The perfect timing (In Editin...

Por JustmeN

58.4K 3K 558

I'm not like wonder woman, supergirl or catwoman. The only similarity we share is that we all have an extraor... Más

Chapter 1-
Chapter 3-
Chapter 4-
Chapter 5-
Chapter 6-
Chapter 7-
Chapter 8-
Chapter 9-
Chapter 10-
Chapter 11-
Chapter 12-
Chapter 13-
Chapter 14-
Chapter 15-
Chapter 16-
Chapter 17-
Chapter 18-
Chapter 19-
Chapter 20-
Chapter 21-
Chapter 22-
Chapter 23-
Chapter 24-
Chapter 25-
Chapter 26-
Chapter 27-
Chapter 28-
Chapter 29-
Chapter 30-
Chapter 31-
Chapter 32-
Book 2 and help!
The second book is out!

Chapter 2-

3.7K 131 74
Por JustmeN

After school Aiden walks me home, which is a normal thing, because he does it almost every day. Sometimes he even drive us with his car, but unfortunately he made the mistake by leaving his car on the street, in a bad part of the town. Some rebellious kids had fun painting over the color with insults and words I don't want to repeat. The car looked ridiculous, when Aiden found it the next day. Needless to say his parents wasn't that thrilled to pay for the cleaning.

On our way to my apartment, my best friend tries to talk to me, but I only give him one worded responses and after a while he stops bothering me.

Over the years of knowing me he accepted the fact that I'm different and when I don't want to talk he knows to leave me alone. So we just continue the ten-minute walk to my home in silence.

I'am so in my thoughts that I actually don't notice our arriving. Aiden has to pull on my sleeves  to get my attention. If he hadn't done that, I would have probably continued walking at the side walk.

"Ups," I mutter and thank my best friend, who only shakes his head in amusement at my behavior.

"Sometimes I really want to look inside you pretty head and see what makes you stop paying attention to your surroundings," he tells me, poking my head with his index finger.

I glare at him. I don't like when he teases me like that and start to walk towards the apartment, where I live with my aunt. It is a really old one. The rendering is already crumbling down, and it desperately needs an all in all modification. But neither I nor the other residents have the money for that.

Nevertheless I like it here, because it is one of the most quiet and peaceful places in our town. There was not much traffic and you can take a walk in peace.

But before I go inside, I turn around to face Aiden and say, "No you really don't want to."

He ignores my statement and makes his way home, but not before shouting over his shoulder, "I will be there at ten."

Only this boy, I smile to myself and begin to search for my apartment key. In the end I have to empty my whole backpack, because it is nowhere to be found. Being messy is a bad habbit of mine.

After I finally find the key, I let out a joyful scream. I then put it in the keyhole and begin my adventure of climbing all the stairs to my apartment.

Unfortunately I have the pleasure to live in the highest level. So after walking up exactly 108 stairs, with a full packed bag on my shoulders, I'am gasping for air and sweating like crazy. I really have to work on my condition.

Once I calm down, I make my way inside the little residence, I call home. It is very quiet inside because no one is home.

My aunt is  working as a nurse in a hospital next town and doesn't come home most of the time  until late in the evening. Well, that's the case most of the time.

So when I toss my bag on the ground, I'm not prepared for her voice. In other words she startles me out of the blue.

"How often did I tell you, not to throw your stuff onto the ground," my aunt's strict voice scolds me.

She is giving me an amused smile, when she notice how startle I'am.

"What the f..," I'am about to say, but I change my choice of words quickly, when I see the look she is giving me.

I'm sure I saw her this morning walking out of the door in her uniform and a bagel between her teeth's.

"I changed work shifts with a fellow worker of mine," my aunt tells me dropping down on the next chair in sight. She is still in her uniform and I can clearly see that she is exhausted and tired. Her uniform has wrinkles and her brown hair is a mess. A few pieces of her before neatly bun are all over the place and with her hands she tries to reorganize it.

"The poor woman is a single mother of two kids, so I couldn't say no," she adds with a sigh. "But I now have to work late in the evening."

