Rise of the Jedi Order

By soulfox1305

2.3K 55 18

Years after the Empire has fallen a new order has taken over name the First Order but there is still hope in... More

Village attack, Rey meets Alina and BB-8
Escape, Finn meets Rey and Alina
Millennium Falcon, Han Solo
Rathtars, Snoke, Map
Maz, Lightsabers, Republic Destroyed
Takodana battle, Leia Organa, Resistance Base
Face reveal, plans, infiltration
Battle of Starkiller Base
R2 and R3 wakes up, Luke and Aayla
Evacuation, Finn awakes, Aayla and Luke
Jedi texts, Ambush
Holdo, Rose, Maz
Lesson one, Canto Bight
Lesson two, DJ, Fathier's freedom
Axel, The truth, Yoda
Snoke's Destroyer, Evacuation
Betrayal, Snoke's death, Holdo's Sacrifice
Phasma's Death, Crait Rebel Base
Luke and Aayla vs Kylo Ren, Spark
Sidious alive, Hyperspace skipping, Force Training
Sith Dagger, Force Lightning, Plan
D-O, Kijimi, Babu, Location
Rescue, The Truth, Death Star
The Vault, Rey and Alina vs Kylo Ren, Leia's Death
Kijimi destroyed, Preparing, Leia lightsaber
Battle of Exegol
Aftermath, Skywalker and Secura, The Jedi Order

The Massage, New helmet, Pesaana

41 1 1
By soulfox1305

Alina POV

We all gather around in the cave Poe said "We've decoded the intel form the First Order spy..." He glances to everyone "...and it confirms the worst" Poe shake his head sighing "Somehow, Palpatine returned" I was shocked to hear this everyone gasps and murmuring I look to Aayla who lower her gaze a bit before looking to me.

Rey glance to Leia who move her head Rose said "Wait" We all look to her "Do we believe this" Aftab said "It cannot be" We all look to him "The Emperor is dead" He turn his head "Master Secura, you were there when he died didn't you" I was there too but didn't say anything raising her head Aayla said "Yes I was there and saw him fall to his death".

Shaking her head "But for him to return this has got to be the work of the Sith" Beaumont said "She's right, dark science" He raise his head "Cloning" He turn his head "Secrets only the Sith knew" I lower my gaze Poe said "He's been planning his revenge" I look at Poe who turn his head "His followers have been building something for years".

We all stare at him "The largest fleet the galaxy has ever known" He stares at us all "He calls it the Final Order" Rey and I look to one another "In 16 hours, attacks on all free worlds begin" Chewie groans lowering his head "The emperor and his fleet have been hiding in the Unknown Regions" He glance around "On a world called Exegol".

R2 and R3 both beeps frantically shaking side to side putting a hand on their heads C-3PO said "Exegol does not appear on any star chart" Aayla said "That's because it's a world of the Sith" She turns her head and I notice Rey had a look before whispering something in my ear "It's a legendary world that's been hidden for so long".

I nod, and she leaves Beaumont said "There were always whispers of his hunger to cheat death" Poe said "So, Palpatine's been out there all this time" He turn his gaze "Pulling the strings" Shaking her head Leia said "Always" She stares at him "In the shadows" Everyone listens to Leia "From the very beginning" I hear Maz said "If we want to stop him, we must find him" I look to her "Must find Exegol" Then Rey ask "General, Master" I turn to Rey who holds a book "Can I speak with you and Alina".

Rey took Leia Aayla and I our spot I ask "What's up, Rey" Rey said "I know how to get to Exegol" Leia said "Tell us" I look to Rey who said "Luke searched for it" She raise a hand "For a long time" Rey looks at the page "He nearly found it" I look at the book while Rey gets up "There are ciphers here I can't read".

She showed us the next page "But he said to get there, you need one of these" Rey flips the next page to reveal a wayfinder staring I said "That's a Sith wayfinder" I turn to Leia "They're compasses that lead the way to Exegol" Leia stares at us Rey said "To stop what we both know is coming..." She nods "...we need to finish what Luke started" I said "Find Exegol".

