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The reincarnation of the Green spirit that protects Africa has bestown upon a girl who discovers reawakening... More



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[For some reasons, I have decided to mix the words with synonyms and symbols to make the reading more understanding. If you see { } symbol then it means that person is speaking in his/her mind. This will be shown in every chapter from now on.]


10 days later,

Since that incident, everything seemed far from normal, Zatoi and Enago attending to Mgbenago's care, looking worried and terrified.

Their Child is going to be the statue's reincarnation, what a surprise!

The new Era is in 7 days away and they need to be prepare.

On the other hand, the people were still in amazement of Mgbenago's reincarnation. It's still the talk of the kingdom. Some were absolutely terrified and some were understanding.

3 days later,

"Where is she?!" Enago yells, glaring at the maids with anger. "what do you mean she's not with you!!"

"we don't where she is?" one of the maids responds "we thought she was with you."

Enago yells so loudly that Zatoi could hear her from the ground of the palace, he rushes up to her as fast as he could.

"Enago, what happened?" he turns to the maids then turns back "Why are you shouting?"

She growls "They lost our daughter and we can't find her"

"What!!" he yells.

The maids were attemping to speak but was cut in by a giggle, a baby giggle

"is that -"

"Mgbenago!!" she and Zatoi with the maids ran to follow the giggle to the throne room.

"There she is" he points to the throne.

They all ran up to her but immediately stopped when they saw her........ different .

Her hair, big and fluffy COVERED the entire throne.

He walks up to her and carries her gentle to his arms, {" wasn't her hair short an hour ago?"}.

Enago walks up to them and checks up on her to see if there is any injury. "Thank goodness, you're safe"

She freezes while starting at her hair "By the creator, Zatoi , her hair"

"I know but -"

Unexpectedly, an arrow heading straight to Zatoi


A large strand of hair grabs the arrow which was few inches to his chest leaving a small wound.

Zatoi swiftly steps back as the arrows dashes through the windows destroying everything in the throne room. He and every one in there rushes out quickly as they could, some were hurt, 2 died. And one maid, still in there manages to hide from the arrows behind a table, but not for long as the arrow keeps on dashing in, destroying everything in pieces, soon the table couldn't stand much longer. The maid crying believing she is going to die as the arrows begins to pass through the table.


The same large strand of hair grabs her and protects from the arrows, escorting her out from danger.

Zatoi and his guards traces the attack of where it was coming from and finds the attackers.

"Attack!!" he gave them a signal to perform an attack.

The fight was bloody and brutal.

Zatoi aims at the attacker with his bow, he strikes before he quickly brings out his sword and slashes the incoming attacker who was rushing from behind.

The arrow which he shot passes through one of his guards which is few inches to his throat and hits the attacker.

Few of his men were killed, some injured still fighting, but he almost wipes out the enemies sparing them a break.

What is left of the enemies was the leader who was last standing but couldn't stop admiring Zatoi's beauty

"My, my, the rumors are true, you are so beautiful, you would be perfect for my master to be his first male wife" he gives him a dirty lustful look

Zatoi growls "Well, that's not happening !"

"We'll see about that, beautiful!" he strikes first.

Zatoi kicks him hard in the forbidden zone (manhood) and slashes at him.


He dodges and punches Zatoi at his ribs.

Zatoi headbutts him to the ground and continues to headbutt him hard till the leader dies smiling at his beauty. He feels disgust at him. "Disgusting man!"


Few minutes passed,

He arrives to the palace entrance, and was embrace by Enago with a worried look.

"My love, are you alright?" Enago sees blood everywhere on him, "are you hurt?"

"All is well for now" he caresses her hair to the back of ear, "and you?"

She nods

Mbgenago giggles

Zatoi gasps as he notices an arrow that looks attached to her hair. He tries to pull it out but.

The hair tightens as if.....

her hair is ALIVE!

He suddenly remembers how he and the maid was saved by a hair, and soon realises that it was Mgbenago's hair.



Early Evening,

Enago feeling uncomfortable with the situation before her. She gazes into her eyes, then to her hair, then to Zatoi who suddenly touches her shoulder.

"Mgbenago..." she sighs "I still cannot believe that her hair are alive" she feels something on her hand, she turns to see a strand of hair wrapping around her.

"After all, she is Mgbenago's reincarnation." he rubs his hands on her shoulder and kiss her cheek, "we should not be surprised if she gains powers"

She sighs, "I understand"

Mgbenago cries

"Looks like she's hungry" he sighs, "I'll be right back"

He exits the chambers and sighs, "Any information about the attackers"

A hooded figure comes out from the dark corridor and greets him silently, then nods.

"What tribe are they from?" he asked

The hooded figure gives him the symbol of their tribe.

