The Rare Feral

By Avengerssoulmate

6.3K 288 136

Stryker has a job for Victor; go and retrieve a mutant. But this isn't just any mutant, this is a female fera... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 10

337 17 15
By Avengerssoulmate

Victor was not happy. Admittedly, happy was something that he really wasn't known for; but now, he was more pissed off than usual. Stryker had had Victor accompany him to his office, wanting a full report on what had happened in Alaska, and why it had taken so long for him to bring the rare feral back to the compound; that smug smile, the one that Victor would take great delight in clawing from the colonel's face, never leaving Stryker's lips, as they had spoken. The old man pushing for that little more, every chance he got. Making suggestive comments and remarks. Victor well aware that he was after a reaction from him; that if he did more than he already had to Wilson, it would confirm that there was something real, something important between he and (Y/n), and he couldn't have that..........not yet. And if that wasn't bad enough, Victor had quickly realised that the rooms that Stryker had organized for the new feral, were on the other side of the compound to his. That the camera's would now focus on any move that he made towards (Y/n). That if he were to spend the night in her rooms, the colonel would be made aware of it. But as the old saying goes, there is more than one way to skin a cat...........or in this case, skin a Stryker; and cameras or no cameras, nothing was going to keep the big feral away from his mate.

Another door was thrown open, almost off its hinges, as Victor huffed and grumbled about this thing that the colonel had organized for the evening. He had been informed that he had to dress well; that despite the fact that he had been the one to bring her in, Victor, just like to others, was required to do a little more than they normally would to welcome (Y/n) to the compound. The big feral pulling out all the clothes that he had from the wardrobe. Victor not wanting to do this........any of this; but at least it would give him a chance to get to (Y/n) again. He would do all he could to keep her close, while they went through the charade. The feral promising himself that if Wade tried to do again, what he had done earlier, then they would be needing to carry Wilson around in a bucket.


Six o'clock...............that colonel wouldn't be there for another hour; so, if she could get out of this room without being seen, she could at least scope out her surroundings better. Learn the lay of the land, and maybe even find Victor; her need for a mate getting to a point where she could barely breath, and it had got worse since Howlett had been to see her. The rare feral finding her mind racing when the handsome man had been sat across from her. (Y/n) shocked by her want to mate with him too. To know his body as she did Victors. To give herself to him. But she was Victor's, and Victor was hers; that was how these things worked. One mate...............right? The rare feral shaking the thoughts as best she could from her mind, as she slowly opened the door to the room.

It was quiet........eerily so, and it set her nerves on edge. No matter what people might think, the forest had never been quiet while she had been there. The great expanse of trees always seeming to be filled with one noise or another. So, this, this was unpleasant, or at least it was to her. Nature, fauna, flora, replaced by steel and concrete.

Looking up, she noticed a camera that was moving slowly from side to side; watching not only her door, but also both ends of the long corridor. If she timed it just right, she could get out of the room without being seen, then let her nose lead her the rest of the way, hopefully even to Victor; but getting out was the first order. Continuing to watch the camera, she counted how long a full sweep took; from the moment that it left her rooms, to the second that it returned. (Y/n) closing her door and counting to herself, slowing her breath, as she prepared to run.

Within a moment, she was out of the room, the door closed behind her and feet taking her towards the end of the corridor; the numbers in her head getting less and less as she moved. The rare feral darting around the corner, as she came to the end of the hall; relieved to see that at least this new corridor didn't appear to be being watched.

Normally, she could use the surroundings to her advantage, but in truth, her own camouflage was meant for a less urban setting. She was good at blending in with trees and foliage; that was why it had been so hard for Victor to find her, and seeing as she couldn't just disappear like the man she had been introduced to earlier, this was all going to be a lot more difficult. But perhaps if she could find Howlett, he could take her to Victor, and then she would get a little time with her mate before she had to be back in her room to greet Stryker.

Carefully, she sniffed at the air. She could smell Victor, though his scent was a little faint, and she could smell Howlett; but there wasn't just that, there was something.........someone much closer. Someone that was not a feral, nor the colonel, but definitely one of those that had been there to meet her earlier. Though (Y/n) wasn't about to take any chances, she had no idea what those other mutants were capable of; the nails on both of her hands growing to long, slender, needlelike points as she continued on her way. The rare feral turning, ready to attack, as she heard a smooth voice seem to appear from nowhere.

"Can I help you...........mon cheri..............?"  

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