the oldest ziegler | dance mo...

By ItzLuvDay

17.7K 444 26

everyone knows maddie and mackenzie ziegler. abby lee's favorite dancers. but let's throw one more into the m... More

the oldest ziegler
the competition begins
wildly inappropriate
cheerleader blues
when stars collide
dying to dance
she's a fighter
love on the dance floor
cathy brings it on
it all ends here
season 2
everyone's replaceable

stealing the show

1.3K 35 2
By ItzLuvDay

malias school day had just ended and she was walking from her last class which was social studies when her friend kaz joined her side.

"hey malia. wow, i like your outfit. is it new?" kaz asked her and the girl looked down at her purple long sleeve, blue skinny jeans and brown boots

"no, you cannot copy my homework." she stated, he's seen her in this.

"is that why you think i complimented you? i am insulted. i did it because i want to borrow some money." he stated and when she gave him a confused look he continued, "not a lot just like twenty..... thousand. twenty thousand dollars." he told her casually.

"why do you need twenty thousand dollars?"

"well at lunch i overheard stephanie say she wants a twenty thousand dollar necklace she saw in a magazine. and i figure if i can't win her affections,
maybe i can buy them." he explained his weird thought process with a smile. stephanie is this girl at their school who kaz has been crushing on. malia honestly didn't really like the girl. she was rude, stuck up and a total spoiled brat.

"kaz you don't need to do that. just be yourself and she'll like you for you." she told him as they approached the parking lot.

"whoa you think so?" he asked as they came to a stop.

"no i'm kidding." she said laughing. "you totally need to buy her affections. but it's gonna cost way more than twenty thousand dollars to make up for.... this." she trailed off, waving her hand in front of his face. she seen her moms mini van pull up and she sent him a smile. "bye kaz." she waved as he waved back and she jumped in her car.

malia and kaz have been friends since 1st grade. they talk to each other like brother and sister and don't take things to heart.

after school, the zieglers had gotten to the studio earlier than everyone else. abby had started on a new solo for malia while also having her run her solo from two weeks ago.

when pyramid rolled around and she walked in wearing a light green sports bra and leggings set with her hair up in a ponytail.

when they walked in, abby applauded them all for their win. she started with brooke, congratulating her on leading the group to a win.

this week they were competing right in pittsburgh at onstage new york. that meant everything had to be perfect.

when abby flipped the chalkboard, brooke was on top and of course malia was happy for her friends so she clapped for her but she knew brooke didn't care where she was on the pyramid.

Malia, Maddie, Chloe
Nia, Paige, Mackenzie, Vivi-Anne

this weekend everyone had solos and malia and chloe would be doing their duet once again and along with that malia was in three off show group dances.

abby started with malia and ran her To Feel Again solo. abby just wanted her to refresh her memory on it and then moved onto cleaning her new solo Play With Fire which was acro.

she really liked her dance. it was pretty fast and has some great acro tricks


it was the next day of rehearsals and malia and maddie had bickering all day. first it started with malia not wanting to do maddie's hair. then maddie took the last pop tart, the one she knew was malias favorite. then malia got the front seat when maddie called it. lastly maddie kept kicking malias chair.

when they got out the car they were bumping each other as they walked into the studio. "maddie i'm serious leave me alone." malia warned, pushing her into the hallway as the went through the doors of the den.

"mom." maddie called but melissa ignored the two, following them into the den.

as malia put her dance bag down, malia pushed her big sister. "maddie stop it." her mom said.

"she did it first." maddie whined.

"i don't care. both of you quit it."

the two were happy once they were separated into their solo rehearsals. malia ran both her dances each for an hour until going into group rehearsals for one of the groups Rag dolls.

they competed that the first competition of the season but isn't being shown on the show. she is also in jazz piece called 007 with maddie chloe paige nia and another dancer kennedy.

lastly she was in House Of Love which contemporary with maddie paige brooke chloe and two other dancers kathrine and nick.

while malia took a break she visited her mom at the front desk. "hey mom?"

"yes honey?" she answer, shuffling through papers. the desk was a mess. it had papers and files and cd's everywhere

"not to bug you cause you seem busy. but did you make an appointment for my eye test thing?"

"oh shoot." melissa had forgotten about that while malias vision gotten worse with readying. "i'll do that right now honey i'm sorry."

