Mha react to The Scp Foundati...

By Gachamason682

189K 2.8K 781

The MHA universe is in for a real shock when they find out about a universe that has real God's, Monster's an... More

Superstitious foundation.
Scp 173.
Scp 096.
Scp 035.
Scp 049.
Scp 106.
Scp 682.
Scp 999.
My Scp Au explained.
Scp 131.
Scp 2295.
Scp The Little Misters.
Scp 058.
Boiled scrambled and fried. (Scp Tale).
Scp 208.
Scp 5031.
Scp 294.
Scp 1765.
Scp 811.
Scp 4715.
Scp 049 vs Scp 096.
Scp 053.
Scp 054 and Scp 457.
Christmas Chapter, Scp 4666.
Scp 2912.
Scp 3036.
to all the People who keep making Requests.
SCP O5 council, The Administrator, MTF's, Doctor's.
more about my SCP AU. (The O5 Council.)
Scp 001 The Prototype (Dr. Gears Proposal).
Scp 914.

Scp 978.

4.4K 63 29
By Gachamason682

"Ok, it's done." Zero said as the File finished Uploading.



OPENING FILE SCP-978 The "Desire Camera."

"The desire camera?" Shouto thought. "I think I know what this one's about."

**Item #: SCP-978

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-978 is to be kept in security locker H-J-12 at Site 17, and only to be removed or handled by personnel with Level-2 security clearance or higher. Testing parties may request extra film and printing paper at their leisure. SCP-978 is not to be used for blackmail, entertainment, or personal reasons.

This means you. ~ O5-██**

"Judging by its name, I can see why that would be a rule." Aizawa said.

**All photographs produced by SCP-978 are to be cataloged along with full testing description. Requests to destroy photographs may be processed by Level-4 security clearance or higher personnel, at the discretion of the testing party.

Description: SCP-978 appears to be a standard red-and-black Polaroid Supercolor 645 CL instant camera, with no distinctive identifying marks or damage.**

The SCP was... a Polaroid Camera. Nothing special.

**SCP-978 operates the same as a standard camera, and shows no anomalous behavior beyond the photographs it produces. When a subject is pictured with SCP-978, the photograph that develops shows not what the subject was doing at the time of the photo, but rather what the subject wanted to be doing.**

"I'm assuming that's the Reason why it's called the Desire camera, right?" Nezu asked curiously.

"Indeed, you see Scp 978 Isn't any Ordinary camera, It can take Pictures of the Person's deepest and sometimes Darkest desires. Which is why we keep it so Secret, because It can easily become a form of Blackmail to anyone that uses it. All a person has to do is just Snap a photo and boom, They got instant blackmail in their hands." Zero Explained.

Everybody was silent after hearing that. The thought of Something as simple as a Camera being that Dangerous, made Some of them sweat from their Foreheads.

"While I am impressed by the things that the Camera is able to do, i have to agree that it would be dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands, but I also have to agree that it would be very useful," All Might said. "As long as it's used Responsibly."

"I have concerns about it too, All Might after hearing what the Scp can do." commented Power Loader. "It does sound like a useful gadget, But it can easily be used for Evil if someone used it for Personal gain."

Most of the heroes agreed with Power Loader.

**This effect appears to be, for the most part, random, sometimes showing drastic changes and deeply suppressed desires, or simple changes and alterations to the subject or their surroundings. SCP-978 appears to be capable of expressing the desires of both humans and other creatures (see testing log) and appears to convey the simplest desires the easiest.**

"I am quite Curious to see what goes on in the minds of the Foundations members, as well as it's Scp's." Almight said.

"Agreed, It could be Interesting." Midnight said.

**Should two subjects with contrasting desires both be photographed together, the subjects' desires appear to 'mix' (see testing log for additional information).


Subjects are allowed to request photographs of themselves. Remember, people, just because some of the photos show distasteful things doesn't mean that you're going to do them. ~ Dr. ████**

"Well, thanks for the Advice." Denki thought.

**Testing Log

Log Format
Photographed Activity:
Photo Result:

Testing 05/██/██
Simple study of basic research team.

