Robin And The Girl With The C...

By RosieVay

5.5K 350 67

We all have heard the male's veiw of Robin Hood. Now, see how the lady fairs. Mary was a young girl that was... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chaptet 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
Chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
Thank you and Whats Next

chapter 57

77 5 2
By RosieVay


I didn't sleep.

It was nearly impossible for me to do so. Will and John didn't sleep either. John and Will were taking turns comforting Much. Or I should say watching him. We are scared he might do something wreck less.

Will was the one watching him now, while John was outside the cage with me, Marian, and Guy. John was giving Guy the meanest glare I had ever seen. Marian tended to Guys wounds, mostly because none of us wanted to help the bastard. The only reason Will saved him is because he knew too much about us and if he were to be captured by the Sheriff after he betrayed him, it would put us in more danger than we already were in.

I stayed leaned against the stupid rock contemplating every decision I've ever made. I could feel the unease in the camp. It was a physical thing that we were all trying to ignore but we couldn't.

The sound of rapid footsteps had everyone stiffening. Me, John, and Will all shared a look. I signaled for John to take a frozen Marian into the cage, while me and Will his behind some boulders for an ambush. I grabbed my bow and Will grabbed his sword. The footsteps were fast but you could tell it was only one person. Most likely a small man or a woman because the footsteps were light.

When the footsteps were close enough me and Will shared a look and with out so much of a word we stepped out and I pulled out an arrow and aimed at the threat in front of us, while Will was prepared to strike.

The sight of a small woman had us stopping, a loud scream left her as she fell to the ground covering her head. "Don't shoot! Please!"

By my horror the woman was covered in blood. From the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. He put his sword down while I kept my arrow at the ready. His eyes met mine and the horror in his matched what I felt in my soul. "Who are you and how did you know where we were here?" I asked.

"The girl! She told me before she passed out. She's bleeding......bad and she'll need help." The woman said with a tremor.

My arms lowered at her words. A small bit of hope blossomed at her words, until the reality of what she said sunk in........that blood.....all that blood was hers..... no it can't be. With that much blood, the person should be dead.

Wills face mirrored what I felt. Uncertainty, fear, and hoping that it wasn't her. "What girl?" He asked.

"Big curly red hair. Freckles. Dark skin. She was with him," she pointed at Will, "when you guys went to the castle dressed as servants." She said. My heart sank. No. No. She's alive. But the amount of blood on..... no this woman has to be a fake. A trap....this had to be a trap. My eyes began to scan the trees behind her.

Will narrowed his eyes at her when realization hit him full force. "Your the head kitchen servant at the castle." He said.

The sound of Johns groan filled our ears and before we knew it Lady Marian was by our side. I just knew she kicked him in the balls.

Once she was next to me, she looked down at the servant. A looks of fear and terror lit up her face, but she quickly pushed it down when the women lifted her head toward her. A small smile was splayed across her face. She knew her.

When Marians and the servants eyes met. The servant eyes lit up and Marian reached for her before we could stop her. "My lady!" The woman said with a smile.

Marian raked her hand over the woman as if looking for an injury. She pushed the woman behind her protectively when saw that me and Will were still on edge. Lady Marian glared at me. "Put the bow down, Robert."

I flinched at the name. I shook my head. "It could be a trap. All that blood....there's no way she......I......" my words escaped me as my eyes landed on Will and he watched the two with caution.

"She is no threat. She is one of our informants actually. And she is one of my maids. She is a good and honest woman. Before M sent me and Guy away I ran into my maid on my way out. I figured something was gonna go bad. So I told her if anyone was captured to either notify me or if she got the chance try and get them out." Marian said. I lowered my bow but my eyes were still trained on the woman.

"The girl?" I said.

The maid stepped from behind Marian and looked me dead in the eyes. "I can take you to her but I must tell you, it is a horrific sight. The things he did to her in such a short must've felt like an eternity for her."