We stare at Leia and Aayla "Find the Emperor" But Leia said "No" Confusing us Rey said "We don't want to go without your blessing, but we will" Leia raise her gaze to us and Aayla stares at us nodding I said "We will" I move my gaze a bit Rey said "It's what you two would do" Aayla and Leia look to one another and back before Aayla said "If you're both going to do this then I know where you need to go".

I took the hose off the Falcon putting it down Poe ask "So, you got her up and running" We look to see him I said "You were right before" I walk to him with Rey who said "I'm gonna pick up Luke's search for Exegol" Poe stares I said "We're gonna start where his trail went cold" We stop in front of him "The Forbidden Desert of Pasaana".

Walking forward Poe said "Yeah, I know" I notice Chewie carrying a crate "We're going with you" Poe pats our shoulders walking pass "Chewie, you get that compressor fixed" Chewie grunts as Finn went pass us before looking to us Rey said "We need to go alone" But Finn said "Yeah" He lower his head a bit "Alone with friends".

Staring at him Rey said "It's too dangerous, Finn" I notice C-3PO, Chewie, and Poe looking to us Finn said "We go together" Chewie grunts me and Rey stare at them BB-8 chirping C-3PO said "I wholeheartedly agree" They stare at us Rey chuckles and smiling I said "We better get the rest of the gear" We split up I saw Rose walking over Finn said "Rose, last chance"

But Rose said "The General asked me to study the specs of old Destroyers" Finn stares at her "So we can stop the fleet if you find it" Finn ask "'If'" Rose chuckles softly she said "When" I smile before heading to Rey who stood staring I join her watching Poe said "Hey, we should get going" We look to him and back "What is it" Rey said "Nothing" I look to her then we head back to the Falcon noticing C-3PO standing with R2 and R3 he said "In the event that I or R3 do not return..."

C-3PO looks to R2 "...I want you to know that you have been a real friend, Artoo" R2 stares at them C-3PO turns back "My best one, in fact" He walks forward and R2 beeps happily to R3 who beeps shaking side to side before following C-3PO I follow Rey to Leia and Aayla who both stood there waiting Rey said "There's so much we want to tell you two" Leia said "Tell us when you both get back".

I notice Leia holding Luke's lightsaber to Rey who takes it looking back to Leia, we hug them Aayla said "Rey, Alina..." We listen to her "...never be afraid of who you are" We let go nodding before heading to the Falcon walking up the ramp putting our stuff down entering the cockpit taking a deep breath I said "Let's go" We got the engines on and leave the base going around a mountain.

Chewie and I sat at the chairs I look back Rey and Finn sits behind us with Poe joining and C-3PO, R3 and BB-8 at the doorway Chewie grunts I look to him smiling "It is" We leave the planet and went into hyperspace.

3rd POV

Meanwhile pieces of Kylo Ren's helmet are put on a table a Follower hammers on the metal as Knights of Ren gather around wearing different armour watching with Kylo Ren who watches the Follower muttering welding the pieces back together it turns the complete helmet to Kylo Ren he grabs it and the Follower muttering watching him put it on.

Kylo Ren's ship and a Knights ship heads towards the Star Destroyer as soon as they land, they walk through the hall Kylo Ren wearing his helmet with red marking on the cracks glowing, but the top part of the front has change to look like Darth Raven's mask, they made a turn passing two Stormtroopers who watch them 1st Stormtrooper said "Knights of Ren" They look to one another 2nd Stormtrooper said "Ghouls".

Meanwhile Boolio's head is placed on the table and Kylo Ren walks around he said "We have a spy in our ranks..." The Officers stare at the head "...who just sent a message to the Resistance" Slowly the Officers look to Kylo Ren "Whoever this traitor is won't stop us" An Officer name Pryde looks to Hux who stares "With what I've seen on Exegol..."

Kylo Ren stands facing the window "...the First Order is about to become a true Empire" Everyone stares at him "I sense unease about my appearance, General Hux" Kylo Ren turns to Hux along with the officers Hux ask "About the mask" He shake his head "No, sir" Hux stares "Well done" A general name Parnades said "I like it".