Subject: Research Assistant James ██████

Photographed Activity: Smiling for the camera, neutral pose.

Photo Result: Subject is shown looking much more tired and unprofessional, drinking from a flask.

Subject: Research Assistant ██████ █████

Photographed Activity: Smiling for the camera, neutral pose.

Photo Result: Subject is shown in casual clothes, as if heading out for the night. Subject admits that she wishes to go home.**

"Okay, seems Harmless so far." Momo said.

**Subject: Research Assistant ███ ██████

Photographed Activity: Smiling for the camera, neutral pose.

Photo Result: [DATA EXPUNGED] - Research Assistant ███ ██████ is placed on temporary psychiatric leave.**

Everyone was taken aback by this.

"What? Why?" Denki asked in confusion.

"Trust me, you do not want to know." Zero said Straightforwardly.

**Subject: Dr. █ █████

Photographed Activity: Smiling for the camera, neutral pose.

Photo Result: Subject is shown wearing a different tie.

Subject: Dr. ████████

Photographed Activity: Smiling for the camera, neutral pose.

Photo Result: [DATA EXPUNGED] - Dr. ████████ expresses extreme embarrassment and apologies for this.**

"Well, I would be Embarrassed too if someone saw my deepest Desires." said Sero.

**Well, the first round of tests wasn't so bad. Except for those two...let's try this thing on some Class-D and other personnel, see if we can't get more unusual results. ~ Dr. █ █████

Testing 05/██/██
Testing to see effects of SCP-978 on nonhumans.

Subject: Several standard white lab mice.

Photographed Activity: All mice are in plain glass tank for photographing.

Photo Result: All mice pictured as eating, mating, or both.**

"Well, that's to be Expected from such simple Creatures." Jiro commented.

**Subject: Single zebra finch, standard lab animal.

Photographed Activity: Sitting in cage, observing photographer.

Photo Result: An open cage, with the zebra finch flying off the edge of the photo, only a wing and part of the tail visible.

Subject: Standard white lab rabbit.
Photographed Activity: Sitting in plain glass tank for photographing.
Photo Result: Subject is pictured mating with another rabbit.

Subject: Kitten (stray lab animal)

Photographed Activity: Being held for the picture by Dr. █████

Photo Result: [DATA EXPUNGED] - I would NEVER do that to a kitten! -Dr. █████**

Everybody was very much confused by that Statement.

"Wait what? Why would he say that?" Mina asked in confusion.

"What was in that Photo?" Koda asked Nervously.

"Once again, you all do not want to know." Zero said straightforwardly again.

**Subject: Guard dog (Doberman mix) and handler.

Photographed Activity: Guard dog and handler both posing strictly for photograph.

Photo Result: Subjects are pictured as playing a game of fetch.**

'Aww' most of the Audience said when they heard that.

"Now that's just Cute!" Mina said.

"That really shows Just how much love a Dog has for their Owner..." Koda thought.

**Subject: Multiple testing cockroaches.

Photographed Activity: Cockroaches placed in glass tank for photograph.

Photo Result: No change.**

"Well, that's to be Expected by a bunch of unintelligent Bugs." Bakugo grumbled.

**Subject: Small spider

Photographed Activity: Clinging to the ceiling. Dr. █████ admits that the picture was taken as a last-minute thought when she walked past the spider on her way to SCP-978's containment locker.

Photo Result: A massive, hallways-encompassing web with a small spider in it.

Well, at least we know it works on animals. -Dr. █████**

"I have to Admit, it is quite Impressive." Almight said.

"Agreed, it truly is an Impressive anomaly." agreed Nezu.

**For more information on SCP-978 please see the SCP-978 Extended Test Logs:**

The students were excited for this Part, they were going to see the deepest

**Subject: SCP-096

Photographed Activity: SCP-096 is seen sitting in its containment chamber, faced away from the camera.

Photo Result: Picture of SCP-096's containment chamber, taken from the same angle. SCP-096 is not present in the photograph.**

The Photo showed an Empty containment chamber with the Shy Guy nowhere to be seen.

At first, the Students were confused by this, but The pros...they instantly knew the answer...And they grimaced even more at the thought of it.

