Ángel de la muerte

By SriparnaDas7

5.4K 117 14

Angel of death is what people calls her..... Being the only sister of 4 brothers... and only daughter of a si... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
The Russos
chapter 19
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
new story!!
new chapter incoming
chapter 29
chapter 30

chapter 20

104 2 0
By SriparnaDas7

Jennie Crystal Romano

I just received a call from Ace saying we have a traitor. Well I caught him before he told me. It's been an hour in the flight. I am in my office in the plane. I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in." I shouted. Arensio entered.

"Ma'am, You know my girlfriend. Viktor kidnapped her. And is saying that if I don't take you there then he will kill her." He said

"I didn't think you would forget your vows so fast. 'Mafia before love, Leader before life, Mafia before life, Once in the only way out is die.' was your vow since you forgot. And here you are to kidnap me." I said as he looked down "But since you are one of my most trusted aid and anylist give me a solution." I added as I know he has a solution. His eyes lit up

"Well, I will tell him to tie the knot at the sides of your wrist. So, you can open it. There will be a weapons table right behind you. My girlfriend will be in the same room so you can kill Viktor and get her and your sister as well." He said. See I know my people.

"Great, I'll get some sleep and you can take me to him." I told him

After doing some paperwork it was finally time for us to land. We landed and as soon as I got in the car a tracker was placed inside me that can't be detected with any scanner. After thet we reached at the mansion. I nodded towards Arensio and we both started fake fighting then he placed a cloth with chloroform in it and pressed it on my face as I pretended to faint. I am a great actor.

Time skip...

"Oh, you're up finally." Viktor said as he picked up a sharp knife and coming towards me. I looked around and saw Arensio was not there nor was his girlfriend or Emilia.

"Your family and Arensio both betrayed you and so did your fiance. So, how do you feel?" He said. No, it can't be. I tried undoing the ties at my wrist but failed. They betrayed me. No.

"We had to use three doses of sedation to make you unconscious. How did you train to take in soo much sedation?" He asked

"You would have gained that ability too but you are too weak for that." I said which gained me a deep cut on my stomach. I didn't react but just closed my eyes for a moment

"Speak respectfully." He took a gun and shot me on my shoulder I hissed in pain.

If they betrayed me I don't have anyone to worry about. Dad told me the method of undoing a tie in front. I never tried it though. He kept on giving me cuts but they were not deep enough to leave a scar. He didn't hurt my face.

10 days...

It's been 10 days they didn't find me. I observed the pattern of the times he comes in. He always sent me 2 meals a day. Enough so I don't die. I tried opening the ties daily. But it didn't open. Emilia's wedding already passed they enjoyed it. Viktor showed me videos of it.

He came inside.

"Ok, I can't wait anymore. Once I am done with you the others will have turns with you. And if you want you can give up and become my queen." He said coming towards me while opening his shirt.

Ok this is the last time I am trying.

Fuckkk!!! It opened!

As he was right infront of me I threw a punch towards his lower stomach. By the time he recovered I was done undoing the ties at my legs and threw a roundhouse kick hitting his face. He threw up blood.

He threw a uppercut but I dodged it but at the same time he threw a jab at my face. It reasulted the right side of my lips to bust. After sometime I finally defeated him. At that moment the door swung opened at Ace was standing there with his gun held up. He immediately ran towards me. As soon as he was near me I don't know how but I felt ineffable peace and comfort and everything went black.

To be continued...

Ok so the next chapter will be about what happened there while Jennie was here. So, get ready.


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