By AJ_tonightat5

6.6K 113 22

A boy destined for greatness is the same boy leading a double life. Perseus Jackson, a boy who wanted to be n... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14

Part 5

460 8 1
By AJ_tonightat5

It was a rough dinner for all of the Jacksons, especially for Sally. Her baby boy was going to be somewhere in Scotland getting a magical education while she stays in The United Kingdom. So far away from her baby boy.

If dinner was rough, breakfast might've broken some hearts. The silence in the car was unbearable, Sally drove because Moody did not dare drive something muggle. The muffled radio only played the morning news, while Perseus was sad to be away from his mother and uncle. He knows that they can be reached by owls. Which will turn out to be a slight challenge, he feels it in his gut.

When they arrived at the parking lot, Percy pushed his suitcases and cage forward with a trolley and into the station. It was grand, Percy and Moody had been here before, of course. Sally sighed as she looked at the trains, all her summer days were spent travelling the UK before she even dared to cross the North Atlantic sea.

It was funny for both Sally and Percy to walk in with a strange man, but they knew it was Moody. They were used to his polyjuice antics.

She put her hand down into Perseus' messy hair, "Let's go find your perron, Percy."

Percy gave her a small smile, "Yes mum."

"Do you have your books, Perce?" Moody asked as they neared perron 9. "The new ones."

"Yes, uncle." He answered, "I like them, they are easier to read."

"That's because the books are in Greek, kid." He explained, "I've asked Albus about it, your brain is hardwired for Greek civilization and such stuff." The man sighed, "I don't even know anymore."

Sally snorted as they reached perron 9. "What now?" She asked as she looked around for their supposed 9 3/4 . A woman with fiery red hair tapped them, "My boys just went through, is this your first kid?" She asked.

Moody turned his head around to face the woman, "Yes, it is hers."

"Uncle, this is a wall. Why are we looking at a wall?" Percy said and looked over with an expression that just asked, 'why?'. His uncle rolled his eyes and walked through the wall. Him and his mother stood besides the fiery headed woman. Jaws on the ground.

"It helps if you take a bit of a run with your luggage."

"Percy." He introduced himself. "First year."

"My boy is also called Percy! My boys are Fred and George!" She gushed, "Fred and George are going to be in your year!"

Percy smiled and nodded. He took a deep breath in and looked at his mom, "I'm going to go."

His mom nodded, "You go kid, I'll join..."

"Molly Weasly!"

"I'll join Miss Weasley here." She said kindly. Percy smiled, and didn't hesitate to run through. He was going to do it at one point if he did not want to miss the train, so why not now?

He raised his eyebrow as he looked at the scenery in front of him, a steam-powered train and many more trolleys pushed by kids in their casual clothes or in their robes. Percy just wore what he wore yesterday. It seemed that he got left alone because of his family crest.

A hand on his shoulder and he nearly elbowed the person who put it on him. "Calm down kid!" His uncle said, "Let's wait for your mother before you board the train." Percy looked behind them and snorted as he saw his mother walk through so casually, chatting with her new friend.

Molly looked around and waved goodbye before she walked over to a set of twins with genetically red hair, she could see her lecturing them. He grinned in amusement. "Don't be laughing, young man." Sally said as she stopped in front of Perseus. "I know that they get in trouble quite a lot, but you get in trouble constantly." She lectured, his smile dropped so fast. "You know that they made arrangements for you due to your lineage! You better listen to them very carefully and not get in trouble. I will personally make sure that Albus will have you clean every nook and cranny of that castle." Perseus paled, from what he's heard, it is a very big castle.

"Yes mum." He resigned, Moody clapped his back and took the trolley from his hands, giving it to some guy.

"Before you leave, you better know that you're not allowed to spend all your money on candies. You remember to share with others because that is how you make friends. Don't cuss! At all! I dare you." Perseus swallowed. "Remember, to have fun. But not too much and not of the kind that'll land you in trouble."

Moody laughed, "Are you done yet?"

"No." Sally said and pulled her son in for a hug. Eventually she pulled away and kissed his forehead, "Now leave before I can't let you go again. You have your money?"

"I have my money." Percy repeated, "Do you have your money?"

"I have my money." Sally confirmed with a roll of the eyes, "Stay safe."

"I'll try." Percy said and smiled before he turned around to get into the train. Before he stepped on, the set of twins walked over to him. "Look like she gave you an earful eh?"

Percy laughed, "She means well."

"Mine too, but I'm sure that half of my brain needs a day to process." One said, "I'm George." and the other said, "I'm Fred."

"Perseus." He introduced himself. "Your mum just became best friends with mine, I think." He said and they turned around to look at them through the glass window. The two were chatting while his uncle stood besides them a bit awkwardly.

