𝑰 𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒔𝒆, 𝑴𝒔 �...

By mistymatrix

76.5K 1.7K 588

My eyes flutter to her lips and then her eyes again, I smirked subconsciously, "Yes, Ms Cain." She narrowed h... More

Author's Note
Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 4 - Continued
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15
Ch 16
Ch 17
Ch 19
Ch 20
Ch 21
Ch 22

Ch 18

3.1K 77 36
By mistymatrix

Aurora's POV:

Miss fucking Sander. 

Who did she think she was bursting into her classroom like that?! Even though she didn't see anything, something tells me she knew exactly what was happening. 

But who was going to believe her? No one. It's not like she saw anything incriminating...

My blood has been boiling ever since I saw her talking to Alex. I swear they were flirting with each other, Alexandria despises people so what makes this new woman so different?!

"Rory. Stop daydreaming. I need you to help me pick a dress for my date with Maya later tonight. What do you think, red or blue?" Jen held up two dresses, both slutty but elegant. 

I pondered for a moment before answering, "Red." Jen turned back towards the mirror in front of her, bit the inside of her lip and hummed in approval.

"You're right. Red it is." She hung the red dress up over the dorm room's door and put the blue dress back into the drawer it came from. 

I slumped back into the bed underneath me. I assumed it was Maya's considering it was untidy as fuck and Jen doesn't strike me as a messy girl. 

"What's up with you today? You are acting like you've witnessed someone murder puppies." I groaned after she spoke, my irritation evidently showing just pissed me off even more.

"Nothing. Just stressed. We have Ms Cain next period and I haven't studied for the quiz." My mind raced with thoughts of how disappointed she would be with me if I failed, but grateful that I came up with a distraction from today's earlier events. 

"I haven't studied either. How about we skip it and go out for a quick shopping spree. You seem like you need a break and I can't blame you, the whole college thing is a lot to take in." I felt Jen's hand take my arm and forcefully pull me up to a sitting position. 

"Jen you know she's not going to like that." She rolled her eyes at my response, Jen was usually pretty strict on her schedules and schoolwork so the fact that she even suggested skipping blew my mind. 

Maybe skipping will show her, I know she won't like it but I couldn't give a fuck right now. She's pissed me off and the last thing I need is to be sat in a room trying to answer questions I don't know the answers to with her staring at me the entire time. 

"Actually, you know what, let's go. I need to buy some more t-shirts, but I definitely need a coffee." I stood up and saw Jen physically relax.

"Yes! Let's go." 


"So what are you and Maya doing later?" I asked before taking a long sip out of my straw. I ordered a boring iced latte but I would take anything with caffeine in it right now. 

"She said it was a surprise but to wear something fancy. I'm not gonna lie I'm a little scared for what she has planned." Jen looked at me with concern before laughing her ass off. 

"Hey, she could be doing something really nice for you. You never know, she could be secretly very romantic." There was a silence as we both looked at each other but quickly ended when we both burst into laughter.

"Girl! We both know Maya is the least romantic person to walk this planet. I just hope I've picked the right outfit for the occasion." Her voice quietened.

"Hey.. Don't worry about it. I'm sure she will love whatever you choose to wear. Although, I definitely think you should wear the red dress." I playfully winked at her in an attempt to cheer her up. 

"Yeah. You're right." She offered me a small smile.

"I know I am." I jokingly nudged my elbow in her side, which made us both break into laughter once again, before I felt my phone buzzing in my back pocket.

I rolled my eyes knowing exactly who it was but still chose to reach for it. 

"Shit.." I mumbled under my breath, she was calling me. Normally she just sends me a message, but to ring me? 

I answered it and lifted it up to my ear but decided to not say anything. 

"Aurora." Her deep voice rung through my ears. 

I swallowed the lump in my throat and continued to not say anything.

I heard her let out a deep sigh before speaking again, "You are really testing me today, little one. If your ass isn't sat at your desk in the next five minutes, I will make sure you aren't able to sit for a week." She abruptly hung up. 

"Who was that?" Jen's voice made me jump slightly, my throat was now completely dry so I sipped some of my latte before trying to think of a lie to give her. 

"Just someone trying to sell me some windows." I gave her a small smile in hopes she would believe me.

"Fucking spam callers." I snorted at her reply. 

"What?! There is nothing worse than some ass trying to sell you shit and take your hard-earned money." Jen started to rant whilst my mind had instantly gone to Cameron.

