The Canterfiction Tales

Por CanterFiction

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This is a twist on the original Canterbury Tales. I did a collection of 24 mini fanfiction stories. Más

Young Frollo
The Marvelous Misadventures of ZephyJack
The Tale of Two Scourges
New Friends and Unusual Parents
Take Them- Part 1
Take Them- Part 2
I Forgive You
A French Apology
Diagnosed- Part 1
Diagnosed- Part 2
This Burning Memory
Touche and Unguard
The Scavenger Hunt
Frollos In Paris- Part 1
Frollos In Paris-Part 2
Frollos In Paris- Part 3
Fall For You
The Wondrous Beauty of Italy
The Will You, The I Will, The Sunrise
The Episode
Here I Am, Send Me!
Emory Maise Deslauriers
Until We're Old & Gray
Revelation 21:4

The Joys Of Camping

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Por CanterFiction

It's 5:30 am on Friday morning and the Bucksaplenty siblings are wide awake, eager to start their weekend. Today they will be going camping for the first time, at the Rock Black camping grounds.

  "Li Li, are mommy and daddy up yet?" Asked Nessie as she began crawling out of bed.

"Um, not sure. But it doesn't sound like."

"Well in that case, we'd better go get them up!" Said Nessie enthusiastically.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Cried Liam.

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The two siblings raced out of their room and down the hallway, and burst into their parent's bedroom where Sebby and Eima were still sleeping. Yelling with joy, the jumped into their bed and began crawling all over them. They sat up immediately, now fulling awake.

"Time to get up!" Sang Nessie. "We're going camping today!"

"Yeah, so we have to leave early so we can get a good spot!" Piped Liam.

Sebby put his knuckle to his chin. "You know kids, we've been thinking, it's probably best that we wait till next year to go camping, you'll be older. I think you're too little to handle it." He stated matter of fact.

Eima gave him a subtle confused look. But Sebby winked discreetly at her and she understood. Smirking, she played along. "Your father's right kids. It might not be a good idea. Camping is a lot of work. Next year Liam you'll be twelve and Nessie baby, you'll be seven. You'll be much more mature at that age."

The excited looks on their children's faces turned into looks of agonizing disappointment. "But...but I think we're plenty big. Right Li Li?" Said. Nessie, turning to her brother.

"Yeah, we'll be able to handle it."

Sebby shook his head. "Sorry kiddos, you're going to have to wait till next summer."

Liam let out a frustrated puff of air, trying not to be angry with his parents. "Ok. Come on Ness, let's go unpack." Nessie whined but began to follow after her brother.

As they started to slink off the bed, deflated that their plans had been cancelled, both Eima and Sebby grabbed their children

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and yanked them back into their arms. Sebby pinned Liam on his back and Eima did the same to Nessie. The tickled them ferociously as they kicked and squealed. Their voices high with childish laughter.

"Of course we're going camping!" Cried Sebby as he let his son up.

"But..but what about not being old enough." Asked Liam, thoroughly confused.

"Well." Began Eima, as she too let go of her daughter. "We were messing with you. Payback for jumping on us and waking us up."

Sebby sniggered and pointed at his children, who were still looking a bit dumbfounded. "You two should have seen the look on your faces! Priceless!" The husband and wife began to laugh out loud while Nessie and Liam gave them pointed looks.

Then Liam threw a cheeky look at his sister and subtly tipped his head toward their rumpled pillows. She smirked and grabbed one of the pillows, Liam doing the same. Before they knew what was coming their children were upon them hitting them with the soft pillows.

"Wh- hey!" Cried Sebby, caught off guard.

Their children cackled as they bombarded their parents with blows from the pillows. Eima tried snatching Liam's but he held on tight and pulled back. Nessie wasn't so lucky as Sebby had managed to swipe the pillow out of his daughter's hand. He now had her and the pillow thrown over her shoulder. She yelled for her brother to come save her so he released his pillow, sending his mother toppling backwards. Then threw himself at his dad, grabbing the pillow and pummeling him with a volley of attacks. Eima also threw herself into the melee. Pretty soon the

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Bucksaplentys collapsed in a heap, laughing until tears were streaming from their eyes and their bellies hurt. As they caught their breath Liam sat up and smiled at his parents.

"I'm really glad that we all get to go camping together. I'm really excited."

"Me too!" Yipped Nessie. "But anyway me and Li Li already packed our bags, so now you guys have to pack yours."

Eima chuckled. "Alright sweetie, we'll be ready in a flash." Satisfied, the two siblings hopped off the bed and ran back to their room to finish getting ready.

"I love those kiddos." Said Sebby turning to look at his wife. "Have I ever told you how lucky I am to have you in my life, my beautiful wife? You've made me and Liam so happy." He said tenderly as he leaned in to kiss her.

Eima blushed, but kissed him back. "I feel the same about you dear. Now we'd better hurry before those two come and beat us again.

Sebby laughed. "Yeah I guess you're right.

After Eima and Sebby were downstairs and ready, their children were already loading up the car with supplies. As Liam was walking in from putting the cooler in the car, Nessie was walking out with her arms full of beach toys. She could barley see and wobbled a bit trying to keep them from toppling onto the floor.

"You want some help Ness?" Asked Liam, starting towards her.

"No...I it." She said, still wobbling a bit.

"You sure?"

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"Yup I'm sur-woah!"

As soon as the determined six year old made it to the car she tried to lift them up into the trunk but lost her balance. Her and the beach toys ended up in a pile on the ground. She sat there for a moment then starting laughing.

Liam hurried over to his sister and bent down next to her. "Ness are you okay?!"

"Yeah Li Li, I'm fine. I guess I should have let you help me after all." She laughed again and her brother joined in as he helped her to her feet.

Eima watched them from the doorway shaking her head amused then turned back and walked into the kitchen to help pack snacks for the ride. "You know Sebastian, that girl is just like you."

Sebby raised his eyebrows. "Sebastian? What's with the formalities. No one ever uses my full name." He chuckled.

His wife shrugged. "Sometimes I like throwing you off guard." She threw him a wink.

He grinned. "And yes, I guess she is a lot like me. She's got your looks, my personality." Sebby looked thoughtful for a moment. "Now Liam...he's kind of his own person. He's like me in certain ways...and of course he's nothing like Helen thank goodness. But he's a wonderful kid, and I know he'll grow up to be a fine young man.

The last thing left to pack up was the tent, which Nessie and Liam began to pick up but struggled a bit from the weight until Sebby stopped them. "Okay you two, I'll grab the tent. I don't want you hurting yourself. Your sister's already had a spill this morning."

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"Aww daddy, I wasn't even hurt." She retorted.

He chuckled. "We'll still. I'll put it in the car. Besides, don't you want breakfast?"

Liam shook his head. "No time dad. We need get on the-" Liam's stomach rumbled in protest. He squeezed his torso, trying to make it stop as he looked up at his dad, his cheeks turning pink with slight embarrassment.

His mother put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow. "I think your stomach would think other wise. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

"Well...can't we get some on the way? Pleeease?" Pleaded Liam putting his hands together. His sister looked at him then back at her mother, also putting her hands together mimicking her older brother.

Eima sighed slightly. "Oh alright. We'll stop at Jiffy's."

Liam pumped his fist. "Sweet!" 

After the Bucksaplentys grabbed breakfast, they played a variety of car games, until the kids started to get antsy. Especially Nessie. "Mommy, daddy, are we there yet?"

"Not yet sweetie." Said Eima.

Nessie slumped down in her seat and huffed out a puff of air with her arms crossed. Liam reached out a hand and patted her on the back. "Don't worry Ness, we'll be there soon. Hey, I have an idea! How about when  we see someone with a funny license plate we wave at them and whoever gets the most waves wins." Suggested Liam.

"Oh okay! That sound like fun! Okay I'll start." Nessie began

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staring out the window, her large green eyes following the back of every car that passed by then Eima spoke up.

"Liam, I don't think you should play that game." She said, turning around to look at them."

"What? How come mom?" Asked Liam, tilting his head making his black bangs swing to the side.

"By waving at people, you could distract them. And it isn't good for drivers to be distracted. They could get in an accident and hurt others or themselves. Does that make sense?" Both siblings nodded. "You can still play your game but just play it in a way that is safe for everyone."

Liam put his chin in his hand thinking. "Hey Ness, do you know what time it is?"


"Time for a noodle dance! Like in P, B, and J Otter do."

"Oh yeah! The noodle dance!"

The two siblings broke out into song and began dancing around in their seats. Pretty soon their parents joined in.

Noodle, use your noodle

Noodle, do the noodle dance

Solve a problem, it's no strain

Use your noodle, that's your brain

Noodle, use your noodle

Noodle, do the noodle dance

There's an answer you can find

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Use your noodle, that's your mind

In a bind, just use your mind

Use your noodle!

Just then, as if a lightbulb had been lit in Nessie's brain she raised her little pointer finger in the air enthusiastically. "I got it!

"Cool! What is it Ness?" Asked Liam smiling over at her.

"What if when we see the license plates we make the drivers beep the horn instead of wave! That way they can keep both hands on the wheel!"

Liam was silent for a moment then hesitated before he spoke. "Er...that would be a good idea Ness, only thing they would still be distracted because they would have to look at us...and take their eyes off the road. And when they beep the horn, other cars might think that they are beeping the horn at them and get upset or confused."

His sister's shoulders slumped. "Oh yeah."

"But....what if we use another way to get points. How about the person who spots the most license plates gets to have longer with the boogie board at the beach! Is that a good idea mom?" Asked Liam glancing over in her direction.

Eima smiled. "I think that's a perfect idea."

As they played their game Nessie and Liam laughed at the funny license plates they saw. Some of their favorites being, GOOGOO, IDGET, WUSS6, and POO1CAN. In the end Nessie one, although Liam might have purposely pretended he didn't see some of them so Nessie would think she spot it first. Sebby gave his son a knowing smile, admiring his selflessness.

