They Call Me Foxface

By Ravenger

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*Really Slow Updates Due To Life* Hello, my name is Finch, but call me Foxface, everyone does. If your re... More

A Death, A Liar And A Questioner
The Reaping.... My Reaping
Do It Some Justice
Dirt on the President
Training Day One
Training Day Two

Not Every Plan Works Out

269 26 16
By Ravenger

Chapter 8;

Not Every Plan Works Out

My feet padded on the cold cement floor as I walked through the door into the training room, unlike when I had been in here yesterday, it was absolutely silent except for the dim murmer of the gamemakers.

They looked up as I walked in, they frowned and looked at some papers, I gulped as I realized they were probably mine.

Seneca nodded to me, signaling me to go forward with my presentation. I nodded back, and walked over to the plant identifier knowing this was my strongest point here.

I switched it on, the plants began flashing before my eyes, my fingers moved at light speed as I identified them quickly.

Sweat perspires on my forehead, as I realize that the patterns are different from last time. The pressure bore into me, I knew the game makers were watching every move I made.

One mistake could make my plan go wrong.

One mistake.

When I finish I step back, looking over my score.

A 99, I glance over my shoulder.

The game makers are looking at me.

I glance back at the screen, what plant had I missed?

....... Nightlock.

I am ready to stab myself. I MISSED NIGHTLOCK OF ALL THINGS?!!! Nightlock was perhaps the most common poison plant! I should of been able to get that!

Ugh.... I couldn't waste time reflecting, I had to keep going.

I moved over to the knives, picking up my throwing knives, that Marvel had taught me to use yeaterday. I felt a little blood run to my cheeks as I selected the one that he had used. I'd start with this one.

I picked it up and aim at the target for a second before flinging it with all my might. The knife pegged itself in the target, a few inches from the bullseye. I picked up another life and flung it, this time it pegged the center, my heart skipped with satisfaction.

I glance over at the gamemakers, they are surprised clearly that I was this good.

I smile, almost. I had always been able to pick things up pretty quickly, a trait I had got from my mother-- my mother.....

It felt like the huge force had hit me all over again.


Not now.

I push the painful memories from my brain as I hurl another knife at the target.

It missed by a mile and I gulped, I had to redeem myself before I could leave though.

I reached for the last knife in the pile, it felt cool and smooth in my fingers as I twirled it a few times before I sent it spinning toward the target.

I heard it thump, but I didn't dare look for a second, terrified it was an awful throw.

I grit my teeth a second before turning my head.

A bullseye.

I let out a long breath as I turned toward the gamemakers, Senica Crane was stroking his beard thoughtfully.

"You are dismissed Miss Sparks." He said lowering his head to mark something on his paper.

"Wait!" I said

His head turned sharply toward me. "What?" His eyes flashed in displeasure- apparently this didn't happen a lot....

"S-sir? Will you give me the training score of a 5?" I felt the words slip off of my tongue quickly, knowing Q would kill me if he ever found out.

"Excuse me? You don't grade yourself, we grade you, now get out of here." Senica snapped

"Sir with all due respect I want a 5. I'm not leaving until I know you've given me one." I force the words from my mouth knowing this could very well be my death sentence.

He sigh a rubbed his temples, in that brief gesture I realized he might be a pushover. "Why Miss Sparks, do you want a 5 so badly? I was actually planning on giving you an 8. Wouldn't you prefer an 8?"

"No." I say a little too quickly, he couldn't give me an 8!!! I'd be dead in a second!!! "I want a 5 for my own strategic purposes."

Senica sigh loudly again. "What is your 'strategic purpose' then?"

I put my hand on my hip. "If you give me the 5, you'll find out." I say, not willing to divulge my plan to him. When his eyes lit up I instantly knew I had gotten his curiosity arisen, they were all interested-- Except for an small fat blue man in the corner who was more interested in his food-- but the majority was curious.

"We'll see." He said, which might as well of been a yes.

I nodded and exited the door, allowing a small smile to play on my face.


As soon as the door slammed behind me I was brutally attacked by Aqua. She grabbed me around the waist and lifted me off the ground.

"HOW DID IT GO?!!" She squealed excitedly finally putting me down.

I plastered a fake smile on my face. "IT WENT GREAT!!!" I squealed back making some girly gestures with my hands.

"I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!!!" She screeched so loud she nearly blew my eardrum. "Come, we mustn't linger, the next tribute will be along in a few minutes, besides, the scores will be up in two hours and we can see what you got!!!!"

She pulled me to the elevator and shoved me inside.

Aqua blabbered on about something or another as I watched the numbers go up until we reached 5, then the doors popped open and I walked into the apartment.

Blank was standing with Q who strait faced as always was talking with Blank, probably about the session.

I politely nodded at Q when he looked over towards me, but he just grimaced in return making a spark of anger well up inside me.

Why was he always so... so mean?! That's when the comment from Tigress came back to me; Haste makes waste, you of all people should know that. A familiar spark of curiosity came back to me.

That man had secrets.... Sadly they wouldn't last.

I turned towards Aqua. "How long do I have until the scores are up?"

"2 hours." She said studying her nails intently "Your free until then, but I have to ask you, is this nail longer than this one?!" She held out her heavily bejeweled 5 foot finger nails and I almost scowled.

How did she even go to the bathroom with those things?!

"They look fine!!!" I said and rushed toward my room, I wasn't going to waste time debating about whether her nails were too long or not.

I had secrets to dig up.

I slam the door behind me locking it quickly and stuffing a blanket in the crack between the door to muffle sound.

