A Reoccurring Lapse in Judgem...


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White Lily Cookie, a lost, misguided, megalomanic, flower girl who just wanted knowledge. After the Dark Flou... Еще

"Am I awake...?"
"It has been a long time"
"A cold, and solemn lapse in judgement"
"Oh my! Are you okay?!"
"I'll crumble you into shredded crumbs!"

"Is it right to do wrong when the time is right?"

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The positivity in the room was growing swiftly. Though by now, it was night, yet again. Timekeeper Cookie had eaten her malasadas, yet helped serve dinner to them. Golden Cheese Cookie ate what she was given, a Vanillian Fruit Salad. White Lily Cookie and others were served it. White Lily Cookie ate, feeling energetic, yet tired. She noticed Golden Cheese Cookie getting tired, along with Pure Vanilla and Black Raisin Cookie leaving her in the recovery room. Timekeeper Cookie looked at White Lily Cookie, and felt sad as she looked at her, still thinking of what happened mere moments ago.

Timekeeper: I can't believe that Dragon would say that to us. We are more than that, you know?

White Lily: I know, but I am more annoyed than hurt from it.

Timekeeper: I hope you are ok at least.

White Lily: I am. I'm just gonna rest now.

Timekeeper: Why rest though? It's just night.

White Lily: Because I need a beauty rest. 

Timekeeper: You look beautiful enough, stay up.

White Lily: What do you mean by that?

Timekeeper: We can play cards, go on a walk, explore the area, or...maybe make more food?

White Lily: Maybe we can plan for something I have yet to tell the others...

Timekeeper: Which is?

White Lily: A plan to destroy my other half.

Timekeeper: Let us do that, as I have nothing better to do.

The two talked about a plan, and went through with the beginning, inviting White Lily Cookie's two other friends, Dark Cacao and Hollyberry Cookie. They then planned on how they would get to the land of Beast-Yeast without Timekeeper Cookie damaging White Lily Cookie with her rifts. They struggled on that for a long time before deciding to skip it and plot on how to attack anything from Dark Enchantress Cookie's army. They decided a fatal approach should be taken for it. They then decided on if any outer forces shoulder be in, or citizens. Out of White Lily Cookie's demand, she told Timekeeper Cookie that Vanillians and Golden Cheesians are out, so Hollyberrians and Dark Cacao Warriors were to be taken. Soon enough, Timekeeper Cookie got tired of the talking and fell forward, asleep. White Lily Cookie attempted to awaken her, but she was just used as a pillow at most, a shaky, angry pillow. She soon stopped resisting and just let her lay in her arms. She was still angry with her falling asleep on her though. She fell asleep, and plotted out more while she dreamed. In the background, Cream Unicorn Cookie was staring at the dream with utter fear.

Cream Unicorn: So much death and violence! Why is that cookie ripping out another's insides! Oh, different dream, different dream!

By morning, the smell of fresh vanilla, chocolate, and juice, had filled the rooms. White Lily Cookie leaned up, and yawned. Looking around, she saw no one. Not a single crumb in the area. She prepared herself by brushing her hair with a thorny, yet stiff, tendril. She then dressed herself in a fresh, large leaf, and went outside. She was met with her friends, and a single army, all eating together. She also saw Timekeeper Cookie being tossed by Dark Cacao and Hollyberry Cookie, as if she were a ball.

White Lily: What is going on?

Timekeeper: Well, Dark Cacao Cookie got the letter, along with Hollyberry Cookie-wooh!

She was thrown.

Timekeeper: Dark Cacao Cookie was able to bring an army, but Hollyberry Cookie said she could do it with Tarte Tatin-ah!

She was thrown again.

Timekeeper: Royal Margarine, Pitaya Dragon, Snapdragon, and Wildberry Cookie by her side-Woah!

And yet again, she was thrown, she was getting dizzy.

White Lily: And why exactly are you being thrown?