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"Well kiddos! Looks like we're here!" There was a unanimous 'yaaay' as they peered out their windows. "Can you smell the ocean guys?"

The siblings inhaled deeply through their noses. "Oooo yes daddy! I can!" Yipped Nessie.

When Sebby parked the car, everyone began unloading. Liam grabbed the cooler, Sebby grabbed the tent, and Eima took the beach stuff. Nessie began gathering up all the beach toys in her arms like she has last time but Eima stopped here.

"Hold on baby, I don't want you to fall again. How about we put them in this bag and you carry it."

"Oh! Okay mommy." Eima, took the toys from her daughter's arms and placed them into the bag and handed it to her. "Hmm yes, much better! I mean if I fell I probably wouldn't have gotten hurt though. I'm tough! Just like daddy!" Nessie balled up her little hands into fist and held up both her arms up, making two little muscles.

Eima chuckled. "Oh silly goose, yes you are very much like your daddy."

When they reached the camp grounds they looked around for a place to set up their tent. Liam's dark eyes scanned the area, then rested on a wide open grassy area away from the picnic tables with a perfect view of the ocean. "Dad! How about that spot over there!" He cried pointing wildly. "It's perfect!"

Sebby shielded his eyes with his hand and squinted. "Well buddy, I think that's the perfect spot. Let's go grab it before someone else does." They quickly made their way over to the spot Liam had found and plopped their stuff down. "Now, we need to set everything up."

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"On it!" Liam hurriedly grabbed the bag that held the tent but the tie string opened spilling everything out onto the ground. He cringed then slowly looked over at his father apologetically. "Oops, sorry dad."

All Sebby did was laugh. "Here let me help you."

As Liam and his son made work of the tent, Nessie and Eima began setting up the lawn chairs and separating the rest of their supplies.

Once everything was put together Sebby stood up and dusted off his hands, pleased with his work. "Well that wasn't so bad. Definitely less complicated than designing and building wheelchairs. Then he held out his arm to give his son a fist bump. "But of course I couldn't do it without you buddy." Sebby ruffled his son's black straight hair.

Liam surveyed their camping area. "We make a good team dad. And look, mom and Ness did a good job setting everything else up too."

Now that we're done setting up, I have a surprise for you guys." Said Sebby.

Nessie sucked in a breath. "You do! What is it daddy! What is it?!"

"They have an aqua marine tour with a bunch of cool exhibits." Said Sebby sounding just as excited as his children. "So you little monkeys ready to head over there?"

"Am I" Said Liam his eyes going wide. "Of course I am dad!"

Sebby chuckled. "Well alrighty then! Let's go!"

When the Bucksaplentys reached the tour building, Sebby

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checked them in, and ushered his family into the lobby where they waited with the rest of the tour group. As they room filled with happy chatter, especially the children, Liam and Nessie continuously saw the door to the exhibits open and close as the tour guides and employees got ready to begin. After what felt like ages for the eager Bucksaplenty children, a tour guide came out. She was a young woman, maybe in her early twenties. Her light brown hair was pulled back into a pony tail, and on top of her head she wore a safari hat with shorts and a shirt to match. On her feet were neatly laced hiking boots.

She clapped her hands and raised her voice so she could be heard over everyone. "Okay everybodyyyy! Are you ready to get this show...or should I say swim on the road?" There was a cheer, signifying that they were. "Great! My name is Amanda and I will be taking you guys on your journey today. But before we go in, I want to go over some rules. These are to make sure that you and the marine animals stay safe." Amanda held up one finger. "Rule number one. Please don't touch any of the marine life unless I give you the okay or I am there to assist you. Number two." She put up a second finger. "Make sure if you have any questions raise your hand and wait for me to call on you, or come and find me. If there is an emergency find the nearest exit and follow the directions. And number three." Amanda paused for a moment and shifted her light brown eyes from side to side and smirked. "Have lots of fun!" She threw her arms up in the air. Everyone cheered. "Now let's go!"

As Amanda led the tour group through the door that led through to the exhibits, there were excited chatters and whispers, especially from all the children. Once inside there were a plethora of different activities and exhibits inside. Nessie and Liam turned their heads this way and that trying to take it all in. They followed Amanda into what looked like a class room. There were pictures and displays, of everything you would find in the ocean. The tour guide raised her voice again. "Okay, everyone, first we are going to to have a little introduction to what marine life is. Please take a seat on those benches over there." The tour guide swung her arm and

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gestured toward the  log shaped benches. As everyone took a seat, another woman in a white lab coat came out to stand by Amanda. She had brown skin, black rimmed rectangle glasses, and her auburn wavy hair was pulled up into a messy bun. She smiled and said something to her Amanda, who smiled back, giving a curt nod and gestured to her to step forward. The woman stood up straight and cleared her throat. Everyone quieted and turned their attention to her.

"If I could have everyone's attention please." Her voice was on the higher side but it had a warm tone to it. "My name is professional Teddie Altman, and I'm a marine biologist. Now, can anyone tell me what a marine biologist is?" Professor Altman's light brown eyes scanned the room from behind her glasses but no one volunteered. However just as she was about to go ahead and just explain, a little hand shot up. It was Nessie's. Her parents and big brother looked at her surprised at her boldness. Professor Altman smiled. "Well alrighty, how about the little cutie down in front. Can you please tell everyone your name?"

Nessie blushed a bit, but spoke clearly. My name is Nessie Bucksaplenty. A marine biologist, is a person who studies marine animals. Like dolphins, and fishies, and my favorite...sting rays! Oh I hope they have them here."

Professor Altman chuckled. "Well Nessie, you are correct. And a very smart little girl." Nessie beamed. "So as Nessie said, a marine biologist studies marine life. My job is to conduct species inventories, testing, and monitoring sea creatures exposed to pollutants. I also analyze samples in a lab and develop new research theories from them." Teddie took a piece of white chalk out of her lab coat pocket and drew a diagram. "This," she pointed to the chalk board. "Is a marine ecosystem. A Marine ecosystems are aquatic environments with high levels of dissolved salt, such as those found in or near the ocean. Marine ecosystems are defined by their unique biotic, which is living and abiotic that's non living factors. Biotic factors include plants, animals, and microbes;

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important abiotic factors include the amount of sunlight in the ecosystem, the amount of oxygen and nutrients dissolved in the water, proximity to land, depth, and temperature. The most important factor in all of this is the sun." Teddie drew a big sun with a smile and sunglasses.  

Nessie giggled. "I like your sun. I draw mine like that too." Nessie's parents gave her a slightly pointed look and put their pointer fingers to their lips signaling her to keep quiet and not interrupt. She winced and gave them an apologetic look.

Professor Altman gave her an amused look but continued speaking. "However the oceans and the sea life that live in them are becoming very sick, so me and my colleagues are trying our best to find ways to keep the oceans clean. So as you go out on our tour today, try to think of something that you can do, to try to keep our oceans healthy. Does that sound like a plan?" There was a chorus of 'yeses' and Teddie put her hands together. "Great, now how about we get started!"

Professor Altman turned the group back over to Amanda. "Alright everyone, follow me." As everyone began to file out of the class room, Nessie looked back at Teddie who was beginning to gather up her paperwork.

"Come on Ness, let's get up front so we can see better." Said Liam taking his little sister's hand.

"Oh...okay." Said Nessie still looking back in the Marine biologist direction as Liam began pulling her along.

Liam noticed that Nessie seemed a tad reluctant to leave the classroom. "Nessie, what's wrong? Don't you want to go on the tour?" Eima and Sebby stopped and looked back at their children with quizzical looks on their faces.

" you think Professor Altman is coming on the tour

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with us?"

"What? I..I don't know. Do you want her to?"

Nessie nodded. "I really like her. She is very smart."

Liam glanced at Teddie then back at Nessie. Clearly seeing that his sister was besotted with the Professor, he went to ask her to come with them. "Wait here, I'll go ask her." Liam hurried back into the classroom and up to Teddie. "Excuse me, Professor Altman?"

She looked up over the top of her glasses, a curious expression on her face then smiled. "Yes young man, what can I do for you?"

"Er...I was wondering if you are coming with us on the tour. You see my sister really likes you and she wants you to come." Liam huffed a laugh and smiled to himself, thinking of his sister's bubbly personality "My sister... she is friendly with everyone, but something about you, I can tell she admires you." Professor Altman's light brown eyes looked passed Liam, to Nessie, who was peeking into the classroom. "If you can't I understand. And she will too."

"Well, I do have an hour before I have to be back to the lab. Why not." She said cheerfully.

Liam glanced over his shoulder at his sister's eager face. He gave her a toothy grin and put two thumbs up. She clapped her hands and gave an audible 'yay.' When Liam and Teddie walked back into the lobby where their parents were now standing next to their daughter. Nessie threw her arms around the marine biologist's waist, catching her slightly off-guard. Then Nessie looked up at her and grinned. "Thank you, for coming, professor Altman."

Teddie patted the bubbly six year old on the head and chuckled. "It's my pleasure."

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Sebby laughed. "Good, now that the gang is all here, let's hurry and catch up before we get a in trouble and they feed us to the fishes. Get it because there's fish here!"

Eima rolled her big green eyes but couldn't help but chuckle and Liam playfully punched him in the arm. Well that certainly wasn't a dad joke." He said sarcastically. Sebby swung his arm around his son and pulled him in. "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad was it buddy?" Liam couldn't help but laugh at his dad's antics.

"Professor Altman, my dad's a bit of a goof sometimes." Said Nessie.

Teddie chuckled. "I think i'm going to like accompanying you Bucksaplentys on this tour."

Nessie grinned, and took the marine biologist's hand. "Great so let's catch-up before my daddy's right and the really do feed us to the fishies."

When the Bucksaplentys and Professor Altman caught up with the rest of the group, they were gathered around a case that held a variety of fossils. Amanda was pointing at each one and explaining what they were. Then a boy around Liam's age with black wavy hair and blonde hi lights raised his hand.