"That means we're-"

"-going to be best pals." The twins finish each other's sentences and Percy snickered. They pulled him into a compartment.

He sat on the couch and put his leather bag aside. His shoulder scar fired up as if someone was pinching him. He waved at his mother and his uncle. "The twins were looking at him with squinting eyes.

"You know, he looks like he has potential." George said.

Fred nodded, "You saw how his mother had lectured him."

George shuddered, "It's even worse than our mum." The twins nodded at each other and grinned at Percy.

Percy grinned back, "So what are we going to do?" George and Fred clapped their hands simultaneously and rubbed it back and forth. George reached into his bag and pulled out a carton of candy. Fred shook his head and George put it back, continuing to rummage.

George then pulled out two masks and Fred nodded, "Perfect." The two high fived and grinned. "Our brother, Percy. He is in his third year, so he's probably off somewhere with his friends."

"So naturally, we have to prank him." George continued.

Percy grinned but it fell as soon as his stomach growled loudly. "Can we eat first?" He asked, "If there is something from the trolley you want, let me know." He said. The Weasley's look at each other and smiled.

"We'll take Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans." Fred said with a smile, "Have you had them before?"

Perseus shook his head, "Don't think so." He had tried to walk into the candy store but Moody quickly pulled him away from it, saying that it wasn't good for him. Perseus knows it is because Moody knows about the sugar rush it gives him, and he was the only one there to supervise Perseus, thus making him responsible for Perseus.

The three talked a bit more until the trolley passed and they bought a bunch of candy. Perseus was traumatised as he only got one good flavour. It was very annoying and disgusting. He had gotten socks, dirty socks and dog food.

The twins were laughing with each flavour. When the time finally came, Fred closed the curtains and George went out exploring and trying to find out where their brother sat. When he got back, he told Perseus exactly where to go exactly and put the mask on over their heads.

Their compartment was dark and the only thing Percy could see were the glowing eyes of the charmed masks. He snickered before walking through the halls and he faked being out of breath.

He knocked on the compartment hurryingly before opening it, "Are you Percy Weasley?" He asked, panic was painted across his face.

The concerned ginger stood up, "Are you all right?" He asked.

Perseus shook his head, "It's Fred and George!" He exclaimed, "You must help them!" He said and started running back towards their compartment. Sure, he felt a bit guilty about pranking someone he doesn't know, yet.

He sped up a bit after he heard the running of Percy Weasley. He ran into the dark compartment and Percy ran in after him. On cue, Perseus waved his wand and whispered a spell that closed the door behind him.

Suddenly eyes glowed from in front of Weasley, and eyes glowed over his shoulder. "Boo." Fred whispered and Percy yelped. The wizard was so scared that his wand flew out of his hands.

Perseus snorted and George opened the curtains as he was closest to it. Fred was kicking the ground as he laughed. George had a small smile on his face. "Blimey, you should've seen your face!"

"I'm so sorry." Perseus apologised as he sat back down. He could see faces looking through the glass door.

Percy straightened his robes and glared at his little brothers, "They most likely put you up for this. Don't apologise..."

"Perseus." He introduced himself, Percy shook Perseus' hands and nodded before walking out.

The twins grinned at Perseus. "Staying on his good side, eh?" Fred asked.

George clicked his tongue, "It was a bit cruel innit?"

Perseus cringed, "Just a tad bit." He admitted.


The train stopped and Perseus sat with the twins on the boat. They were so much fun, he actually thought that he was going to read a book for the whole trip. Hagrid looked like he had an eye out for him.

He put a hand in the water as the boats rowed itself in the direction of the majestic castle. He gulped, and decided to never get in trouble ever again. That was one big castle to clean if he ever did.

He looked down in the pitch black water, "You know they rumoured that a kraken lives in the water." Fred said with her most eerie voice. Percy didn't feel nervous, he felt fine. The energy he got from putting his hand in the water was one of the things he first could explain after he was revealed of his lineage.

Of course, he put his head down in their pond at the back of the house after dinner. He never believed he could breathe underwater until he tried that day. He actually had a conversation with the fish in the back. He gave them crumbs of bread, and they were quite hungry.

Something slimy touched his hand and his eyes widened, trying to not make any noise as he looked down at his hand, 'I'm actually a giant squid, Archie!.' A voice said in his head, it was high pitched but definitely male.

Perseus raised his head, "I'm hoping that the kraken doesn't kill humans." He said to Fred, who did not notice his distress.

'I'd never! You guys feed me!' The voice said, 'I got to go, little lord.'

Perseus frowned, little lord? He had never heard that before. The slime that touched his hand disappeared and Percy let out a breath of relief, he is glad that he wasn't eaten by the giant squid.

He hopes that he can make up for judging him so soon.

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