"no it's ok. you seem busy. i can just ask dad." she said, still at shock with the amount of papers and work her mom was doing.

"no malia- i'll do it i promise."

just then kelly came to the front desk asking about paige's music. so while she went back to class, kenzie took her spot to talk to her mom.


it was the night before competition and gianna ran both of malias solos and when they were both clean and perfect, she went into the acro class that abby was running.

she joined in the line throwing acro tricks but she sadly got stuck behind her sister. who she was still bickering with.

maddie got annoyed at how good her sister is at acro. when maddie would do a trick, malia would do one 10 times better. she was just sick of her sister being so good at everything.

after maddie had ran a round off backhand spring, malia had thrown a round off adding three backhand springs and a back tuck. "beautiful malia!"

when the malia joined back in line her sister muttered "show off."

"how sweet." malia smiled, kneeing her sisters butt lightly and malia chuckled as maddie hit her leg.

randomly their mom walked in and stormed over to abby. "i'm so sick of this. i'm sick of them saying, oh, it's all about malia and maddie. malia this, malia that. their both in class. they all want to run their solos. i work my ass off for these mothers and all they do is bitch at me. this is it for me. i'm sick of them." melissa ranted, barley letting abby get a word in.

malia felt bad for her mom. the moms wouldn't leave her alone.


it was 4:45 in the morning when malia's alarm went off. she got up extra early to get herself and her sisters up and ready so her mom could sleep in. she wanted to make it up to her since all the moms were all over melissa about herself and maddie's privates and the whole music situation.

she had gotten all her bags ready last night and had them right by her door. she got dressed quickly into a grey pussycat dolls t-shirt, black leggings and her team jacket. she did all her bathroom stuff then left for maddies room.

"mads. come on." she whispered, shaking her sister lightly.

"what time is it?"

"it's 6:00 the bus is gonna leave us!" she lied. her sister jumped up, flipped her light switch on and ran over to her alarm clock that read the real time as malia chuckled.

"it's 5 in the morning." maddie glared but malia chuckled.

"i know. now hurry and get your stuff together. i'm gonna get kenzie up and make breakfast."

"where's mom?" maddie asked as she began changing.

"we're going to let her sleep in. she's had a rough week-"

"with the moms?" maddie asked and malia nodded. the girl may have been 8 but she wasn't blind.

"yeah, so get your stuff together while i get mackenzie. ok?" maddie nodded and malia left her room. she got mackenzie up the same way as maddie and laughed as the 6 year old fell out her bed.

"what's your problem?" mackenzie asked, standing up.

"nothing, oh your so cute. come on let's get you ready." mackenzie sighed, but followed her sister to her closet.

"can you sit with me on the bus today?" mackenzie asked her sister.

"of course. you can pick the movie we watch."

malia knew how nervous mackenzie was for her first solo this season so she did everything to calm her nerves.

malia gave her a black t-shirt, black leggings and black boots. once mackenzie was changed malia braided her sisters hair.

she grabbed mackenzie's  dream duffel where she put all of mackenzie's earrings, makeup, hair supplies and dance shoes. she pulled the rack that was stored inside and hung mackenzies solo costume and packed it up.

while mackenzie was in the bathroom malia brung both her bags and mackenzies bags downstairs. she quickly made fruit loops for kenzie and put pancakes in the toaster for maddie.

by the time they were done, both maddie and mackenzie came downstairs and maddie put her dance bags by her sisters.

malia was making toast for herself so while those were in the toaster she ran upstairs to grab her shoes which were her white converse. she then grabbed her phone off the charger along with her headphones and computer. when she came downstairs she stuffed her electronics in her backpack and set her phone on the counter.

as she spread peanut butter on her toast their mom ran downstairs frantically. "girls i over slept! it's 5:45 we've gotta get on the bus! girls get up..." she came to a stop when she seen all three of her girls up, ready and eating breakfast. "you're all up? and ready?"

"yup." mackenzie nodded.

"you can thank malia." maddie said and melissa smiled, almost to tears when she hugged her oldest.

"did you turn my alarm off?"

"i did. i wanted you to sleep in while we got ready. the moms have been giving you a hard time so i wanted you to get good rest before they bother you today." melissa was truly blessed with the kids she was given. her daughter was so selfless she couldn't comprehend.