"Yes, young man?" So all these fossils are cool and all but what about all the sea monsters? Where are those fossils?"

Amanda looked at him caught off guard, not sure how to answer his question. "Well see..." Just then Professor Altman spoke up. The tour guide's head snapped up, not expecting to see the professor there.

"I have seen sea monster fossils before and they are quite fascinating. One of my favorites being the Plesiosaurus. He kind of looks like the Loch Ness monster. Unfortunately those fossils aren't

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here, they are in a big museum. But don't worry," she said brightly. "There is one not far from here, called Earth's Wonder museum if you'd like to visit."

The boy turned to his father and with pleading eyes he said, "Oh dad! Can we go can we go?"

His father chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Sure son. After this tour we'll head straight over." The boy jumped in the air to celebrate.

Amanda gave Teddie a grateful look and she winked in return. "Okie dokie, now enough about fossils. Let's head over to the reef station. Amanda led them down the hall and into another room that had a big glass wall and behind it was a colorful coral reef.

Eima gasped. "Oh my it's beautiful!"

"Yeah! I bet this is where mermaids live." Piped Nessie. Still holding on to Teddie's hand. Nessie looked up at her. "Professor Altman? Do you believe in mermaids? A lot of people think it's silly and they say I'm crazy or living in a fairy tale, but I think they're real. But...if you don't, I won't be mad. A lot of grown ups think they are just make believe.

Teddie knelt down to the six year old girl's level and brushed her white hair away from her face and smiled. "I don't think you're crazy." She said gently. "I've never seen a mermaid, but one day I hope to see one. They are beautiful creatures with lovely voices." She took out her phone and showed Nessie her the wallpaper picture on the phone screen. Her eyes widened when she saw a mermaid with olive skin and freckles. Her long dark wavy hair, cascaded over her slender shoulders and her dark green eyes were shining. Her maroon tail draped over the side of the rock as she sang to a dolphin who had its head resting on her lap. "If I ever see one, the first person I will share it with is you, I promise. Okay?"

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Nessie's green eyes looked as if they were tearing up. "Okay." And I promise if I see one you will be the first person I share it with."

Liam watched the two of them. A warm smile spreading across his face. Amanda's voice made him tear his gaze away from the professor and his sister. Today, many of our coral reefs are dying. The ones you see here are full of life, vibrant and colorful, but unfortunately many today are gray, dull, and lifeless." Amanda pointed to a picture up on the wall of a dead reef. "These coral reefs are home to many different sea animals. Without them, they have no home and many die. Let me ask you kiddos, who here likes to snorkel?" Everyone raised their hand.

Liam noticed that both his father and sister raided their hands high over their heads, with big identical grins on their faces. "Guys, you've never even been snorkeling. How do you even know if you like it?"

"Oh come on buddy, it looks really fun. How can you not like it!" Retorted Sebby.

"Yeah Li Li!" Piped his sister.

Liam looked at his mother, who shrugged innocently and giggled silently. "It does look fun."

Liam shook his head at his family. "Well if that's the case, let's all go snorkeling. We'll go to wear the water is warm and blue. Hawaii! Next summer. Is..that okay? Mom, dad?"

Sebby and Eima looked at each other and grinned. "I think that sounds like a wonderful idea sweetie." Said Eima.

"Okay guys! Are you hungry?!" Asked Amanda. There was a resounding 'yeah' from the group. Mostly children, with the

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exception of Sebby. "Good, follow me. We are going to have a snack." As Amanda led them to a small room, Liam noticed a knowing smug smile on the tour guides lips as she said something to a young man who walked out of the kitchen. He had a slim build, dirty blond hair, and a mustache. He wore an old fashion monocle over one one of his hazel eyes. He placed paper plates on the long table and told everyone to have a seat in front of one. Motioning to the young man next to her she gave the floor to him.

"Hi everyone, my name is Manoah-"

"And yes if you're wondering why he's wearing that thing on his face." She pointed to his monocle. "Is because he says it makes him look sophisticated and wise." Teased Amanda elbowing him in the ribs.

Manoah gave Amanda a playful shove. "And she can be a little bossy sometimes." He teased back. Liam could tell they must be good friends to be able to make fun of each other like that.

"As I was saying my name is Manoah and I study marine life diet. So does anyone here have fish?" Asked Manoah looking around.

A girl with blonde curly hair raised her hand quite vigorously. "Oo oo me! We have two goldfish."

"And May I ask, what do they eat?"

"Fishie flakes ." She announced proudly.

"I bet you see a lot of people who give their fish fish flakes don't you?" Once again Manoah looked around and saw a display of nods. "But did you know, sone fish eat other things. I have a fish tank at my house with various different fish, and I give them frozen krill. It looks like this." He reached into a bucket he had sitting on a small table behind him and pulled out a bag of tiny pink krill. And

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they also love seaweed. "Do any of you guys see seaweed on the beach?"

"Yeah, it's all icky and slimy." Piped a little boy perched on his mom's shoulders.

"Yes, it certainly can be." He then pulled out a bag that had what looked like dark green foil in it. "But did you know that seaweed can also be eaten by people. This is dried seaweed so it isn't slimy. "So," his monocle flashed. "Who who would like to try their snack?" Manoah couldn't keep the smirk off his face and Liam couldn't help but think he enjoyed grossing people out a bit. There were hesitant, uncomfortable, and out right disgusted faces around the table. "Anyone?" Still there was apprehension on the faces of all those sitting around the table.

"I will!" Eima, Nessie, and Liam whipped their heads around to see Sebby standing up waving his hand with a goofy look on his face.

"Perfect!" As he strode over to give Sebby his piece of dried seaweed, Liam couldn't help notice that Manoah looked way to happy about this.

Then Nessie spoke up. "Well if my daddy's trying it I will too!"

Liam looked at Nessie, once again admiring the same boldness she had as her father. "Guess I'm in too." He said raising his hand.

Then Eima's family looked at her expectantly. She grimaced a bit but she raised her hand too. "And me."

"Well, I'm quite fond of the Bucksaplenty family here so, I guess I'll eat it too." Said professor Altman throwing a wink in their direction. Nessie's face lit up.

Now that the Bucksaplentys and professor Altman had their

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pieces of seaweed on their plates in front of them, Sebby was the first to grab his and without hesitation, stuffed the whole strip in his mouth and chewed. He chewed slowly, pondering the taste. Then his dark eyes widened.

" you like it?" Pressed Liam.

"No son...I LOVE it! Can I have some more Manoah? Please?"

A look of surprise passed across of Manoah's face, but then he grinned. "Absolutely!" As he placed a couple more strips of seaweed on Sebby's plate, Liam took a bite of his. He took a decent size bite and chewed slowly. He made a slight face, but swallowed it.

"I's not bad." He said putting the rest of it down on his paper plate.

"Professor Altman, let's eat ours at the same time." Teddie nodded, then Nessie counted to three. "One, two, THREE!" They both closed their eyes and stuck the whole sheet into their mouths.

Nessies chewed and tilted her head. "Mmm! I like it! Professor Altman do you li-"

When Nessie opened her eyes, professor Altman's face was screwed up in a severe grimace. Her brown skin almost had a green tint to it as is she we would be sick at any moment. She took her napkin and spit it out immediately into her napkin, coughing. Making some of the group that was watching give a grimace of their own. Teddie gave a shiver of disgust. "UGGH!" Manoah burst out laughing, arms wrapped around his middle.

Amanda marched up to him and smacked him upside the head. "Go get her some water you doofus!" Manoah hurried into the kitchen still trying to stifle his laughter. When he came back the professor  quickly took it and chugged the whole glass. Nessie looking extremely guilty and tried to apologize. "I'm..I'm sorry

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professor Altman!"

After professor Altman regained her composure, she looked at Nessie a tad taken aback. "My, for what?"

"If I hadn't of raised my hand, then you wouldn't have had to eat it." She said looking down.

The professor, lifted Nessie's chin gently with her hand, her brown eyes searching the six year old's freckled face. "Listen, none of this is your fault silly. You didn't force me to try it. In fact, you encouraged me to try something new today."  Even if I didn't like it." She chuckled.

Nessie gave her a half smile. "Well okay, as long as you're alright." She then turned her attention to her mother who was eying her piece of seaweed warily.

"Come on honey bun." Encouraged Sebby. "You might like it."

Taking a deep breath, Eima took a tiny delicate bite. Immediately she covered her mouth and shook her head quickly. "Mm mm. No...just no." She swallowed it but asked for some water as well. "Guess you're not the only one who didn't like it professor Altman." Said Eima throwing her a nauseous smile.

Professor Altman chuckled. "Well I feel better now."

Manoah cleared his throat. First of all, I would like to commend you all for trying the seaweed. Bucksaplenty family, Teddie." They all nodded. "And also Teddie, I didn't mean to laugh at your distress." He said sincerely.

Professor Altman gave him a sly smile and eyed him playfully. "Don't worry Manoah, I'll get you back. 

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A flash of concern graced Manoah's chiseled features but then it quickly passed. "Well then. Since the five of you tried the seaweed. You get a reward. Manoah skittered into the kitchen and returned with m&m cookies. He passed two out to each of the Bucksaplentys and the marine biologist.

"Cookies!" Cried Nessie, Liam, and Sebby in tandem and began munching on them immediately.

As the rest of the tour group looked on with slight jealousy, Manoah shook his head. "What kind of man do you take me for?" He said pretending to be offended. "I have cookies for you all as well. Although just one for all of you. The reward was two cookies." He held up two fingers.

After the group finished their cookies, they said good bye to Manoah and followed Amanda to the last part of the tour. "Okay kiddos...well and their parents. I think you are going to really like this part of the tour." Amanda opened the door leading them into a large room with a large open tank full of different sea creatures. "This here is the water table. You can interact with these little beauties. Now there's just one rule. Be very careful when you touch them. Okay?" Everyone nodded.


