Mha react to The Scp Foundati...

By Gachamason682

189K 2.8K 780

The MHA universe is in for a real shock when they find out about a universe that has real God's, Monster's an... More

Superstitious foundation.
Scp 173.
Scp 096.
Scp 035.
Scp 049.
Scp 106.
Scp 682.
Scp 999.
My Scp Au explained.
Scp 131.
Scp 2295.
Scp The Little Misters.
Scp 058.
Boiled scrambled and fried. (Scp Tale).
Scp 208.
Scp 5031.
Scp 294.
Scp 1765.
Scp 811.
Scp 4715.
Scp 049 vs Scp 096.
Scp 053.
Scp 054 and Scp 457.
Christmas Chapter, Scp 4666.
Scp 2912.
Scp 3036.
to all the People who keep making Requests.
SCP O5 council, The Administrator, MTF's, Doctor's.
more about my SCP AU. (The O5 Council.)
Scp 978.
Scp 914.

Scp 001 The Prototype (Dr. Gears Proposal).

3.9K 48 17
By Gachamason682

"Ok, it's ready." Zero said as the File finished Uploading.



OPENING FILE SCP-001 "The Prototype."

"The Prototype?" Nezu said curiously. "I'm assuming this is one of the first Scp's that the Foundation captured?"

"Indeed, while Scp 005 is our very FIRST Anomaly, this is our first LIVING Scp that the Foundation has ever captured." Zero Explained.

There was a mix of Interest and a small bit of Excitement in the room, most of the Audience we're excited that they were doing to hear about the very first living Scp that the Foundation has Captured.

"Wow! I can already tell that this is gonna be Good!" Denki said in excitement.

"Yeah! Hearing about the First Scp? That has gotta be an Amazing to hear!" Sero said in excitement too.

**Item designation number: #86243AR-001

Warning: Item displays aggressive and dangerous behavior**

Most of the Audience was confused by the Scp's designation.

"Wait, why is It's description written like that?" Denki asked in confusion.

"Well, this is the very first Scp, so of course it's not going to be like the other Files." Momo replied.

"You are Right about that Young Momo." Zero replied. "You see, back then in the Foundation's earliest day's, we're we had far fewer Resources than we do now, we Didn't have Designations like Euclid, Safe, or Keter, all we had was pretty straightforward Information on the Scp's."

"Well, that does make since, Considering that this is your first Scp that was actually Alive." Nezu commented.

"Exactly, it was Shortly after we Contain this anomaly that we started to think, 'How many of these things are out there...?'. And so, the true Scp Foundation was born." Zero Explained.

**Description of item:

6’5” tall, 97 lbs (average, varies by 5-10 lbs higher or lower), unknown age, grey-brown skin (may be bruising), eye (?) color milky blue, no hair. Emaciated appearance, bone and muscle structure unlike any recorded species. Legs are long and thin, ending in sharp black points. Three fingers on each hand, also ending in black points. Legs and arms are twice as long as torso. No reproductive organs, anal orifice, ears, nose, or pores anywhere on body. Head is spherical, very large in proportion to body, neck appears too thin to support head. Mouth extends halfway around head, no lips. Twenty-one teeth, spaced randomly around mouth; many appear broken, rotten, or chipped. “Eye” is a large, ball-shaped, milky-blue sphere presumably kept in the head or throat. Appears to “roll” into the mouth when mouth is open. Has no pupil or iris.**

The image shown on Screen was that of a Tall, Lanky, Humanoid creature, With Gray brown skin, disproportionately long arms and a white bulbous head with no eyes, nose or ears, With its Legs patrooting out in long Black points rather than Feet. But the most disturbing thing about it, was the giant eyeball that was in its mouth. It had no Pupils or iris's, Just a single milky Blue orb.

Everybody was Slightly disturbed and Frightened by the Creature's strange and unusual Appearance.

"Geez, That's not a pleasant sight..." Sero said.

"I know right? It is one Ugly whatever it is." Zero agreed.

"What even is that Thing?" Uraraka asked.

"We're not sure what it even is, It could be a Demon, It could be an Experiment gone wrong, or it could just be a Monster, who knows." Zero Explained.

