When Worlds Collide

由 defyes

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Based on "Zero Chill" ~ Netflix Astrid Svensson, a local Swedish teen who runs the social media page for the... 更多

chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter four.
chapter five.
Chapter six.
chapter sven.
chapter eight.
chapter nine.
chapter ten.
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve.
chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
chapter fifteen.
chapter sixteen.

chapter three.

479 12 1
由 defyes

chapter three. Number Sixty-Seven.

third person POV

-- --

"It's super nice of you to offer me a ride home, but I'm really more of a walker," Kayla stated causing Astrid to give Mac a confused look, not knowing her new friend was in the building as well. The ash blonde assumed the decked out hockey player was the person she heard down below before she ran out but she was starting to question herself. Astrid's mouth opened slightly, about to whisper a comment to the taller teen, when Mac placed his hand over her mouth again- their eyes searching one another's with confusion as they tried to stay out of sight from Kayla and Anton.

"Get in the car."

"Oh, leather seats. Classy," Kayla tried to joke as she opened the passenger side door while Anton rolled his eyes at the young Canadian teen. As soon as the car pulled away, Mac dropped his hand off of the girl's mouth and pulled her out towards the concrete sidewalk.

"What do you think Kay was doing in there?" Astrid thought out loud as she rested her back against the railing near the front steps; keeping eye contact with the Canadian boy.

"No clue," Mac shook his head, trying to act like he wasn't the one who called Anton and reported his sister for sneaking into the building.

"Well, on that amazing note..." Astrid trailed off in a slightly sarcastic tone.

"We should probably go, yeah," Mac agreed before slipping his hands into his front pockets, "I'll walk you home."

"Wow," Astrid muttered, letting out a small chuckle, "such a true gentleman which is totally unlike you, drama queen."

"Here we go," Mac sighed, throwing his head back slightly as he let out a small groan, "there was more to that, I swear."

"Well lucky for you, we have some time," Astrid smiled warmly at the teen before they began walking down the sidewalk together. On their way home, Mac filled Astrid in on the story of how drama queen came to be which caused the ash blonde to not believe his story and think he did it on purpose to get more media buzz around his arrival. After that, Mac and Astrid told each other little things about one another before they arrived at her place. Once she was dropped off safely, Mac raced over towards his house to see how his parents reacted to Kayla being busted by Anton.

As Mac crept up the stairs towards his bedroom, Kayla sat down on her bed to call her two newest friends. The brunette was so excited to inform her friends about her discovery. "Hey, something huge just happened and I have literally no one to tell in this town so I'm telling you two."

"Okay, but if you drank too much blue slushy, it's probably a hallucination," Sky muttered with a small chuckle.

"She's right, I've experienced it before," Astrid added in causing Kayla to finally smile after she got a stern talking to by her parents.

"I met someone at the rink just now. Someone I can skate with."

"Wait, what do you mean "just now?" The rink closed, like, two hours ago," Sky questioned confused while Astrid was curious to see if Kayla knew who the runaway hockey figure was.

"That's not the point," Kayla changed the subject, not wanting to discuss the closing time of the rink.

"That sounds like it should be the point," Sky countered causing Kayla to let out a sigh.

"Are you okay, Kayla?" Astrid asked worried about her new friend. "I was grabbing my laptop I left behind right before you got-."

"You were there?" Kayla asked in a hopeful tone, "did you see who the person was? Who is he?"

"I-I have no idea," Astrid started off causing Kayla to let out another sigh, "I heard a commotion from the rink and took off before I got busted. I was walking out when I actually ran into your bro-."

"Oh," Kayla trailed off, cutting off the girl's story and missing out on critical information. "You just saw them run away from me..."

"I'm sorry, what happened?" Sky interrupted the conversation as she was "clueless" into what was going on.

"I felt it. The connection," Kayla gushed as she smiled to herself thinking about what just happened. "We knew exactly what the other was gonna do. Sky.. Sven... I have to find sixty-seven."

The next morning, Kayla was standing next to Astrid as she stared down the wall of players. "Sixty-seven, sixty-seven.... no sixty-seven."

"I don't think it's a legit player, Kay," Astrid informed Kayla with a small sigh. "I know everyone on this team. I technically have to know everyone on this team for my social media job... there's no sixty-seven. It's gotta be an old jersey."

"Good morning, Holly." Kayla's head snapped backwards as she heard Anton's voice. The new friends' conversation was paused as Anton focused his attention on the delinquent he busted the previous night.

"Mr. Hammarström, I'm here to apologize," Kayla stated as she walked over to him with a small frown on her face.

