After Life - Discovering the...

Od Saraagipog

173 24 16

In "After Life: Discovering the Depth of Darkness," Sara's seemingly ordinary life takes a chilling twist. As... Více

vivid dream?
It's because you're dead
I believe you
I made a mistake by taking your life
Are you following me?
How can I trust you?
Do not break our connection
What is not possible?
It's a trap
You've left me with no choice

You deserve a normal human life

12 2 1
Od Saraagipog

As I drove along the main road, I couldn't help but notice the bustling crowd of people engaged in shopping. Among them, I could see numerous spirits, but I chose to ignore their presence. Ignoring them had become second nature to me. 

However, in an unexpected instant, something materialized right in front of my scooter. I instinctively slammed on the brakes, causing a sudden jolt. My heart raced with fear as the realization of what I had just witnessed sank in.

It was the same girl I had seen earlier at the bus stop, the one who seemed ethereal. A man nearby chastised me, saying, "Look where you're driving!" Yet, I couldn't bring myself to look at him. 

My attention was fixated on the girl who stood before me, her uniform stained with blood near her abdomen. I cautiously maneuvered my scooter past her and continued on, but an overwhelming sense of unease washed over me. I needed a moment to collect myself, so I pulled over to a nearby street where there were only a few people around. 

In that moment, I contemplated the difficulty of dealing with this newfound ability. It was nothing like the glamorous depictions in movies. The reality of encountering spirits was far from cool or exciting. I had once fantasized about having such supernatural powers, imagining the possibilities they could offer. But now, I realized how wrong I was. It was a constant struggle, and I wondered if I would ever be able to overcome this burden. 

Then, I heard some whispering, but I didn't know where it was coming from. It felt like the sound was emanating from behind me. Curiously, I turned around to investigate and discovered that it was originating from the basement parking area. Intrigued, I approached the entryway, and amidst the eerie silence, I suddenly heard someone shouting, "Help me!" 

The voice seemed distant, as if the person was far away from where I stood. Yet, moments later, I heard it again, this time much closer than before, repeating the plea for help. Compelled by the urgency in their voice, I took a determined step towards the descending stairs. However, just as I began my descent, a familiar voice startled me from behind, asking, "What are you doing?"

As I turned back, I replied, "Nothing."  To my surprise, it was him again.

 He cautioned me, "Don't fall for their trick," and then took a seat on my scooter, facing me.

 Feeling skeptical, I crossed my arms and asked, "Are you following me?" 

 He shook his head and responded, "No, I came here for my work." 

 Intrigued, I inquired further, "What kind of work?" 

"None of your business," he retorted. I glared at him, my frustration evident.

 "Alright, sir, now kindly remove yourself from my scooter," I scowled at him. He complied, shrugging nonchalantly. Ignoring his presence, I started my scooter and swiftly distanced myself from him. I didn't even bother to look back.

 The encounter left me deep in thought. If Chitragupta, the record-keeper of deeds, was indeed real, then perhaps other gods from Hinduism might also exist. It shattered my preconceived notion that everything about Hinduism was mere mythology. Determination coursed through me as I contemplated finding a way out of this perplexing situation. 

It was 7:45 p.m., and the sight of the moon was truly captivating. Standing on my balcony, I gazed at the night sky. The building I rented happened to be the tallest one on the street, affording me a view of the rooftops of other nearby buildings from the second floor. Each building was bathed in the enchanting moonlight, casting an ethereal glow.

 As I continued to admire the scene, my attention was drawn to a particular shadow on the rooftop of the building directly across from mine. Clothes hung on ropes for drying, swaying gently in the wind, creating a mesmerizing dance. 

Yet, my focus shifted to the mysterious figure lurking behind the billowing garments. And then, to my astonishment, it opened its eyes. A gasp escaped my lips, a mixture of surprise and apprehension. As the clothes swayed, the moonlight illuminated her presence. There she was, wearing the same uniform adorned with blood stains. The fabric concealed her momentarily, and when the clothes drifted apart again, she had vanished without a trace. 