A Voice said "Forgive me, sir, but these allies on Exegol..." Everyone looks to another general name Quinn who turn his head "...they sound like a cult" He looks to Kylo Ren before turning back "Conjureres and soothsayers" But Pryde said "They've conjured legions of Star Destroyers" Quinn looks to him "The Sith fleet will increase our resources ten-thousandfold".

Pryde looks to Hux "Such range and power will correct the error of Starkiller Base" Another general name Engell said "We'll need to increase recruitments" They look to her "Harvest more of the galaxy's young" Kylo Ren stares out the window as Quinn ask "This fleet, what is it, a gift" Quinn moves his head "What is he asking for in return"?

Suddenly Kylo Ren turns holding his hand out and use the Force to chock Quinn and raising him to the ceiling turning fully Kylo Ren said "Prepare to crush any world that defy us" The Generals and Admirals look to Kylo Ren who put his hands on the table leaning "My knights and I are going hunting for the scavenger and the Jedi".

Alina POV

We came out of hyperspace and head towards the planet going pass the clouds and reaching the surface going along the deserts until we found a good spot to land, we got out and walk Poe ask "You sure this is it" We went around a boulder C-3PO said "These are the exact coordinates that Master Luke left behind".

We turn to hear music and saw a gigantic festival with kites flying and fireworks exploding Poe ask "What is this" Staring at it C-3PO said "The Aki-Aki Festival of the Ancestors" I stare at it with Rey "This celebration occurs only once every 42 years" Finn said "Well, that's lucky" C-3PO said "Lucky indeed".

I breathe slowly "This festival is known for both its colourful kites..." I notice one "...and its delectable sweets" Rey, Poe, Finn, Chewie and I all look to C-3PO who notice before turning around and looking back to us.

We head down walking pass the citizens that are dancing we walk through I look around smiling Rey said "I've never seen anything like this" Turning my head I said "Neither have I to be honest" Poe went pass us Finn said "I've never seen so few wayfinders" We follow them Poe said "There's always random First Order patrols in crowds like these".

Passing more dancing citizens "So, keep your heads down" I watch the citizens dance more "Chewie" Chewie grunts I watch him lower down I said "Sorry pal" I walk and saw a baby Poe said "Let's split up" I turn my head "See what the locals know" Rey and I stop watching a creature shake its head grunting we turn back and walk forward before noticing a Storyteller speaking its language.

He's telling a story to the kids making them laugh and smile suddenly a Voice caught our attention me and Rey look to see a little girl speaking her language C-3PO said "She is saying, 'Welcome'" We smile at the Girl who speaks again and kneel before holding an orange and blue necklaces Rey bows having the orange necklace.

I bow having the blue necklace we smile at her and C-3PO raise his arm "Her name is Nambi Ghima" Rey said "That's an excellent name" She smiles "I'm Rey" Smiling I said "I'm Alina" Nambi speaks her language C-3PO said "She would be honoured to know your families names, too" Shaking her head Rey said "I don't have one" Staring at her I said "I can't tell you my last name it will cause me trouble" Rey said "I'm just Rey"

Suddenly a rumbling is heard catching our attention we turn and stood up before walking forward then we stop and turn only to see the sky went black and looking in front of us is Kylo Ren wearing his helmet again, but it had look like my old master's appearance Kylo Ren said "Palpatine wants you both dead" Staring I ask "Serving another master"?

Kylo Ren said "No" He stares at us "I have other plans" I breathe slowly "I offer you both my hands once" He nods "You both wanted to take it" We listen "Why didn't either of you" Staring Rey said "You could've killed us" I ask "Why didn't you" Kylo Ren said "You can't hide, Rey, Alina" He move his head a bit "Not from me".

Staring at him Rey said "We see through the cracks in your mask" I said "You're haunted" Taking a breath "You can't stop seeing what you did to your father" Staring at us Kylo Ren ask "Do you both still count the days since your parents left, Rey and has the visions ever stop Alina" He walks to us "Such pain in you, such anger".

We stare at him "I don't wanna have to kill you two" I took a breath "I'm going to find you both and I'm going to turn you both to the dark side" Kylo Ren stares at us "When I offer my hands again..." He stops "...you'll both take it" Rey said "We'll see" Suddenly Kylo Ren grabs our necklaces and disappears.