**Detail of current containment:

Room is lead-lined and kept lit with floodlights. Temperature is kept at 98 degrees, with 100% humidity. Room is sealed with a reinforced steel blast door. Outer area patrolled by guards with high-powered strobes. Anybody entering the containment room should carry a strobe and wear welding goggles. Any person attempting to remove the item or enter without authorization is to be shot on sight.**

"Well, Considering what that thing looks like, I understand the precaution." Iida said.


Recovered in Guatemala early this week. First reported as a “demon” seen by several boys on a rural road. Appeared to be sick or injured. Boys reported seeing the creature panting and jerking its legs. Creature then raised its head and exposed its “eye”. Boys ran home, reporting to local law enforcement. Several reports of “horrible roaring” or “shrieks” from locals over several days. Twelve people admitted to local hospital with severe radiation poisoning, and seven reported missing. Recovery team assembled, headed by General Machoi and dispatched from base ADRX-19.**

"ADRX-19? What's that?" asked Denki.

"It's the very first Scp Foundation site, AKA the wooden shack that me and Aaron built, back When we just started the Foundation." Every student let out an 'ooohhh' at the Zero's explanation.

**Reports to Overseers from recovery team after standard containment failure led to additional containment protocols, developed by Dr. Hermann Keter.**

"Keter? Like, the of one Destinations?" Momo asked in Interest.

"Yes, the Keter class designation is named after him." Zero replied.

"So the Keter class is named after the Doctor? Interesting." Nezu said.

"So That's where the Ketter class designation comes from..." Izuku said as he write that down.

**Dr. Keter was unfortunately killed in initial testing, after which creature was moved to ADRX-19.**

Immediately a wave of Goosebumps crept up to the Heroes.

"Geez, poor guy..." Kirishima thought.

**Creature appears to be able to create microsingularities, using them both as a form of teleportation and defense. These singularities disappear several seconds after creation, but emit massive amounts of radiation and cause severe damage to the surrounding area. The “eye” appears to control these manifestations, as it has always had the eye exposed when creating a singularity.**

Slowly the mouths of the humans went a gap as they learn more about this particular incident.

**Omnivorous, it views humans as a food supply. Creature shows signs of extreme fear and sickness in the presence of high heat, humidity, or bright/flashing light. Creature appears unable to teleport through lead, and cannot form singularities when in its “sick” state. When “well”, it is an extremely fast and cunning being, and has killed several recovery agents with both its singularities and claws. Emits occasional shrieking sounds; all attempts to communicate have failed.**

"Kinda like Scp 106..." Momo thought.

**Addendum: Additional objects reported, Overseers considering conversion of ADRX-19 to a dedicated recovery and containment facility. Reports may need censorship for reasons of security.

Item Number Assignment: SCP-001-COG

Date: June 12th, 1904

Summary: Following the decision of the Administrator and Overseer Council to redesignate contained objects with arbitrary numerical designations, it has been decided that the anomaly formerly designated as #86243AR-001 will be reclassified to SCP-001-COG.**

"I'm assuming this is when the Scp Foundation got its motto." Almight asked.

"Secure.Contain.Protect? Yes Indeed." Zero simply replied. "Besides saying SCP is much more simpler than saying all those jumbled numbers and letters."

**Formerly, the Foundation has appended all objects with a numeral designation indicating the order in which they brought into Foundation custody. As the new SCP-001-COG was the first object formerly contained by the Foundation, it was assigned the -001 tag. However, it has been decided that this system provides too much information to potential adversaries, and must be done away with.**

"I can see the reason for that." Nezu said. "I mean, you Shouldn't want to give away Information like that to possible Traitor's."

"And I'm assuming this is why Scp's aren't Registered in the order that they were contained." Aizawa said.

"Current, which is why our first Scp is called Scp 005 and not Scp 001." Zero Explained.

**The Overseer Council has elected to use the SCP-001 slot for a non-traditional purpose. Rather than host a single anomaly, it shall be a collection of the most dangerous, highest interest or most important anomalies contained by the Foundation. In this manner, the SCP-001 will contain an unknown number of real files, along with a large number of decoys.