As everyone began plunging their hands in, Liam observed the sea life that occupied the tank. There were starfish of varying shapes and colors, as well as snails, crayfish. "Wow this is so cool." Said Liam. He gingerly placed his hand in the water and picked up a salmon coloured starfish and held it in the palm of his hand. He studied it for a minute tilting his head to the left and then the right. Then he giggled as he felt it moving slowly across his palm. "Hey that tickles!" Then he heard the laugh of his father. When he looked over he saw Sebby also holding a starfish in his palm, except his was a neon green color. He watched his father amused.

"Daddy can I see him can I see him!" Yipped Nessie.

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Eima scanned her bright green eyes over the water table and spotted a beautiful royal purple starfish. "Look sweetie, you can hold this one." Eima carefully took the starfish out of the water and gingerly out in into her daughter's eager little hands.

Nessie marveled at the little creature in her palms. Then she too began to giggle. "It does tickle!"

While everyone was busy with the water table, Professor Altman made her way over to speak to Amanda. "Hey, do you think you can do me a favor?" She asked the tour guide, looking hopeful.

Amanda gave a nod. "Sure, anything professor."

"Would you mind bringing the stingrays out? I know Nessie said they are her favorite sea animal. It would mean a lot to her...and me." Professor Altman looked up shyly.

Amanda gave her a sly smile. "You really like that little girl don't you." Teddie nodded. "Alright, let me go get them ready." As Amanda hurried to the back to gather up the stingrays, Teddie made her way over to where the Bucksaplentys we're exploring the water table.

"Oh, hi professor Altman." Said Nessie, craning her neck to look up at her. The starfish were very tickley. And now I've got a hermit crab, see." Nessie grinned and held up a hermit crab with a bright pink shell.

The professor adjusted her partially rimmed glasses and peered down at the crustacean in Nessie's hand. "My what a pretty one that is."

"Yup, I'm naming her Helga. Her pink shell reminds me of the pink dress a girl named Helga in a TV show I like wears." Explained Nessie cheerfully.

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"Well then, I think Helga is the perfect name." Said Teddie smiling.

Just then Amanda and another young man who had the same features as her came back with two tubs of water and placed them in the center of the room. "Excuse me everyone, if I could have your attention please. I have brought some friends with me. Well three if you count my cousin Alex." He threw her a wink. "He works here too."

A boy with shaggy brown hair called out. "Where? I don't see anyone? Well besides your cousin. Where are your other two friends?

Amanda grinned. "Why right here of course." She gestured to the two buckets and bent down to take the tops off. The group gathered around to get a better look. "Everyone meet Ootsie and Bootsie. As soon as Nessie saw the two stingrays, she began squealing making a couple of people cover their ears.

"Look mommy, daddy, Li Li stingrays!" The excited six year old began to rush forward but she felt the firm yet gentle grip of her father on her petite shoulder. Nessie spun around and looked up at him.

"You need to be calm kiddo. You don't want to freak the stingrays out do you?" His daughter shook her head vigorously. "Okay, now slowly walk up to Amanda and wait for her to tell you what to do."

"Okay daddy. Sorry." Nessie slowly made her way to where Amanda and Alex were kneeling by the two tubs.

"Okay, in this bucket is Ootsie." The tour guide gently picked up the reddish coloured stingray." Nessie's eyes grew wide. "And over there in that bucket is her brother Bootsie." Alex lifted Bootsie out of the tub. He was a blueish gray color.

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"Hey Li Li! They are brother and sister like us!" Yipped Nessie.

Liam smiled. "Yeah, guess they are."

"Okay who would like to say hello?" There were excited chatter from everyone in the group. "I take that as a yes. Okay make two lines. Some of you line up in front of me and some of you line up in front of Alex." Said Amanda gesturing with her head toward her cousin.

Nessie hesitated. "Um...I don't have to go first." She said timidly. "I really really want to say hello...but I don't want to be selfish."

"I don't think you're being selfish." Said the shaggy haired boy. His voice raspy but encouraging. "You can go first."

Amanda smiled and gave a nod and Nessie's green eyes lit up. "Okay! Thank you!"

"So slowly stick your hand out and run it down her back." Instructed Amanda.

Nessie did as the tour guide and instructed her to do. "As soon as she touched the stingray she laughed. "Well Ootsie, you are very slippery. But I don't mind. You are very cute." The sea creature bumped its nose against Nessie's hand, seemingly enjoying her touch. "Okay, your turn." She said turning to the shaggy haired boy. "Thank you for letting me go first. He nodded gratefully and stepped forward. Nessie then made her way over to Bootsie and did the same thing she had done with the stingray's sister.

Liam noticed professor Altman standing next to him, watching his sister intently, and smiling fondly. "You did this, didn't you." He said looking up at her, flashing her a knowing smile.

The professor raised her thin eyebrows. "How did you know?"

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"When we were in the classroom, Ness said that stingrays were her favorite sea animals. She really really likes you. And I think you are starting to really like her too and you wanted to make her happy. And you did." A far away look entered Liam's dark eyes. "Sometimes a lot of kids don't get to have this kind of happiness when they are little. For some of us, it comes a little later." Liam glanced in the direction of Eima and Sebby laughing and beaming at his sister. The content joy on their faces made him smiled to himself. "But my sister did, she's always so happy. And you've made her even happier. Thank you, professor, for doing that." He said smiling up at her.

The professor studied Liam for a moment. Astonished at what he had just said. The tone in his voice making him sound much older and wiser than the eleven year old boy he was . "I'm glad I could make her happy." She said softly.

"I suppose you don't have any eels back there? Those are my favorite sea animals." He grinned.

Teddie chuckled. "Sorry to break it to you. But we don't. Sorry little guy."

He playfully bumped her arm his shoulder. "Aw that's okay. Seeing my sister with her stingrays is just as good."

When Amanda came back she was carrying a yellow bucket with a variety of pins in them. "Okay everyone! We've come to the end of our tour. It has been a pleasure to be your guide today! In this bucket I have some little souvenirs for you!" Said Amanda holding up the yellow bucket. Come and grab some!"

"Oo oo souvenirs!" Cried Nessie excitedly. "Can I go get one mommy? Daddy?"

Eima chuckled. "Of course sweetie."

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"Yay! I'll grab one for all of you guys too!"

Her parents and brother watched her skip off toward Amanda to grab a pin for each of them. "Mom, dad, I think Nessie is really having a good time." Said Liam. I know lying is bad but I'm actually glad you lied this morning and said we weren't going." He threw him him a cheeky look.

Sebby pulled his son close to his side and threw an arm around his shoulder and ruffled his straight black hair. "Well I wouldn't want you kiddos to miss this! Although I still can forget the looks of you kids' faces!" Chortled his father.

Liam pushed himself out of his father's grip, but he was laughing. "Yeah yeah dad."

Soon Nessie came bounding up to her family. "I got some! Okay I got the stingray of course. And for mommy I got a dolphin, for daddy I got jellyfish, and for Li Li, I got an eel. I know they are your favorite!"

Liam smiled fondly at his little sister as he took it from her and pinned it on his shirt. "Thanks Ness."

"Well now that the tour is over, you kiddos ready to go to the beach?"

Both his children agreed to his offer, jumping up and down excitedly. "But wait!" Nessie said, as she abruptly stopped jumping. "Professor Altman! Where is she?" Nessie looked around trying to find the professor. "Oh no, I didn't get to say goodbye!"

Liam looked around too trying to find where Teddie had gone. Then he spotted her coming out of the room where Amanda and her cousin had taken the stingrays. "Look there she is Nessie." He said pointing in the professor's direction.

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Nessie ran up to her. "Professor Altman! Professor Altman!" Professor Altman turned to see the little six year old running toward her. She threw her arms around her waist and squeezed her tight. "I'm so happy I met you." She said craning her head to look up at her, bright green eyes shining. "I think I know what I want to be when I grow up."

Professor Altman smiled and looked down at her new admirer. "And what's that?"

"I want to be a marine biologist, just like you!"

Teddie's heart warmed at Nessie's words. She bent down to her level and rested her hand gently on her head. "Well...I'm glad. Maybe one day we can work together. Well I'll be an old lady by then, so maybe you can take my spot." She chuckled.

"Well...I don't know if I would be as smart as you." Admitted Nessie shyly looking down.

"That's not true." Said Teddie reassuring her. "You will be brilliant. You are already very bright.

Nessie looked up. "You think so?"

"I know so." Just then there was announcement over the intercom.

Professor Altman to the deck please, professor Altman to the deck.

"Oh my, well it looks like I'm needed. Good bye, my little marine biologist." Teddie hugged Nessie, stood up and waved goodbye as she left.

Nessie watched her go until she was out of sight, then turned around to look at her brother, mother, and father. "Okay let's, go to

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the beach now." She said giving a small smile.

Before going to the beach, the  Bucksaplentys stopped by their tent to get their beach gear, then to the bathrooms to change into their swim suits. As they began making their way down to the entrance, Sebby saw an array of brightly coloured boogie boards and nudged his wife as he gestured toward the display with his head. Getting the point, Eima smiled and gave a little nod.

"Hey my little lock Ness monster." Nessie turned back to look at her father. A look of curiosity on her face.

"Yes daddy?"

"I think you're forgetting something." He walked over and purchase a lime green bookie board with a sparkly stingray surrounded with pink and white orchids on it. Then he held it up grinning. "Can go to the beach without this!"

Nessie's eyes grew as wide as saucers. She gave a thrilled girly squeal as she ran up to her father and flung her arms around him and the boogie board. "Ohhh thank you daddy! Thank you!" She cried jumping up and down, her two white ponytails flying around her face. Sebby handed it to her and she turned to run and show her brother. "Look Li Li! Now we don't have to share!"

Liam laughed out loud. Thrilled that his sister was so happy with her new boogie board. "Guess you're right sis."

