By steampunktophat

213 2 6

【WARNING】This story takes place in a drastically altered version of the My hero universe that has been mixed... More

𝙂𝙤 𝙂𝙚𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙩. 𝓣𝓡𝓞𝓜𝓑𝓔!!!
Moving in and raising the flag
A Past Better forgotten
Guess im gonna be a hero now
Beginning 30 of the 4th
Class rep and The USJ
Gunpla Festival

Heroics class 1a&1b vs Tekadan

12 1 1
By steampunktophat

The students have been attending U.A. for a week, friend groups have formed or have grown in that time. Classes 1A and 1B have a number of subjects together one of which is heroics, taught by Tatsumaki. Everyone knew that if Meneta had been here, he would have died during the introductory class. 

Today was a special Heroics lesson that was going to utilize some new technology that had been made available to U.A. Nezu had planned the lesson. The exercise was a simulated raid on a villain stronghold. The new facility was a 50-kilometer hexagonal area which the members of Tekadan recognized immediately as Gunpla Battle Table scaled up to the size of a city. Mei,   Monama, Izuku, Momo, Kyoka and Denki had been assigned to the hero team. The rest of the classes are placed on the villain team.

The field then transforms into a massive cityscape in a bust of light and color
the villain team is given 10 minutes to secure and fortify a building with the objective of being inconspicuous.

Mei hands out small cartridges and belts to the members of the hero team.
She explains that the devices were made to emulate Izuku's quirk, that each cartridge was good for one armor and the armors all only had so much energy.

The members of the villain team were not all on the same page and some went to separate buildings. Shoto went to a cold storage center and set up alone while Tenya and his friend group went to an arena.

Bakugo managed to rally a group of about 10 students with him to an older part of the city where they set up in a building with a bomb shelter. 

The majority of the villain team is set up in a large skyscraper with several underground levels.

Nezu seeing this assigned each group a defense target based on their location.
Shoto got a Wether control device. Tenya and his group had Hostiges. Bakugos group was assigned Chemical weapons. The largest group was given a dirty bomb. All of these were props
made using the same technology that made the city.

Everyone on the hero team activated their Amor Projector Devices and were covered by their own armors







The heroes were given their objectives Mei headed off to the largest group. Kaminari and Jiro headed to the arena where Ida's group was. Monama went to face Bakugo's group that left Shoto for Izuku and Momo.

The teachers watching could tell Nezu had set this up this way to prove a point to the first years.
The Tekadan team members moved like a well-oiled machine rushing through the city in formation members of the team breaking away when close to their objective.

Kaminari and Jiro were the first to reach their target. Kaminari walked into the open and got the attention of Ida along with his group. Without thinking, they ran toward Kaminari so he ducked around the corner and opened fire. Since the weapons were set to non-lethal Ida's group was knocked out. Ida was doing a long-winded monolog when Jiro knocked him out.

Monama used the massive shields of Giganskudo to take hits and dish them out. Bakugos group went down in one punch for the most part. It was just Bakugo, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu at this point. This was a battle of attrition and Bakugo knew that they were losing.

Shoto had frozen over most of the inside of the building and even made ice armor for himself

then Izuku and Momo blew through like a pair of wild and crazy ghosts.

(the video is what happened I'm not even going to try to describe this ^ ok I know my limits.)

Shoto was out cold half buried in a wall with his ass in the air after it was over. The only ones in the observation room who could follow what happened in real-time were Tatsumaki All Might Kenisis (Inko) and Nezu (all hail the rat god). "poor lad never saw it coming" Nezu mused to himself.

Fubuki had taken the leadership role for the largest group that had decided to separate the bomb into three component pieces and hide them around the building. Since the objective couldn't be destroyed, this was a loophole in the rules that gave them an advantage.

It was also in character and a smart move one Nezu was hoping some students would make.

Unfortunately, her opponent was Mei, a consistent top scorer in search and destroy/secure and treasure hunt on GBO outside of her workshop; this was Mei's element. Her machine was even built around her events of choice, so Mei had the pieces in short order, but she would have to reassemble them.

Kaminari and Jiro arrived shortly after Mei found the parts and set up a defensive perimeter.
Izuku and Momo arrived next. Izuku joined Kaminari and Momo was Paired with Jiro.

Kaminaris's armor ran out of power and he was thrown telekinetically by Fubuki

and then...

Monama busted through the wall like the Kool-Aid guy!!!
Then kept going like a freight train.

In the observation room, the teachers watched the messy and chaotic fight as Nezu saw Mei finish rebuilding the bomb. He then called the exercise "Heros Win! All combat must now stop."

Nezu asked why the villains only lasted for half the allotted time of the exercise Momo explained what each group did wrong in gratuitous detail. "Bakugo had the right idea to find a well-fortified location. While Shoto's go-it-alone strategy is what lost the exercise for him as he had no one to watch his back. Ida didn't seem to have a plan, making his group easy to defeat
as they were uncoordinated. Fubuki had a plan but decided not to cooperate with Bakugo on a personal grudge. When doing so would have only benefited her plan and both groups."

Momo's scathing review of her classmates lets them all know why she's the second in command of Tekadan.

Bakugo also thought about how Izuku and his friends worked like Outer squads he saw during reform school. But it was just a passing thought of a place called Anatolia.

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