My heart clenched so hard that I almost groaned but I stifled it with a shaky breath. I couldn't look at Will. I couldn't look at Marian. My eyes stayed on the woman, and I can see the terror in her eyes and it had nothing to do with her fear of us, and everything to do with what she had seen when she was with M. So much blood......

"Take me to her." My words came out hoarse and harsh. The woman nodded.

"Marian, stay with John and tell him what's going on." I said. She flinched a little when I mentioned John but nodded.

"Will......with me." I said, he nodded and we followed the woman in silence.


I have seen deaths. I have seen wounds. Blood. Gore. I have seen many things that I wish I could erase from my memory. But when the woman open the back of the carriage, my heart sank to my stomach, and I had to bite my tongue from yelling and screaming.

My eyes drifted to Robin and the normal tan to his skin was gone. His face was pale. Almost to the point of sickness. His eyes wide, stuck in a stage of fear, rage, shock, and failure.

M was ripped to pieces.

"I tried to stop the bleeding, but it just kept seeping through. I didn't think she was gonna make it all way here but she's still hanging on." The maid said.

"She's a strong las. Stronger then most men." A man said as he came from the front of the carriage my eyeys darted to him but when I saw the woman make her way to the man and he held his arms out to her. I realized he was no threat.

"This is my husband. He guided the carriage here." She said.

"It's an honor to meet you both, though I wished it was under better circumstances." The man said with a nod. I gave him one back, and when I looked back at Robin it seemed like he didn't even acknowledge the man's presence.

His eyes were trained on M.

She had gauzes and ripped fabric that were stained with blood wrapped all over her body. But those bits of fabric did nothing to stop her bleeding. She was basically just a big open wound. There was blood everywhere. "M?" I called to her. A small wheeze came from her as a response and I prepared to make my way to her.

I was making my way into the carriage before Robins hand reached out and stopped me. I whirled on him. I was ready to hell and punch him for stopping me from getting to her but when my eyes landed in body froze.

The sun was bright this morning. And the birds around us were chirping so happily but Robin. Robin seemed like he didn't belong. At first glance you would think he was calm. But there was something very off.....

His eyes were empty......

There was nothing there.........just like how M looked when she found out.........

I think he......the only other time I saw him like this was when we were on the battlefield.......

No emotion.....just pure focus.....and that's all hen he's the most dangerous.....

Robin?" I called to him and I began to back out of the carriage.

"We can't move her without making more of a trail." He said. His voice shot shiver up my spine. It was cold, exact, and void of any emotion.

I tried focusing on his words. "More of a trail?" I said. He pointed passed the carriage. And I moved Nextel to him and followed his finger. There was a blood trail. I dropped flat tot my stomach. Her blood dripped through the bottom of the carriage.

A frustrated breath left me as I stood back up. We couldn't take her back to the camp with out wrapping her up or trying are best to stop the bleeding. Though I doubt the maid had anything else to use.

"Will, run back to the camp. Get fresh gauzes, clean clothes and two pales of water. Tell Much to bring the left over meds and ointment Friar left. And all of you pack up as much of the camp you can into our carriage and make your way here." Robin said cutting off my train of thought.

His eyes were on me. Before I could even ask the question, he began to answer. "We can't lover her without her bleeding more. That will cause her more pain and make another trail of blood we can't afford to have. While your gone we will slowly take the wraps and clothes off of her. When you get back we will clean her as much as we can so we can see the damage, then apply the ointment in the most damaged areas. After we wrap her up, put some light clothes on her  and transfer everyone to our carriage. Then we go pick up Friar and May and we go to the other hideout. We are gone be on lockdown for awhile." He said matter of factly.

It....made sense......

I regarded him for a minute but his eyes were still empty. After while his gaze went back to M. "Go, Will." He said as he began to climb in.

I took that as my dismissal and began to run back to camp. But before I left I looked back at the couple.

"Do whatever he says. He might come off harsh or unfeeling but it's the only way he'll be able to cope right now. Don't argue just do." I said and they nodded.

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