I sit down next to her and look her directly in the eyes, when I say, "You already know I want to take a job to help you pay the bills."

She is about to protest, but I raise my finger to shut her up. "And I think it is time you let me do it. By the way, I will not accept a no as an answer." I tell her with my serious voice.

For a minute she just watches me. She knows I'm determined and after she is sure I wont change my mind, my aunt sighs, "Alright, but only on one condition."

I smile happily at her and ask, "And what would that be?"

"You can work for Nancy, she already suggested you to help her out," Lily answers me and I nodd at her suggestion.

It is the same plan I came up with. Nancy is a lovely elder lady in her mid sixties. She is the owner of a little bakery not so far away from our place. When I was little, she often looked after me because my aunt had to work and I wasn't old enough to be on my own. The time I spent with her was always amazing. She taught me how to bake and had always an open ear for me. Even if she isn't my grandmother, I always saw her as my own.

"And," Lily ads, and I raise my brows waiting for her to continue, "You have to keep some of the money you earn."

"These are two conditions," I can not stop myself from letting the words slip out of my tongue.

But then I nod and give her a big hug. She immediately engulfs me in one of her own and begins to run her fingers through my hair.

I feels great to be in her embrace and I know she loves me as much as I love her, even when I'am not her real daughter.

"You grew up so quickly," she mumbles into my hair and after a while she lets go of me, giving me a small exhausted smile.

I smile back at her and tell her in my best mature voice to lay down for a bit, while I'am going to  make lunch. First she wants to protest like the stubborn person she is, but when she notice my expression she agrees.

But before she leaves to follow my request, she asks me, "When did you become the adult in our relationship?"

I only chuckle at her question and shoo her away.

That's the least I can do for all the things you have done for me over the years, I think to myself and then walk into the kitchen to prepare lunch.

And during cooking our meal, I try to come up with an idea to sneak out later. I don't even ask her, because I know she hates the idea of underage drinking and alcohol in general. My aunt has two sides, being a strict adult and being a nice, caring and lovely person.

But in the end my thoughts are needless, because my aunt gets a call after we ate the lunch I made. There is an emergency at the hospital and she has to leave the house earlier, about eight o'clock.

So I have two hours left to get ready. More than enough, I think and lay down for a while, reading one of my favorite books. But time seems to pass by more quickly and before I know what happens, it is already half ten.

"Shit," I curse, when I glance at the clock. Aiden will be here in half an hour.

I'am not the kind of girl, who always wants to look like she comes out of a magazine, but I still want to look presentable.

So I take the quickest shower in my life. Even flash, the fastest guy in the world would have been jealous. After that I blow dried my long brown hair and search for an outfit. In the end I go for some grew skinny jeans, my favorite pair of ankle boots and a nice black top. I pair it up with my black leather jacket and the bracelet I wear all the time. It's a heirloom from my mum, her and dad's initials are engraved on it. It is quiet simple with its golden color and perfect for me, because I like it simple.

Then I glance at the clock and I'm proud of myself, five minutes left until Aiden will arrive.

So I use the remaining time to observe my bracelet. I do it often, questioning how my life would look like if my parents would still be alive.

They died in a car accident when I was two years old. I can't remember much of that time, but the memories I still have are good ones. My parents died immediately at the place of the accident and the paramedics couldn't do anything about it.

My aunt Lily became my new guardian, and I grew up with her. I never felt alone or unloved, but I just missed my parents and the time we should have had together.

Suddenly somebody knocks on the door and I jump a bit into the air, startled by the noise. Why did Aiden not use the doorbell? I glance into our peephole to see him standing there nervously, glancing from side to side.

"What are you doing?" I ask him after I open the door and cross my arms in front of my chest.

"Celia," he acknowledges my presence and whisperes after looking me up and down, "You look great."

I glare at him for ignoring my question and ask, "And why are you whispering?"

"Duh, because of your aunt," he points out, glancing inside our apartment. "I know she hates the idea of underage drinking and alcohol in general."

I smile at a second at his words. They are the same ones I used. Aiden isn't just a friend, he is also a part of my family and he knows how my aunt and I tick. He could probably tell you, what is in our fridge right now.