However, the Administrator has voiced the opinion that placing SCP-001-COG among the other files of SCP-001 will allow it to act as both a real file and a decoy. The details of SCP-001-COG are accurate and can be placed within the SCP-001 slot without raising suspicion: one might think that we are merely being shy about our origins. However, it will belie the truly important anomalies of the SCP-001 slot, that actually require subterfuge.**

"So there's more than one..." Izuku thought as he write that down.

**Object Class Assignment: SCP-001-COG

Date: April 21st, 1912

Summary: Following an assessment by the Foundation's Classification Committee, it has been decided to assign SCP-001-COG the Object Class of "Euclid". This has been decided as a result of SCP-001's infrequent attempts to escape containment and the moderate danger level of the anomaly.

The Object Classification system is an attempt to assign simple metrics and descriptors to anomalies under Foundation supervision. These will ideally allow for a simple way to communicate the danger level posed by an anomaly in the event of a containment breach. Some have objected to this system as dangerously reductive, but the Classification Committee has decided the benefits outweigh the risks.**

"So this is when they started designating Scp's." Nezu thought.

**This may come as a surprise to certain readers who have been following the new Object Class system with interest. They may recognize that the "Keter" Object Class was named after the first fatality caused by SCP-001-COG, that of Doctor Hermann Keter. Dr. Keter was one of the highest ranked scientists in the Foundation prior to his death, and the decision was made to name a vital element of our operating practices after him. However, the anomaly that killed him does not meet the qualifications of a Keter-class anomaly.**

The heroes had to give the SCP Foundation some credit for At least Honoring the man that brought them their first Scp.

**Incident Report SCP-001-COG: Containment Breach

Date: 15/06/1932

Reporting Personnel: Sergeant Vincent Jordan

Summary: SCP-001-COG breached containment today, by creating a microsingularity close to it for teleportation. It reappeared fifty feet outside of its containment cell, attempting to travel the halls of ADRX-19. It is worth noting that this is substantially shorter than other teleportations that it has achieved, which have measured up to three thousand feet in the past.**

Now the goosebumps came back to the Heroes in training with the chill of anxiety.

**After breaching containment, SCP-001-COG appeared confused by the bright lights of ADRX-19 (recently installed as part of a Foundation-wide attempt to renovate the appearance and decor of all Sites and Bases, but coincidentally helpful in the impediment of SCP-001-COG's escape attempts). As SCP-001-COG is photosensitive and harmed by light, it began to panic.**

"So that's why there's Flashing lights in its Containment cell." Izuku thought.

**SCP-001-COG encountered a group of researchers and attacked. It first utilized a microsingularity, producing large amounts of radiation, poisoning all researchers. It attacked one researcher (Dr. Henrietta Clark) with its claws.

Site security arrived at the scene seconds later and scared SCP-001-COG away from the researchers with a burst of warning fire. They were able to successfully guide it back to its containment cell using high-intensity flashlights.

Dr. Henrietta Clark has been placed on medical leave and is expected to make a full recovery, as have all other involved researchers.**

Everyone was relieved to hear that the researcher made a full recovery.

**Incident Report SCP-001-COG: Neutralization**

The heroes in training were completely silent at the Information mentioned.

"Neutralization? So...that means-" Momo tries to say but was cut off.

"That Scp 001 is dead? Yes, yes it is." Zero said, cutting off what Momo had to say.

"B-but how did it die?" Uraraka asked Nervously.

"You all will see soon Enough." Zero simply replied.

**Date: 17/08/1961

Reporting Personnel: Sergeant Vincent Jordan, Junior

Summary: This morning, a routine check of all anomalies contained within ADRX-19 indicated that SCP-001 was not moving. After entering the containment cell, armed guards received no hostile response from SCP-001.

Further medical investigation of the anomaly revealed that it was no longer breathing, and its heart had stopped beating. While little is known about the biology of SCP-001, it was confirmed that it both had a pulse and needed to respirate.**

"So it just died in its containment cell? Just like that?" Denki asked.

"Pretty much." Zero simply replied.