The unsettling encounter compelled me to retreat from the balcony. Sensing the need to seek solace and safety, I returned to my room and laid down on my bed, attempting to find some respite. The question lingered in my mind: Was she following me? Fortunately, the protective properties of the blue stone I possessed provided assurance that no spirits could enter my home.

 As I regained consciousness, I discovered myself in a strange and unsettling location. My hand was tightly bound behind my back, rendering me immobile. I surveyed my surroundings and realized that I was trapped in what appeared to be a dungeon. The only source of light was a single bulb hanging from the ceiling, its heat causing me to perspire profusely. Dressed in a uniform, I felt the pangs of thirst and hunger intensifying within me. 

Suddenly, a door creaked open from the corner, unleashing a blinding brightness that made it impossible for me to open my eyes fully. Several men entered the room and promptly closed the door behind them. Three of them fixed their gaze upon me, with one individual standing out, dressed in an undershirt and lungi, a traditional garment worn around the waist in certain cultures.

Beside the man in the lungi, another individual spoke, saying, "He instructed us to finish her off." 

 In response, one of the men retorted, "We could include her with the package." 

 Overwhelmed by fear and desperation, tears streamed down my face as I pleaded, "Please, let me go." My voice sounded hoarse and strained. 

However, disregarding my pleas, the man in charge asserted, "She's awake, we can't take any chances. You, finish her off." 

As one of them approached me, he leaned in closer, revealing his dark brown complexion and a beard. His appearance suggested he was in his forties. Suddenly, my nightmare took a horrifying turn as he swiftly retrieved a knife and ruthlessly thrust it into my abdomen. The pain pierced through me, feeling all too real. But then, I abruptly woke up, my hand instinctively reaching for my abdomen. To my immense relief, there was no wound, no blood staining my clothes. My breathing was rapid, and my body drenched in sweat from the intensity of the nightmare. Glancing at my phone, I noted the time: 3:11 a.m. 

Seeking solace and distraction, I decided to listen to a few songs before attempting to sleep again, hoping to escape the haunting images that had plagued my subconscious. 

While rummaging through my closet, my mother inquired, "What are you searching for?" 

 I replied, "The saree we bought for your anniversary." In an unexpected turn of events, she swiftly moved past me and effortlessly retrieved the saree from the first shelf. How on earth did she manage to find it? I had been searching for that saree on that very shelf for nearly 15 minutes. 

It was the same saree I had chosen specifically for my mother. Now, it seemed like it was coming to my aid. Determined to wear it for the reception, I admired its beauty. The saree boasted a stunning metallic gold color, adorned with intricate black embroidery designs around the corners. I had always been fond of the combination of black and gold, or even silver and gold, and this saree perfectly embodied that elegant fusion. 

However, a new challenge arose as I realized that I hadn't stitched a blouse specifically for the saree. Nevertheless, I was accustomed to finding creative solutions for such problems. Then it struck me—I had a full-sleeved black crop tee that would fit me perfectly and complement the saree. 

Feeling relieved, I set my sights on getting ready in time. My friends, Deepa and Nethra, had mentioned they would arrive at 6 p.m., leaving me with only 30 minutes to drape the saree. Glancing at the clock, I noted that it was already 4:15 p.m. Realizing I had to start immediately, I swiftly began the preparations. To style my hair, I opted for a French braid, a choice that would add an elegant touch to my overall look.

The reception was held at Prince Hotel, and I managed to arrive promptly at 5:54 p.m., riding my scooter. As I waited at the entrance for Deepa and Nethra, a familiar whisper reached my ears once more, pleading, "Help me."

 I turned my gaze towards the source and saw a schoolgirl standing across the road. Just as a car passed by, she mysteriously vanished from sight. Feeling unsettled, I suddenly felt an arm on my shoulder, causing me to gasp in surprise. 

It was Deepa, reassuring me of her presence and dispelling the lingering unease. Deepa looked stunning in her Indian red-colored saree, which shimmered and accentuated her skin tone beautifully. The vibrant hue added a touch of elegance to her overall appearance. 