Rey and I felt our chest to not feeling them we look to each other and run in a direction Poe ask "Have you seen him" Reaching them I said "We have to go" Rey said "Back to the Falcon, now" Confuse Finn ask "Why" Looking at them I said "It's Ren".

3rd POV

Meanwhile an officer name Kandia walks forward holding the two necklaces then Kylo Ren and Pryde walk by Kandia said "Sir, we've had these analysed" They stop looking at Kandia who moves the necklaces "It comes from the Middian System, Pasaana, Forbidden Valley" Raising a hand Kylo Ren said "Prepare my ship".

Kandia nods and leaves as Kylo Ren looks to Pryde "Alert the local troops" He walks down the hallway "Send a division" Staring at him Pryde said "Yes, Supreme Leader" He turns and walks down the hallway the opposite way.

Alina POV

Poe, Finn, Rey, Fixer, Chewie, BB-8, R3, C-3PO and I run in the direction to the Falcon but suddenly a Stormtrooper said "Freeze" Making us stop seeing him "Hold it right there" The Stormtrooper aims at us "I've located the Resistance fugitives" We stare at him "All units, report..." Suddenly an arrow hits the helmet killing the Stormtrooper.

We turn around to see person wearing a helmet, holding a crossbow with one hand and a cane in the other looking around the Man said "Follow me" He turns and we look to one another before following him through the crowd towards a Treadable "Hurry" The Man gets in Poe, Finn and I got in with Rey, Fixer, Chewie, BB-8 and C-3PO "Leia and Aayla sent me a transmission".

The Man pulls a panel speaking a language the Driver said "Okay" The Man close the panel Finn ask "How'd you find us" Looking at us the Man raise his hands and takes off his helmet to reveal an old dark skin man with a moustache we recognise as Lando Calrissian who said "Wookiees stand out of the crowd" Chewie roars went pass us and hugs Lando who laughs hugging him back.

Chewie let go "Good to see you too, old buddy" They move out of the way Raising an arm C-3PO said "This is General Lando Calrissian" Looking at him Rey said "We know who he is, Threepio" I smile Finn said "It is an honour, General" Lando raise his brows Poe said "General Calrissian, we're looking for Exegol" We stare at him.

Looking around Lando said "Of course you are" He raise his arm and press a button on a device to show a hologram of a wayfinder before looking at us "Only two were made" Looking at us I said "A Sith wayfinder" BB-8 chirps and R3 beeps I look to the others and back "Luke Skywalker came here to find one" Chuckling Lando said "I know".

He raise a brow "I was with him and Aayla" That surprised us looking to one another "Luke, Aayla and I were tailing an old Jedi hunter" He press the button for the hologram to change revealing the hunter "Ochi of Bestoon" We stare at it "He was carrying a clue that could lead to a wayfinder" Lando raise a hand "We followed his ship halfway across the galaxy here".

Rey and I look to one another and back "When we got to his ship, it was abandoned..." Lando shake his head "No clue" He frowns "No wayfinder" I ask "Is Ochi's ship still here, Lando" Moving his head Lando said "It's out in the desert, where he left it" Turning to us Rey said "We need to get to that ship" She looks back "Search it again".

Suddenly engines are heard in the distance making us look Fixer said "Tie fighters" Lando looks through the gap and we see them coming I said "The First Order's here" Lando said "I got a bad feeling about this" He looks back to us "Ochi's ship is out past Lurch Canyon" I nod "Go" Poe said "Thank you, General" Chewie grunts.

Lando said "You too, Chewie" He got out with Finn, C-3PO, R3 and B-8 but Rey and I stop looking to him Rey said "Leia needs pilots, General" Staring at us Lando said "My flying days are long gone" Looking at him up and down shaking my head I said "No they haven't, General" Lando said "But do me a favour..." He smiles "...give Leia my love".

Smiling Rey said "You should give it to her yourself" I said "Thank you" We went out of the Treadable running with the others in a direction pointing Poe said "There" We went down the hill "Those speeders" Arriving to them Poe went under one and Fixer went under the other they begin to power up the speeders.