I no longer had a job and if Alexandria can't help me out then I need to start looking for another. I don't want to rely on her anyway, let alone take her money. 


"Aurora." I looked at her mischievously and she smirked at me in response. 

"Do you wanna look for a job with me? Imagine what we could get up to working together..." I laughed and saw her think for a second. 

"Duh. Let's do it girl. What sort of job are you thinking?" 

"Well. Apparently there's a gay club down the road. Do you think they will let us work there? I couldn't think of anything better than working around a bunch of like-minded people." I winked playfully and saw Jen's eyes light up.

"Yes, yes and yes. We have to at least try. Should we go now and have a look?" Jen was bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Sure." I smiled at her.


Quite some time had passed. It must have been well into the lesson by now whilst me and Jen were trying to convince the manager of 'Divine' to give us a job. I'm surprised he was even entertaining our idea let alone actually considering it. 

"You know what. Fine. You girls can pour drinks and clean after close. We don't normally get a whole load of students wanting to work here, but I guess I can make you two ladies an exception. However, if I see you even try and taste the tiniest bit of alcohol, I will throw you out of the club myself. Do we have a deal?" The man held out his hand.

Jen shook it first, and then I followed.

"Deal." Jen proudly exclaimed.

"Great. I'll see you both tomorrow at 8pm for your induction shift. If you aren't up to my expectations, then you're a goner." The man smugly smiled.

"Wow. You're a mean gay." Jen huffed. 

"Not mean hunny, just a perfectionist." I snorted at Jen's butt-hurt facial expression. 

I quickly stepped away from the two's bickering to once again answer my phone as I felt it ring.

"What?" I said bluntly.

"Where the hell are you?!" I could feel her eyebrows raise through the phone. I know for a fact I'm definitely a goner when she next gets her hands on me.

"I'm out."

"Out where, Aurora? Are you with Jen by any chance?" Her voice lowered an octave. She must have stepped out of her classroom to speak over the phone.

"Yeah, Jen's with me. We are job-hunting." I tried to sound as unbothered as I could. If she sensed even the slightest bit of nervousness, I know she would pounce. 

"Oh really? Did you not hear me when I said I would hire you?" Her voice was laced with bitterness.

"I don't want to burden you. It's easier this way. Sorry about the whole skipping thing, I never got a chance to study for your quiz and I didn't want to fail."

"Well, you haven't really thought that one through. Skipping the quiz instantly earns you a zero, Aurora. I hope next time you will come to me if you have any concerns. I am your professor first." The colour from my face faded as rage overcame me.

"Oh, you're my professor first?! So were you my professor when you fucked me on your couch?! Were you my professor when you fingered me in the shower this morning?! Tell me Alex!" I stopped breathing when I realised that the room had gone quiet. I turned around to see Jen and our new manager blankly staring at me. Fuck, fuck, fuck. 

"I didn't mean it like th-." I quickly hung up on her before trying to talk some sense into Jen.

"Jen, it's not what you think..."

"Damn, girl hasn't even started yet and she's bringing some drama into the workplace." The man laughed and walked away, leaving me and Jen alone.

"Rory. Who was that?" I couldn't decipher how she was feeling, her facial expression seemed disgusted but her body language screamed betrayal.

"Jen, please. You have to listen to me. You can't tell anyone." Sweat started to form on my forehead as my breathing quickened.

"Tell me who that was." Her reaction didn't falter.

I quickly gulped, my mind racing with the decision of telling her or not.

"Rory..." Jen took a step closer to me, holding my hand in hers before embracing me into a friendly hug. "I'm sorry, I won't tell a soul. Just breathe." I shut my eyes as I tried to sync my breathing with my heartbeat. 

"It's-." I was cut off with Jen's quiet shushing. I felt her hand rub my back which helped me to calm down slightly. "It's Ms Cain." Her hand on my back stopped for a few seconds as she tried to contemplate what I had just told her. 

She pulled me away from her, her hands held a light grip on my arms as she forced me to look at her.

I was confused at what she was doing until she started laughing, "You are one brave lady. That woman is terrifying! How on earth did you even-! Tell me everything." I chuckled at her reaction. My worries quickly settled and I wiped away the stray tears that had fell during our embrace. 

"It's a long story..." I smiled. 

"I got all~ day." She hummed. 

I laughed and rolled my eyes.


