Mha react to The Scp Foundati...

By Gachamason682

189K 2.8K 783

The MHA universe is in for a real shock when they find out about a universe that has real God's, Monster's an... More

Superstitious foundation.
Scp 173.
Scp 096.
Scp 035.
Scp 049.
Scp 106.
Scp 682.
Scp 999.
My Scp Au explained.
Scp 131.
Scp 2295.
Scp The Little Misters.
Scp 058.
Boiled scrambled and fried. (Scp Tale).
Scp 208.
Scp 5031.
Scp 294.
Scp 1765.
Scp 811.
Scp 4715.
Scp 049 vs Scp 096.
Scp 053.
Scp 054 and Scp 457.
Christmas Chapter, Scp 4666.
Scp 3036.
to all the People who keep making Requests.
SCP O5 council, The Administrator, MTF's, Doctor's.
more about my SCP AU. (The O5 Council.)
Scp 001 The Prototype (Dr. Gears Proposal).
Scp 978.
Scp 914.

Scp 2912.

3.9K 50 17
By Gachamason682

"Ok, the next one is Ready." Zero said as the File finished Uploading.



OPENING FILE SCP-2912 "Clowny Clown Clown."

Several students were stunned at that Scp's name.

"Clown's?" Said Mina

"Ah Man, We hate Clown's!" Denki and Mineta both said.

"Same here." Sero said, followed by a nod from Koda.

"Oh well, In that case, I must Warn all you that, if you all hate Clowns now, then let me tell ya, You're gonna hate them even more When you see the Appearances of these Clowns." Zero Explained, Which did not ease the Tension with the Students.

**Item #: SCP-2912

Object Class: Neutralized (Formerly Safe)**

"Another Neutralized one?" Momo said.

"Great! That must mean their not Alive anymore! So we don't have to see him in person!" Denki said in Relief.

**Special Containment Procedures: The remains of SCP-2912-1, SCP-2912-2, and SCP-2912-3 are to remain preserved within individual cryogenic storage units at Biological Containment Site-66.**

"Ew, why would you keep that?" Asked Mina, who was a little gross out.

"For Research." Zero replied.

**SCP-2912 are to be held in isolation within individual Humanoid Containment Units at Biological Containment Site-66. SCP-2912 instances must be fed a strict diet of "Circus Peanuts" and sugar water that has been artificially colored purple. Foundation physicians are to remain on standby, despite knowledge of SCP-2912 health and biology being extremely limited at this time.**

"Huh, that's an odd diet." Said Momo.

"Well what did you expect? They're Clown monster's." Sero said.

**Description: SCP-2912 designates three roughly humanoid organisms resembling typical circus clowns: SCP-2912-1, SCP-2912-2, and SCP-2912-3. Genetically close to human (all instances sharing a relatively recent common ancestor in Homo sapiens sapiens), SCP-2912 entities have/had undergone severe and varied corporeal and psychological augmentation(s). All contained instances of SCP-2912 were abruptly neutralized on 11/16/1998 - the incident determined to be entirely accidental with blame placed on PoI-4569's failure to communicate relevant information to Foundation personnel.**

"Poi-4569? Who's that?" Izuku asked in confusion.

"Oh, He was the Guy that housed these Anomalies before the Foundation captured And contain them, he was Also the guy that Apparently created these Scp's." Zero Explained.

"So...these Scp are man-made?" Uraraka asked in surprise.

"yes, Indeed." Zero replied.

"Huh...interesting..." Nezu thought.

**SCP-2912-1 Overview:

An almost entirely spherical body.

complete lack of a skeletal system.
While its legs, arms, and head did exist, they were found to be vestigial and heavily atrophied.
Closely resembling an air-filled balloon, SCP-2912-1 was able to transport itself through the air via an internal gas bladder (created from the left lung, so grossly enlarged that it occupied the majority of internal space) and modified anal sphincter.
Black and white skin, forming horizontal stripes around its body.
Capable of extending a long black tongue - the act producing a vocalization similar to the sound produced by "party horns"3.
Although its level of intelligence could not be ascertained, it was at least capable of understanding several English words (mostly in the form of commands).**

The first Image showed what appeared to be some kind of Clown, but It had some very noticeable things about it That Stood out, like for example, It's Giant balloon like body with Black & white Stripes And the long Tongue That stuck out of it's Mouth like a Lizard.

Most of the students were terrified by the Clown's appearance, it's everything that they ever feared about clowns.

"Ok, I hate Clowns even more now." Denki said straightforwardly.

"Same, and this is Only the first one." Said Sero.