Rey and I look around Finn ask "How do you know how to do that" I turn C-3PO said "No need to worry, I made it" Suddenly voices are heard and we look to see the owners heading for us Fixer said "We gotta go, now" Rey, Chewie, Fixer and BB-8 went in the orange speeder Poe, Finn, C-3PO, R3 and I went in the blue we ride the speeders into the desert.

Going over a few rocks suddenly bolts went pass I look back to see Stormtrooper speeders I pull out my pistol and fire back at them noticing Rey, and Chewie doing the same I look back to see a Stormtrooper made the back of the speeder to go up causing the 2nd Stormtrooper to fly using a jetpack C-3PO said "Oh".

Finn and I stare at the Stormtroopers "They fly now" Turning Finn ask "They fly now" R3 beeps and I fire my pistol Poe said "They fly now" Rey and Poe separate the speeders passing a mountain I duck and fire again before looking forward.

3rd POV

Rey moves the speeder she grunts avoiding a shot and more hit the ground a Stormtrooper fires three shots in front causing explosions Chewie grunts riding forward.

Alina POV

We went through a trench Poe ask "Did we lose them" Looking around I said "I don't see them" Leaning back Finn said "Looks like it" C-3PO said "Excellent job, sir" But suddenly a speeder arrives R3 beeps I yell "Look out" I duck avoiding the shot C-3PO said "Terrible job, sir" We ride through the trench avoiding the walls.

3rd POV

Meanwhile Rey went over a small sand hill avoiding another shot BB-8 chirps turning Rey said "Not now, BB-8" BB-8 move his head and taps on a canister rapidly until smoke comes out making the canister flip off the speeder into the air and explodes the Stormtrooper rides through waving the smoke until he got through only to meet a rock and went up.

The Stormtrooper screams as Rey pulls a lever turning the speeder, she fires destroying the speeder Chewie grunts raising an arm Rey said "Never underestimate a droid" She push the lever making the speeder go forward and the destroyed speeder hits the ground but the Stormtroopers in the air chase after them.

Alina POV

I activated my lightsaber deflecting the shots Finn ducks and I deflect a shot before ducking deactivating my lightsaber I ask "Do you have a plan, Finn" Finn looks at the rope then grabs it getting up and he threw it connecting to the speeder causing it to tangle with the wheel I help him tie the rope Finn said "Poe" Poe looks forward and turns the lever.

The speeder turns around dragging the other speeder towards a boulder the Stormtrooepr screams causing an explosion I yell "Yes" Finn calls "Whoo" Poe said "Yes" He laughs I high five Finn as C-3PO said "Right, ho" R3 beeps happily while Poe turns the speeder around and we ride out of the trench we head towards Rey, Chewie, and BB-8 speeder.

Chewie fires killing one of the Stormtroopers that's flying we head towards them and in the distance is Ochi's ship Poe calls "Rey" Rey stares at the ship Finn ask "You get all of them" Suddenly the Stormtrooper fires hitting the speeder sending Rey who screams, Chewie and BB-8 into the air I yell "Rey".

Suddenly our speeder got hit and we went flying Poe, Finn and I yelling flailing our bodies and we all land on grey sand Chewie groans I sit up Rey grunts and fires missing the Stormtrooper who fires back at us me, Poe, Finn, Chewie, fire our weapons at the Stormtrooper who dodges them until R3 suddenly in the air behind him shocks the Stormtrooper making him flip once spins around and crashes into the wall.

R3 lands next to me looking to him I said "Good job, R3" R3 beeps then we begin to sink Poe ask "What the hell is this" We try to get out BB-8 chirps trying to roll I said "Sinking fields" We try to move only to sink more C-3PO ask "Will this agony ever end" Poe said "Come on" He went under Rey said "BB-8".

I turn to see BB-8 chirping panic before going under "No" Turning I said "R3" R3 beeps going under Finn calls "Rey, I never told you..." I saw him went under Rey ask "What" I turn to her "Finn, Alina" She went under I yell "Rey" Before I went under.

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