"Wrong, you're here to clean," Anton corrected her with his famous smirk. "I've spoke to your parents. They've agreed it's a fitting punishment. I expect you to do the dressing rooms, the corridors, the gym, under the drinks machine... especially under the drunks machine."

"Can I start upstairs?" Kayla questioned as she took the mop and bucket from Sky's mother. Kayla was planning on overseeing the practice to verify that there was no sixty-seven on the Hammers.

"Start where you like," Anton smirked once more before grabbing his coffee thermos. "Morning, Sven Jr," Anton nodded his head at Astrid, who made her way to Kayla's side.

"Morning sir," Astrid smiled at him before he walked away. Kayla instantly raced over to the wall that overlooked the ice rink that the hockey boys were practicing on. Astrid watched as Kayla moped for two seconds before setting the mop against the wall and pulled out a flyer from her back pocket.

"Hey, I'll be back in a few to check in on you," Astrid informed Kayla before heading down the stairs. The ash blonde remembered she hadn't given the key back to her father and decided to find him before practice officially started. By the time she got home, her father had already went to bed so the ash blonde decided to wait till today to return the master key. As Astrid finished walking down the steps, she noticed Mac kicking a trash can over and proceed to take his anger out on it.

"Let me guess," Astrid chuckled lightly, causing Mac to pause his anger and glance over at his coach's daughter. "No bee stings on you... so Imma go with balloons?"

"Aw, did you get scared when one went bang?" Sky questioned before standing up and closing Astrid's borrowed textbook shut. Sky joined her best friend's side, handing the book back to her, "thanks for letting me catch up."

"Anytime," Astrid smiled sweetly at her best friend, accepting the book. "So, Mac... did you get scared?"

"Yeah, maybe a little," Mac tried to keep his cool but he failed once again.

"I'll see you later, Sven," Sky hugged her best friend from the side before pointing her fingers towards Mac, "don't let the balloon monsters keep you awake at night." Mac rolled his eyes at Sky's comment before the girl left their sides.

"Oy, lighten up, drama queen," Astrid teased the boy, pushing his shoulder in a playful tone.

"Ha ha ha," Mac scoffed, shaking his head.

"You know they're just messing with you, right? Don't take it too seriously," Astrid advised the new player.

"Says the one who leaves their laptop overnight at the rink," Mac teased the girl before snatching the textbook out of her hands. "So, what did Sky borrow? Advance teasing?"

"Oh, um, no. It-it's nothing," Astrid replied back instantly, trying to take the book back from him which only caused Mac to hold it out of her reach.

"Wait," Mac's eyes widen in confusion as Astrid finally grabbed the book back from him. "This is junior stuff... I thought we were the same age."

"We are," Astrid sighed, knowing she was busted.

"So you and Sky... you're what? Re-taking the year? Because if so, that's not a bad thing. I'm not exactly a genius either if you can't tell."

"It's complicated," Astrid muttered, glancing down at her shoes not wanting to make contact with Mac anymore.

Mac's eyes squinted in confusion, "how so?"

"Let's just say, we both happened to miss a few classes last year... Sky has to repeat the year but they're, um, letting me double up on everything and I can still graduate on time since I missed less than Sky."

"A few classes?"

"Okay, so maybe a lot of classes," Astrid confessed in a colder tone than her normal, "it's whatever."

"Hey," Mac sighed softly, wrapping a comfort arm around the girl's shoulders- bringing her in for a side hug. "It's okay, whatever the reason is." Astrid leaned into his side as she tried to stay calm and not think about how crappy of a year it has been for her and Sky.

"It's not important, you can stop worrying about me," Astrid hummed as she closed her eyes while leaning into his side still.

Mac glanced down at the girl and gave her one last squeeze, "Ast, you don't have to tell me if you're not ready, but I'm here whenever you are."

"If I tell you, you have to promise me you won't freak out and get all weird," Astrid sighed, leaning away from him and turning to fully face him.

"Whatever it is.. it won't stop me from being friends with you. I promise you that," Mac smiled warmly at the girl, wanting to truly listen to whatever she had to share.

"Thanks," Astrid smiled softly before letting out a small groan, "look, I'm not telling you what's going on with Sky because that's her story to share but as for me... I was ill last year and that's why I missed out on so many classes."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that," Mac frowned, reaching his hand out to grasp her's and giving it a small comforting squeeze.

"It's okay, I'm doing better now," Astrid informed the boy in a soft tone.

"I had a cyst on my foot last year," Mac joked, trying to lighten the mood and make the young Swedish teen laugh. "Kept me out of school for a month."

"That's digesting, Mac," Astrid genuinely laughed which caused Mac to smile.

"I know, named it Barry."