Hollyberry: She said she wanted to be thrown, and we obliged.

Dark Cacao: Who is "we"? I was forced into this by him!

Pure Vanilla: No you weren't, you were persuaded.

Dark Cacao: You threatened to take my First Watcher.

Pure Vanilla: And?

Dark Cacao: I am not letting you have one of my leaders.

Pure Vanilla: Not like she isn't here already!

Dark Cacao: You said you would feed her sweets.

Hollyberry: What's so bad about that?

Dark Cacao: Look at my foot soldier!

Crunchy Chip Cookie was eating a raspberry cake.

Dark Cacao: Crunchy Chip Cookie!

Crunchy Chip: Ah! Sorry sir, I was tempted!

Dark Cacao: Get away from that!

Wildberry: Let him have it, he'll be energized.

Dark Cacao: And hopping around as if he were Eggnog Cookie? Definitely not!

Wildberry: He won't hop around, that's a myth.

Hollyberry: Can confirm, I never hop around.

Dark Cacao Cookie caught Timekeeper Cookie and threw her, this time, at the cake. Wildberry Cookie was slightly surprised, yet Crunchy Chip Cookie was unfazed.

Crunchy Chip: When the king has an order, it is best to follow it.

Wildberry: Is she ok?

Timekeeper Cookie was dizzy and covered in cake. Caramel Arrow Cookie helped her up.

Caramel Arrow: Sir, might I request that you not throw the citizens?

Timekeeper: I'm not a citizen, I am a soldier!

Caramel Arrow: Likely story, miss.

Timekeeper: Lily, tell her I'm a soldier!

White Lily: You're medic.

Timekeeper: What?! Leave that to Pure Vanilla Cookie! I don't wanna be a pathetic healer!

Pure Vanilla: Offense and shade have been taken...

Black Raisin: Shots fired...

Dark Cacao: It's the truth, so she isn't half wrong-agh!

Hollyberry Cookie had hit him with her shield.

Hollyberry: Be considerate! It isn't that hard!

Dark Cacao: It isn't, but honesty is better. I hate liars.

White Lily: So does that mean you're not angry with me anymore?

Dark Cacao: You will be tolerated for now, until Dark Enchantress Cookie is gone, then you might stand a chance.

White Lily: I can still assist with that. Also, yes, Timekeeper Cookie is soldiering, just so she doesn't bother me later.

Timekeeper: Yay! Now I can see how great I am in combat! Let's go now!

White Lily: Wait, don't-

Timekeeper Cookie had opened a rift so large and strong, that it pulled the entire army, and others in. They all ended up crashing on either the ground, or another cookie. Pitaya Dragon Cookie was pissed about that. They got up, grabbed Timekeeper Cookie, and threw her at a tree, the tree in particular broke. The Ancients and soldiers got up, looking around the land of Beast Yeast. They were immediately stared at by the fauna, Cake Hounds. The Cake Hounds barked loudly and went on the offense. These regional forms of Cake Hounds were a lot harder, and stronger than regular Cake Hounds, they were red, shiny and glistening, burning with fire only comparable to where the Mala Tribe reside, and fur as strong as the Dark Cacao Kingdom's Walls. The soldiers were now fighting to, but with one attack, it swept the Cake Hounds. Dark Cacao Cookie plunged his sword into the ground, and split it, caused purple lightning to strike the Cake Hounds to a crisp.

Caramel Arrow: My bow didn't do anything but knock them  back!

Black Raisin: My ravens couldn't pierce them.

Dark Cacao: Well clearly blunt force isn't working! We need elemental attacks!

Golden Cheese: Elemental attacks?! Only you, White Lily Cookie, and I have those! My light spears take forever to recharge on!

