now that I've got you all gathered here I figured it would be best to get as much info as possible."

I finished that statement while flicking Slade in the forehead and he glared at me and grumbled about it.

"So what do you want to know?" Agnus asked me.

"Hmmmm," I thought aloud. "Tell me about her powers."

"Well okay," Agnus agreed. "Her quirk is called: Water Creation."

"It's always an element, huh." I said aloud.

"Yup," Lior confirmed. "We were originally called the Element 4 until King came around."

"Is that so?" I thought while scratching my chin.

"Anyways," Agnus began to get back on track. "Amanda's quirk is Water Creation. She can create water from practically anything. Rock, air, even dirt. Her power is so great that she has a second form called: Amphitrite."

"So that's her 'elemental form'?" I ask for confirmation.

"Well yes, technically," Lior continued from where Agnus left off. "But, it's not something she had to train for, she was just born with that form. In fact it was because of her that we even got the idea to train for such a form. Her form is much stronger than any of ours because it comes naturally to her. In that form, she is basically unstoppable. She can literally wash away Slade's darkness, put out my light, and completely nullify Agnus' flame. Though I guess that just a bad matchup on his part, but you see my point."

"Wow," I exclaim with a surprised face. "If she's that powerful, then how come King is above her?"

"Well," Agnus once again spoke. "Her and King have some sort of history together. I'm not really sure what it is, but whatever it is has got her stuck on a leash because she would never go against King for the life of her. She's always so afraid to."

Afraid to, huh?


"I do enter from time to time, but I never manage to stick around if I'm being honest."

~Flashback end~

So that's what she meant then. But why is she so afraid.

It was adding up. She seemed to fear King. Much more than any other person here, but why?

I noticed it before, but the fear she had for King was so potent that it felt almost unnatural. Artificial, if you will.

But for the life of me I couldn't figure out why that was.

"What exactly is King's quirk?" I ask as I stroked my chin in thought. I figured that his quirk may be the cause of this somehow.

"To be honest I'm not even sure," Lior said with a sigh. " Whatever it is, I can never beat him because of it."

"Yeah same here." Agnus agreed.

Slade had been quiet the entire time, but he was slowly nodding along to everything the twins had been saying. Which means he knew all this but just refused to tell me the first time around.

I'll get him for that.

"Interesting." I mumble as I stood up completely and turned to leave the room. "That'll be all. Thank you for your cooperation."

I began to walk towards the door in order to prepare for the next match.

"Where are you going?" Agnus asked.

"Well, if I wanna get my answers then it's best to go straight to the source." I reply back as I get to the door and open it. "I'm going to get Amanda to tell me about her relationship with King."

"No one's ever been able to get her to talk though." Slade finally spoke as he warned me.

"That's precisely why I'm going to do it." I answered back. "My goal is to do what no one has done before, and it all starts with this."

With that, I left the infirmary and headed towards the waiting rooms.

So Amanda, what is your story?


Third Person POV

The arena had finished being rebuilt with the help of a couple of repair quirks, and it was now time to start the Semifinals.

The matchup of the day was set: Deku vs. Amanda.

Deku was walking towards the Arena with a goal in mind, and he was planning on achieving said goal. As he walked out, he saw the newly built arena and it looked stronger and sturdier than ever. In the ring, across from him he saw Amanda and she was giving him a sultry gaze.

"My my~" She began as she licked her lips. "You look as handsome as ever."

Deku sweatdropped as he entered the ring, "I see you're in high spirits."

"Why of course!" She exclaims with excitement as she smiles. "I get to be in the ring with my man."

"Yeah, I'm not your man."

"Oops, sorry I meant husband."

"And I'm definitely not that either."

"Let's agree to disagree."

"I'm not sure that works in this situation-" Deku began before facepalming and sighing, seeing he was getting nowhere. She giggled because she noticed his struggles.

The announcer looked at the two in the ring and nodded to himself before signaling to begin the fight. The crowd went wild cheering for us, and they watched with great anticipation of the fight between the #2 in Prison, and the insanely powerful newcomer.

"Listen," Deku called out. "I have a proposal for you."

"Is it to join that little army of yours? I accept!" She exclaimed with heart eyes as she clasped her hands together.

