You Are Hot Then You Are Cold

By YuiKobayashi2

202K 2.6K 1.6K

They hold hands, they hug, and they kiss.... But they are not lovers? Doing things you are supposed to do wit... More

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Vol 1: The Eve
Vol 1: Week 1 (1)
Vol 1: Week 1 (2)
Vol 1: Week 2 (1)
Vol 1: Week 2 (2)
Vol 1: Week 2 (3)
Vol 1: Week 2 (4)
Vol 1: Week 3 (1)
Vol 1: Week 3 (2)
Vol 1: Week 3 (3)
Vol 1: Week 3 (4)
Vol 1: National Portrait Gallery (1)
Vol 1: National Portrait Gallery (2)
Vol 2 - Week 7 (2)
Vol 2 - Week 7 (3)
Vol 2 - Week 7 (4)
Vol 2 - Pause (1)
Vol 2 - Pause (2)
Vol 2 - Pause (3)
Vol 2 - Pause (4)
Vol 3 - Week 8 (1)
Vol 3 - Week 8 (2)
Vol 3 - Week 8 (3)
Vol 3 - Week 8 (4)
Vol 3 - New Year's Eve
Vol 3 - Epilogue
Vol 3 - Side Story 1: One day (1)
Vol 3 - Side Story 1: One day (2)
Vol 3 - Side Story 1: One day (3)
Vol 3 - Side Story 1: One day (4)
Vol 3 - Side Story 2: Manual for Ash Jones (1)
Vol 3 - Side Story 2: Manual for Ash Jones (2)
Vol 3 - Side Story 2: Manual for Ash Jones (3)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): The first day (1)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): The first day (2)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): The first day (3)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): The second day
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): The third day (1)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): The third day (2)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): Propose day (1)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): Propose day (2)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): Propose day (3)
Vol 4 (Side Story 1): The Day
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 1.1
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 1.2
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 2
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 3.1
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 3.2
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 4.1
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 4.2
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 4.3
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 4.4
Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 5
Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 1
Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 2.1
Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 2.2
Hmm what do you think 🤔
Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 2.3
Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 3.1
Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 3.2
Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 3.3
Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 4.1
Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 4.2
It has been a long journey!
(Repost) Karlyle's birthday (31/12/2022)
(Repost) Happy Wedding Day (9/5/2023)
(Repost) Ash's birthday (10/5/2023)
(Repost) AshLyle random section (1)
(Repost) AshLyle random section (2)
AshLyle's random section (3)
Brother Complex (1)
Brother Complex (2)
Brother Complex (3)
Brother Complex (4)
Brother Complex (5)
Brother Complex (6) - End
Happy Christmas to all 🎅
Lyle's birthday (31/12/2023)
Quick DTR news 🦊🐰
Letters (1)

Vol 2 - Week 7 (1)

2K 21 14
By YuiKobayashi2

일곱째 주 - Week 7

A moderately upbeat performance fills the room. Even though it is time to enter the evening, the sky beyond the wide window is tinged with light blue. It is truly the pinnacle of summer.

The sun, which quickly fades as autumn enters, splendidly colors everything from the highest to the lowest point. Like it's trying to contain everything before falling.

The banquet at this time of year is truly spectacular. The social gatherings, which continue whether it is a Salon party, hunting, or watching games, always boast the most fanciness in summer. Costing thousands of pounds is natural regardless of the season.

But the host of this Salon, now attended by Karlyle, is not an aristocrat following the mainstream of the social world. The host's name is Phillip Gordon, an heir of Marquis, the same as Karlyle's grandfather. He must be two years older than his mother Alice.

Phillip Gordon rarely shows up in social circles, and only opens the Salon once or twice a year for official work.

Despite this, his Salon is attended by people from the same class as Karlyle, and those who are not in line with him but still make an effort to participate. The reason is that everyone wants to build a good connection with Gordon.

Gordon, the Marquis of Hartford, has maintained a close relationship with the Duke of Winchester from generation to generation. He also has had good relationships with prestigious aristocrats in politics for generations.

Gordon has always been popular because, if you develop a friendship with Gordon and gain his favor, it can culminate in the possibility of becoming acquainted with the Duke, who is difficult to establish a connection with.

Karlyle's grandfather, Sir Frost, also has had connections with Phillip Gordon as the Marquis of Bath, but due to Phillip Gordon's closed off nature, their exchanges are not yet able to bear fruit.