"Only you would name your foot cyst Barry," Astrid teased the boy, shaking her head slightly. "I have osteosarcoma in my left leg."

"Ast," Mac trailed off in a sincere tone; not expecting that exact news.

"No, it's okay," Astrid assured Mac as she dropped his hand from hers. "And please, don't be sorry and all that. I get that from everyone else, so I really don't need another person added to that list... besides I only have a few more treatments and then they will be able to remove it all."

"That's great news," Mac beamed, happy that the cancer diagnosis was going well.

"On that unfortunate note, I should go find my dad before practice starts. I have to give him the key I borrowed last night."

"I-I could return it for you," Mac jumped at the opportunity, "save you the trouble of walking everywhere until you found him."

"It's okay, I don't think my dad would be too keen if you showed up with the master key to this place...," Astrid chuckled before her smile fell upon hearing Mac's next words.

"It's no problem really. I can save you the extra pointless steps."

"Are you trying to help me because you sincerely want to or are you helping me because I told you I have cancer and you're too afraid that it will break me to take some "extra pointless steps?"" Astrid snapped, using air quotes while she hand talked.

"N-no, I'm just trying to be helpful," Mac sighed, knowing he got busted but didn't want to come out and be honest.

"Yeah, that didn't exactly answer my question," Astrid lowly spoke, rolling her eyes in the process. "Just because I have cancer in my leg doesn't mean I can't do things like everyone else. I don't need you to be this knight in shining amour for me who has to protect my leg at all times or it might just fall off."

"Ast, that's not what-." Mac paused himself as he watched the upset teen storm away from him. "Astrid! Wait, I'm sorry!" Mac called out as the girl ascended upon the stairs that led towards the cafe- not wanting to return the key to her father just yet. The ash blonde needed time to calm down before seeing her father in person.

Right before Astrid made it to the top of the stairs, Kayla and Sky gave each other a frowning expression- both watching the interaction from up above; not being able to hear what was said between but definitely noticed that the conversation went south very quick. "You know, one time back in Canada," Kayla started as Astrid returned, "he let a raccoon in the house because he thought it was a cat. So, basically, what I'm trying to say is he's probably just being an idiot."

Astrid put the textbook and key down on the cafe counter as the two girls approached her. "I supposed it's sort of his thing," Astrid sighed as she faced her two friends with a pissed off expression.

"What happened?" Kayla questioned, wanting to know more. "If you don't mind me asking of course."

"It's nothing," Astrid shook her head, not wanting to tell Kayla just yet about her diagnosis. The ash blonde wanted at least one friend that didn't view her differently. She thought deep down that Mac wouldn't be like everyone else and just treat her as if he never knew about it but he didn't... With that, Astrid wasn't sure how Kayla would react since they were twins after all and shared some characteristic traits.

"Hammarström got you mopping?" Sky questioned as she could sense Astrid didn't want to talk about what just happened between her and Mac.

"Oh yeah, I am one glass skate away from going full cinderella," Kayla teased as she mopped the floor some. While Sky worked and Kayla mopped, Astrid watched the ice hockey practice from up above with Ava Hammarström, who she hadn't talked too in a while due to her over scheduling mother- also the only person to dislike the ash blonde teen so she made sure to keep Ava away as much as she could.

"Do you really think one of those lumps is a wannabe figure skater?" Sky asked Kayla as she scanned the ice rink once more time. Astrid had bid goodbye to Ava before her mother caught them talking together.

"Yup, they're just hiding it, really really well. If I could get up close with them and try some moves, I'd find sixty-seven in no time. I just need to get on the ice."

"Legally get on the ice," Astrid teased the girl as she reached their sides. Kayla laughed in response, nodding her head in agreement since she wanted to avoid any other issues with Anton Hammarström.

"I want you on the ice now," Anton's voice startled the three girls as he snuck up behind them with no warning.

"Uhh-," Kayla trailed off in confusion as the trio turned to face the head coach of the Hammeres.

"The team is too slow. I need you to skate with them," Anton stated as if he heard Kayla speak just a few seconds ago.

"Let me get this straight. You want me to come on the ice and figure skate with each member of your team?"

"Ideally, one on one," Coach Hammarström confirmed Kayla's wishes.

"I'm cleaning," Kayla switched modes and began playing hard to get.

"Forget the cleaning," Anton scoffed, shaking his head.

"I don't like leaving a job half-finished."

"You're asking her to work for free against Geneva Convention terms," Sky spoke up, trying to help Kayla get out of cleaning forever.

"She's right."

"Okay, name your terms."

"No more cleaning. Ever."

"Okay," Anton agreed softly.

"Free slushys."