When they got to the beach Nessie and Liam stopped in their tracks, marveling at the vast blue ocean as the waves rhythmically crashed onto the shore.

"Wooow it's so big!" Yipped Nessie! I can't wait! Come on Li Li!" She grabbed her brother's hand and hauled him onto the sand. Leaving their parents struggling with the beach equipment as they followed after them.

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When Eima and Sebby had caught up with their children, they dropped all their beach gear onto the sand huffing and puffing a bit. "Did you kids forgot that you left me and your dad here to lug all of this stuff?" Said Eima giving them a half hearted pointed look.

"Oops, sorry." Said the siblings in tandem.

Eima's expression softened. "That's okay. Now the two of you get to set all of this up for us." She said smugly.

"Well, guess that's fair. Come on Ness." The two siblings put up the beach chairs, the umbrella, and laid out all the beach towels. "Okay done. Can we go in the water now?" Asked Liam hurriedly.

"Sure. But first you two need to put sunscreen on. I don't want you getting sunburn and turning into bright red lobsters." Eima pulled out a tube of sunscreen and squeezed some in her hand. "Okay Nessie baby, you first." Nessie walked over to her mother who began lathering sunscreen all over her little body. "Okay, Liam, your turn sweetie."After Liam, Eima gave a her husband a smirk. "Now you honey."

Sebby smirked back. "Oh...well if you insist." Eima walked over to him and squeezed a generous amount in her hand. Then slowly rubbed some on his back, then down his arms, then moved her hands around to his chest and stomach.

"There, all done. Now you can do me." She said looking over her shoulder giving him a coy smile. Sebby flushed a bit but took the tube of sunblock from his wife. Putting it on much in the same manner he did. When he got to her waist she giggled.

"Are we ticklish my dear?" He said leaning in to kiss her gently. She nodded and kissed him back, her cheeks turning red.

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"Alright!" Said Liam throwing up his hands. I think we've seen enough!" We're gonna go in the water now."

His parents broke away from their kiss laughing. "Okay, stay where we can see you. Me and your father will be right here. And Liam, watch out fir your little sister." Called Eima.

"I will!" He called back as he and his sister ran off to the ocean with their boogie boards under their arms.

Eima and Sebby watched their children as the waded into the water. "It's nice to see them so happy." Said Sebby. "Especially Liam. I know he had it a little rough growing up." He looked down sadly, remembering the abuse his ex wife Helen had caused them." Eima gave him a sympathetic look. "But he never let that take away his positive attitude and kind nature. I love that kid."

"I do too. I don't care that he's not my biological son. He's my son and that's all here is to it." Said Eima, a resolute tone to her voice.

Sebby looked over at her, smiling affectionately. "And he views you as his mother...and loves you just as much as I do. And...well er... sometimes I think he loves you more than he loved Helen. I mean I care about her she will always have a part of me because of Liam I guess...but I can honestly say. "I never loved her, like I love you."

Eima was taken aback. Her eyes began to tear up. "Oh Sebby." She whispered. "I love you so much, my husband, the love of my life, and the father of my children. What would I ever do without you?"

Over in the water Nessie and Liam were thoroughly enjoying their boogie boards. "Okay Ness, ready? One...two...THREE!" Liam pushed his sister forward as he hung on to her legs and trailed

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behind her. The waves propelled them forward, fast and hard. They whooped and hollered as they skimmed back to shore.

"Let's do that again!" Cried Nessie, laughing from the adrenaline rush.

When they had finished with their bookie boards, Liam grabbed his water gun that he had left at the edge of the shore and filled it with water. He gave his sister a sly look then sprayed her with water. She screamed and turned around to glare at him. He laughed so hard he fell back into the water.

"LI-AM! That wasn't funny!" She tackled her brother, dunking him under the ocean. Pretty soon the siblings were laughing and splashing each other.

Then Liam got an idea and eyed his parents sitting in their beach chairs holding hands and chatting. "Hey Ness, let's go get mom and dad." Nessie gave him a devious smile and nodded. Liam filled the water gun with more water and him a sister crept back up to where their parents were sitting with the gun hiding behind his back. "Hey guys, how are you doing up here? Me and Nessie are having so much fun. Thanks for bringing us."

"Aww, you're welcome buddy."

"Yeah so, just know that we have to give you payback." Said Liam cheerily. Liam whipped out the water gun from his back and blasted both his parents with sea water. Eima screamed and Sebby gasp from the shock of the cold. Both kids dropped to the ground belly laughing.

"Okay that's it!" Cried Sebby

He dashed out of his chair and scooped his son up in his arms and sprinted toward the ocean. He waded in up to his waist as Liam kicked and squealed but he held him tight. Then threw him into the

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water. Not far behind Eima did the same thing to Nessie leaving her sun hat behind. The Bucksaplentys whooped and hollered, all the while splashing each other and dunking each other under the waves. When they had tired themselves out, they got out of the water and had lunch.

After eating, Nessie grabbed her beach toys. "Hey Li Li, want to build a sand castle with me?"

He smiled at her. "Okay."

  "Yay! Okay, so let's make it ginormous! Here go fill these two bucks with water and I'll start digging."

When her brother got back with the pails of water, he placed them down and helped her dig. Pretty soon, they had constructed, a decent makeshift sand castle. "Hmm," said Nessie putting her knuckle to her chin. "I think it's missing something. Um...I got it! We need to put sea shells on it!"

"Oh yeah! Good idea." Agreed Liam.

When the siblings came back with a bucket full of shells, they found their mother burying their father in the sand. Liam tilted his head. " Are you really burying dad in the sand?"

She giggled. "Well, he kind of asked me too."

"Oh! I want to help! Let me help mommy!" Cried Nessie.

"Okay, grab a shovel and come on over."

"Yay!" Abandoning the shells, Nessie grabbed one of her sand shovels and began helping her mother bury her father.

Liam laughed out loud. "Hey! Wait for me!"

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Once Sebby's family had finished burying him in the sand, all that was sticking out was his head. "Look at meee I'm just a severed heeaad. The sand ate my body." He said dramatically, making his wife and kids laugh.

Just then a girl a little older than Liam came over and gave them a disapproving look. "You know, you shouldn't bury people in the sand like that."

They all looked at her, curiously taken aback. "And why not?" Asked Nessie standing up.

"If lightning were to ever strike down her on the sand it could harden and your dad could get stuck or worse. Die. When sand heats up it turns into glass. Trust me I've seen it before. These kids buried their dad in the sand and then ZAP!" The girl threw her arms up dramatically. "Lighting struck the beach. The sand hardened encasing him in glass, all but his head. But the problem was, that the sand was getting so hard it was constricting his breathing and then it harden so much the sand began cutting into him, and he began bleeding all over the beach."

The Bucksaplentys just stared at her. Horrified looks plastered on their faces. "Briana! What are you doing?! Are you bothering the nice people over there?!" Called a woman a ways away from were they were standing.

"No mom!" She called back. "Anyway don't say I didn't warn ya." With that she turned on her heels and ran back to were her mother was.

"Okay, dad we're getting you out of this sand now." Said Liam, frantically starting to dig at the sand around his father."

"Don't worry Li Li. That girl was probably lying." Said Nessie.

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"Maybe, but I'm not taking any chances." Retorted Liam, still digging the sand away from his father's body.

When Sebby was finally free from the sand, he stood up and brushed himself off the best he could but sand was still clinging to his body. "Well...I guess I better go rinse this sand if me. I look like a sand monster. RAAAWR!" He put his arms up in the air and curled his fingers. "You kids better run before I get you.

Immediately his son and daughter got up to run away from him laughing. They splashed into the ocean, just as a he came to meet them, knocking them over. Liam's head popped up first then his sisters, but they didn't see their father.

"Dad?" Called Liam looking around, slight panic running through him. "Dad are you okay? Where are you?!" Just then Liam saw a figure raise out of the water. It was Sebby, with a piece of slimy seaweed hanging off his head. He shook it off and grinned at his children.

"I have turned back into a human.  These waters have a healed me!"

Nessie and Liam paddled over to his side. "Dad you're a nut sometimes." Said Liam laughing.

Sebby picked Nessie up and propped her up on her shoulders. "Yeah but I'm your nut. Isn't that right princess?" Asked Sebby craning his neck up to look at her.

"Yup!" She said sunnily.

Just then Liam saw something that caught his eye. There was someone sitting in what looked like a wheel chair but it didn't have wheels. Liam took a harder look, squinting in the direction of the strange chair, then his dark eyes widened. Harper? Sebby turned to see what his son was staring at. "Dad is that..."

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"Harper?" Said Sebby, finishing Liam's thought for him.

"Dad I think that's Harper! Let's go see! Let's go say hi!" Eager Liam began pulling his father in the direction of the girl he thought for sure was Harper.

Shortly after Sebby had gotten a job working at a wheelchair company called Corn on Cob, he met a nine year old girl named Harper Laiden. She was born with the bones in her legs fused together. Her dream was to go surfing with her friends however, because of her disability, she wasn't able to until Sebby made her a special wheelchair. A boardchair he called it. Now 6 years later, there she is, still enjoying the chair that was specially made for her.

Sebby laughed out loud. "Okay buddy okay! But first let's go get your mom. If it is her she would want to go say hi too."

Nessie looked from her brother to her father confused at who this girl was they were talking about. "But wait who-" But before Nessie could finished the question, she was jostled around as her father ran with her still on his shoulders and out onto the beach.

"Mom! Mom!" Cried Liam running towards her.

Eima sat up quickly, wondering why her son was so frantic. "Liam sweetie what's wrong is everything okay?" She took a quick glance at her husband who looked just excited as he did.

"Mom! It's Harper! Look! Over there!" Cried Liam.

Eima looked in the direction her son was pointing and her bright green eyes widened just as his had. "My! It is Harper."

Sebby took Nessie off his shoulders and gently put her down. "So what do you say babe, she we go surprise her?"