"How has it only been like a week and you've already got a kinky ass girlfriend, and to add to that, she's your professor?! My professor!" Jen laughed.

"Okay, I can tell you are really enjoying this so I'm going to need you to bring it down by like five notches. Also, she is not happy with either of us right now can I just add and I'm one-hundred percent going to be blaming it on you." I joked. 

"Shit. I forgot about that. Well, she's your girlfriend, just sweet talk her. Get her to chill." 

"Well she's not really my girlfriend. I don't really know what we are. Is that bad?" I expressed my doubts to her, if there's anyone I should go to get dating advice from, it should be Jen.

"Girl, she got you to sign a contract. You are basically wifed." I playfully hit her as she joked. 

"Don't say that. I mean she's gorgeous, she is basically the perfect woman, but like you said it has only been a week. I feel like we are jumping the gun a bit." 

"Hey. Don't beat yourself up over it. Lesbians are known for jumping the gun, just let the universe do its job." For some reason, what she said actually made some sense. 

"I guess you're right. She is a completely different person outside of college and something tells me she is holding a whole lot of baggage." 

"You can't be so judgemental when it comes to these things. She's older than us, she has more life experience, of course there will be baggage. You just need to support her until she is ready to tell you." Jen smiled before we stood up to walk back to campus. 

"Wow. Sometimes you can be smart." I snorted as she hit me, "Just promise me you won't tell anyone. Dana already knows and Alex is weary around the subject of her knowing already. She loves her job, Jen." I pleaded.

"I won't tell anyone, Rory. You have my word, I won't even tell Maya." She reassured. 

I felt my heart rate lower as she spoke, it felt good to get some of my worries out to someone that wasn't Alexandria. Someone on the outside. 

"Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me." I stopped our walking to give her a hug before we continued.


We walked through the hallway towards Alex's lecture room. I could barely hear my own footsteps considering that there were people all around me, some of them were familiar faces that looked shaken up, I assumed that they struggled on her quiz. 

"Jen, let me talk to her. Stay here and make sure no one comes in." I turned my back to her before taking a deep breath and opening the door.

I gently shut the door behind me as I noticed her sat at her desk, already marking the quizzes. I couldn't tell whether or not she had heard me come in or if she was just ignoring me, so I cleared my throat to gain her attention.

As if on queue, she looked up and made direct eye contact with me before looking back down again. Did she just ignore me?

"Alex?" My voice came out shakier than I would have liked.

No answer.

"Alex? Don't ignore me." I walked until I could put my hands on her desk and leaned down to try and catch her attention again. 

Still no answer.

I huffed before continuing, "Ms Cain!"

Her eyes joined mine once again, placing her pen down and folding her arms on top of her desk. 

I spoke before she could, "You had no right to belittle me to just your student earlier. You are lucky I am even speaking to you so if you want to ignore me then go ahead, I just needed to tell you that Jen knows." I saw her face whiten as she tried to understand what I had said.

"What do you mean she knows?" She spat. She looked so angry that if this was a cartoon I would be able to see steam coming out of her ears.

"She heard me on the phone to you earlier. I told her everything..." I looked down at my feet as the room went silent. I could only hear how fast my heart was beating and how heavy she was breathing.

"Get out." I heard her whisper. My mind flashed back to my first lesson with her.

"What?" I looked up, only to see her staring daggers into me.

"I said get out." She remained calm as she spoke, but I could physically see her blood boiling with rage. 

"No, Alex. We need to talk about this..." I tried to stand my ground, but the longer I stood there the more I felt like a fool for even trying.

"Maybe you should have thought about that before you told her everything. This won't work if you aren't going to consider how I would feel, especially with such a personal subject, Aurora. So, get out before I say something I may regret..." I felt as if someone had stabbed me with a knife to the heart. My eyes pricked and I could barely inhale my next breath. 

"But-." My voice strained.

"OUT!" She shouted and pointed towards the door, turning her head to the floor and ignoring my presence entirely. 

My throat tightened as I tried to contain the urge to breakdown and cry. 

"Fuck you. This isn't how you sort a conflict, Alexandria." I managed to muster a sentence before turning around and slamming the door. 

My actions earned stares from all of the passing students, some gasping quietly as if they were stunned by the confidence I had to do that to Ms Cain.  

I felt Jen's hand on my upper back as I started to let tears fall down my cheek. 

"Get me out of here." I whispered to her. She nodded in reply and started to lead me to her dorm.

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