Thorns ꩜ Tom Riddle

By bvbyteeth

5K 188 48

he loves me to death. cover by -starsgalore More

hand in unlovable hand.
[001] the most beautiful girl in school
[002] friendly competition
[004] charming boys win first
[005] the fairest one of all
[006] straight out of a fairytale
[007] a terrifying discovery
[008] not your fault
[009] charming lies
[010] already hurt

[003] special privileges

281 16 1
By bvbyteeth

[003] special privileges

                    Besides Camille hopelessly pining after Tom Riddle like a fool, nothing truly eventful happened during the first week back.

                    Camille didn't get to see much of her sister, given that she was so busy with her duties as Head Girl. And if Victoire wasn't busy with that, she was often spending more and more of her time with Lily. Although Camille was feeling a little neglected by her sister, she chose to instead devote her time into Tom. Besides their first (and unfortunately, only) conversation during their first dinner back at Hogwarts, they hadn't interacted much after that. They shared Potions, Transfiguration, and Defense Against the Dark Arts together. But other than that, there was no time for them to talk.

                    And frustratingly enough, Camille was able to gain the attention of other boys around school. Everyone except for Tom. She had never gone through that before. Camille was so sure that he was intrigued by her but maybe that was her romantic imagination getting the better of her. Realistically, all Camille had to do was walk up to him and ask but why would she do that? It was more romantic to have the boy chase after you instead. But in order for that to happen, the boy had to know of her existence.

                     How annoying.

                    Camille knew that she should have moved on. But she just couldn't stop thinking about Tom, admiring him in class and allowing her crush on the Head Boy to grow. The challenge of it all was probably what excited Camille the most. Used to having boys fall at her feet, Tom was the first to not do so. He was kind, respectful, but he wasn't tripping over his feet to make Camille notice him. It was almost as though he wanted Camille to do the chasing instead.

                    Abraxas was clearly one of Tom's closest friends and seeing as he was also her cousin, Camille knew that she could always ask him for help. She figured Abraxas could give Tom a nudge in the right direction a.k.a her direction. Surely, Abraxas would be able to help her out with that, wouldn't he?

                   But first, Camille was eager to ask her sister some questions of her own. With Victoire and Tom being Head Girl and Head Boy, they had to spend a lot of time together. She had to talk to him and learn more about him. So whatever Victoire knew, Camille wanted to know as well.

                   "May I ask you a favor, Vic?" Camille asked, walking alongside her sister through the dark hallway leading towards the entrance of the Slytherin common room. Camille despised the fact that it was on the lowest level of the school, seeing how dark and creepy it was. But she had grown used to it by now.

                   "And what is this favor about, dear sister?" Victoire asked, hugging her books closely.

                   "It's about Tom Riddle," Camille answered.

                   Victoire frowned. "What about him?"

                   "Well, are you very close to him?" Camille inquired.

                   Victoire scoffs. "Me? Close with Tom? He's an arrogant, self-centered jerk who only managed to be Head Boy because of favoritism."

                    "So... I'm guessing that you don't like him at all," Camille lightly chuckled.

                    "No, but you clearly seem to. Don't tell me you actually fancy him," Victoire scoffed.

                    Camille shrugs. "He's handsome and intelligent. Nearly the entire school seems to fancy him, all except for you. But then again, you don't seem to find any boy worthy of your interest."

                     "They're all disgusting," Victoire frowned.

                     "You know Mother and Father won't accept your attitude forever. They might just marry you off to Abraxas, if you keep it up," Camille remarked, half teasing and half serious.

                      "Unless they want me to murder Abraxas during our first month in marriage, I know they'll think twice before arranging me to be married to my cousin," Victoire shook her head.

                     "I fear for his life, if that's truly the case," Camille laughed. "But... has he mentioned me?"


                     "Tom, silly! Did he ever bring me up in conversation once?"

                     "Only once."

                     Camille perked up. "He did?"

                     "But it was only to say he couldn't possibly fathom how you and I were related."

                     Well, that was far from the romantic declaration Camille was hoping for. "Oh... You know, sometimes I wonder the exact same thing."