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Nessie stamped her foot and threw her arms out exasperated. "Wait a minute! Who is Harper? I don't even know who you're talking about!"

"Oh! Oops, sorry Nessie. I forgot you weren't born yet when we met Harper and mom and dad weren't married yet. Harper is a girl who wanted to surf with her friends. But because she couldn't walk, she wasn't able to until dad built her this cool chair. Me and mom even helped test ride it."

"Oh...well in that case. I want to go meet her! Let's go!"

The Bucksaplentys made their way over to where Harper and her dad Chuck were setting up.

"Hey stranger." Said Sebby walking up beside him, smirking coyly.

Chuck turned around to see the Bucksaplentys smiling at him. He had aged a tad, his brown hair and long beard was speckled with gray and there were creases around his eyes but his blue eyes sparked with recognition.

"Sebby?" He said tilting his head to make sure he was seeing things correctly. "Sebby Bucksaplenty is that you?"

Sebby nodded sunnily. "Yup the one and only."

Immediately Chuck stood up and bear hugged him. The strength of his grip shocking Sebby just a bit. "I can't believe it! What are the odds! We live in Tennessee now, we moved shortly after Harper got her chair. But we came down for a vacation. Can't believe we actually ran into each other! And oh, is that Liam there. Boy you've grown haven't you." He said throwing one arm around the 11 year old and squeezing him."

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"Yup, it's me." Squeaked Liam, as Chuck squeezed him rather tightly.

"Ho ho, miss Eima. I've seen you and Sebby have really cozied up to each other since me and my little mermaid left." He winked at her smugly.

Eima blushed. "Well...yeah you could say that." She chuckled shyly.

"And who's this?" Asked Chuck bending down to Nessie's level.

Sebby rested a hand lightly on Nessie's back. "Oh this is my daughter N-"

Nessie cut her father off and stepped forward. "My name is Nessie. Nice to meet you Mr. Chuck. Hey, did you say you had a little mermaid?" Her large green eyes beginning to glitter with excitement.

"Oh yes, my daughter Harper, she's not so little now though. She's 14. Hey Harp! Comeer we've got company!"

By now, Harper was a master at working her boardchair. She was able to row to shore by pumping the paddles on each side of the chair. Her arms had become strong and toned, from using the levers. The curvature of her muscles bunched and lengthened with every stroke. When she made it back to shore, she locked the paddles in place and used the handles attached to the boards to make her way to where her father and the Bucksaplentys were standing.

"Hey dad wha-" She stopped mid sentence. "Sebby! Liam! Miss Eima! You're here!" She cried, her bright blue shining with glee.

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"Hey kiddo. I see you are still loving that chair. And boy look at those guns on you. I bet you could beat me in an arm wrestling contest."

Harper made a fist and held up her arms glancing at one bicep and then the other. "Well maybe. I mean all that rowing made me super strong I guess." She chuckled. "I can't thank you enough Sebby, you've made me so happy. And out of all my friends, turns out I'm the best surfer...well not in the beginning I wasn't but I trained a lot.

Liam stood there, a warm feeling spreading across his chest. Memories of him, his father, and his mother on the beach as they tested out her chair. The happy tears in Chuck's eyes and the pure joy he had seen on Harpers face when Eima gave her the mermaid's tail. His father had made her dream come true, and to see her now enjoying the gift she was given brought tears to Liam's dark eyes. He ran and threw himself into Harper's arms.

  She let out a great guffaw and hugged him back. Her grip almost as strong as her father's was. When he looked at her, he saw that she indeed had matured. Though her face was still full and freckled, it had lost the roundness it once had. Her her jaw line and cheek bones were more defined. The features on her visage have become pretty and more lady like, but her blue eyes still had that playfulness they had in them when she was nine years old. And even though she no longer had a smile with missing baby teeth, her adult teeth didn't change that care free grin she had when she was a little girl.

"Hey you! You've gotten taller from the last time I've seen you." She chuckled.

Liam stood up proud and grinned. "Yup, I'm eleven now."

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Then Harper turned her gaze to Eima and Sebby, and threw them a smug smile. "I knew you two would end up together. Even though I was nine at the time I could always tell a crush when I saw one."

Eima blushed again, but Sebby took his wife in his arms and kissed her clean on the lips, making her blush even more, her cheeks turning a deep scarlet. Nessie rolled her eyes and made a face, but this time Liam didn't mind their public display of affection. He was happy that he had a mother that actually loved him.

"Yup this my toots, the love of my life. I would say she really is my better half."

Eima giggled. "Oh you goofy man, you're embarrassing me!"

"Oh and this little princess here is-" before Sebby could finish introducing Nessie, she had run up to Harper and gripped the edge of her chair and leaned close to the fourteen year old girl's face.

"Are you a mermaid?!" Said Nessie quickly.

"Ness! Barked Liam. "Don't be rude!"

Harper laughed out loud. "Well, you could say that. You see my legs Nessie?" Nessie's gaze drifted to Harper's fused together legs then nodded a little awkwardly. "Well because my legs are like this, I have learned how to swim like one. I even have a tail."

Liam's sister's eyes widened. "You do?"

"Mmhmm. But before I turn into one, everyone needs to close their eyes. If anyone sees me change then my secret will get out. I mean I trust all of you, but it's mermaid protocol."

Nessie vehemently slapped her hands over her eyes. "Okay! You can change now. I'm not peeking. Promise!

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"Okay, it'll only take a second.

Harper winked at everyone then twisted around and pulled out a slip on mermaid tail made of swim suit material. Having out grown the one Eima had given her when she was little, this one was longer. It was a deep maroon color decorated with jet black rhinestones and the tail flared out at the end. She quickly slipped it on over her legs and fastened the waist.

"Okay Nessie you can open your eyes now." Said Harper.

When the six year old opened her eyes they immediately grew to the size of saucers. "Y-your...a...a real life mermaid! I knew they were real I just knew it!" She cried, unable to contain her elation.

Harper watched Nessie amused, glad that she could make the little girl so happy. "Want to take a swim with me?"

Nessie whiled around to look at her parents. A pleading look in her eyes so strong it could have knocked them over where the stood. "Mommy, daddy can I please swim with Harper? Please, please, pleeaaase!"

Sebby and Eima looked at each other and smiled. "Of course you can go kiddo." Said Sebby enthusiastically. "But just remember stay near Harper okay?"

She nodded vigorously. "I will! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!"

Liam gazed at his sister. His heart full at seeing her so thrilled.

"Harper," began Chuck who had a slight seriousness to his tone."Make sure you keep her safe."

His daughter gave him a nod of understanding. "I will dad, I promise. Ready Nessie?"

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"You bet I am! Oh I'll push you up to the ocean so you don't have to row."

Harper smiled and nodded. "Okay. Dad, can you come grab my chair after me and Nessie get into the water? Oh and bring the goggles so Nessie can wear them. And in the mean time, maybe Liam would like to use my chair." She threw Liam a cheeky yet sincere smile.

"Oh! Um well, are you sure?"

Harper nodded. "Yup."

"Cool! Thanks Harper!"

As Nessie pushed her new mermaid friend to the edge of the water she struggled a bit, but she was determined. "Urg...almost there!" Finally she reached the very edge, huffing and puffing a bit, but quickly caught her breath as the waved washed over her feet as she squealed. "I can't believe I get to swim with a mermaid!"

"Here, put these on." Said Harper handing her the bright pink goggles. For humans, it's hard to see underwater. These will help you see better. Nessie took the goggles and pulled them over her head then adjusted them, then grinned at Harper. "Dad! You can come get my chair now!" Called Harper over her shoulder. Chuck hurried over, and took the handles of his daughter's chair. He pushed it a little further into the ocean so Harper wasn't diving in to such shallow water. Nessie stayed close to Harper's chair and waded in the water up to her waist. "Okay, this is good dad. Okay kiddo. You can swim right?"

Nessie nodded. "Yup, I can swim really good!"

"Sweet, so we have to wait for the right wave then we dive in. When we dive in swim out a little ways so your feet don't touch the bottom."

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  A quick look of apprehension flashed across Nessie's face but she fiercely pushed it away, not wanting Harper to see that she was a little nervous.

"K, got it."

Then swim over me and I'll swim beneath you. When I come back up to the surface be ready to grab onto my shoulders. So are you ready?" The six year old gave a resolute nod. Then Harper turned her gaze out to the horizon watching intently and she gave a determined smirk. Perfect,  she thought to herself. "Okay dad be ready to give me a boost out, Nessie you get ready to dive. Here comes the perfect wave.

"Remember be careful sport. And watch for Nessie." His daughter gave him an assuring nod.

"Okay on the count of three. One..." Harper's bright blue eyes narrowed, calculating the wave's movements in her mind. "Two..." Nessie bunched her legs, a look of determination on her young face as she readied to take the plunge. "THREE!"

Chuck gave the boardchair a strong tilt and Harper dived smoothly into the wave. She halted and turned her head to make sure her new little friend was able to dive in successfully. When she saw that she was, she cheered the best she could under water. She took Nessie's hand and helped her swim out to where the water was about twelve feet deep. Harper signalled to her that she was about to dive deeper. Nessie nodded and Harper gave her hand an encouraging squeeze. The two girls began swimming parallel to each other. Nessie on top and Harper on the bottom. Then Nessie saw Harper begin to swim up upward. When her mermaid friend's head popped up Nessie immediately grabbed onto her shoulders.

Harper cheered. "Woohooo! You did it!" The six year old cheered too as they bobbed at the surface. "Okay so now I'm going to dive deep again, but this time, you are going to keep holding on

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to my shoulders and kick your legs. If you need to come up for air just tap the top of my head two times. I'll be with you the whole time." She gave the six year old girl a sincere smile.

"Alright. I'm ready. Said Nessie, more confident now that she was in the water and at Harper's side. She took in a deep breath and let Harper know she could dive under.