He growls and flinches his fist, "Saskvu Tribe!!, a home of barbarians". He drops the symbol and stomps on it to pieces. He grins widely and turns to the hooded figure,"I have a task for you"


Late Evening,

At Saskvu Tribe,

Women screaming and children crying as the men were getting killed one by one by Feather Fighters. All the barbarians except for the King were slaughtered like animals.

The King looked so fearful that one look could tell he dangerous naturally.

He looks up to see Feather Fighters, and they are all women.

The hooded figure walks up to him and reveals herself to him.

"Duvex ?!" He scoffs "My men has been defeated by mere women?!"

No response

"You women should be the satisfactory of men,

You worthless second handmade sluts"

She high kicks him hard and knocks him out cold.

He was unconscious.


Early Night,

At the palace, in the throne chamber .

A loud and tight slap on his cheek wakes him up. He groans loudly.

"Wake up, Crowbull", Zatoi yells aggressively.

"What?!" he gasps when he realizes that he's in Zatoi's palace. He tries to get up but he realizes he's in chains .

"You coward of a man, you dare send your men to attack me" he gets up from his seat and kicks him in the face. "and you called my women soldiers 'worthless second handmade sluts!', huh?!" he kicks again harder. He stretches out his hand and Duvex puts a sword on his hand, he places his sword on his neck.

Everyone stares at him with confusion

"Your Highness, what are you doing ?!" Duvex tries to stop him. "Put the blade away from your neck!"

He presses the blade to his neck and blood gushes out quickly.

"Your Highness!"

He draws it to Crowbull's neck, "My blood on this blade besides your neck, do you know know what this means?"

Crowbull's eyes widens in fears as he knows what he meant.

Zatoi grins wickedly, "I think you do". He rubs the bloody sword on Crowbull's face. "Take him to the Alter dungeon where he shall be example to all of our enemies"

Crowbull tries to break free but couldn't, "Zatoi, please, forgive me please, please let me go"

They took him away to the Alter Dungeon.

It was located at the Statue of the Fire Element, on the west side of F.E.W.A. Tribe.

When they arrived, the Fire Statue eyes glows with flames and open the gates of the Alter Dungeon. But none of the feather fighter dared to go there, Duvex drags him to the gates. She smiles at him menacingly in her eyes and throws him into dungeon. He screams and cries for help as the fire tortures him. The gate was shut and they left.

The Alter Dungeon is a painful place to live in as a prisoner, it was filled with flames.

Whoever spent their lives in there were tortured by the flames, the ETERNAL Flames can not kill anyone, however it tortures every living person in its path.


3 days later,

Noon, at the Throne room.

{"For some reason, I fear tomorrow's event will be a disaster, I felt uncomfortable"}, Zatoi looking worried about the events happening. {"Enago, Mgbenago, my subjects, my people, my kingdom will be put at risk"}

He suddenly got pulled out from his throne but he retaliated, only to find out it was Mgbenago's hair dragging him to the tippy top of the palace. He frozed as he saw blinking light far from the east side of F.E.W.A Tribe.

There was a loud rumbling sound waves that shakes the land, houses collapsing, ground cracking, people injured badly.

An unholy entity is trying get into the spiritual land.

"My King, my King!". The General runs to him before Mgbenago's hair puts Zatoi down to the ground. "There's a demon at the east side and its breaking in"

"I know, we need to seek the Seer at once!", he runs with the General, while running he orders the guards to take the people to the palace for safety.

Like it was said, the Seer already knew by creating a shield around the land but not for long, had he been a young man then he would have it lasted for days. Zatoi and his army running towards an entity to kill only to stop and sees it's size of a mountain!!.

"Fall back, soldiers!!"

The Seer was getting weaker and weaker, he cries for help to his Creator

"Oh my Creator" he grunts as he becomes more weaker "please, send forth your hand to save your people" he yells in pain as the shield cracks from the impact of an entity "Save us from evil!!"

The cracks was getting bigger and bigger and bigger, Zatoi and his army are getting more worried of their Seer's condition, and the entity continuously hitting the shield.

"Fear not!"

A large green flaming ball hits the entity sending it miles away from the land, they all gasps.

A loud thud shakes the land as the sound is getting louder as if it was coming to them. It emerges from the forest and there was a Statue of Mgbenago with green glowing eyes and its size of a mountian. It raises its hand to the sky and creates a shield around the land, it walks towards the entity whereas the entity strikes dark forces at it.

Meanwhile, Zatoi escorting the Seer with the guards encounters Enago running towards him.

"Enago?! What are you doing here?!" He holds her as he sees her panicking,"What happened?"

Enago while gasping for air, points at Mgbenago's Statue attacking the entity"M....Mgbe......She is.........Statue"

He shakes his head with confusion as he could not understand of what she was saying.

"What?, speak clearly please!"

She inhales

"Mgbenago...she is inside the statue's body"

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