A wave of satisfaction ran through me as I studied my work. If I kept the volume low Q probably wouldn't hear. I was aware my precautions were most likely unneeded due to the fact Q was so incredibly ancient I doubted his hearing was as good as he pretended it was, but it couldn't hurt to be safe.

I move quickly over to the television and open the cabinet below it. The capital had supplied us with a tape of every hunger games in history for research, though judging by the pile of dust upon them I could tell nobody ever watched them.

I didn't blame them.

I run my finger down the stacks of tapes, looking for the 25th games--- there. I yanked it outward and snapped the case open, it's empty.

I feel my breath catch in my throat in disappointment, instantly knowing I had no chance of finding the tape, Q had probably destroyed it long ago.

I shoot to my feet and kick the bedpost in frustration. Now I'd never know-- wait.

Every room had a set of these tapes, right?

All I would have to do is get out of my floor, sneak into someone else's and steal it, then somehow get back in here without anyone noticing.

Normally I would say that's easier said than done, but quite honestly that wasn't even easy to think let alone say.

The elevators were specially programmed to deliver only certain people to certain floors so I couldn't just hop on the elevator when no one was looking.

I went over to the window and looked out, wondering if there was a way I could possibly pry it open and climb down, but realize the glass is too thick, it didn't open, and if I tried to break it I would fail miserably and draw a lot of attention to myself.

I sigh, about to give up when a memory came flooding back to my head.

I grinned.

Their was an escape hatch in the top of the elevator! A plan started forming in my head as I thought quickly.

I could tell Q I was going to see Tigress about my dress for tonight, then as soon as the doors closed I could climb through the hatch onto the top of the moving elevator. Then I could jump onto the narrow edge of a floor that extended into the shaft, pry the doors open and vola! I'm in.

It wouldn't be hard to get back all I would have to do is summon the elevator and ride it up!

This was brilliant, and my only possible chance of getting my hands on the tape. The games begun tomorrow and I didn't want to die curious.

I felt the familiar lump form in my throat as I thought of the possibility of me dying, sure I had a plan, but I could easily die in the bloodbath. I push it away as I realize I have a job to do.

I exited my room and headed toward the elevator, but stopped as I realized I'd need something to pry the door open with.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Aqua buttering some toast, she picks up the toast not noticing me and brings it over to Blank and Q. I slowly move toward the kitchen, pocketing the butter knife she had been using.

The knife would serve my purpose..... I think.....

I walk into the open, Q automatically sees me and scowls-- again. I suppose he was still angry because I had refused his help earlier, that man had me reaped because he wanted to have a victor. If I had listened to him-- if anyone listened to him they stood no chance.

Don't get me wrong, Q was smart in some manors, but when it came to strategy he was utterly useless.

"I'm going to see Tigress about my dress." I say shortly, careful to keep my expression neutral.

Q shook his head uncaringly and went back to talking with Blank.

Whatever b*tch, I thought angrily as I stepped into the elevator and the doors swooshed closed behind me.

I looked up and saw the hatch, I reached up to grab it, but realized I was too short!!! I curse myself for not putting my short height into consideration.

Think fast.

I picked the knife up and pointed it upwards extending my arm as long as it could reach. With the help of the knife I can reach the hatch. Speedily I push it open.

Now how could I get myself up.....?

I notice the handrail that ran around the inside if the elevator, undoubtedly to help old people keep their balance.

Well it has a whole new purpose now. I think as I place my foot on it and hoist myself through the hatch.

The elevator is moving rapidly downward, I gulp as I see the floors rush by quickly.

I didn't have time to think as I flung myself blindly at a doorway. I felt my feet connect with the narrow ledge as the elevator rushed downward.

I stood there a second, trying to balance myself.

This was a stupid way to die. I realized suddenly.

Verrrry stupid way to die, I thought as I wobbled unsteadily. My heart beating so fast it felt like it would pound out of my chest.

I unsteadily stuck the knife in the crack of the two doors, luckily they opened pretty easily, probably designed this way for safety.

I fall face first into the apartment in relief. After a second of recovery I look around, it's empty.

It looked exactly like out apartment except photos from district one hang all over the walls and I notice some spears lying on the ground near the couch. I didn't realize they allowed weapons in the apartments.

I roll my eyes.

They must make an exception for careers.

I walk slowly and cautiously through the apartment toward the bedrooms, not wanting to make a sound, afraid I would turn the corner and come face to face with Glimmer-- or worse, Marvel.

How could I explain this to him?

'Uhhh sorry, I just broke into your apartment to steal a tape. No biggie.'

That would go over well.

I reach a bedroom and duck inside not daring to breath as I made my way over to the television. It was in the exact same spot as in my room, except all the tapes were scattered around the floor in no order at all.

I take a deep breath and begin desperately rifling through them, each sound the plastic tapes made, sounding as loud as a gun.

I kept expecting someone to appear out of nowhere, but they didn't.

The 25th games were near the bottom, I opened the case and saw the tape was in there, I quickly snap it shut and shove it into the belt of my pants.

Now for my retreat.

I run as fast as I can towards the elevator, running felt like the safest thing to do right now, and I didn't bother telling myself no.

I reached the elevator and pressed the call button repeatedly as if it would make it come faster.

Finally after what seemed like ages, the doors opened--

There stood Glimmer, Marvel and their mentor.

Oh. My. Crap.



There, I made this chapter longer. Sorry again about the 2 inch chapter, you guys desire better so I fixed it. <3

Ok so my mom is making me quit Wattpad, so updates will not come a lot. (I WILL SNEAK ON TO UPDATE) I promise I will keep writing guys!!!

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