When they were submerged Nessie began kicking her legs. She could feel the strong rhythmic movements of her friend's body as she swam powerfully through the water, Harper's long dark red hair flowing majestically back, tickling her face. Forgetting that she could see with the goggles on, Nessie opened one eye then the other. What she saw stunned her, once again making her eyes widen in awe. Colorful fish swam around her. Their colorful scales glistening in the sun rays that radiated through the water. There were an array of beautiful shells and pieces of broken coral. Nessie reached out and grabbed one as Harper skimmed the bottom of the sandy bottom. When she looked closely she saw starfish, crabs, and even a few squid dancing in and out of the seaweed as it flowed in the current, making it look as if it were waving at her. Harper glanced back over her shoulder and smiled. She was happy that her and her six year old friend got to swim together. Needing air Nessie lightly tapped Harper on the head as she had told her too. When they broke the surface, she took in a gulp of air then looked at Harper, her face was flushed and her bright green eyes glassy behind the goggles.

Harper looked at her, her dark red eyebrows slightly furrowed. "You okay kiddo?"

"Yeah." Nessie said barely able to get her words out. She lifted her goggles up off her eyes and hugged Harper around her neck, tearing up. "Thank you. You've made me so happy." Her voice broke making her sound even younger than she was. "So so happy. I knew mermaids were real, I did. I've always wanted to meet one. And then I met you."

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Harper's expression relaxed and she let Nessie float off her back so she was facing her. She hugged her back. "I'm glad. I hope I was able to make one of your dreams come true, just like your dad made one of mine come true.

Just then they heard a yell of joy and saw Liam zipping up to them in Harper's chair laughing. "Hi there! Thanks so much for letting me use your chair. It's so fun. I mean I'm not as good as you...or as strong as you but dad is helping me. Oh! Dad over here!" Called Liam waving his arm way above his head. By the time Sebby had reached them, he was a bit winded. He clutched on to the side of the boardchair so he wouldn't have to tread water.

He stuck his face in the water and peered to the bottom. "Say, how deep is this?"

"It's only twelve feet. If you go past that buoy then it gets much deeper. The life guard doesn't let people swim that far anyway. Beach rules."

"Daddy! I'm having SO much fun swimming with Harper!" Said Nessie absolutely besides herself.

Sebby beamed at his daughter. "I'm glad princess."

"Hey, is mommy coming in the water?" Asked Nessie.

"Uuumm..." Sebby looked back to shore unsure what his wife was doing. "I'm not sure, but I have an idea." A mischievous smile crept across his face. "Come on buddy, we're going back to shore. I'll explain on the way."

As they headed back to the sand the two girls looked at each other, not quite sure what was going on and shrugged. "Well alrighty then." Said Harper. "Come on, want to do some tricks now?"

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Nessies excited face lit up. "Tricks? Oh boy would I ever!"

Harper grinned. "Great! Now first we will do a simple flip. Just hold on tight okay?"

Nessie pulled her goggles back down over her eyes. "Got it."

Like before Nessie took a deep breath as Harper dived beneath the surface. As she held on she felt her self being turned upside down. Her grip on her mermaid friend tightened just a bit. Then before she knew it they were up right again and bobbing on the surface.

"See not so bad right?" Asked Harper.

"No! Not at all!" Said Nessie quite pleased.

"Okay let's do a double flip." Once again Nessie held on as Harper went down immediately going into two flips.

"This is easy!" Said Nessie as they broke the surface.

"Okay ready for my best trick yet?" Asked Harper. Nessie nodded. "This one is called a cork screw. First, I'm going dive up out of the water, then dive back down. Then i'm going to spin really really fast. What you need to do is wrap your arms around my neck...just not too tight. I don't want you to strangle me." She said chuckling. "Then straight your legs and keep them tight against my back and try not to bend them. That way the corkscrew goes smoothly. Okay, got all that?"

Nessie quickly muttered the instructions back to herself. "Got it!"

"Okay here we go. Ready, set, GO!"

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Nessie braced her self as Harper shot out of the ocean with amazing fluidity. She was shocked at the height that Harper was able to get, even with her carrying Nessie's weight. Then she dove back down into the water with her arms out stretched. Shooting through the ocean with amazing speed. The six year girl straightened her legs the best she could and pressed them against Harper's toned back, trying to keep her body stiff, as she twisted several times. Nessie's white hair whip around her face, the force of the water loosening her two ponytails until they came out completely. Her hair flared out behind her running wild as it intertwined with Harper's mane of dark red hair. When the trick was complete, Harper and Nessie swiftly broke the surface laughing.

"That. Was. So cool!" Shouted Nessie, her adrenaline pumping.

"It was. I'm super proud of you. I've actually never done it with someone on my back before. But I'm glad you were the first one I tried it with."

"Yeah, me t-"

Nessie was cut off as something shot passed her. Harper grabbed her six year old friend protectively in her arms and looked around frantically. "What in tarnation was that?!" Then she saw it. Her board chair bobbing in the water, with Eima sitting on it looking shocked, terrified, and slightly pissed of all at the same time.

Harper and Nessie quickly swam up to her. "Mommy what happened?!"

"Ooo I'll tell you what happened! I was taking pictures of you having a fun time with Harper when all of a sudden your father and brother shoved me in this chair and sent me propelling into the ocean!" Said Eima crossing her arms, her pink streaked hair falling

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in wet strands around her face. Harper and Nessie gave each other knowing looks and tried their hardest to stifle their laughter. The huffy look on Nessie's mother's face was priceless. She raised and eyebrow at the girls. "Well I'm glad you two think this is funny."

Soon Liam, Sebby, and Chuck, came swimming up to meet them. "Here's your hat Miss Eima." Said Chuck, handing her her sodden sun hat.

"Thank you Chuck." Then she glared at her husband and son, who winced knowing that they were in for it.

"Okay mom, just so you know this was all dad's idea." Said Liam trying to look innocent as he pinned the blame on his father. Sebby gaped at his son, almost hurt that he ratted him out.

Her green gaze locked in on to her husband. "Is this true?" Sebby smiled dumbly at his wife. A sinister plotting smile graced Eima's round face. She pushed out of the boardchair and tackled this silly goofy man she had married. She grabbed onto his waist and tried to drag him under.

"Yeah mommy get him!" Cried Nessie thrusting her small fist in the air.

"WATER FIIIIIGHT! Screamed Harper at the top of her lungs.

Pretty soon the Bucksaplentys and the Laidens were splashing, and hollering. The two families who met five years ago, enjoying each other's company to the full. Their guffaws were so loud they could probably be heard all the way back to shore. By the time they had tired themselves out, the sun was beginning to sink below the horizon, making it look as the sea was swallowing it up.

"So are you two camping down here as well?"Asked Sebby grabbing a towel to dry off. "If so why don't you join us. We set up camp on the west side of the campgrounds. We're doing backed beans, hot dogs, and s'mores."

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Chuck shook his head. "No I'm afraid this is the last day of our vacation. We just came down to enjoy the beach one last time. We were staying in a hotel. We're actually heading home tonight."

"Oh..." said Sebby, a tad deflated as well as his daughter.

"But...but we were having so much fun." Said Nessie, her voice coming out in a disappointed whine.

Harper gave her a small smile. "Come here kiddo." Said her new friend holding out her arms. Nessie ran over and Harper took her into her arms. "I had so much fun with you too." She whispered. Nessie looked up at the fourteen year old girl and whipped the tears away from her bright green eyes. "I have something for you." Harper reached into her beach bag and pulled out a gold seashell necklace and draped it over the young girls neck.

Nessie took it in her small hands and peered at at. Realizing that it was a locket she opened it. What she saw inside, once again caused tears to sting her eyes. A beautiful mermaid with white, pink streaked flowing hair and green eyes peered straight at her, as if she were about to jump straight out of the locket. Her tail was a hot pink with fins that flared out at the end. "She looks...just like me." She murmured.

"Yup. When I saw you, I immediately thought of the mermaid in this locket. So it's yours."

Nessie threw herself into Harper's strong arms again. "Thank you so much." When she let go of Harper, a thought rammed into her brain. "Professor Altman!"

Liam turned to look at his sister. "Huh? Professor Altman? Do you see her?" Asked Liam looking around for signs of the marine biologist.

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"No, but I need to see her right away!" Said Nessie, rather animatedly.

"But Ness, she's probably gone home by now I mea-"

"Well we have to go check! I absolutely need to see her! Now!" Nessie began getting hysterical her voice high and shrill. "We promised each other that if one of us saw a mermaid we would take a picture and show each other. Well, we saw Harper didn't we! So we need to go now. I can't let her leave, I can't!"

"Nessie! Calm down please." Her brother put both hands on her tiny shoulders. "We'll go and see if we can find her okay?" She nodded gratefully. "Mom, can you take a picture of Harper and Nessie?"

"Sure sweetie." Eima took out her phone and told her daughter to go stand near Harper. She took a picture of the two of them next to each other, Nessie sitting on Harper lap with her arms around her, along with the photos and a video she had taken of them in the water together. Satisfied, Eima lowered the camera. "There."

"Can I see!" Nessie hurried to her mother's side and took the phone from her. As she scrolled a smile graced her angelic face. "She'll love these." She said softly, half to herself. "Okay, let's go!"

After the Buscksaplentys and Laidens hugged goodbye to each other, the  Bucksaplentys headed off to find professor Altman. When they got back the marine life center, Nessie yanked open the door, pulling hard to make up for her small size.

The man at the front booth looked at her with surprise as her family walked up behind her. "Hello folks. We're actually closing up for the day. But if you'd like to-"

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Nessie cut him off. "Where's professor Teddie Altman!" Nessie asked frantically, her eyes pleading with the man in the hopes that he could tell her where the woman she had grown so fond of was.

Eima and Sebby gave their daughter a disapproving look. "Nessie sweetie, don't be rude. Apologize please." Reprimanded her mother.

Nessie took in a deep breath. "I'm sorry. Do you know where professor Altman is?" Her voice was calmer but her eyes still had that hopeful pleading look in them.