**SCP-2912-2 Overview:

An unusually tall (2.56 meters) and spindly (with the exception of its left hand and abdomen, which both appear bloated) humanoid organism
Capable of producing music from its asymmetrical and disjointed body.
Vertebra are comparatively large and oddly shaped, producing sound similar to a xylophone in use (with 'songs' appearing to differ in correlation with the present angle of SCP-2912-2's spine). How it was able to create these sounds without directly striking individual vertebrae was never deduced.
The left hand was large and flat and used to strike its bloated abdomen - the resulting sound similar to those produced by bass drums.
Its face lacked eyes, had a bulbous red nose, (capable of honking despite being entirely organic) and was primarily dominated by a large mouth (devoid of lips).
Yellow skin covered in red 'polka dots'. Vocalizations failed to correspond with any known musical instrument but has been described by Foundation musicologists as resembling an accordion crossed with an ondes Martenot.
Potentially higher intelligence than other SCP-2912 entities, as it was able to compose unique music when commanded to do so.
Music produced by SCP-2912-2 triggered strong emotional responses among listeners - it remains unknown whether this reaction was anomalous or simply an explainable psychological response.**

The next Image shown was that of a Tall, linky Clown with red Polka dots all over it's yellow skin, along with a Giant bulbous, red nose, Shut eyelids, and a beach ball like stomach with a Red Star in the Middle.

Several students were even more terrified then before now.

"Jesus, this Clown is even more Scary then the last one!" Denki said as his Classmate's nodded in agreement.

"Agreed, this is some Frankenstein levels of messed up!" Kirishima said.

**SCP-2912-3 Overview:

Resembled a biological human more closely than SCP-2912-1 or SCP-2912-2. The appearance of face-paint is part of its natural appearance.
Laughter was apparently its only form of vocalization. This noise represented a cognitohazard and triggered uncontrollable laughter among its listeners, lasting for 6 to 32 hours. An ability to create cream pies seemingly out of thin air. It is speculated that nearby matter was transmuted and teleported to SCP-2912-3 in the form of cream pies.**

The last image shown was that of a Tall Orange haired woman with two Pony tails and a White dress with red Stripes, as well as two Pompoms on her shoulders and a white Clown Caller on her neck.

Strangely, some of the audience members, *Cough* Denki and Mineta *Cough* found her...oddly attractive.

"Well, isn't this is a nice Change of pace..." Mineta said in a perverted tone.

"Will you stop it, Mineta? I'm too tired to hit you with my tongue." Asui said.

"S-Sorry..." Mineta said while his cheeks were blushing red.

"You might want to rephrase that last part, Tsu." Jiro mentally said.

**These anomalies were discovered on 10/05/1998 after a raid on a fair ground that had hosted Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting only minutes before the arrival of Foundation operatives. One small tent was left behind, the others having vanished as operatives approached. Inside were SCP-2912-1, SCP-2912-2, SCP-2912-3, and PoI-4569.**

"Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting? What's that?" Izuku asked curiously.

"You all well see in a Moment." Zero simply replied.

**Interviewed: "Dick C. Normus"

Interviewer: Dr. Patrick Dolan

Foreword: Subject is a Caucasian male and is believed to be between 40 to 60 years of age.

<Begin Log>

Dr. Dolan: Please explain what you were doing prior to your apprehension.

PoI-4569: Listen fuck-face, I don't go to your job and pull the anomalous cock out of your ass.**

Everybody was very much taken aback by the Sudden rudeness of the man in question. Deku and Mirio had to cover eri and Kota's ears to stop them from hearing such Language.

"Well that was Unnecessarily rude!" Iida said while bring down his hand in a Chopping motion.

"Yeah! What his problem?" Said Mina.

"I can already tell that this Guy is not going to Easy to deal with..." said Aizawa.

"Tell me about it." Said Mic.

**PoI-4569: I got work to do and Mr. Fuller ain't exactly the most patient bloke.

Dr. Dolan: So you are a member of Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting?

PoI-4569: Yeah. What's it to you?

Dr. Dolan: What is your profession?

PoI-4569: Clown breeder.**

The students were confused to hear this.

"Clown...Breeder?..." asked Momo.

"Don't worry, it will be explained soon." Said Zero.

**Dr. Dolan: Excuse me?

PoI-4569: You deaf? I'm a motherfucking clown breeder.

Dr. Dolan: How exactly does one become a 'clown breeder'?

PoI-4569: My father was a clown breeder. My father's father was a clown breeder. My father's father's father? Well, he was a horse beater...

Dr. Dolan: And what does this job actually entail?

PoI-4569: You that fucking stupid? It's in the god damn name.

Dr. Dolan: Enlighten me.

PoI-4569: I. Breed. Clowns.**

This made the audience even more confused.