Even for Karlyle, who isn't acquainted that well, this is probably his third visit to Gordon's Salon. Karlyle is also busy, and Gordon's Salon always has a limited number of attendees.

It is thanks to Aiden Heywood that he is able to be here today. Mainly active in the hotel business as well as exhibition and auction, Aiden seems to be quite friendly with Gordon.

Aiden was the one offering first when he heard about Karlyle's sudden decision to attend Gordon's Salon.

"Hey, you?"

And the condition of the offer is very simple.

"What talent to be able to maintain this level of skill for ten years."

To hang out with Aiden for the duration of the gathering. Annoying, but Karlyle accepted. It would be less taxing to be asked for a deal or a business arrangement, but Aiden didn't want anything else.

Karlyle glances at the poker cards that have just been put down on the table. In his hand now is a straight J flush.

"Am I not the main character today? Cut me some slack."

Having never beat Karlyle in poker, Aiden expresses his disappointment. And it's true. Karlyle has never lost to Aiden ever since he was 16.

But it's not just limited to Aiden. This is because Karlyle has no expression on his face, which turns out to be advantageous in games, especially poker. The term Poker Face is made for Karlyle.

"If you ask me to cut loose more than this, it would be better to propose a different condition for today."

Karlyle wrinkled his eyebrows deliberately, feeling a little fed up inside. Hours have passed since he came to the Salon, Karlyle has remained just by Aiden's side.

Aiden is a bit talkative, of course, by Karlyle's personal standard, so he can only respond if he listens to each word and pays attention.

Moreover, today, he has also met people involved in Aiden's work, all of whom are members of the House of Representatives and hold a grudge against the Fox hunting Act.

Karlyle spent about an hour or so of his life listening to their plans and opinions about the withdrawal of the Fox Hunting ban, and their cursing at protection groups protesting against it.

"Okay? Now I'm going to see Sir Gordon, but if you say that..."

Aiden said, as though implying something. His blasé and cunning look makes Karlyle feel tired. Aiden is one of his few relationships that can be defined as a friend of Karlyle, and unlike other nobles, he still has a bit of humanity. But it doesn't mean they are a good match.

Aiden is always the one looking for Karlyle, which is pitiful when you think about it. But that's often what a relationship is, one with a one-sided attraction can't ever be reciprocated. Like between Ash and Karlyle.

Thinking about Ash, Karlyle purses his tingling lips. Since the very purpose of coming here today was related to Ash Jones, Karlyle has been struggling not to think about him throughout the Salon.

Recently, his symptoms have become so serious that the mere thought of Ash's name makes his stomach churn and feel excited for no reason. His fingers flinch.

Karlyle came here today to get the picture painted by Phillip Whitewood. As he researched, the painting went through two masters before coming to the Marquis of Hartford.

Kyle finally confirmed this, and Karlyle has researched the Marquis's recent interests to secure a deal. Then he has come up with several different bargains with good terms.

If the deal is successful and the Marquis of Hartford gives him the ownership of the painting, he will be able to give it to Ash this weekend.

After spending last Friday night at Ash's house and being with him until Saturday morning, Karlyle has had a hard time calming his heart. Ash's voice, saying that Karlyle is an exception, still lingers in his ears from time to time.

Pressing against Karlyle's body, Ash called the awkward smile he showed unconsciously pretty. Ash, who came back for Karlyle. And the blue train card Ash gave him. Karlyle has spent the whole week connecting all of the other's actions to some faint theories.

Now their eighth meeting is approaching. After this week, they are really coming to an end. Karlyle has thought about it a lot. Putting his overflowing emotions aside, he first contemplated whether they should continue meeting.

Reason consistently advised him to compartmentalize all these emotions and return to his original role, but at some point, emotions beyond reason continue to encourage a different conclusion.

He doesn't want to meet anyone other than Ash. He wants to stay with Ash. He wants to hold hands with Ash, kiss his lips, and combine their bodies. He wants to gaze upon Ash's smiling face forever.

In Karlyle's imagination, such assumptions often presuppose a lifetime, so it took him much of time to suppress his own shamelessness and foolishness. After barely calming himself down, the conclusion is that he wants to see Ash just a little more.