"Uh, no it's not that." Deku sweatdropped at the woman in front of her.

She then looked at him in confusion and tilted her head, "Then what is it?"

Deku took up a serious look in his face and stated very carefully what he was about to say.

"I want you to tell me everything about your history with King."

She immediately became serious and dropped all lustful personas and acts. She then immediately got on guard and in a fighting stance, almost robotically.

"N-No!" She rejected as she looked at Deku with fear in her eyes.

There it was again.

That same fear that Deku noticed two weeks ago, as well as earlier today. It was present once again. Clearly there was something going on, and if Deku could just find out about her past then he was sure to figure everything out.

"Well I didn't think it would be easy," Deku replied as his eyes turned silver. "But I have a goal here, and I'm going to accomplish that goal."

"I said NO!" She shouted as she created hundreds of swords made of water instantly. Each sword had even more power than that light sword that Lior had created.

She launched these swords at Deku and he dodged them effortlessly as he ran towards Amanda. He jumped up and went for a punch, but Amanda was actually able to block him with a shield of water. However, the shield broke instantly and she was still sent back. She landed on her feet and hadn't been knocked down.

She then created water wings to fly in the air and created multiple arrows made of water and launched them at Deku. These arrows were a lot faster than the swords and a lot more powerful as well. Deku dodged instantaneously as he moved towards Amanda without losing speed once.

He blitzed her and ended up on the other side of her before she even recognized what happened.

Before she could turn, she immediately felt the shock and impact of a punch and a kick from Deku as she spat out blood and her pupils disappeared.

She quickly dropped to the ground after. Deku turned and walked towards her while she was on the ground, panting for air. Once he reached her, he looked down and spoke clearly so she understood.

"Amanda," Deku began as he called out to her. "I need you to tell me what happened."

"I-I can't-"

As she said this, her hair was flashing blue and she began to cry a little before she opened her eyes and grit her teeth before sending a huge water blade at Deku. He jumped out of the way and separated from her as she got back up and began to form mini cyclones in her hand. She launched them at Deku, her hair fully turned blue now.

Deku put both his forearms up to block the incoming water tornadoes. The blades of water formed within the tornado were potent and sharp, and the cyclones had a lot of energy behind them. However, Deku swiped his arms and dissipated the cyclones and rushed Amanda.

Amanda threw water blade after water blade, but it did nothing. Deku dodged the first by jumping to the left, dodged the second by jumping to the right, and then broke through the third with pure force. He did all this in rapid succession, without losing speed even once.

He reached her without a problem and he got up really close to her, to where she was almost touching noses with him. He then launched a devastating elbow into her gut, which caused her pupils to disappear once again and spit out blood. Deku followed it up by spinning himself to the left, lifting his leg up, and slamming it onto her back and into the ground.

Deku had pinned her to the ground with his left foot on her back.

"Amanda, it's okay. I won't kill you if you tell me about him." Deku reassured. "I need to know. I can't let one of my subordinate's problems go unchecked."


"What?" Deku asked as he heard her mumble something.

"I SAID NO!!!"

As soon as she shouted that, an explosion of H2O occurred and it knocked Deku back a considerable amount. Deku landed on his feet and slid back as he looked up and saw what was happening.

Amanda's blue hair spiked up a little and became similar to Agnus' elemental hair. Her hair was wavy and a light blue. Her clothes had become covered in water that was formed into some sort of armor, and her eyes had become a fierce dark blue.

It would seem that her elemental form had evolved.

Amanda was putting out incredible amounts of energy, amounts she was not used to before. However, she could hardly tell at this point because everything was going haywire. The only thing in her mind was to destroy Deku and end this fight.

She felt like she had to.

She then raised her arms, and out of thin air two dragons started forming out of water. Much like her elemental counterparts, she poured all the energy and water of her form into these dragons and they became gigantic.

The air started feeling dryer because Amanda had used the moisture in the air to help create these dragons. She herself seemed to look skinnier and dried up, possibly an effect of her quirk. However, she paid no attention to that and she kept pouring energy into the attack until she had done all she could.


She then launched these two massive dragons at Deku. The dragons were so huge that there was no place to run. Deku stood tall and faced the two dragons head on. He crossed his arms in an 'X' position and took on the full brunt of the dragon attacks and was holding it back from destroying the entire stadium, as well as the prison above it.