"Well, that's an...anti-climatic end for the first SCP you've captured." Sero said.

"Agreed, Not a very fitting end for an Scp like that." said Kirishima.

**This comes at the end of long period of apparent old age from SCP-001. In the past decade, SCP-001 has been weaker and more sluggish than it was when initially captured, demonstrating significantly less violent behavior and fewer breach attempts.

It is likely, therefore, that SCP-001 merely died of old age.**

"So it was old age that got it." Jiro said.

"Guess that explains why it just died in Cell." said Mina.

"So it died from old age..." Izuku thought as he write that down.

**An autopsy for SCP-001 has been scheduled for 19/08/1961.

Foundation Wide Update: ADRX-19 Closure

Date: 01/06/1980

Summary: ADRX-19 was the first of the Foundation's dedicated containment locations, and its legacy still bears an impact on operations today. The leading containment site (Site-19) was named in honor of ADRX-19, as a tribute to the dedication of the individuals who worked at that site.**

"So That's how site 19 got its name? Interesting" Nezu said.

**Many of the current operational practices and architectural designs that are used by all Foundation sites were first conceived and implemented at ADRX-19. These are many and vary wildly in nature, but ADRX-19 was the first Foundation building to truly have the "Foundation style" that is so familiar to us all.

However, ADRX-19 is growing old, and it is time for the Foundation to move on from these roots. Beginning in 1970, Phase I of a plan to phase out ADRX-19 began. As a result of this, anomalous objects ceased to be sent towards ADRX-19 for containment and were sent to other locations, including its successor, Site-19.**

"Geez, it must have been Difficult For you to do that to the Site that started at all." Uraraka said to Zero.

"Indeed it was..." Zero replied. "Closing down that Site was one of the hardest Decisions I ever had to make...still, It was getting old and more Scp's we contained the more space we needed, so we had no choice but to close its Doors for good."

"I get it, you had to change and learn new ways, which meant giving up old ones, still I think it was good for you to move on from that site Make a new one in honor of your old one." Izuku said with a smile.

"Thank you young Izuku." Zero replied.

**Beginning in 1973, all Keter class objects were transferred from ADRX-19 to other, more appropriate locations. Beginning in 1977, all Euclid class objects were transferred. And now, all remaining Safe or Neutralized objects are being transferred to other sites. Archival and low-security objects will be sent to appropriate locations.

The actual building of ADRX-19 will be demolished once all objects have been relocated, and all personnel stationed there will be transferred to new locations.

Overwatch would like to thank all the staff members of ADRX-19 for their commendable service over the past ninety years. Their dedication is appreciated.**

As soon as it ended, everyone stayed silent to gather their thoughts so far on the matter. Zero then broke the silence. "Well?"

Nezu was the first to speak. "Well, it was certainly Good to get some Information about the first Scp that the Foundation captured."

"Agreed, It was interesting to know more about the Scp that started the whole Foundation." Almight agreed.

"But I do have something to ask." Izuku said.

"What is it Izuku?" Zero replied.

"What did you do to the creature after it was dead?" Izuku asked.

"Oh! Well I'm glad you ask!" Zero replied as he began to move his side of the Camera to the other side of the room. "Everyone meet The Prototype!"

On Zero's side of the Screen, there was a Giant glass container, with what appeared to be the Skeleton of Scp 001 the Prototype.

The audience was both in Awe and in shock as they saw this.

"Wow! This that the Prototype?!" Denki asked in shock.

"Yeah, cool right?" Zero replied.

"That's more then Cool! It's amazing!" said Sero.

"Yeah! It makes for a manly Decoration!" Kirishima said.

"You can say that again, I'd say that this is a Fitting end for the Scp that we first Captured." said Zero.

"Yeah! It looks even more Awesome in person then in the Photo!" Mina said.

"Got that right." Zero replied. "Anyways, I think that's enough Information that you will need to know about the Foundation for now, let's move on to other Interesting Anomalies the we have in Containment, shall we?"

Most of the Audience nodded their heads in agreement as They all wondered what kind of anomaly they would see next.

"Great! Let's continue! And this is gonna be an interesting one!" Zero said as he Uploaded the next File.

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