Which Way

De jenner_kylie_kendall

14.1K 527 40

They were once a happy couple but no one knew about it because Kylie wanted it that way, at least that's why... Mai multe

Meeting Again

Everything Hurts

1.2K 58 3
De jenner_kylie_kendall


I'm getting ready for my race knowing after this not only will I see Hailey, but also Kylie, Kris, Stormi, and Aire because there were in London on business and decided to come to Silverstone before they leave. Kylie texted me letting me know she needed to tell me something important and I offered to talk about it before but she said that she didn't want it to distract me, which makes me even more worried about it. The start was not good letting Lando in front of me for a few laps until I went around him again getting first place back. Were on the last lap and Lando comes up behind me trying to get passed by going on the outside cutting in but I keep my lead back on the straight away crossing the finish line first. Getting out I go and and hug Lando congratulating him because he earned and deserved second place here in his home country and I let him have my seat in the room before going to the podium. Once I'm done with the celebration I take a quick shower and get changed back into my red bull shirt, dark blue jeans, orange red bull hat with my number, and my dark blue adidas tennis shoes.

We all came back to my house because when we work on building a car for the next season and want my input it's easier than staying in a hotel, plus I already have clothes and a car here. "So this is where you stay sometimes when your not racing." Kris says while walking in to the house behind me. "Ya, it's where I lived also after I left for awhile. It's my home away from home." I reply while we all go to the living room to sit down. "When are you guys leaving to head back home?" I ask them while getting comfortable. "Tonight actually, you can come with us if you want to." Kris tells me. "I'm going to be staying here till I have to leave actually." Kris nods then I hear Stormi ask something. "Do you play guitar?" I look over to my guitar I bought after moving here. "Yes I do, it helped me calm down." I say. Stormi walks over to the guitar touching it and then looks back at me. "Could you play something for me?" I nod walking over to my guitar picking it up and sitting on the ground. I play a little melody for a few minutes then look up once I stop seeing a very happy Stormi and Aire looking at me. I put up my guitar and get up going back to my seat. "That was really good Y/N." Kylie tells me and I see Stormi nod. "Thank you. It helps me ease my mind." I say. We've been talking for a little bit now when Kylie ask me. "Y/N, can we talk outside for a minute?" I nod and say yes, giving Hailey a kiss on the check getting up and leading Kylie outside.

Sitting down on one of the chairs I have I see Kylie sitting across from me placing and envelope on the table between us. "So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask after looking up from the envelope. "It's not entirely easy to just say at the start of a conversation Y/N. What I need to say isn't easy." Kylie replies not look at me but at the table. "Alright, well I'm going to guess it has something to do with the envelope with you bringing and starting at it." While waiting for her to reply, I look at the envelope wondering what's in it. "It does but what's inside is the proof to what I have to say." I nod waiting for her to continue. "There's no easy way of saying this and I know it's going to hurt you, but I didn't know if you even wanted to talk to me back then. Plus no one knew about us and I wasn't thinking right in the moment and had to continue on with the lie to everyone even when it felt wrong. What I'm trying to say is the Stormi and Aire aren't Travis's kids, their our kids." Once I hear her last three words it's like everything around me stopped. I just stare at the ground not hearing anything but nature. I'm finally pulled back into reality hearing someone say my name. 

Trying to stay as calm as I can I ask, "How are you for sure their mine when you've fucked Travis?" She looks hurt after I said that but it's the truth. "We only slept together that one time when you caught us it was in the moment type of thing, and the only other person I slept with was you. Also Travis offered to do a DNA test, the results are in the envelope." I nod not really wanting to say anything and pick up the envelope. "Along with that their birth certificates are in there too." I look at her confused why she would have those in here and open the envelope pulling out the papers. The first thing I look at is both of the DNA test seeing that they both say he isn't the father, and when I get to the birth certificates I hold one in each hand. Looking at their names on it I see their last name isn't actually Webster but Y/L/N. Looking down at where the other parent signs I see the spot empty on both, tearing up a bit I put the papers back in the envelope not wanting to feel more broken than I am sitting it on the table. "Five years Kylie did you ever think to tell me? I mean you knew this the entire time and never bothered to tell me, do you know how that makes me feel?" I look at the envelope the entire time I talk. "No I don't know how you feel but I know you must be hurt and broken about not being there for them these years. Your right I should of told you after Stormi was born but I had know way to contact you, I spent time with family when they talked about you but didn't mention that we never talked or were even together because I was still scared. I made that most stupid decision that I regret because I knew with them they would of been fine with it. I'm very sorry I didn't tell you sooner like I should of." I sit there taking in everything she said trying not to yell. 