"Wait, why isn't the Shy guy in the Picture?" Denki asked in confusion.

"because this is the Shy guy's Biggest diseire, to disappear and...not exist anymore..." Zero Explained.

Upon hearing this, The students felt pitiful to Scp 096. The fact that the Creatures wish was to simply Disappear was pretty upsetting to hear.

"Wow, this really Paints a whole new Picture for how people see 096." Yanagi pitied the Creature.

"I gotta admit, it's really painful When you put this picture into consideration." Midnight pitied as well.

Eri was the one that pitied 096 the most. Just by looking at the Photo, she can see the Creature's pain and tell that deep down it's just lonely.

"He isn't a Monster...he didn't mean to kill them..." Eri thought. "He's just Scared...and Hurting...And everyone is calling him a Monster..."

**Subject: SCP-035

Photographed Activity: At rest in its containment chamber.

Photo Result: SCP-035 is being worn by an unidentified individual sitting on a throne. On the floor there are 3 dead masked individuals. The location of the picture appears to be [DATA EXPUNGED].**

The Picture showed Scp 035 being worn by Someone that was wearing Jester clothing while sitting on a Throne. The wall behind him was Yellow with what appeared to be Black stars all over it. But the most disturbing thing about the Picture, was that their were three dead People wearing different Comedy masks on the Floor in front of 035, with the Mask Smiling happily at the Camera.

Upon witnessing this, the audience was filled with disgust, shock, and horror by the Mask's diseire. The Pro's were less surprised by this Picture, but were still shocked. I mean, Of course that Awful thing would make itself the king of...wherever this photo takes place.

**Subject: SCP-049

Photographed Activity: Standing in its containment chamber.

Photo Result: SCP-049 is embracing an unidentified approximately 6-year-old child. In the background various instances of SCP-049-2 are visible.**

The Imagine on screen showed the Plague doctor hugging what appears to be a young 6 year old Boy, but there was something VERY wrong with Child, he had Bruises and Deep Cuts all over his Body, And had very Disproportionately long limbs, The boy also looked very Malnourished and his Skin looked like it wasn't getting enough Sunlight, To the point where his entire Body was white like Paper. The boy was hugging 049 while tears streamed Down his cheeks and the Plague Doctor Looked down at him with Sadness in his Eyes.

Momo eyes widened as she brought her hand to her mouth. "Goodness.."

"God damn.." Was all Kirishima could say.

The other's reacted in various ways but it was all the same in terms of mood, cuz the Heroes and Students all found it heartbreaking to see a Child in such a pitful state.

"This is actually... kinda sad to see..." said Mina, feeling glum and uncomfortable from seeing a Child like this.

" is that Boy?...And why does 049 seem attached to him?..." Midoriya said in his head.

**Subject: SCP-106

Photographed Activity: SCP-106 emerging from a wall.**

Everyone was unsure if they wanted to hear what the old man's deepest Desire is.

"Why the hell would you take a Picture of Scp 106's diseire? I think it's pretty clear what it is." Mina said, thinking she Already knows the old man's deepest Desire.

"Yeah, that's what everyone thought too, until they saw the out come."

**Photo Result: SCP-106 roaming a wheat field. Appears to be approaching an old farm house, while a woman, appearing to be in her mid-sixties, welcomes 106.**

The picture showed the Old Man in Military uniform, Approaching an old farmhouse. From the Porch of the Farmhouse an Older woman is greeting 106 with Open arms.

The audience blinked several times in disbelief. Did they just hear all of that right? This was his biggest desire? The same nutcase who Tortures people just for Kicks? Torture them so badly that they are Broken beyond repair, and doing all of That with a Smile on his Face? It was incredibly hard to believe, but after everything they about the Foundation, it didn't seem to be an exaggeration. Their eyes cast down at the floor, nobody knew what to feel.

" least he's not a complete lunatic." Sero shrugged, unable to find the right words to say.

"But why is 106 in Military clothing? And who is that Woman?" Deku asked confused.

"Nobody knows, it is possible that this Woman is Scp 106's wife, and if that is indeed the case then this means that 106 was once human before he became the monster we know today." Zero Explained. "But still, It truly is Interesting to dive into the Minds of those that seem like simple Monsters, with 106 being a good Example."