"She is out," I tell him, amused by his behavior.

"Didn't you get my message?" I question, fishing my phone out of my jacket and looking if I pushed the send button.

"Oh no, I left my phone in the car," he groans pulling at his hair. He forgets his phone more often than I eat on a daily basis.

I shake my head at my best friend and then observe him more closely. He is wearing at the outfit black faded jeans, a white button up shirt and a dark jacket on top. He looks great and I'm impressed how he cleaned up. I even smell some cologne.

"Your car is clean again," I state, closing the door behind me and stepping out of my home.

"Yes, I could pick it up at noon and it is ready to be driven again," he answer me as we walk down the stairs.

And it is true, Aiden's car is finally clean and no more words are written on it.

The two of us then get into his car and my best friend drives us to the place in our town, where the biggest party of the year, will be hold.

He drives us to Reece Matthews house. He is one of the popular kids in our school and is hosting the party every year. All students in our school are invited, and it doesn't matter where you come from or which status you have. It is a party to celebrate, drink, dance and never forget.

"We are almost there," Aiden says excitedly glancing briefly at my side.

"Yeah," I try to sound excited and cheerful as well, but fail miserable.

Thankfully my best friend chuckles at my attempt. He knows me too well.

"We are here," he then screams into my ear. Not because he is overexcited, but the music is blasting extremely loud that it is difficult to understand him.

I look out of the window as Aiden searches for a parking spot. The party is in full swing and people are everywhere. There is even one guy, lying on top of a car and singing a stupid love song. He is drunk and out of control.

After Aiden finally finds a parking spot, we get out of the car and are welcomed with even louder music. How is it possible for people to have a normal conversation without screaming at each other?

"Are you ready?" Aiden half screams at me. I already hate the situation.

I nod and turn around so he can't see my real expression. It is something he doesn't like to see.

"Yes," I scream back. But in reality I not.

We then make our way towards the center of the party, which is in Reece's house. I see a few classmates of mine at the driveway. Some of them are even wearing bikinis and swim trunks. So I suppose the guy also has a pool, to the massive mansion, he is living in. And his house is huge, with big windows and a perfectly structured facade.

That I'm impressed is an understatement. The mansion must have cost a ton and Reece's parents must be rich.

"Probably," somebody suddenly agrees.
I look at my side and stare at Aiden, who is grinning at me. Groaning, I realize that I spoke my thoughts out loud again. Another habit of mine. But I ignore his grinning and pull him with me inside.

I'm more eager to see the house than the party itself.  And my thoughts are confirmed when I walk through the doorway. The mansion looks even bigger inside and practically screams expensive. With a large white staircase taking you up to the next level and a massive living room, where all the furniture is put to the side, so you can dance.

People are practically everywhere, and it is hard to walk through the crowd. But Aiden and I manage somehow and in the end we find ourselves in the kitchen.

"Do you want something to drink?" Aiden asks me, pointing at a guy who is serving alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks.

I nod and I'am about to get something, but he stops me, telling me I should let him be a gentleman for one night. Laughing at his words and earning a big smile in return, I shoo him away to get me a drink.

In the meantime I observe my surroundings. The door to the living room is open, so it is easy for me to look through it. Nothing catches my eye until I see the host himself.

He is looking dangerously attractive in his blue swim shorts and a plain white T-shirt. His dark tousled hair are wet, and he is constantly running his fingers through it, like he is frustrated with somebody or something. First he looks furious from side to side, but when a guy appears next to him and starts a conversation, the look is replaced by a happier one. You can't even tell that he has been angry a few seconds ago. It is like someone pushed a button on him.

"Here is your drink," Aiden says, suddenly standing next to me. It is remarkable, how easy he cam creep up on me. After all, I'm the one with the superpowers.

I take a nip of my drink and I'm happy when I taste lemonade. I don't want to drink anything alcoholic this night and Aiden knows that. So I'm happy when he accepts that decision.

"What where you looking at?" he questiones, taking a nip out of his own cup.

I'am about to answer him when abruptly a guy from Aiden's sports team appears and slaps him on his back.