"You broke into my rink," Anton reminded Kayla, almost scoffing at her end of the deal.

"And now you need me. Free slushys for life."

"Done," Anton gave in, letting out a sigh in the process knowing he just lost to a fifteen year old.

"Hm, I'll start a tab," Sky smirked as she crossed in front of Anton and head towards the cafe.

"Well, come on, coach! Let's go!" Kayla clapped as she raced down the stairs. While Sky continued to work, Astrid watched Kayla educate the young hockey players as she studied and caught up on some school work. Afterwards, Astrid headed downstairs with her school bag over her shoulder as she went to find her father to return the key to him. The Swedish teen found her father walking away from Luke and Anton; giving her the perfect opportunity to hand the key over to him.

"Here's the key" Astrid greeted her father as he pulled her into a warm hug. "Thanks again for trusting me enough to borrow it so I could get my laptop."

"No problem," Henrik smiled down at his daughter before pulling away and noticing a certain player standing off to the side, looking awfully guilty. "Um, I think you have someone who wants to talk to you..."

"Huh?" Astrid questioned, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion before turning around and making eye contact with the only and only Mac. "Not now... please."

"I'm so sorry, Ast," Mac confessed, stepping closer to the Svenssons.

"What are you exactly sorry about?" Henrik questioned with skeptical eyes, "did you try and pull something on my daughter, MacBentley?"

"What!" Mac gasped out in shock and wide eyes, "n-no, I promise."

"He didn't," Astrid spoke up before letting out a sigh. "It's nothing."

"I'm sorry for doing the exact opposite of what you wanted," Mac continued to apologize in front of Astrid and her father.

"It's whatever, Mac," Astrid huffed out, wanting the moment to be over with. "That's usually the typical response so... you were spot on. Congrats."

"No, seriously, Ast. I-I messed up and it's not okay. I'm sorry, I really am," Mac pleaded, stepping closer as Henrik's mind began to race with plenty of ideas of what went down between his daughter and his player.

"Will someone please clue me in on what he's really sorry over so I'm not coming up with fake scenarios in my head?"

"I told him," Astrid informed her father, lowering her head in the process. "About... it."

"What?" Henrik stated in shock, "you told him about it it?"


"And afterwards, I tried to do something to make it easier on her, but I realized now that I shouldn't have... no one, especially me, should treat you any differently just because of, um, it?"

"Thank you," Astrid smiled softly at her new friend's genuine apology.

"I'm gonna give you two some space to finish up," Henrik informed the two teens as he watched them continue to make eye contact and pay no attention to him or anything else in the ice rink. "Also don't forget, tonight I'm meeting a friend for some drinks so you'll be on your own for dinner, okay?"

"Mhm," Astrid nodded her head softly.

"Good job today," Henrik patted Mac on his shoulder, "seriously, you have so much potential for greatness, but I'm worried you're gonna throw it all away due to something stupid and reckless. Play smart, okay?"

"Yes sir," Mac shook his head yes before watching his assistant coach walk off, leaving them alone.

"Thank you again," Astrid smiled at Mac as she stepped closer to him, "the apology was very sweet."

"I meant every word," Mac assured the girl, "from now on, I will take no pity on you. You will walk everywhere on your own and I will not stop you even if you complain about your feet hurting. I will tell you to suck it up because I will not be your knight in shining amour. I can promise you that."

"You're such a loser," Astrid teased the boy, laughing at his unneeded sappy comment. "But I appreciate that." Mac opened his mouth to respond but Astrid let out a mini gasp, "oy! I almost forgot, how did you think a raccoon was a cat?"

Mac let out a groan, tilting his head back, "Kay told you about that?"

"She did," Astrid chuckled, "You really aren't the brightest, are you?"

"Wow, okay," Mac stated in a "hurt" tone while placing his hand over his heart to mimic his emotions. "That hurt."

"Sorry, not sorry," Astrid chuckled before Mac asked her, "you should come over. You know since you'll be alone tonight for dinner. Might as well get a free home cooked meal."

"Mac, you don't have-."

"No, I do," Mac insisted, "please... it's the least I can offer after being an idiot earlier."

"Well you are that," Astrid teased the teen causing him to playful roll his eyes at her comment. "But I guess I can enjoy a free home cooked meal." Mac beamed brightly at the girl's response before watching her pull out a canister for her backpack. "I almost forgot. This is from Sky. She told me to deliver it to you."

"What is it?" Mac questioned as he accepted the tall cylinder canister.

"Revenge," Astrid smirked at the boy before Mac's face lit up as if he finally understood what she was hinting at.

"One moment," Mac muttered before sprinting towards the locker room.


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