But then, what should he do? These desires, which have been culminating for a long time, continue to entice Karlyle. He has something he wants to say to Ash. It is something that will burst out if he doesn't control himself. It is something he has never dreamed of his entire life. Karlyle wants to confess.

Despite the illusion that Ash might have feelings for him, it is unlikely that Ash would confess first.

If so, the only way is for Karlyle to say it first. And when confessing, as people traditionally do, he wants to give Ash a token of his heart.

"... I wasn't thinking clearly."

So, in order to achieve that token, he should just do as Aiden wishes.

"Say I'm sorry, Aiden."

Aiden immediately amends. It is clear that Aiden wants him to say I'm sorry Aiden. Reluctantly, Karlyle complies.

"I'm sorry."

"Where did my name go?"

Karlyle stares at Aiden silently. His bright green eyes are teeming with playfulness. Aiden rolls his eyes and smiles, reaching for Karlyle's cheeks. Karlyle knocks his hand away. If he allows Aiden to have his way like that, he knows just what Aiden will do.

"I thought you had fixed that hand habit."

"It's because you don't laugh at all."

Aiden has been strangely obsessed with Karlyle's smiling face from a young age, and one of the annoying habits stemming from that obsession is to put his fingers on Karlyle's lips and raise the corners of his lips.

How disturbing, Karlyle let it be a few times. But even at this age, he still tries to do such things. As he stands up as if he doesn't want to deal with there is nothing more to do, Aiden follows him.

"Okay. Say my name Aiden, then I'll grant your wish."

Karlyle calmly utters his name in an act of benevolence.


"I wonder how it would be if you were obedient like this on a regular basis?"

Karlyle chooses silence. Aiden sighs and gestures for him to follow. They leave the room and head for the stairs.

Located in Kensington, Gordon's mansion is a Georgian style house, where the entire structure is detached with an expansive underground extension. This sort of abode is a common choice for the upper class who own Victorian or Georgian houses because of the strict regulations regarding the alteration of interior homes.

"But why are you looking for that painting ? If I've never heard about it then it's probably not that famous."

Aiden only cares about paintings or sculptures worth investing in, so he inquires.

"I don't think this is something that concerns you."

Karlyle says simply. For a moment, only the staccato of shoes climbing the stairs occupies the air. Aiden, who has been silent, speaks again.

"I haven't been able to come up with any valid reasons..."

He stops abruptly in the hallway on the fourth floor, where the sound of music has subsided.

"Is it because of that Alpha I saw back then?"

Karlyle raises one eyebrow slightly. For Someone who is always around him like Kyle to notice would not be surprising, but even Aiden Heywood has found out.

"Why do you think so?"

Karlyle asks. Aiden looks at him with a very serious face. Soft green eyes that are at eye level scan over him.

"Hey, you are doing things you have never done before, you know?"

It's so obvious to Aiden that Karlyle, who always leaves his schedule empty on weekends to attend meetings, has not appeared recently. Karlyle's appearance with Ash at the hotel seems to give more credence to this theory. Karlyle looks down and thinks.

There is no need to act like you have been caught. He knows how scandalous it can be to meet Alpha.

For example, when his mother Alice met and got married to his Alpha father Jonathan, it caused a big stir. At that time, Karlyle heard about it through his grandfather's mouth.

If Alice hadn't been pregnant, his grandfather would have eventually found a way to separate Jonathan and Alice. However, despite being an Alpha woman, Alice succeeded in getting pregnant, a feat which is said to be near impossible with merely a 5% chance. Then she gave birth to him and his brother.

Perhaps that is why his grandfather is particularly strict about having Karlyle and Kyle meeting Omegas. In order not to follow their mother's precedent.

Of course, the marriage itself would not have worked if their father Jonathan had not owned a huge investment company at a young age.


But if Karlyle's relationship with Ash comes under a different definition from the mere "sex partners" they are now, he doesn't want to hide anything from then on. No matter who sees it, Ash is a beautiful and wonderful person, and if he could be in a relationship with someone like that...


Feeling shy, Karlyle stops thinking about it. Even thinking of the word itself leaves him flustered, so he can't imagine how things will be after starting to date.

But first, the priority is to obtain the painting. Just as Aiden is about to open his mouth again, the door at the far end of the hallway opens. Karlyle and Aiden's eyes turn to the sound of the door in the quiet hallway.

"I heard some lively conversation outside, it seems a guest has arrived."

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