"Y/N, after we met again my family already knew about us and told me to tell you but I didn't want you to get hurt racing because of it so I waited I knew I should of told you when they left us alone but I thought at the moment it was the right thing. I mean not even Stormi knew you were her other parent until Aire said mama once you left my house one day. I felt bad every time I saw you playing with her or holding Aire because he only wanted you hurt me that you didn't know sooner. I showed them pictures of you since they were born they knew Travis wasn't their parent. They both know and want you around more, Stormi not mad at you for not being there she just want to spend time with her mama." I finally look up from staring at the envelope taking it all in that my kids know I'm their mama and want me around. "Who all knows?" I ask wanting to know that instead of getting into an argument. "My family only and Travis." nodding my head I say, "Ok I umm need to go tell Hailey." she looks at me and says, "Why would you need to tell her now?" "Because she deserves to know I have kids if she wants to stay in a relationship with me." After that I walk back in the house going to the living room. "Hey Hailey can I talk to you for a minute?" She nods getting up and following me into the kitchen and when we pass Kylie she hands me the envelope, and we sit down at the bar next to each other. "This is where you break up with me isn't it?" Hailey says after we sit down. I look at her stunned and turn my body to completely face her. "No not at all, I just have to tell you something that I tired to put behind me but can't now." I say hoping to reassure her that I want us to stay together, and by her nodding and smiling I think I did. "Alright that's good cause I didn't want us to end, so what is it?" "There's a lot so I'm going to say the short version. When everyone thought Kylie was dating Tyga she was actually doing a PR stunt and was dating me, then she started a PR stunt with Travis, but the day I found out I was getting into Formula 2 I went over to tell her only to find her fucking Travis. After that we didn't speak I avoided her because I was hurt so I was only talking to her family. We started talking again at the Montreal Grand Prix but only as friends, and as you know she just took me outside to talk to me about something. Well the main thing to prove it is in the envelope she gave me, but she said that I am Stormi and Aire other parent not Travis. He took a DNA test for both and were negative."

She sits there quit for a little while before saying, "So you slept with her a year ago to have Aire and Stormi is yours, do the kids even know?" "Yes the kids, know she told them that they had another parent from birth and showed them pictures of me all while saying that's mama. As for the Aire part yes we did a year ago at a party I was drunk and still hurt but wanted her back and ended up slepping together, although I woke up before her and left before she was awake not wanting to face her." She nods, "So it was before we started talking but she kept this information from you and never tried to contact you tell you?" I nod saying "Yes she did nut she feels sorry about it and says she wants me to be in my kids life but they also want me in their life, and also that everyday she regrets not telling me sooner." "Can I look at the papers in the envelope?" She ask, and I nod handing it to her letting her open it and pull out the papers. After she's done looking at the papers she turns to me saying, "I still want to be with you but she gave them your last name and the other parent signature spot is blank." "Yes she did, I don't know why Stormi says her last name is Webster I didn't ask but it's actually not. Also I want to fix those blank spots. I'm glad you still want to be with me after all this though because I did not want to lose you at all." We look at each other for a moment before I give her a little peck on the lips them collecting the papers putting them back into the envelope. "We should go back in there so you can see your kids for the first time knowing." I nod getting up with her grabbing her hand and walking back into the living room. Hailey sits down first while I go to hand the envelope to Kylie I hear "Mama" I turn around seeing Aire sitting on the ground with his arms in the air wanting me to pick him up, and with the biggest smile on my face and tears forming in my eyes I pick him up sitting down where I was. "Hey buddy, have you been good for your mommy?" I ask knowing he probably isn't going to answer, but nods while reaching up to hold my necklace in his hands. "He acts and looks just like his mama." Kylie says while looking at me, and I look at her for a split second looking back to my son. "Mama, can you play with me?" Stormi ask standing in front of me. "Yes of course I will."