Dark Cacao: Hmm...Crunchy Chip Cookie and your friend, you both be in the front! One of you can stall with the wolves, and the other can stun! Dragon whom is of a name I have no knowledge of, you stay in the front because you can handle it, yet you will stand beside me and Hollyberry Cookie. Golden Cheese, Pure Vanilla, raven girl, Caramel Arrow, and White Lily Cookie, you stay in the back!

Timekeeper: What about me?

Black Raisin: Jerk called me raven girl...

Dark Cacao: You be in the middle, do whatever you can.

Pitaya: Now who sssaid you can order me around?

Dark Cacao: I've defeated two dragons long ago with this very sword, I am not afraid to add a third to it.

Pitaya: Oh really? Well then-

Hollyberry: Remember the deal, we aren't done until this war is done!

Pitaya: ...Ugh, sssstupid deal. Let'ssss get it over with sssso I can ssshow thissss Cookie how a Real Dragon fightsssss!

Hollyberry: I doubt you'll come out the same way you do when we fight.

Pitaya: We sssshall ssssee ssssoon.

Dark Cacao: Enough word play, let's get this over with! Cookies, are you ready?

The Dark Cacao Army roared in readiness. White Lily and Pure Vanilla Cookie facepalmed.

Pure Vanilla: Are you sure we can't talk with her-

The Cookies were running off with Dark Cacao Cookie, ready to fight...except Pure Vanilla and White Lily Cookie, one was still feeling pacifistic, and the other was just worried about what would happen after. As they ran, the face of a scarlet cookie stopped them with a mirror full of malice, and more behind her.

Pomegranate: I do not recall master having visitors, explain yourselves.

Dark Cacao: You! You cursed me! I'm here to take your "master" out, and return peace to Earthbread!

Licorice: Pfft! Sounds like malarkey! No one can beat Master Dark Enchantress Cookie!

Poison Mushroom: She is the strongest and nicest...

Golden Cheese: She's a bitch!

Pomegranate: Language, there is a kid here.

Golden Cheese: She's a feminine dog, more of a dog than the one with a hammer.

Licorice: Leave Schwarzwalder alone!

Choco Werehound Brute: I am Choco Werehound Brute! Stop calling me that other name!

Red Velvet: Let's get this over with-oh, I see someone familiar.

Red Velvet Cookie used his crimson hand to pull White Lily Cookie from the back, all the way in front of him.

White Lily: Owww...

Hollyberry: White Lily Cookie!

Pomegranate: Ah, master's feeble form. Let us make haste in getting rid of her.

Red Velvet: Don't, we can let mother take care of it herself. 

He took White Lily Cookie, carrying her away quickly.

Pomegranate: Who does that dog think he is?! I'll deal with him later, for now, we deal with them-

Hollyberry Cookie charged at Pomegranate Cookie and  knocked her back. Licorice Cookie laughed at Pomegranate Cookie getting hurt as he summoned his Licorice Minions and commanded an attack. Poison Mushroom Cookie helped by flinging poisonous shroomies everywhere. The cookies covered their faces and got away from the poison, then went on the attack. Choco Werehound Brute ran in and slammed his hammer down, launching most of the army West.

Caramel Arrow: That thing is strong!

Black Raisin: Aim for the arms, then head!

The two tag teamed Choco Werehound Brute, weakening him a lot, until they both got concussed by his hammer, then punted into Hollyberry Cookie's shield, knocking them out.

Hollyberry: Are you both ok!?

Caramel Arrow: Yep...nice attacks raven lady...

Black Raisin: Nice shot watch...

Caramel Arrow: Watcher...

Black Raisin: I'm just gonna lay down...

Black Raisin Cookie fainted, Caramel Arrow Cookie tried to get back up, but got jumped by Licorice Servants. Golden Cheese Cookie rained spears to stop the Licorice Servants, and a few extra. Licorice Cookie got pissed and started firing purple slashes at Golden Cheese Cookie. Hollyberry Cookie ran in and knocked Licorice Cookie back.

Pomegranate: Pfft, karma.