"you are the best. i love you girls." once the girls finished their breakfast and melissa was ready, malia handed her coffee and a bagel. "since when could you make coffee? good coffee." she corrected as she took a sip.

"i watched some videos. i also watch the way you make it. your welcome let's go." malia said as she pushed her mom out of the house.

both malia and melissa put the suitcases in the car while the girls held their backpacks. when they got to the studio, the bus was already there.

malia and mackenzie sat in the back with malias computer set up as spongebob played. by 7:35 they had arrived to the high school where the  competition was being held.

when getting to the dressings room after registration they all began getting ready and the zieglers all shared one mirror. malia started doing maddie's makeup and hair and when she was done she changed into her tap costume.

malia soon started her makeup and hair for her acro solo. she did her hair in a slicked back low ponytail and did her lipstick a dark shade of red since her costume was red. she turned to mackenzie doing her makeup and gluing her lashes on and soon enough it was time for maddie's solo.

"malia!" maddie called as they walked in the hallway.


"can you come to the wings with me?" she asked, cracking her knuckles.

"ok first stop." malia said, grabbing her sisters hands. "second, you don't need me. you've done both your solos before. but if it makes you happy to have the greatest sister in history come with you. then sure."

maddie scoffed as she lightly hit her sisters arm making malia chuckle. "oh whatever."

the two went backstage together and as a solo ended maddie hugged her sister and went onstage as she was announced.

when maddie came offstage she walked right into her sister to hug her. "that was so good mads."

"thank you." she said out of breath.

the two went back to the dressing room as the solos continued getting ready. malia was dressed in her acro costume which was red sparkly leotard but for now it was mackenzie's solo next.

"you're gonna do amazing kenz. i love you."

"i love you too."  mackenzie whispered, smiling as her sister kissed her cheek.

when mackenzie came offstage she ran into malia who picked her up in a hug. "kenzie that was amazing! let's go see mom." mackenzie smiled as she pulled her sister from backstage and met their mom in the hallway.

30 minutes later malia was in the wings as she watched brooke's solo. for acro they were competing head to head and malia was pretty nervous since brooke was two years older then her.

she hugged brooke as she came offstage and took a deep breath when she went on.

when malia came offstage she was happy with herself. she walked out into the hallway where she was met with her mom and sisters.

"that was so good honey." her mom said with a big smile and malia thanked her while out of breath.

her next solo wasn't for another hour or so, so she sat with her mom and chloe while she watched the rest of the solos. nia went , then paige who forgot her routine partway through and malia felt so bad for her friend.

later on after doing both Ragdolls, 007 and House of Love, malia changed into her next solo costume.

she sat in the mirror braiding her long brown hair. abby wanted to add some hair but melissa said no because her hair already went down to her lower back and extra hair would be to heavy with her already thick hair.

as malia finished her hair she attempted to tune out the argument brewing between maddie and her mom. "maddie, it's fine. stop putting pins in it. It looks ridiculous. there's 50 bobby pins in it. let me see."

annoyed with her mom, maddie got up and left the dressing room to run her dance. after melissa calmed down she realized maddies solo was up soon.

"come on kenz we gotta go watch your sister. malia your on two numbers after maddie." while the three walked through the hallway they heard christi calling for melissa, but melissa ignored the women as she wished her oldest good luck as she went backstage.

malia knew what christi was on about. she wanted melissa to pull one of her girls extra solos. she's blowing this way out of portion since the two girls have done two solos at least once last competition season.

malia knew that kelly was upset as well since malia was competing against brooke in the junior acro division. but she wasn't making a big deal of it like christi was.

malia new maddie was nervous. she's always anxious with this solo. "hey calm down. your gonna be amazing." maddie nodded as her sister kissed her head and she went onstage and did amazing.

two numbers had passed and malia went onstage for her next solo.

once done she met her mom in the hallway who hugged her. "good job malia." chloe called, running over to hug her friend.

"thank you. good luck chlo." chloe thanked her and malia rushed back to the dressing room to change into her duet costume.

after watching chloe who did good, just messed up on a few steps they went and did their duet.

about an hour had passed and it was time for awards. malia wore her black leggings, black tank top and team jacket with her hair down in a low braid since it was pretty crunchy from a bunch of grease and hairspray.

neither vivi, mackenzie, paige, or nia placed in their divisions or the overalls. chloe got 4th in the advanced mini solo while maddie got 1st with her cry solo and 1st with acapella in the tap category.