Nethra, on the other hand, opted for a dark navy blue saree with a silver blouse, a combination that effortlessly highlighted her skin tone. Her complexion was radiant, and her skin exuded a natural glow. 

As we entered the venue located on the first floor, we immersed ourselves in the joyous atmosphere. We took numerous photos, capturing the memories of the special day. It was a wonderful occasion that brought together half of our class. Kavitha's wedding had unexpectedly turned into an impromptu college reunion. It was heartwarming to see everyone grown and matured, with some having already embarked on the journey of marriage, while others had come with their children. The gathering was filled with happiness and a sense of contentment as we celebrated this significant milestone together.

 I received a call from Rani amidst the loud music playing in the reception hall. To hear her better, I stepped outside and answered, "Hi, I'm at the reception. I'll call you later." 

However, she responded swiftly, saying, "No need, just check the message I sent you. It contains job offers from a company."

 I acknowledged her message with a simple "okay" before she ended the call. 

Now standing alone in the corridor, I realized there was nobody around, providing me a moment of solitude to review the job offers Rani had mentioned. At the end of the corridor, I noticed two elevators, and just as I turned my attention towards them, one of the elevator doors opened. To my astonishment, the same girl from before stood inside, raising both her arms and pleading, "Help us." 

Intrigued yet cautious, I questioned her, "Why do you need my help?" However, before I could receive an answer, the elevator doors closed abruptly. Filled with a sense of urgency, I hurriedly rushed towards the elevators, attempting to catch the one she was in, but my efforts were in vain.

 I watched the elevator display screen, revealing that it was descending to the ground floor. As the other elevator door opened, I hesitated, realizing that it might not be a wise decision to step into an elevator under the current circumstances. The memory of the unsettling encounters with the girl made me reluctant to risk being trapped in the same confined space with her.

 Assessing the situation, I decided it was best to avoid entering the elevator and seek an alternative route or method to reach my destination, mindful of the potential risks involved. Descending the stairs, I found myself surrounded by parked cars. 

As I continued my descent, a sound of sobbing reached my ears, seemingly emanating from behind a car nearby. My heart raced with nervous anticipation as I approached cautiously. Uncertain of what I was about to witness, I took slow and deliberate steps. Finally, standing just a step away, I braced myself and leaned forward to see, only to find an empty space void of any signs of human presence. 

The silence that followed prompted a relieved sigh to escape my lips, though a lingering sense of unease still remained. While standing next to the car, a peculiar sound caught my attention. It seemed as though something had fallen nearby. I noticed a door nearby, and the sound appeared to be originating from behind it. 

Curiosity getting the better of me, I approached the door and discovered that it was unlocked. Opening it slowly, I found myself in a room filled with various items—a storage room of sorts.

 Suddenly, from behind me, I heard another sound. Startled, I swiftly turned around, only to find that the door I had entered through was now closed, firmly locked, trapping me inside the room. "Hello! Can anyone hear me? I'm trapped in here! Please open the door!"

 I shouted with desperation, hoping for a response, but the silence persisted. In my distress, I attempted to reach out to Deepa for help, only to find her line busy. I then dialed Nethra's number, and although it rang, she didn't answer. Frustration and anxiety overwhelmed me as I realized the gravity of the situation. 

Driven by a mix of panic and urgency, I turned my attention to the wooden door. It appeared aged and weathered, giving me a glimmer of hope that it might yield to force. Clutching my saree tightly, I mustered all my strength and aimed a kick at the door. Unfortunately, my impulsive action proved to be a mistake. The door remained immovable, and I ended up hurting my leg in the process, adding physical pain to the already distressing situation. 

 As a sense of suffocation filled the room, making it increasingly difficult to breathe, I scanned my surroundings in a desperate attempt to find a solution. The room contained various items such as chairs and vessels, which seemed insignificant in the current predicament. However, determined to find a means of escape, I limped towards a chair, my injured leg causing me considerable pain with every step. 