Licorice: Shut up, woman!

Pomegranate Cookie got on Licorice Cookie.

Licorice: Aye, get off!

Dark Cacao: What is that!? What are they doing!? Don't be what I think it is!

Pomegranate Cookie bit off one of Licorice Cookie's eyes and swallowed it, leaving Licorice Cookie panicking as she got off of him.

Pomegranate: Don't piss me off, or you'll end up like him.

One giant step back was taken by most of the other Cookies, right into Choco Werehound Brute's hammer, where the rest of the army got launched West.

Timekeeper: I thought licking eyes was slightly weird, even though I was part of it, but she ate the eye!

Pure Vanilla: White Lily Cookie levels of actions...ewwww!

Golden Cheese: Kill her!

Poison Mushroom: Noo...don't hurt Mrs. Pomegranate Cookie...she's just defending herself...

Golden Cheese Cookie gripped Poison Mushroom Cookie's neck, and threw them.

Poison Mushroom: Ahhhh... *thud*

Pomegranate: Go take a break, I think your fighting is over.

Poison Mushroom: Yes ma'am...come on Licorice Cookie...

Licorice: She ate my eye! I will get you for this! Owwww!

Crunchy Chip: Cream Wolves, get her!

The Cream Wolves charged at Pomegranate Cookie, who ran off knowing she can't handle that. Choco Werehound Brute followed behind.

Wildberry: Did not expect that...

Crunchy Chip: Of course it worked, my soldiers are the best!

Snapdragon: Bwaaa!

Crunchy Chip: What is that?!

Tarte Tatin: Snapdragon Cookie, don't trust it, it's evil...

Hollyberry: It's a baby, let them help for now!

Tarte Tatin: I don't trust it still! Dragons are as risky as suspicious juice!

Pitaya: Issss that a compliment?

Tarte Tatin: Take it as you want.

Golden Cheese: We still have a cookie missing, can we go!?

Royal Margarine: Whatever you say, golden momma.

He did a lip bite, and got slapped for his attempt.

Golden Cheese: Whoever brought him, you need to pick better!

Hollyberry: My fault, but he's good, don't let his actions dissuade you from it.

Golden Cheese: Sure...

Pure Vanilla: Give him a chance later, let's continue on this-oh come on...

A large group of Cake Hounds came over, Pomegranate Cookie and Choco Werehound Brute beside them.

Pomegranate: I guess your Cake Hound mind was useful after all, now command them to seize them!

Choco Werehound Brute: Get them!

The Cake Hounds obeyed and charged at the group. Snapdragon and Royal Margarine Cookie panicked at the sight of the moshpit of Cake Hounds. Timekeeper Cookie was too nervous to do anything but try and support with words of encouragement.

Timekeeper: You guys have this!

Golden Cheese: Let's just try to get out of this in one piece.

Pure Vanilla: I'll be sure that happens! 

Tarte Tatin: I have very little trust in that statement, but I hope it is true.

Black Raisin Cookie got up, feeling ready to fight. The Watcher was still tired, so she stood down and used her now for range. Either way, the outcome is going to likely end in pain. With Red Velvet Cookie, he had brought White Lily Cookie to Dark Enchantress Cookie. The two looked at each other, one with a glaring smile, the other with a look of fear.

Dark Enchantress: My, my, I remember when I looked so young, yet frail. How did you get here exactly? Are you just lost magic?

White Lily: I don't know, I just know I woke up in a forest...

Dark Enchantress: Wandering magic maybe? Hm, maybe it's...ah, my Soul Jam. That could be the cause.

White Lily: Oh no, I need this.

Dark Enchantress: Well it was mine, and still is. With it, I will-

White Lily: Try to kill the witches, reset the world to your liking, yada, yada. This is literally the thing I remember last I saw you, just after you got beaten by a healer.

Dark Enchantress: He used a spell that you or your friends could handle!

White Lily: Fair enough.