Amanda screamed as she created as much water as she could in order to fuel the dragon and make them stronger. She was even beginning to use her own body as a sacrifice to make the dragons strong enough to take Deku down.

Deku noticed this and realized that Amanda was likely to kill herself quicker than it would take to push Deku back, let alone kill him.

"Alright, King," Deku began as he closed his eyes grunted while holding the dragons back. "I don't know what you did to that woman, but either way whatever it is you'd better start hoping and praying, because I'm coming for you."

As Deku stated this, he opened his eyes to reveal their silver glory and in an instant, all the water dissipated and subsided as if nothing were there.

Amanda was near skeleton level and watched this unfold in pure disbelief. She had no idea what had even happened. Before she could even say anything a hand appeared in front of her face, ready to attack.

She looked up at the figure with wide eyes. She saw a man covered in a blue, white, and purple combination of heat. His eyes were a cold silver, and his hair was pitch black with shades of silver.

Deku had ascended to level 2: Ultra Instinct Omen

This was different than the level 2 he displayed at the sports festival, or even at the final exams. This level 2 was much more powerful. Everyone in the arena could feel, smell, they could even taste how severely outmatched they were just by being in his presence.

And yet, they hadn't even begun to experience his true power.

Amanda was in pure shock and stood in awe of the power in front of her. Before she could even say anything, Deku grabbed her head with his hand.

Amanda held onto his arm and tried to rip it off, but Deku didn't even move an inch. His glare stayed put and his eyes let her know that he meant business.

Her arms eventually fell lifelessly back to her sides as her eyes became wide. After only a little while, Deku let go of her head and powered down to base.

"There." Deku said aloud.

Amanda was confused, until she felt her strength coming back and her body returning to normal.

But that's not all that was different.

"I erased it."

Deku spoke and interrupted her train of thought.

"W-What?" She asked, a bit disoriented from everything that happened.

"The curse that was placed on your brain," Deku continued as she widened her eyes at the proclamation. "I erased it. More specifically I burned it from the inside."

"B-But- how-" She was having trouble forming words as she was overwhelmed by everything that happened.

Deku shrugged, "What can I say? I'm him."

"I made sure to give you energy as well so your body would heal up nicely." Deku said with a smile as he put his hand out for her to grab. "So, subordinate?"

She smiled warmly and genuinely as she took his hand, "Subordinate."

"IT LOOKS LIKE JOSH WINS AGAIN!!" The announcer spoke as the crowd went wild once again for the young newcomer who kept amazing them every single time he showed up.

Deku walked towards the waiting rooms with Amanda in tow, ready and willing to follow her new savior.


"It all started long ago,"

Amanda was currently sitting in a waiting room with Deku, and he had asked her about her past.

This time around, she was more than willing to share.

"My name is Amanda, but I'm Japanese. That's because I was born in America to Japanese parents who had migrated there. They gave me the name Amanda so I would fit in better with the kids around my age. It worked for the most part, but kids will be kids, you know? Of course they would say mean stuff like, asking if I eat dogs or ramen, or if I could see at night, stuff like that. I was used to it. By the time my quirk came in, I was fairly popular with those around me. They began to like me for my cool quirk and they treated me differently. However, I didn't know there was another side of my quirk. I call it Amphitrite now but back then it didn't have a name. All I know is that the kids once again became against me. They were weary of me because this second side would come out if I lost control of my emotions, so the kids called me mean names because of it. Some even called me a ' water demon'. The bullying and harassment was too much for me to bear, so I begged my parents to move and they did. However, that was the worst mistake I could've possibly made. Because, that's when I met Walter-"

"Wait, Walter?" Deku repeated.

"Oh, right sorry, I mean King."

"Wait wait wait," Deku began as he backtracked. "King's actual name is Walter?"


Deku tried hard to hold in his laugh, and he looked like an idiot while trying. He mustered up enough strength to urge her to continue, so she did.

