The lost girl.

By NaupakaTay

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This story is about a little girl that was adopted by a terrible family and only adopted her for the money an... More

the trip.

7 0 0
By NaupakaTay

The little girl  at the adoption center was jumping with excitement when she found out she was getting adopted,she was so happy when she saw them she ran up to them and hugged them very tightly, unfortunately they didn't like it and that hurt her feelings, A LOT so she didn't talk the whole car ride there but she still loved them. She was just glad to be out of that hell hole of adoption center. when they finally reached her new home she was ordered to stay outside until they got everything ready which she thought was nice so she thought they were kind of embarrassed of the mess, but in reality they just left her there the whole night long. She was scared cuz she heard chirping and it wasn't a bird. So she ran in the window that they left open she didn't know why they left it open but she was just happy that she was inside when the morning hit she got zero sleep because the noise was keeping her up that night, when her apparently new parents found her inside the house they screamed at her and her dad got so mad he hit her she had no idea why they were this mad she thought they loved her but she still loved them because they helped her out of the adoption center. No matter what they did that little girl kept loving them. They would abuse her day and night making her believe with bruises black eyes and almost drowning her in the bath every night but you know what she still loved them. They got paid $100 every week to take care of her and the only reason why they needed the money was to go on a trip and then they would just leave her on the side of the road which that was their plan until the little girl was not so little anymore and she finally took a chance to run away in the night after they left her in the bathroom  door locked. She packed all her stuff which was one t-shirt and slippers that were half wrecked because they didn't care about her they didn't give her anything, so she made a run for it she saw a open house but they wouldn't let her in. She did not know what to do but as her old mother used to say just keep falling your path so that's what she did she made up her own path and just followed it for a couple days no rest no water no food she was starving she started begging on the street of her path she got $2 which back then was a lot of money she can get a lot of stuff but that would only last for a few weeks then she was back to begging. When she started begging again no one really cared because they thought it was a little scam so she didn't eat for a couple weeks she got too skinny that she wanted to go to the hospital but no map so nowhere to go. Until she found this little tiny world in the distance she thought she was seeing things because she had an ate or showered and she smelled so bad she thought the smell was tricking her mind but she just kept falling that path and sooner or later that path let her to this majestic world where she felt safe and she thought no one could hurt her but she had no friends she smelled very bad no one wants to go near her but the gods cleans her up they cared for her and asked her what was wrong... To be continued.

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