Dark Enchantress Cookie went at White Lily Cookie for the Soul Jam, which she was not giving up easily. Red Velvet Cookie stepped in and stunned White Lily Cookie long enough for Dark Enchantress Cookie to grab the Soul Jam from the staff.

White Lily: Let that go! You have no idea of what you are doing! 

Dark Enchantress: I do know what I am doing, and I'm going to do it!

White Lily: Oh come on, me! This is wrong!

Dark Enchantress: Is it right to do wrong when the time is right? Perhaps it's wrong to do the right thing in a good time.

White Lily: You plan on murdering innocent Cookies!

Dark Enchantress: Collateral damage in my grand plan!

White Lily: Not an ounce of remorse.

Dark Enchantress: They'll be fine in my new world!

She harnessed the energy of the Soul Jam,darkening it, and weakening White Lily Cookie heavily, making her wilt.

Dark Enchantress: Out with the old, and in with the new. The reign of Dark Enchantress Cookie is nigh!

White Lily Cookie fell, her vision fully blurring as she lost conscience. Dark Enchantress Cookie lead Red Velvet Cookie out, and looked over the battle field, blasting malice at Dark Cacao Cookie, corrupting him yet again, but worse.

Hollyberry: Dark Cacao Cookie!

Caramel Arrow: Don't go near him, he's been corrupted-

The Roar of the King paralyzed Hollyberry Cookie in fear, stunning her.

Pomegranate: Oohh, I did that to him, his Soul Jam is so hard to corrupt, but when it is, heheh, the damage is heavy.

Golden Cheese: Turn him back, witch!

Dark Enchantress: I don't think I like the tone of your voice.

She shot Golden Cheese Cookie is the skull, shattering it. She took her Soul Jam and got stronger. Pure Vanilla Cookie looked at the body of his fallen friend.

Dark Enchantress: I think I'll remove you all, then make my world! 

She fired a beam into the air that rained cake, crumbling most of Dark Cacao Cookie's army. Berserk Dark Cacao Cookie was fighting Hollyberry, Snapdragon, Tarte Tatin, Royal Margarine, Pitaya Dragon, and Wildberry Cookie.

Pitaya: Take thissss!

They turned into the Reddish-Green Dragon and blasted fire at Berserk Dark Cacao Cookie. He used his master swordsmanship and slashed Pitaya Dragon Cookie twice, knocking them back, and weakening them heavily.

Tarte Tatin: Did he just weaken a dragon that easily?!

Hollyberry: Dark Cacao Cookie's Soul Jam energy is the strongest between us five, and that combined with his state as of now is a deadly combination.

Royal Margarine: Have a bit of poison then, so-called "king"!

He commanded his wyvern, Buttercream, to fire their poisonous breath at him. Snapdragon Cookie was dancing and boosting however they could. 

Tarte Tatin: Take this, soldier king!

She fired two blasts from her cannon at Berserk Dark Cacao Cookie's head, knocking him down. Pitaya Dragon Cookie got up, flew in, grabbing Wildberry Cookie in the process, and throwing him at the berserk king. With that single rocket propelled downward shot, he punched the corruption out of Dark Cacao Cookie.

Tarte Tatin: That worked!?

Pitaya: Never underessssstimate me, Cookie! I have too much experience in battle!

Dark Enchantress: Bah! Not enough to remember to pay attention!

She flew in and jabbed her staff into Pitaya Dragon Cookie's chest. They fell down as they lost jam.

Snapdragon: Patay...

Dark Enchantress Cookie flew over to Snapdragon Cookie and threw them to Pomegranate Cookie.

Dark Enchantress: That's yours, raise it as a weapon or don't.

Pomegranate: I'll just give this to someone then...

she stated at Snapdragon Cookie with a confused look as she walked off from the battlefield.

Snapdragon: Waaa!

Hollyberry: Give that dragon back!