"Anyways," She continued. "When I met Walter, he seemed kind and sweet. They all do in the beginning. But then something began to change. I began to hang out with him more and more, and I began to do things for him. I didn't even feel like I wanted to, but I felt so afraid of what would happen if I didn't. I eventually hung out with him every day, gave him high fives, hugs, kisses, etc. I bought him gifts, I let him lay his head on my lap, and on my chest. I cooked for him, I cleaned for him, I did all his work and mine. I did everything I possibly could for him. But I never wanted to. I even did 'exotic dances' for him. My mouth and body would say yes yes yes, but somewhere deep in my mind I was always screaming no. I didn't know what happened. I would always do these things for him purely because I was afraid. It wasn't a regular fear, it was a strong and deeply etched fear that made not think twice about ending it all just for the sake of him not getting upset. I did everything, I would even make sure I was existing correctly around him so he wouldn't get upset. The life was horrible. To have your mind, body, and soul do every single thing without your consent was the worst feeling I could ever imagine. I eventually moved to Japan just to be away from Walter and free from whatever cage he put me in, but he found me."

Deku listened and took on each and every single word she spoke and he became increasingly disgusted. Whatever quirk this guy had was powerful, and he used it for such disgusting reasons that it made him sick. People like that didn't deserve such a blessing of a quirk.

"When he found me, he was mad. I thought I was happy in Japan, and I was. I had met the other guys when I came here and we hit it off instantly because of our similar quirk properties. We even called ourselves the 'Element 4'. But everything changed when he found me. He separated me from them and forced me to do heinous crimes. Crimes so heinous I swore never to speak of them again. That's how I ended up in here. The other guys ended up in here on false accusations made by him."

"False accusations, huh?" Deku repeated with distaste in his mouth.

"Something wrong?" She asked Deku with concern.

"It's nothing," Deku dismissed with a wave of his hand. "It's just a familiar situation, is all."

Deku got up and dusted off his clothes, "Welp, now I know what I have to do. Thanks for telling me that, Amanda."

Deku turned and walked away, but was stopped by Amanda calling to him, "Wait! What are you going to do?"

Deku turned back to her and looked at her with a genuinely confused face and tilted his head.

"I'm going to kill him obviously."

He said it with such surety and almost obviousness that it caught her off guard. He talked of killing King as if it were just a regular day on the job.

"Wait no! Don't kill him." Amanda tried to reason with Deku.

Deku's expression immediately went hard as he looked menacingly at the woman in front of him, "And why not?"

"I have no problem with you making him suffer," Amanda clarified herself before continuing. "But whatever his quirk is, it must be really powerful, right? You can't afford to kill someone valuable, right?"

Deku closed his eyes and thought it over while stroking his chin, "I suppose you're right."

Deku continued out of the room and walked towards the arena with a killer glare on his face.

You might be right, Amanda but I make no promises.


Deku POV

I walked into the ring with my hands in my pockets and an emotionless stare as I looked at the big figure in front of me.


The time had finally come for me to take him down, once and for all. His dark and long hair was waving around in the wind, as the tension could be felt with a knife.

"Ah, Izuku Midoriya," King called out with a smirk. "It's great to finally meet you in person. I've been waiting."

My eyes widened as to how he knew my name, but then they narrowed just as quickly as they widened.  It would seem I was right about King being a lapdog for someone on the outside.

I played it cool in the outside and responded accordingly.

"Likewise, Walter," I said as his smirk disappeared and he scowled at me. "The pleasure's all mine."

The announcer looked at the two fighters and was excited to start the final match. He raised his hand and then dropped it to signal the start of the battle.

"So, Mr. Izuku, I hear-"

"No games."

The moment King began talking, I transformed immediately into UI Omen and blitzed King before he could even speak.

I punched him in the stomach so hard that you could hear his bones bending and breaking, and you could see the imprint of my fist through his back. I didn't stop there, I kicked him in the head, then punched him in the exact same spot  and slammed him in the ground. I proceeded to stomp on him, repeatedly, until I was sure I broke enough bones to where he couldn't move, but could still talk.

"It sucks when you can't do anything on your own, huh." I mocked his current situation where he could not move or fight at all due to the immense pain he was win.

"I- please- I'm-" King tried to reason, but I stomped on his chest and he coughed out blood.

"Sorry I don't speak stutter," I stated with an impassive look as I stretched my arm out and faced my palm toward King and began charging a huge ball of energy. "You'll have to find me a translator in the afterlife."