                     Victoire playfully glared at her sister before she decided to shove her arm. Camille giggled before she lightly punched her on the arm, the two walking side by side towards the entrance. After Victoire recited the password which happened to be pure blood (how cliche), they walked inside of the common room which was empty. Everyone else was either out or in their dorms, although the latter might be false since it was still pretty early.

                      The entire common room was illuminated by a green hue, due to the round green lamps which were hung from the ceiling. It was a large and long room, several tables and chairs scattered about the room. One of them had the game of Wizard's chess sitting on top of it, while the other tables were covered in rich and old tapestries that had come from the adventures which their ancestors had been on. Camille remembered countless times she'd find Abraxas playing chess with other boys at one of these tables, Camille cheering him on. He was one of the best players of Wizard Chess that Camille had ever known.

                       There was also an elegant fireplace just up ahead, an elegantly carved mantle just above it. She had her fair share of boyfriends which she'd hang out with here, either lounging in front of the fire or sitting on one of many dark green and black button-tufted, leather sofas. She figured that one of these days, she'd be able to do the same with Tom.

                       "Please promise me that you won't do anything with Tom," Victoire suddenly declared, causing Camille to look at her sister.

                      "Why not?" Camille pouted.

                      "I don't know. I just... I don't get a good feeling about him," Victoire admitted.

                      Camille rolled her eyes. "You don't good feelings about anyone. Besides, he's incredibly kind to others and he is charming."

                      "Too charming. Boys like that usually have something to hide," Victoire argued.

                      "And now you're just being paranoid," Camille scoffed.

                      "I don't know why no one believes me on this," Victoire huffed.

                      "Because just maybe you're wrong about him. Just because you two can't get along doesn't mean Tom's a bad person. Have you ever thought about that?" Camille suggested.

                       Victoire went silent. But Camille knew it was not because she was defeated. The twinkle in Victoire's eyes was a clear sign that Victoire was thinking of something. A plan perhaps to prove that her suspicions about Tom were true. As much as Camille wanted to dissuade her sister, she also knew that there was little she could do. Once Victoire got started on something, it was pretty hard to snap her out of it. But Camille wasn't worried about her. She knew that Victoire wouldn't find anything on Tom.

                        Tom was perfect, and all Camille had to worry about was finding a way to make him hers.

( 👱‍♀️💘🍒 )

                                  "Don't be rude. Pass it around," Ophelia says, a pout forming on her lips.

                                  She was referring to the cigarette that Violet was currently taking a drag from, the two girls opting to share as all four of them were hanging out in the Ravenclaw tower. It was well past curfew, the moon hanging high above the sky (as the girls could see from their front row seats), and none of them could sleep. So they decided to hang out together, gossiping and whatever else until they'd be exhausted.

                                  "I cannot believe you all talked me into doing this," Eleanor fretted, still slightly worried that they'd get caught and thrown in detention as a result for breaking the rules.

                                  Violet scoffs. "You really need to learn how to relax. How is it that you've even managed to become friends with us in the first place?"

                                  "Because all of our families are rich and connected to each other, leaving us no other choice but to grow close?" Eleanor guessed.

                                  "Sounds a little depressing when you put it like that," Ophelia chuckles.

                                 "Of course, it's way more than that. I care for you all deeply, no matter how many stupid decisions you all make. It's just -," Eleanor began.

                                 "The reality," Camille finished for her. "We know. But... even if our families didn't know each other from being in the same social circle, I still would've been friends with you all regardless. I'm glad that we're close and we've managed to stay so close throughout the years."

                                 If Camille was being honest, she didn't know what she'd do without having her friends close by her side. Camille thrived off of attention and being social. It was one of her (many) weaknesses. And without it, she'd be absolutely nothing. She wasn't like Victoire who was able to stand on her own. No, Camille was the polar opposite. She wasn't nearly as strong as her twin sister.

                                  "Aw, you're so sweet," Ophelia teased, making Camille playfully hide her face.

                                  "I heard from Arthur that Tom is coming around for the party," Violet suddenly remarked, staring right up at Camille as she announced the news.