"What the heck is he saying?! He's not making sense at all! How can he breed a bunch of make-up face Freaks?!" asked Katsuki.

"Breeding Clown's?...What the fuck?..." Mirko said, weirded out.

"I'm as boggled as you..." said Hawks.

**Dr. Dolan: I see. Is this an old profession? You mentioned your father and grandfather...

PoI-4569: [interrupting] Well, in the real old days, ya didn't have no breeders. Back then the best we had was child breakers.

Dr. Dolan: Child breakers?**

Everyone immediately became shocked after hearing that, They clearly did not like the sound of that name or what it meant.

"Well, that's not concerning at all." Momo said with a Unhappy expression.

"You can say that again." Jiro said in agreement.

"Something tells me we're not going to like what we hear.." Aizawa said, as the other Pro heroes agreed with him.

**PoI-4569: What, ya think all freaks are just born that way? Body does a lot of growing when young. Just got to help it along a certain path - course, back then you could only make a hunchback. Nah, they deserve more credit. I mean, the Laughing Man, Turtle Boy, hell, the Inside-Out Girl? They was done the old way.**

"I don't think I like this 'Old way' he's talking about..." Toru said as her Fellow classmates agreed.

"Sick bastard..." Aizawa said, Clearly not liking this 'Old way' that there Talking about, along with Almight and Nezu.

**Dr. Dolan: what did they eat?"

PoI-4569: Circus peanuts, Purple water.

Dr. Dolan: And what Exactly is that?

PoI-4569: Geez..Marshmallows, has to look like a Peanut and Purple water is...Purple water, use food dye.

Dr. Dolan: As you say. I think that is all we need at the moment. Thank you for your time.

PoI-4569: Fuck you.

<End Log>**

"Rude..." said Denki.

**On 11/16/1998, all SCP-2912 entities self-terminated between 0400 and 0600. Video revealed no changes in behavior prior to the neutralization event, when SCP-2912 instances abruptly exploded - their containment units coated in blood, viscera, confetti, and a viscous black liquid of uncertain purpose. When confronted about this incident, PoI-4569 stated (verbatim): "You fucking shit-eaters forgot to milk the clowns, didn't you? Way to ruin a decade of work, you cunts."**

Everyone in audience took a few seconds to comprehend what they heard, and then Mina said, "I don't want to know more than that..."

"That's probably a smart choice." Zero said.

**Addendum: An incident occurred on 12/25/1998, when video surveillance within PoI-4569's cell showed the door opening (while external video depicted the door as closed and no alarm was triggered). During this time, the faint sound of calliope music became audible within the cell and PoI-4569 proceeds to converse with an unidentified individual:

Unidentified Individual: [voice is notably deep and atonal but words are muffled and inaudible]

PoI-4569: 'Bout time you got here! Is that a smile or a frown? I can never tell with you.**

Everybody was shocked by the other Person in room.

"Creepy..." Sero said.

"I'm assuming this is someone He works with, considering how unfazed he is with his appearance..." Aizawa Pointed out.

"Geez, talk about a Freak show." Midnight said.

**Unidentified Individual: [inaudible]

PoI-4569: A liability? Come on, I'm the best fucking clown breeder ya got and Mr. Fuller knows it.

The unidentified individual then briefly entered the cell - they appear muscular but further details are obscured by a cloud of what appears to be smoke, which permeates the cell via the anomalous doorway. PoI-4569 cried for help but security personnel were unable to reach him in time. An autopsy revealed that his cause of death was acute myocardial infarction (more commonly known as a heart attack).**

As the file ended, Zero turned to the Audience.

"So what did you think about this Scp?" asked Zero.

"Well, you were right about it being Creepy and Disturbing and a little gross." Kirishima said.

"Not to mention it also re-awakened a Childhood fear of mine." Said Denki.

"Agreed, and I thought clowns couldn't get any scarier..." Mineta said.

"But I do have a Question." Izuku said to Zero.

"Oh? what would that be?" replied Zero curiously.

"It's about this 'Herman Fuller' guy." Said Izuku. "He seems to be Similar to Dr. Wondertainment with the whole 'Creating Scp's' thing, But we don't get alot of Information about him from this File. So I just wanted to ask, is the next one also going to be him?"

After a few seconds, Zero responded with. "Why yes, it is Izuku." He said. "I figured Since I already Introduced you all to Dr. Wondertainment, I might as well Introduce you all to a another Scp maker in my Universe. And the next File after this one is where it gets very...interesting, so be prepared."

Everyone simply nodded after hearing this.

"Alright, let's continue with the Next one." Zero said as he Uploaded the next File.

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