I was fully willing to end this man's life right here, right now. In fact, I was certainly going to. However,

I didn't.

Instead, I jumped back and completely avoided shooting at him. I powered down and took a step back in shock.

"What the-" I exclaimed aloud.

Why didn't I attack him? I was going to kill hm, I know I was. But why- what happened?

Was I... afraid?

"That was a close one."

I looked up to see King standing back up and dusting off his clothes as if nothing happened.

"I'll have to get you back for that one." King stayed as he charged me at incredible speeds. He launched attack after attack, attempting to hit me. I dodged each and every single one, however, it felt off.

It felt like my body wanted to be hit.

More specifically, it felt like I was afraid of what would happen if I didn't get hit.

Eventually, King landed a solid punch on me and sent me flying. He looked at his fists and smirked before launching at me again and hitting me harder and harder, each and every single blow. It felt like I was getting crushed by entire mountains each time he hit me. Then he sent me across the entire stadium with one last punch.

I crashed into the wall and made no movement. King saw this and looked at his fists and started laughing hysterically and mocking me.

"The great Izuku Midoriya- pummeled by a lowly crook!" King mocked as he laughed aloud.

"Now everyone will know who's the-"

King opened his eyes for a split second during his monologue. He thought he had seen victory, but what he actually saw was me.

I was standing right in front of him as if nothing had happened.

"W-What- but-" King stuttered as he stepped back in shock.

My pupils were minuscule compared to their normal size, which showed how angry I was. I looked King dead in the eye with that crazed and angry expression, and I don't know if it was the crazy talking but I could've sworn I could see a tear come out of his eyes and also some more "tears" stream down his pants.

Essentially, me feeling pain and fear just made me more angry.

I immediately transformed into UI Omen with the same scary expression on my face and I formed an energy ball and aimed at King's face. I could feel something try and urge me not to, but this time my power completely overwhelmed whatever force came over me and I blasted him to kingdom come.

The blast was so large that all the improvements that the people with repair quirks made were essentially made irrelevant as my energy completely destroyed any remaining trace of hard work.

The smoke cleared to reveal King laying on the ground with his fur coat burned off and his pupils missing due to his unconsciousness.

However, that wasn't enough for me.

I immediately punched him super hard in the stomach and his body flopped up from both sides due to the impact. I did this multiple times and body kept flopping up until I was sure he was awake again.

"I want you to explain to me everything about you. Right now." I warned with a glare as King immediately got frightened and nodded quickly.

"Okay Okay!" King agreed quickly.

I raised my eyebrow at this. Where was all the confidence from before?

"My quirk is called: Fear," King began with a sad look as he tried to muster enough strength to sit up. "I can control other people with fear. I can use my own fear. I can use other people's fear. I can enhance any fears you already have, and I can even plant new fears within you. I can use fear as a weapon and make actual war items out of it, energy attacks, or even heal myself by turning fear into healing properties."

My eyes widened at this information. How could such a powerful quirk like this even exist?

"So what I was feeling before when I didn't wanna fight you, and when I was feeling pain, it was fear?" I asked for confirmation and King nodded.

"Your body can reject your own power based off the fear that I put into it. I can basically cancel other people's quirks by making them afraid to use it against me."

I shook my head in disbelief. I thought my quirk was powerful.

"I wanna know why you did what you did to Amanda." I ask with a glare, daring him to lie to me.

He whimpered in fear as he quickly began forming an answer.