"fourth place in the junior acro division is Break Me, brooke from the abby lee dance company.... and first overall in the junior acro division is Play With Fire, malia from the abby lee dance company!"

malia smiled brightly as she stood up and got her trophy. the row of five took a bow before taking a seat.

"and now first overall, in your junior advances solos is To Feel Again, malia from the abby lee dance company!" malia smiled as she stood once more and got her 2nd trophy.

for her acro solo she got the firecracker award so that was another trophy and for her lyrical solo she got 1st overall for the entire day and the special spark award so in all she had five trophy's to carry.

chloe and malias duet had gotten 1st overall in the junior duet/trios and for the groups, House of Love got 4th in advanced junior group and 8th in overall advanced junior division. 007 had gotten 1st in advanced mini group and 1st in overall advanced mini division. lastly Rag Dolls for 2nd in advanced mini group and 2nd in overall advanced mini division.

when awards ended the girls all met their moms in the hallway who cheered for them. "good job girls. oh i'm so proud of you three." melissa smiled as she hugged her daughter's.

"look at our trophies." maddie smiled. she held three awards for her solos.

"i know you both have so many."

"abby, I think we need to talk." christi said and when malia looked up at her, she wasn't happy at all.

"no, you're not going to ruin this day." abby waved her off as everyone began walking to the dressing room.

"no, no. no, we need to talk, abby. in the hallway now. are you kidding? i'm a paying client and you won't speak to me." christi said as they reached the dressing room door.

melissa moved her kids passed christi so they could head in the dressing room. "no. nothing's worth that much money." abby said with a laugh.

malia began packing up her things when her mom started gloating about her. "i was so excited for you. you got the best awards."

"thanks mom." she smiled. she didn't want her mom to say to much to where the other girls would feel bad. especially paige who forgot her solo.

as malia closed her makeup suitcase, christi stormed back in. "you know, we don't want to ruin the waited victory."

"i'm not ruining today."

"no, abby, we need to go in the hallway."

"what is this?" abby asked as she held up a bottle of alcohol while christi just took it from her hands.

"don't be doing this in front of my daughters, christi." melissa warned as everyone began watching the scene.

malia tried to block it out as mackenzie began tugging on her hand. "abby. we can all go in the hallway because I tried to talk to you and I tried to talk to you personally."

"i'm not talking to you."

"why? why are you doing this?" abby questioned.

"let's go in the hallway." christi demanded.

"i'm not going anywhere. my daughter's are happy." melissa started as she began taking maddie's dance suitcase bar down.

"let's go in the hallway. do you want to talk about all the things that need to be talked about?"

"not here, not now." abby said calmly.

"because you won't talk about and you won't talk about it."

"i won't ever talk to you again."

by now malia had her makeup case packed away and her costumes in her suitcase and by now both abby and christi's voices had started overlapping and both maddie and mackenzie began to cry.

malia looked to see gianna hold maddie but when she looked at the six year old she just looked scared as tears started forming. "you're making my daughter cry, so shut up." melissa yelled.

malia pulled her over and mackenzie hugged her, pushing her face in her shoulder as malia rubbed her back.

"and how many times did my daughter beat your daughter this year!"

"bite my ass!" melissa yelled and that caught malia off guard because she rarely ever curses. the only time malia has seen her this mad was when she used to argue with kurt.

"we were stacked against everybody this weekend because you didn't-"

"get out of here now." melissa said, pointing to the door.

"let's go!"


"come on kenz." malia said softly but mackenzie shook her head. "it's ok."

malia sat up her suite case, pushing both her bags with maddie and mackenzie. "you kids feel bad, but it doesn't matter that my daughter feels bad."

maddie had gotten out of gianna's grip and wrapped her arms around her sisters waist while she put all their trophies together.

"you daughter is holding a national title and I will take it away in a minute!" abby yelled, clapping in the women's face.

"go ahead and take it away. i'II leave your studio."

"come on girls. now." melissa said and all three girls began walking out of the dressing room. malia pulled her backpack on and started rolling her suitcase while melissa grabbed maddies along with maddie's trophies.

kelly helped bring the three zieglers out the room and down the hallway. "i'm not going on that fucking bus. that bitch. give me a phone." melissa demanded as she walked back to a producer.

not a good way to end the really good day.

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