Just as I reached for the chair, a voice broke the silence, sending a chill down my spine. It was Karthick, standing before me with crossed arms, his attire consisting of a full-sleeved black tee and light blue jeans. His words echoed with a haunting familiarity as he reminded me, "I warned you not to fall for their trick." 

The realization dawned upon me that I had indeed walked into a dangerous situation, one that Karthick had tried to caution me about. "Believe me, I'm not the type to willingly pursue encounters with ghosts, but I had this strange dream. It felt connected to her, like she was reaching out for help," I explained, my voice filled with a mix of uncertainty and sincerity.

 However, Karthick seemed dismissive of my words, flashing a smile as he remarked, "Well, she's dead now. She no longer requires your assistance." 

 Feeling a mix of frustration and determination, I urged him, "Open the door. Let me out of here."

 Yet, as a gust of wind passed through, he vanished once again, leaving me exasperated. "Hey, where did you go?"

 I voiced my annoyance, longing for answers and a way to escape the confining room. "Tell me you won't follow her," his voice resonated from the other side of the door. 

 Frustrated and impatient, I shouted back, "This is not a joke! Open the door!" 

 Yet, he persisted, demanding my assurance. "Tell me you won't," he repeated. 

 Irritated, I mustered all my patience and responded, "I won't, alright? Now open the door!"

 Annoyance laced my voice as I tried to convey my urgency. With a hint of amusement in his tone, he retorted, "It would be better if you added the word 'please'." 

 Feeling exasperated, I complied, though begrudgingly, "Please open the door." 

Finally, the door swung open, granting me freedom from the confining room that had held me captive for so long. Relieved and grateful, I stepped out, thankful to be released from the claustrophobic space. 

"Why are you limping?" he inquired, his curiosity evident in his voice. 

 "I kicked the door," I replied matter-of-factly. 

However, instead of offering sympathy or concern, he burst into laughter. Irritated by his insensitive reaction, I shot him a glare, conveying my displeasure. 

 "There's nothing funny about this situation," I remarked sternly, hoping to make him understand the gravity of the ordeal I had just experienced. 

To my surprise, his laughter continued, his grin widening as he composed himself. "I've encountered many humans in my time, but you truly are a fascinating creature," he stated, his amusement still evident. His words, though unexpected, managed to momentarily soften my irritation, and a small smile tugged at the corners of my lips. Despite the lingering unease, his lighthearted perspective offered a glimmer of light in the midst of the darkness. With an exasperated sigh, I rolled my eyes and proceeded towards the elevator, purposefully ignoring his lingering presence.

 As the doors slid open, I stepped inside and pressed the button to my desired floor. To my surprise, when I glanced back, he was still standing where I had left him, his gaze fixed upon me with an unwavering smile. Returning his intense stare, I held my ground, silently challenging him with my own resolute gaze. As the elevator doors began to close, sealing off our encounter, he unexpectedly spoke up, breaking the silence between us. "I'm sorry. You deserve a normal human life," he uttered softly. 

Startled by his apology, I was left momentarily speechless. His words were unexpected, veering from his usual enigmatic behavior. I couldn't quite comprehend the depths of his intentions and motivations, as he consistently surprised me with words that seemed out of character for him.

 Shaking off the confusion, I arrived back at the venue where Deepa and Nethra had left their phones behind as they danced with friends amidst the loud music. Joining in the celebration, we presented our gifts to the newlywed couple and bid our farewells as the festivities continued. 

As I made my way back home, the sky had turned cloudy, and a cool breeze accompanied the fading daylight. The time read 7.49 p.m. Determined to take a shortcut, I found myself on a dimly lit street where the streetlights had been extinguished, presumably due to the turbulent weather.

 The absence of people added to the eerie atmosphere. Suddenly, a thunderclap echoed through the air, causing me to startle. To my surprise, amidst the darkness and the heavy raindrops, I noticed a figure standing motionless in the middle of the street. The sight was unexpected, and it jolted my senses. 