Dark Enchantress: You can have this dragon.

She threw Pitaya Dragon Cookie at Hollyberry Cookie, which she shielded.

Hollyberry: You monster!

Dark Enchantress: Your determination never ceases to amaze me, yet it also never ceases to not piss me off.

Hollyberry: I fight for justice, Dark Enchantress Cookie, and what you are doing is what I fight against!

Dark Enchantress: Don't you wish for a world where your grandkids can grow up without the risk of being eaten by witches? Maybe a world where fighting is only for fun, and no war with cakes. A world where no one hates the other. Isn't that what you also want?

Hollyberry: What I want doesn't matter, it's others that matter!

Dark Enchantress: What if you had no others? What if you were just left alone, the quiet and disliked one? Maybe the one who has lost her friends perhaps?

She struck Tarte Tatin and Royal Margarine Cookie with giant pieces of cake. Buttercream the queen tried to move Royal Margarine Cookie hopelessly.

Dark Enchantress: What if you just made one mistake that caused you to lose your friends?

She crumbled the two with cake, leaving the wyvern alone.

Wildberry: Your deeds are atrocious, and I will not let that pass.

Dark Enchantress: Ah, the street miscreant, one taken in and raised so dearly. What if he was gone?

She summoned multiple cake arms, the main one grabbed Wildberry Cookie and put him in front of Hollyberry Cookie.

Pure Vanilla: Don't do this! You still can make this right, just return the Soul Jam and maybe we can make that world without having the destroy this one!

Dark Enchantress: No one asked you, sir down and die you healer!

She used a cake arm, grabbed Pure Vanilla Cookie by the head, and jammed the fingers into both of his eyes, making him scream. Hollyberry Cookie charged at Dark Enchantress Cookie, trying to stop her to the best of her ability, but was stabbed with a knife...Red Velvet Cookie's knife.

Red Velvet: Why do you even try, this is pointless.

Dark Enchantress: They don't take shortcuts, and I like that. So I shall honor them by not taking a shortcut right now.

She used a single cake arm to rip off each of Wildberry and Pure Vanilla Cookie's limbs until she got to their heads. Dark Cacao Cookie was just getting up after his corruption and looked around. He saw the destruction and started losing his mind again.

Hollyberry: How dare you...it's one thing to go after me, then my friends, but now you went after my adoptive son?!

Dark Enchantress: He's not even yours, why would you even care? 

Hollyberry: Because now you just made this personal!

She grabbed Red Velvet Cookie, threw him on the ground, and stomped on his chest, popping his heart and lungs.

Dark Enchantress: You snapped...and killed my adoptive oven son?! Out of all the times you could have snapped, you did it now?!

The momma bears are pissed. Dark Cacao Cookie went over to the cake arms, and chopped them, freeing Wildberry and Pure Vanilla Cookie.

 Dark Enchantress: Agh! Why you- I'll crumble you both into dirty little stains!

Hollyberry: Not without a fight!

Dark Cacao: You will be exterminated!

Caramel Arrow Cookie shot two arrows at Dark Enchantress Cookie, but she grabbed them, and threw them back, hitting Caramel Arrow and Black Raisin Cookie in the skull. They were gone. Timekeeper Cookie by this point was panicking, she was not in a calm enough state to rift away, nor was she able to go through timelines. It was until she panicked into Choco Werehound Brute.

Timekeeper: Umm...nice doggy...

Choco Werehound Brute bashed Timekeeper Cookie, blurring her vision. As he was about to swing, she swift rifted behind him, removing the center of Choco Werehound Brute's body, and killing him. She had used her distance move, and remembered her magic candy. She looked up and saw what was happening, then looking at her candy, and knowing what she must do. She gathered her courage, and started walking. She was not going to be able to avoid anything, so she had to time herself properly. She saw Buttercream, and got an idea.

Dark Enchantress: Why.

She grabbed them with cake arms.