                                  "He is?" Camille questioned, stunned.

                                  "Yeah, Arthur told me earlier today. Well, after we finished spending time together," Violet responded. "His arrival will certainly make things a little more interesting, won't it?"

                                  Eleanor raised a brow as she watched Camille then take a drag from her cigarette, saying, "Are you two girls still going through with this stupid bet?"

                                  Knowing that Violet had grown more resentful of Camille and her beauty over the years and that she'd probably stop at nothing to sabotage Camille's happiness, Eleanor was naturally worried that Tom might just be the final straw in whatever remained of their friendship. Ophelia, on the other hand, was pretty excited to see the chaos unfolding before her. And while it was obviously wrong to go ahead and pick a side, she was rooting for Camille just so Violet could shut up.

                                  "Of course we are. Milly, darling, I wouldn't get your hopes up or anything. The moment he sees me in my dress, you'll be nothing more than a distant memory to him," Violet responded.

                                  Camille chuckles, blowing smoke in Violet's direction and making her cough lightly. "We'll see about that."

                                   Eleanor knew things wouldn't end well at all.

                                   "Excuse me, ladies. I don't think you're supposed to be here," a male's voice suddenly proclaimed.

                                   The girls look over to see Ravenclaw Head Boy, Edward Fletcher, now approaching them. His partner was nowhere to be found but it's not like any of the other girls cared. They instantly pause, now realizing they had been caught red-handed. Well, almost all of the girls. Violet sat up, glaring at the boy with no care in the world.

                                   "What a pity," Violet scoffed, not taking him seriously despite the fact that he could very well get them all into trouble and deduct points from their house. If it came around that Camille and her friends were the cause of that, the humiliation would be worse than the detention.

                                   "I'm serious. If you all don't leave and go back to your rooms, I'll have no choice but to report you for breaking curfew and sneaking around," Edward threatened.

                                   Violet sneered. "You wouldn't dare, you -."

                                   "Please don't do that, Edward. We're really sorry for breaking the rules and we promise to never do it again," Camille says as she now rises up to her feet. She smiles at him sweetly, making the boy falter as she comes closer an he's suddenly hit with the faint scent of her perfume. "Do you think you'll be able to let this instance go... just this once?"

                                  "I... I... I guess I can. Just this once. But if this truly happens again, I won't be so forgiving," Edward relents, suddenly growing flustered around the beautiful girl. He, like many other boys, were wrapped around her finger with just one look from her.

                                  "Mm, thank you so much, Edward. Not only are you handsome, but you're also so generous," Camille compliments, pulling him in for a hug. "Any girl would be absolutely lucky to have you."

                                  Edward sheepishly chuckles as he holds onto her, feeling his cheeks grow red when Camille ends up kissing him on the cheek afterwards. "Thank you, Camille. I'll... leave you ladies to it then."

                                   "Bye-bye," Camille smiles, giving him a finger-wave.

                                   Once he was gone, Camille joined the now giggling girls with a victorious look on her face.

                                   "Only you could get away with breaking the rules by flirting," Eleanor teased with a playful roll of her eyes.

                                   "Just one of my many special privileges," Camille shrugs.

                                   Violet rolls her eyes, clearly jealous. "It's not that big of a deal. Boys are all the same, they only want one thing. And they'd bite for any girl that gives them attention. That's the reality."

                                   "Well, if Camille acts like that around Tom at the party, I think it's safe to say that you're losing the bet," Ophelia replied, making Violet's frown deepen.

                                   "I still wonder why he's going to the party in the first place. Tom himself said he didn't care for them," Camille wondered aloud.

                                   Camille could only hope that he had changed his mind for her. It was a long shot but Camille certainly hoped that it was the case.

                                   "Maybe it's to see you. He did seem to really like you," Ophelia encouraged, only causing Camille's smile to grow further. 

                                   "There's only way to find out. And may the best girl win," Violet interjects.

                                   Camille hums. "Yes. May the best girl win."

( 👱‍♀️💘🍒 )

word count: 2416
notes: sorry for the shorter chapter but i hope you enjoyed regardless!

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