The heroes in training were completely silent after the Explanation, and Honestly, none can blame them. I mean, finding out that 106's deepest diseire wasn't to cause mass Suffering really started to make them Think.

**Subject: SCP-682

Photographed Activity: Contained in Holding Tank.

Photo Result: SCP-682 was shown surrounded by several dead personnel, and mauling the cameraman.

Notes: Well, that was predictable. -Dr. Valence**

"Ok, now that is Predictable." Denki said followed by agreements from his fellow classmates.

**Subject: SCP-999

Photographed Activity: Eating from a bowl of M&M's.

Photo Result: Enveloping the photographer, who is laughing hysterically.**

"AWWWW!!!", many of the female members of the audience cooed at the sight, with even some male members being unable to resist.

"999 is to Cute for this World!", Mina said with the biggest grin on her face.

"What a little Sweetie!!!", Hagakure said cooed.

"999 truly is Pure." said Momo, while having a hand placed over her heart.

**Subject: SCP-131-A

Photographed Activity: SCP-131-A following Dr. Freemen after bonding.

Photo Result: Dr. Freemen playing with SCP-131-A.**

"Awwwwww.", nearly all of the girls and female pros cooed at the sight.

"Now that's just cute!", Mina squealed.

"I know! I just wanna hug those little Cuties!", Hagakure said, under the baby's spell of adorability.

**Subject: SCP-2295

Photographed Activity: Handing a cough syrup to a patient suffering from a mild flu.

Photo Result: The patient is being treated by an actual medical authority (identified by a badge reading "Actual Medical Authority") in a hospital bed. SCP-2295 itself is not included in the scene.**

Almost everyone in the audience was confused at the Picture infront of them.

"Wait, why is that it's Greatest desire? It's literally a Miracle worker! Why would it want Someone else to do its Job?" Denki asked confused.

"It's probably Because it thinks it's not Good enough." Jiro said as all eyes turned on her.

"What do you mean Jiro?" Uraraka asked.

"I mean, Scp 2295 can do alot of things, but there are some things it can't do, my I remind Everyone about the 18 year old D-Class?" Jiro explained.

Everyone felt silent after hearing Jiro's words, they now understood why this would be 2295's greatest desire, because It can do alot, but there are something that even it can't fix.

**Subject: SCP-208

Photographed Activity: Treating a patient at his site's medical office.

Photo Result: Standing beside a female individual seated in a crown wearing ancient Egyptian royalty accessories.

Note: After seeing the photograph, SCP-208 spat on the ground and yelled in an unknown language. 208 later apologized for his behavior and refused to comment further before entering an emotional state of resentfulness.**

The picture infront of them showed Scp 208 seating beside a woman wearing Egyptian Royalty clothes.

Everyone was confused about why Bes would react like that to this Picture.

"Geez, what's so wrong with this Picture that he would React like that?" Sero thought.

**Subject: SCP-5031

Photographed Activity: Adding seasoning to a meal it is preparing to be served in the cafeteria of Bio Site 59.

Photo Result: Playing the piano in the Sydney Opera House behind a cast performing the Phantom of the Opera as the audience applauds. The "cast" consists of individuals resembling existing Foundation personnel, although facial features are slightly indistinct. SCP-5031 is displayed as a vague and dark shade of itself with almost no external details visible.

Note: Following this test, SCP-5031 was granted a copy of the script of the Phantom of the Opera by Researcher Huxtable. Although it is not capable of deciphering written texts as of yet, 5031 reacted with gratitude and delight at this reward regardless.**

"Well, It's Good to know that it's still Improving!" said Nezu.

"Agreed, Pretty much what you'd expect from such a Complicated but Simple creature." Aizawa said.

**Subject: SCP-294

Photographed Activity: Sitting in the staff break room.

Photo Result: A box filled with silver coins sits in front of SCP-294. SCP-294 itself is unchanged except that its keyboard has been replaced with a single button and a speaker hole above it. There is no coin slot.**

"Well, this was pretty predictable." Denki said.

"Yeah, I mean, what else did you expect a Vending Machine to want?" Sero agreed.