Dark Enchantress: Won't.

She crushed them.

Dark Enchantress: You.

Then slammed them.

Dark Enchantress: Give.

She threw them.

Dark Enchantress: Up?!

Hollyberry and Dark Cacao Cookie crashed near a ravine, a steep ravine that would shatter them if they were to fall from it. Crunchy Chip Cookie ran over with his Cream Wolves, and were blasted. The wolves didn't survive, and Crunchy Chip Cookie was knocked out.

Dark Enchantress: How do you manage to push through this all, and not want to give up?! It won't even be a shortcut, but it will be if you persist!

Dark Cacao: A warrior never surrenders to their enemy, especially when the enemy is doing this!

Hollyberry: If I am going to lose my boy, I'm going to be sure I at least fought to keep him here.

Dark Enchantress: I can't...you both are too good. I need to get this over with before I end up sparing you. Because I refuse to let this entire batthe be for nothing!

She shattered the ground near the ravine, yet they both held on to a hanging rock.

Dark Enchantress: Just die already!

She fell silent, and started coughing jam. She fell down and coughed more as she wondered what had just happened. Then she saw someone yellow.

Timekeeper: Looking for something?

She was holding her heart. Dark Enchantress laughed jam out, knowing she can't handle much more.

Dark Enchantress: This all really was for nothing...hahah...oh well...I'll be back soon enough...and my goal will be gained! d

she cackled, her jam still coming out.

Dark Enchantress: All just to prolong the inevitable...yet it's just one reoccurring lapse in judgment...

She fell, laughing her last laugh...for now. Timekeeper Cookie helped Dark Cacao and Hollyberry Cookie get up from the ravine. Hollyberry Cookie rushed to Wildberry Cookie to check on him, while also checking on Pure Vanilla Cookie.

Hollyberry: Are you both ok?!

Wildberry Cookie was gone, she was too late for him. Yet Pure Vanilla Cookie tried to keep up.

Pure Vanilla: A true hero, you are...I don't think my Soul Jam can help me this time...but just know...you both did wonders...I hope that if I return. I can look up to either of you as my idols...

Hollyberry: Pure Vanilla Cookie, don't start talking like thst! Your kingdom needs you!

Pure Vanilla: It does not...I am trying my best to lead, and lead I do...but when another war happens, I am not even going to be able to defend them...

Hollyberry: You'll do your best, so quit talking like that!

Dark Cacao Cookie stumbled over, still in shock from what happened.

Dark Cacao: We have won for now.

Pure Vanilla: Who is "we"? It is you both who have won, for I have been taken...

Dark Cacao: You can't be serious...come on Pure Vanilla Cookie, get up, you have handled worse.

Pure Vanilla: Well I'm old now, so this is like falling down stairs for me...weird...the sun is rising...

Hollyberry: There is no sun? What are you seeing?

Pure Vanilla: Must be a bright future then...farewell...

Pure Vanilla Cookie has fallen, his Soul Jam is grey and empty of energy. Hollyberry Cookie couldn't hold herself back anymore and started crying. Dark Cacao Cookie saw Crunchy Chip Cookie and checked on him. He flinched up, then fell back down from pain.

Crunchy Chip: My leg! Oh, hello my king! Did we win?

Dark Cacao: In my opinion, this is a loss...my soldiers are either launched, or dead, I only see you remaining.

Crunchy Chip: Impossible! What about Wildberry Cookie, or Caramel Arrow Cookie?!

Dark Cacao: They are gone...

Dark Cacao: My soldiers...my friends...don't look at me, I'm not getting teary eyed!

Dark Cacao: I shall leave you to mourn, for it is deserved.