Aiden is a part of the baseball team at our school and so is the jock, who is now talking none stop and none sense. I think his name us Kyle, but I'm not sure about it. This guy is even wearing his sports jersey to this party.

After one another follows, and suddenly I'm surrounded by the whole baseball team. Some of them nod at my presence and acknowledge me, others just ignore me.

I'm still Aiden's little crazy friend, that is what some of them call me at school. But that does not bother me, because I have even worse names for them.

After a while, Liam the only guy I talk to apart from Aiden in his team walks up to me. He is their new captain and I was happy when I heard that. He is a nice person and always in the mood to talk and associate.

He greets me by raising his cup and I smile as I bump mine with his. We talk for a while, but then he has to leave to associate and please the lady's. His words not mine.

I fake gag at his words and he laughs at me before he disappears. I even talk to a few girls in my class about stupid teachers and listen to some of their gossip. It is entertaining and amusing.

This party really is a place where your social status doesn't matter and I like it.

Sometimes I feel a gaze on me and catch Aiden looking at me. He is making sure that I'm having "fun". The boy takes his mission too seriously and is happy when I give him a thumps up.

After a while of talking with Aiden again and laughing about some stories as well as jokes, I have to go to the bathroom. I mouth the words towards Aiden and he nods at me when suddenly Liam appears at his side again.

His clothes are drenched, and he has a frown on his lips.

I laugh mentally, what did this guy do this time to piss off a girl? He just doesn't know, how girls ticked and I don't want to give him some advice, because his stories are just too entertaining.

It feels like an eternity till I finally find the bathroom. And after I did my business, I'am too curious to just walk back to the party.

Almost nobody is on the second floor, only a few people rushing by or searching for the bathroom. Therefore I walk through the long hallways, passing by a few closed doors and some old, but beautiful artistic paintings.

What makes me stop in my tracks is the sound of sniffing, like somebody is crying. First, I thought I imaged it. The music is less noisy on the second floor, but I can still hear it. But when I hear it again, I'm sure that a girl is crying.

The noise is coming out of the room to my right and I have an inner battle with myself. Should I check what is going on? It was none of my business, but what if the girl is hurt?

In the end the curious part of me wins, and I open the door to the room slowly. The first thing I see is pink and it is followed by even more pink. The room and its furniture are decorated in all different shades of rose, white and pink and in the middle of the room is a huge bed, with a girl sitting on it.

She probably heard, how I opened the door and looks up at me. Her eyes are red from crying and she has black lines running down her cheeks.

The girl looks a bit younger than me, about one or two years. She has blond long straight hair and is wearing a cute white dress. She doesn't say anything as she watches me, she only stares.

So after a while, I clear my throat and ask, "Are you alright?"

She finally seems to come out of her trance and answers with a thin crackling voice, "I'm fine."

Of course I don't believe her, close the door behind me and make my way towards her. Why? I can not stand people crying.

"You don't look fine," I tell her after I settle down next to her and give her a tissue to wipe her tears away. I always carry one around and Aiden thinks it is unnecessary. But I just proved him wrong.

"Thanks," she sniffs as she accepted the handkerchief and wipes her tears away.

"I'm Kitty by the way," she tells me with a small smile and I introduce myself as Celia.

"Why were you crying?" I ask her then with what I hope is a comforting smile on my face.

She sighs and mumbles now with a frown on her face, "I had an argument with my brother."

I'am about to ask her, why they have been arguing, when we hear someone call her name.

We both look up, and she mentions towards her curtains. I quickly get up from the bed, to hide behind the curtains and try to calm down my breath. Why I hide in the first place is the biggest question, but I ignore it and tell myself I will think about it later. At the moment it seems like the best idea.

The person has now stopped calling Kitty's name and is walking now into the room. I don't see who it is, but I'm more than surprised when I hear the voice talking.

I finally posted the next chapter of "the perfect timing". I hope you did enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. What do you think about the new characters and who do you think just opened the door? This chapter is dedicated to satansspawn9, who made the first cover for this story, which will be posted in the next chapter and the lovely banner is made by abstraitbeauty. Have a beautiful day!

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