**Subject: SCP-811

Photographed Activity: Looking at the camera.

Photo Result: A human woman with the same height, build, and facial features as SCP-811, braiding yellow ribbons into her hair and wearing a blue sundress.**

Upon hearing this, The audience became sympathetic towards 811, it was pretty Predictable but yet still heartbreaking that her Greatest was to live an Ordinary life, but she can't even have that because of some douchebag Experimenting on her.

**Subject: SCP-4715

Photographed Activity: Consuming meat during Procedure 4715-Waning Moon.

Photo Result: Photo shows SCP-4715 to be the size of a large building. SCP-4715 is roaring toward the sky in front of a city consumed by flames, with the bodies of multiple Humans, SCP-1000 instances, and victims of the Demon piled up around its feet.**

The entire audience were completely silent. Even tho they know Scp 4715's Desire wouldn't be Good, seeing it For Themselves was still pretty Terrifying to see.

**Subject: SCP-053

Photographed Activity: Coloring in a coloring book.

Photo Result: Riding on SCP-682's back in a pastoral setting; SCP-682 is wearing a bright red hair-bow and a floral dress similar to SCP-053's favored clothing, and has bright pink nail polish on its claws. Adult humans are present, but facial features are indistinct.**

Everyone was weirded out, but happy when they saw the Picture, they were glad that the Young girl had found a Friend that she can have Fun with, if only that Friend wasn't 682.

"Huh, not sure Whether or not to be happy for her or to be terrified that she made Friends with 682" Denki said.

"I think both." replied Momo.

"Hehe, but you guy's do have to Admit, it is pretty Funny to see 682 like this..." Kirishima said.

"Agreed." Mina replied.

**Subject: SCP-054

Photographed Activity: Observing the photographer from behind its provisional containment tank.

Photo Result: Playing with a family of dolphins in the ocean, no land is visible and the water extends as far as the eye can see. Timing of the photo appears to be during sunset.**

Everyone felt happy for the Water Nymph, she was so Innocent and didn't deserve any of the Things that happened to her.

**Subject: SCP-457

Photographed Activity: Sitting in containment, having been subdued by sprinklers.

Photo Result: A gigantic humanoid entity composed of fire, partially obscured behind a mass of tall trees which appear to be aflame.**

Everyone had the same reaction to this Picture, as they did with Scp 4715's Desire, It was truly a Terrifying thing to Imagine.

**Subject: SCP-4666
Photographed Activity: Observed positioned amidst desiccated trees, maintaining a watchful gaze upon a residence from a considerable distance.

Photo Result: SCP-4666 is depicted seated on a sofa chair adjacent to a fireplace, adorned in a soiled Santa Claus attire. It is surrounded by presents saturated in blood, containing toys housing human appendages within inadequately wrapped packaging. SCP-4666 maintains a disquieting grin while making direct eye contact with the camera.**

Everyone was Freaked out and Disgusted by this Picture, even tho it was pretty Predictable that this would be the Creature's biggest desire, the fact that it was wearing Santa clothing like it was the real Santa made them feel Sick.

"Ok, I hate this Thing even more now." Denki thought.

**Note: We've spotted SCP-4666, I repeat, we've spotted SCP-4666, seems like it's already on the hunt, send containment task force to coordinates [REDACTED] asap.~ Agent ████████**

The screen then shuts down.

"So, what did you guy's Think about this Scp?" Zero asked.

"Well, I gotta say i'm surprised by what this one can do." Nezu said.

"Yeah, I gotta admit, this Scp is certainly a useful Gadget to have." Power Leader said.

"It was also Interesting to see into the Minds of the Scp that you have in Containment." Deku said. "I can only Imagine the Possibilities that you can do with an Item like this."

"Oh, you have no Idea." Zero replied. "Anyways, now that we finished this Scp, the next one I wanted to show you all is an Scp that I think you can relate with Izuku."

This Immediately got Everybody's attention.

"What do you mean by that Zero?" Deku asked.

"Oh, you will see. But first, there is one Scp need to show you, before I show you that one." Zero said in a Mysterious tone, as he Uploaded the next File.

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