In my state of shock, my grip on the scooter handle weakened, causing the vehicle to skid on the wet road. I lost control and tumbled to the ground, the rain pouring down upon me. Struggling to regain my footing, I battled against the slippery surface, each attempt met with resistance as I fought to stand upright once more. 

Feeling the touch on my shoulder, I startled and quickly rose to my feet, my body still damp from the rain. Disoriented and unsure of where to go, I began walking aimlessly, allowing my footsteps to guide me through the downpour. For what seemed like an eternity, I continued on this path, rain relentlessly soaking me to the bone. Eventually, I stumbled upon a local bar, its dimly lit interior offering some respite from the storm outside. 

The air inside was heavy with the mingling scents of alcohol, greasy fried foods, and lingering cigarette smoke. A cacophony of music and chatter filled the space as I made my way towards the only available table, situated in the far right corner of the room. 

Seated at the table were two men engrossed in their drinks, facing each other in conversation. With my voice hoarse from the elements, I mustered the strength to speak, breaking the ambient noise of the bar. "Hey, where are they?" I inquired, seeking answers from the inebriated man before me. 

Slowly, he raised his head, his gaze meeting mine. It was the very same man who had appeared in my unsettling dream. In a fit of desperation and anger, I grabbed the man's hair tightly, forcefully driving his face into the table with a resounding thud. Releasing my grip, I observed as he cupped his injured face, blood trickling from his nose. The surrounding noise seemed to fade into silence as I posed my question once more, my voice filled with determination. "Where are they?" 

The other man seated at the table, witnessing the altercation, spoke up in confusion. "Who are you?" 

I ignored his question, focused on my singular purpose. "The one you killed. Now tell me where the other kids are." 

Suddenly, the man who had been standing beside the one I had confronted rose to his feet, his arm raised with intent to strike me. Acting swiftly, I caught his hand with my right hand, while my left hand firmly gripped his neck. With seemingly superhuman strength, I effortlessly lifted him, his futile attempts to free himself evident as he dug his fingers into my hand. In a decisive move, I threw him aside, his body crashing onto the floor. 

Returning my attention to the man with the bleeding face, I awaited his response, determined to uncover the truth. "Now listen," I said sternly, "I won't ask again. Where are the kids?" 

As he clenched his fist, preparing to strike, I swiftly intercepted his punch and held his wrist firmly against the table. In a split second, I grabbed the nearby full alcohol bottle and swung it with force, smashing it onto his head. The bottle shattered upon impact, releasing a sharp sound and scattering broken glass and alcohol in all directions. He recoiled in pain, staggering backward, momentarily stunned by the blow. 

 Seizing the opportunity, I noticed the remaining sharp pieces of the broken bottle still held tightly in my hand. Without hesitation, I drove one of the jagged edges into his thumb, causing him to let out a piercing scream of agony. The pain coursed through his body as blood began to flow from the wound. His resistance waned as he realized the severity of the situation. With a determined yet grim expression on my face, I forcefully withdrew the broken bottle piece from his thumb and drove it back in with even greater force. The sound of his screams echoed in the room as blood splattered, staining the table and dripping onto the floor. The sight of his own blood intensified his fear and desperation, knowing that I was not backing down until I got the information I sought.

 As the man I had thrown earlier regained his senses, he came charging towards me with a knife in his hand, fueled by anger and the desire to protect his companion. In that intense moment, a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins, numbing the pain of the knife piercing my forearm. As I locked eyes with my assailant, a mysterious transformation occurred, an unexplainable power emanating from within me. 

His fierce countenance dissolved into fear, his grip on the knife weakening. Instinctively, I released his hand and swiftly disarmed him, retrieving the bloodless knife. With a newfound determination, I pressed the tip of the knife against his chest, ready to extract the information I sought. Trembling, he revealed the location, his voice quivering with fear, "In a container near the harbor." 

Just as the situation escalated, a voice alerted us to the presence of the police, their arrival imminent. Recognizing the need to escape, I made a quick decision. I released the man, leaving him shocked and frightened, and swiftly made my way towards the back door, disappearing into the night to evade capture.

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