The man gave her a sad smile. "Sorry little miss. I'm afraid she's gone home for the day. You just missed her."

Immediately Nessie heart sank and she begin crying. "B-but to see a m-mermaid. And I p-promised I would show professor Altman and now she's g-gone!" Nessie sobbed so hard that it broke her brother's heart and tears stung his dark eyes seeing his distraught sister. The man at the booth, stood there, feeling bad but was unsure what to say.

He took her in his arms and picked her up holding her close trying to soothe her the best he could. "Shh, it's going to be alright. I know it might not feel like it now, but you'll be okay." He cooed. He held her until she stopped crying and sniffled. He put her down and bent down so he could see her face. Her normally fair face was flushed red from crying and being upset. "Are you going to be alright?" He asked softly. She nodded sadly. "Do you want a piggy back ride?" She nodded again and Liam bent down so she could climb onto his back.

The Bucksaplentys walked back to the camp ground in silence. Nessie rested her head on her brother's shoulder. Then she broke the silence. "Mommy, daddy?" Squeaked their daughter.

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"Yes princess?" Said Sebby falling in step with his son and stroked his daughter's white hair.

"I had fun at the beach. I was happy there." She said quietly. Her voice was a bit more upbeat but there was still a twinge of sadness in it.

As the reached the camp ground it was close to getting dark and the stars were beginning to twinkle, taking over the last bit of orange sky there was. When they got back to their tent, and began setting aside their beach equipment, Nessie saw someone walking on the trail. The woman had brown skin, auburn wavy hair that was pulled up into a messy bun, and black rimmed glasses. She had stopped walking  and began digging through the navy blue duffle bag that was slung over her shoulder.

"Now, where did I put those keys." The woman said aloud to herself.

  Nessie's heart skipped a beat and her green eyes widened. "Professor Altman..." she whispered. "Professor Altman!" She said shouting this time. Her melancholy face turning gleeful. Eima, Sebby, and Liam turned to see what Nessie was carrying on about, until they saw the professor. The elated six year old girl bolted toward Teddie. "Professor Altman!" Cried Nessie. The professor's head snapped up just as Nessie plowed into her, making her glassed nearly fly off her face.

Taken aback, she fixed her glasses and peered down at the little girl. "Nessie? Wha...? Hi!" She said cheerfully. "I didn't expect to see you so soon." Shortly after, her father, mother, and brother caught up to her.

"Well, fancy meeting you here professor. Can't get rid of us that easily." He chuckled.

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Teddie chuckled too. "I guess not." Then she turned her attention back to Nessie, realizing that her eyes and face were still a bit red, and dried tear stains on her pink dotted cheeks. "My...Nessie, are you alright? Have you been crying?" She nodded shyly. "But why? What happened?"

"I needed to show you something. Something very important. But then I couldn't find you...and I thought...I wouldn't be able to keep my promise.

Professor Altman tilted her head. "Your promise?"

Nessie looked back at Eima expectantly. "What...oh! Yes." She said snapping out of it.  Teddie, do you have your phone on you? I would like to send you something."

A curious look appeared on the professor Altman's. "Oh, okay sure."

"I have some pictures that I would like to air drop to you."

Eima quickly scrolled through her phone and selected the photos and videos of her daughter and Harper and sent them to the professor. When she looked at the first one, she adjusted her half rimmed glasses and squinted down at her phone screen. Then, she squatted down beside Nessie so she could look at the pictures with her. " that what I think it is?" Asked professor Altman, turning her light brow eyes to rest on Nessie's face.

Nessie nodded and wrapped her arms around Teddie's neck, leaning into her affectionately. "I kept my promise." She murmured. Dr. Altman covered her mouth, tears forming in her almond shaped eyes. "Her name is Harper, she doesn't live in the sea, but she can transform when she wants to. But no one can watch her do it." Explained Nessie. Then Teddie swiped to the to videos Eima had taken. "I got to swim with her." Nessie smiled remembering the rush

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she had swimming with her mermaid friend. "We did tricks and everything. And before she went home, she gave me this."

Nessie grasp the locket in her small hands and held it out for the professor to take in her hands. Teddie turned it over her hand then ran her fingers over the grooves of the shell. Then she opened it and looked at Nessie and smiled. "She looks like you." Nessie smiled back and gave one tiny nod. Teddie closed the locket and carefully let it fall back against the little girl's chest. Then she rested her forehead against Nessie's, "Thank you so much for keeping your promise to me. It means so much." She whispered.

Once again Liam found himself watching them fondly, his sister sadness completely gone now that she was secure in professor Altman's embrace. He nudged his mother. "Take a picture of them." He said keeping his voice down.

Eima looked at him. "Shouldn't I ask professor Altman if it's okay?"

Liam shook his head. "I don't think she would mind. It's better this way. I want to remember this moment forever. Just how they are right now." Eima studied her son for a moment. Thinking how deep he could be sometimes, making him sound wise beyond his years. She smiled and gave a tiny nod, discreetly taking their picture. "Thank mom." He said softly.

The marine biologist let go of Nessie and stood up. "Can I keep these pictures, I would like to frame them in my home if that is alright with you." She said politely, looking in the direction of her parents.

"Well of course you can!" Said Sebby enthusiastically.

"Thank you." She said graciously. Then she sighed deeply. "Well it's getting late, I guess I better start heading home." Nessie's face fell just a tad but she was happy that she was able to show her

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the pictures. "I'm so glad I got to meet all of you. Especially you." Teddie bopped Nessie on the nose with her finger, making her giggle. "Your family is wonderful. I hope I can see you again one day.

The Bucksaplentys thanked her for the compliment and hugged her goodbye. They stood there waving until she was out of sight. Sebby turned to his kids and rubbed his hands together. So now that it's complete dark, how about we light a nice fire and have dinner. The two siblings looked at each other and grinned.


The Bucksaplentys settled in for a hearty rustic meal of sweet baked beans, roasted hot dogs, and sweet corn on the cob. As they reminisced about the day's activities. "If I knew how to play guitar I would have brought it. You know sing some campfire songs."

"Well we could still sing some campfire songs." Said Nessie enthusiastically. "Only the problem is, I don't know any campfire songs."

"Well, we'll learn some and when we com back next year we'll be ready." He winked.

When they were done eating dinner, it was time for s'mores.

Eima chuckled as her daughter made her way over to get a wet wipe. "My, it looks like there's more s'mores all over your face than it your belly."

"Well, maybe but they were really really good!" She said rubbing her tiny tummy.

"And I made sure she didn't burn herself hon!" Called Sebby as he constructed a triple layer s'more. All Eima did was shake her head smiling.

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After s'mores, Nessie's large green eyes began to grow heavy with sleepiness. Pretty soon she was out like a light. "I'm going to take her to bed." Said Eima, picking her daughter up and heading toward the tent. "I think all the excitement today wore her out."

Sebby and Liam nodded and began to clean up, and douse out the fire with a pot of cold water. Pretty soon Sebby was yawning as well. "I guess I'll turn in for the night too buddy."

"Okay dad."

When Sebby crawled inside the tent, he found his wife and daughter sound asleep in their sleeping bags. He crawled in his too, and waited for Liam to join them, before he fell asleep, but after about fifteen minutes, he still hadn't come in the tent. Worried he got out of his sleeping bag and back outside. He looked around then saw his son sitting in the cool grass with his knees bent and arms wrapped around his legs, gazing out over the ocean. The moon and the stars were shining brightly, turning the waves silver as they lapped at the shore. Sebby walked up behind him and placed a hand on his back. Liam looked up at him. "Hey, you alright buddy?"

Liam gave him a small smile and nodded his head. "Yeah dad, I was just thinking of how great today was."

Sebby sat down beside him. "Yeah, it was pretty great wasn't it."

"Especially for Nessie. She was SO happy to see those sting rays, and oh the look on her face when she saw Harper with her mermaid tail. Even though she technically wasn't a real mermaid."

Sebby chuckled. "Well let's not yell your sister that. Besides she might as well be a real one. Even though the tail was a slip on, did you see how she ruled the ocean with that thing!"

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Liam laughed. "Well that is true. Then there was the way she was with professor Altman. She loved her. And I could tell professor Altman loved her too. They made each other really happy." The eleven year old grinned. "I think Nessie might have inherited a second mom." Liam looked up at the night sky, the stars reflecting in his dark eyes. He was quiet for a moment as if he were deep in thought. His face wistful and slightly solemn, as if remembering something painful. "Dad..."

Sebby turned to look at him. "Yes buddy?" His father's voice was gentle but it had a hint of foreboding in it.

"What do you think...I you think Helen ever got help. For her sickness that is." He asked, keeping his eyes toward the sea."

Sebby raised his eyebrows, taken aback that his son had just brought up his abusive mother. His stomach twisted into a knot thinking how she would hurt the both of them. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. Eventually they were able to rid themselves of her, where they found happiness in Aurora, starting a new life together. However that didn't erase the scars that it left with them.

"I-I don't know son. I just hope that wherever she is, that she was able to get the help she needed."

" you think you can ever forgive her?"

Sebby was silent for a moment. Considering the question his son had just asked him. "Well, I've never really thought of it. I guess...a part of me will always resent what she did to us, but I also have to think that maybe if just one person was able to forgive her, she might change."

Liam looked up at the stars again. "Well...maybe one day, I'll be able to forgive her...but right now, I don't know if I can. Is that bad dad?"

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Sebby wrapped an arm around his son and pulled him close. "Not at all. Something like this takes time. But I know your heart, you've got a good one. Whatever you decide to do, in the future, I know it will never be cruel." Liam smiled and laid his head on his father's shoulder. "Now I'm going to fall asleep right here on my rump if I don't get some shut eye. Ready to hit the sack?" Liam nodded, his eyelids growing heavy.

With that, the father and son joined the rest of their sleeping family in the tent, dreaming of the joys of camping.

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