"As a kid, I was always a scaredy cat. I was afraid of everything. Sports, movies, books, public spaces- I was always afraid of something. When my quirk developed, it was a quirk that perfectly fit those attributes luckily for me. I thought things would be different, but they weren't. I was shunned because of my quirk and made fun of because I had a 'scaredy cat quirk'. My life was miserable. That was all until she came. Amanda, I mean. She was the most beautiful and amazing girl I'd ever seen. I had no confidence to talk to her, but luckily she was the one who talked to me first because she was new and also didn't know that many people. Things started off great. We hung out a lot, and we did a lot of stuff together, however, I didn't realize it at first, but I was losing control of my quirk. Because of my quirk's natural emotional background, if I lost control of my emotions, it would result in losing control of my quirk. Of course, I didn't know this at the time. So whenever I would cry because I was scared of Amanda leaving me, or whenever I got too happy when hung out, it would slowly throw my quirk out of control. Before I knew it, I had practically hypnotized her into being close to me. I had no idea at the time, but eventually it became obvious. But I'll admit, I didn't stop it. I was so desperate for her attention and love that I was willing to do anything for it, even that. So when I heard she had moved to Japan, I was heartbroken. But I also knew how wrong I was. I trained for a little in order to get my quirk and my emotions under control and then I bought a one way ticket to Japan in order to apologize to her and maybe start anew. I arrived in Japan and I looked everywhere I could for her, and I eventually found her when she was with her friends. Before I could approach though, I was grabbed out of nowhere and dragged into an alley. My mouth was covered, but I saw I was surrounded by a bunch of villains and then one guy came out and he looked like the leader of the group."

I was listening to the story, trying to see the good in him if there was any at all, but then my interest became peeked with the last part of King's story.

"Leader of the group?" I repeated.

"Yes," King confirmed. "His name is All For One."

My eyes widened in shock and realization as everything was slowly piecing together in my mind.

"He told me that he knew of me and my quirk because he had eyes across the entire globe. He said he would kill Amanda and my family if I didn't do what he said. I tried to maybe use my quirk on him, but I realized that his goons had put quirk cancelling cuffs on me so I couldn't do anything. Left with no other choice, I reluctantly obeyed All For One's orders which included separating Amanda from her friends and forcing her to do heinous crimes in order to end up in here. He had me falsely accuse her friends so his goons in the police force would have reason to arrest them. He even had me frame you, Izuku Midoriya."

"I knew it." I mumbled as I narrowed my eyes  and scowled

All For One

I knew he was behind all this. From the moment I got accused til now I had a feeling it was him, but I needed confirmation.

Now I have it.

I guess this place is like his timeout chair where he sends the people he finds troublesome

"Thank you for sharing," I began as I put my hand out for King to grab.

"I deem you okay. You're not that bad after all, albeit a little weird and creepy." I admitted as he looked down dejectedly.

"However," I began once more as he looked up. "I'm not the one you should be seeking validation from, it's Amanda."

"You'll have plenty of time to make it up to her within my army."


The announcer and crowd cheered wildly and loudly as they finally witnessed the winner of the tournament be someone other than King, and they were perfectly fine with it.

Slade, Lior, Agnus, and Amanda all walked out while clapping and congratulated their new boss on his victory. Amanda looked at King and King looked away, not wanting to meet her eyes.

This was the first time in years where they had seen each other without one's influence being on the other.

"You look better as a crybaby, Walter." Amanda said as she smiled at him.

King then looked up hopefully at Amanda and was beginning to smile until he received a huge kick to the nuts.

His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he crumpled to the floor, holding his scrotum and crying tears of pain.

"See? Much better." Amanda stated with a closed eyes smile and tilted head.

"Wouldn't wanna be him right now." Slade sweatdropped at the situation.

"Trust me, you don't." Lior stated with myself nodding in agreement.

"Oh I bet you'd know." Agnus said and started laughing and his brother began yelling at him.

I sweatdropped at the situation. These 5 idiots were now my top subordinates.

An emo, a jerk, an idiot, a perv, and a crybaby.

I was truly living the dream.

I went up to the announcer and grabbed the microphone in order to address my new subordinates and the members of Prison.

"Today, all the members of Prison have witnessed a new dawn!" I began as everyone listened in. "The era of King is over, and a new era has begun. An era led by me. Because of this new era, it's time for new beginnings. You all must know that my name is not Josh. My name no longer matters right now! All that matters is that you recognize me as your leader!"

"Can I call you daddy-"

"On second thought, just call me master." I rephrased my sentence after Amanda's callout.

"Ooooohhh~ I don't mind- I'm into BDSM-"

I sweatdropped and facepalmed at this before continuing.

"I will lead you to victory no matter what! That's why, starting tomorrow we will go through a 2 month training period where every prisoner will
be trained by yours truly in order to become strong!" I announce as everyone smiles and cheers at the announcement.

"From now on, I'm your leader." I repeat myself as I begin to lower the microphone. "But if you're going to call me anything,"

"Call me Deku."

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