It's been a little while since I found out I had kids and since them I spent anytime I could with them I just got back into LA to spend my summer break her with my family and kids. The day after I found out I called my family and told them about it and they all surprisingly took it well. As for the racing I didn't do great but also not bad, I got third and then six for both of them. I'm just now landing in from Belgium and on my way home to drop off my stiff and get freshened up, I would really like to relax at home for a few hours but Kris asked me to come to her house after I landed. Once I get freshened up and throw on my biking gear over my grey sweats and shirt and grab my bag putting the hoodie in there, and take the keys going to my garage getting on customized dark blue and white with light blue flames and my old racing number 25 on the side Yamaha YZF-R6 bike and heading to Kris's house. After about 20 minutes with a little joy ride I make it to Kris's and pulling up into the driveway I see a lot of cars including my family's, but before I can even get off of my bike Stormi comes running out of the house yelling. "Mama, you made it!" I finish putting the stand down and getting of the bike taking my helmet off I bend down so Stormi can hug me. "Yes of course I made it. Why wouldn't I want to see my two favorite people." I say while hugging her after miss seeing her in person for five days. "Come on let's go inside everyone's waiting!" She says after breaking the hug and grabbing my hand pulling me to go inside. I laugh while grabbing my helmet and follow her pulling me inside, shutting the door behind us we walk into her living room where my siblings and all  the Kardashian sisters are sitting talking. "Mommy! Mama's here!" Kylie looks up once she hears Stormi and then looks at me and back to Stormi. "I see that, but maybe you could give her a minute to get settled." Stormi nods and runs off into the backyard probably to play with her cousins. "I'll be back in a minute." I say walking into the kitchen where I hear Kris and my mom. "Hey guys what's going on here?" I ask leaning against the counter. 

Mom comes over and gives me a tight hug while Kris says, "We wanted to have a get together to kick off your summer break and spend as much time with you as possible, all of us did. Also you can put your stuff in the room you have here, I haven't touched it." I nod and after hugging my mom I go up taking off my boots, pants, and jacket and put on my grey and black Nike running tennis shoes and head back downstairs. I sit in the empty spot on the couch by Jackson and listen to what they were talking about. i join in on the fun before we Kris says that it's time to eat and I help making sure Stormi washes her hands while Kylie goes and get's Aire from her room since he was asleep. I sit by Stormi and Olivia as we eat dinner laughing joking and asking me questions about racing sometimes. After dinner I get Aire and clean him up and getting him dressed again carrying him back into the living room sitting on the couch with him. I feel the couch dip down and see my mom sitting beside me. "You know he looks just like you did at the age of one." She says while looking at Aire. I look at him smiling and say, "Ya he does remind me a lot of me especially the hair, mouth, and nose." He just looks over at my mom and smiles ands says "Nana." and then laughs after. My mom smiles so big I think her cheeks hurt and then says, "You know I want to talk about this situation more with you right." I nod and she continues, "I can tell how much you love them though and your a good mother I can tell." I nod while looking at Aire who is still playing with my necklace not wanting to be away from me right now. A few minutes later the everyone walks in and Stormi stands in front of me and says, "Mama everyone is going to hang out outside, but can you play soccer with us?" I nod and say, "of course I'll play soccer with you guys." I get up following them outside and set Aire down where his toys are kissing his head and go play soccer with Stormi and all the kids. hanging out with them the rest of the day I focus spending most of my time with my kids but also everybody else. 


Hey guys sorry it took me longer to get this chapter out but I'm comfortable with everything now and should be able to update sooner between each of them. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for the story you can comment them and I will do my best to add it in. 

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