Timekeeper Cookie looked around and calmed down, she was not able to see properly still, but she could hop through portals. She went through one, and ran to her office, avoiding interacting with her co-workers in the TBD. She was thinking of what she could do. With her ideas, she "found" the time traveling device Croissant Cookie had, and used it in the last place she was. She used her idea as she turned back time to when the fight was still happening, and just as White Lily Cookie was taken. She followed Red Velvet Cookie to the lair, and watched. Just as White Lily Cookie was about to get her Soul Jam taken, she used her magic candy to rift and remove Dark Enchantress Cookie's head. Red Velvet Cookie fled the scene and collected his army of cakes and his somewhat dislikable associates, and had them moved to a different area. Most Cookies were surprised by the victory, and cheered. Timekeeper Cookie returned with White Lily Cookie and informed them on what happened as they all returned West to the mainland. Some of the launched soldiers welcomed them as they came back, they were in the Hollyberry Kingdom docks. 

Dark Cacao: I guess that went swell. I feel somewhat relieved now.

Hollyberry: Relieved enough for some juice?

Dark Cacao: Stay away from me.

Hollyberry: Ornery old man.

Golden Cheese: I'll take some juice though! 

Hollyberry: Yes! We can have a feast to commemorate this!

Pure Vanilla: Wonderful! White Lily Cookie, aren't you excited?

White Lily Cookie was seeing what happened with her last body, her cells were screaming at her and paralyzing her with fear. It took Pure Vanilla Cookie poking her to wake her up.

White Lily: Uh...sure...

Hollyberry: Don't you want to join us, Timekeeper Cookie?

Timekeeper: Yes! I want the juice first!

Hollyberry: Not I get to it first!

Golden Cheese: Royalty first!s

White Lily: I might as well join, just for the food...

Pure Vanilla: That's the spirit. Come along, Dark Cacao-Dark Cacao Cookie, where do you think you are going?!

Dark Cacao: Home.

Pure Vanilla: Go to the palace! We're having a feast!last

Dark Cacao: Enjoy yourselves-eh?

Wildberry: Lady Hollyberry Cookie requests that you be there. I am not one for parties, but I recommend you go, that probably could have been your last battle alongside her.

Dark Cacao Cookie sighed and walked toward the palace solemly. Pure Vanilla and White Lily Cookie followed suit, along with Crunchy Chip, Caramel Arrow, Royal Margarine, Snapdragon, Tarte Tatin, Pitaya Dragon, Black Raisin Cookie, and Dark Cacao Cookie's army. As they got in, they saw a fight over juice, and laughed it off. Once the feast began, all was great. The food was decimated and only bones were left, which the dragons and wyvern ate, along with White Lily Cookie as she used it for bone meal. Dark Cacao Cookie made his leave cordial, and swift, along with his soldiers and main cookies. Golden Cheese Cookie stayed, as she didn't want to see her kingdom again, she was afraid of it still. Pure Vanilla and Black Raisin Cookie left happily, with food for some of the residents of the Vanilla Kingdom. Hollyberry Cookie's friends left soon after, still enjoying the sights of the kingdom as they left. White Lily Cookie went to the kingdom garden, and rested, for she felt she wasn't needed anymore. She held her staff, turned it, and tried to stab herself, but was stopped by Timekeeper Cookie.

White Lily: Do you need something?

Timekeeper: I need you to not do that, I just went back in time to stop you from dying.

White Lily: That's what I was seeing...

Timekeeper: Maybe you should go enjoy the world. It's night time, but you can make it work, right? 

Timekeeper Cookie smiled as she let go of the staff. White Lily Cookie got up and looked around, she saw the new things, and the old. She also saw Timekeeper Cookie was following her, but not being sneaky at all.

White Lily: Why are you following me?

Timekeeper: You're fascinating actions caught me, so I'm trying to see more. Maybe your attscks, the skill, oh, what your best toppings are!

White Lily: Calm down, Clockwork.

Timekeeper: Pretty Lily.

White Lily Cookie hid a smile, and let herself be followed, maybe this time, she could fix her reputation, and not be known as Dark Enchantress Cookie.

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