Wife Swap ✔️

By ivyBrown179

645K 20.6K 853

This is inspired by true event that happen in 2O16 when a couple decided to swap their cheating spouses. Athe... More



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By ivyBrown179

Rome Pov

I can't describe myself as a wanderlust, but i do enjoy experiencing the diversity the world has to offer. And yet, I've come to realize that there's something truly special about the diversity that the world has to offer. Each city, each town, each community has its own unique flavor, its own rhythm and its own soul that's just waiting to be discovered.

I tie my hiking boots i acquired this morning and take a deep breath, feeling the cool air fill my lungs. Athena stands beside me, a look of excitement and apprehension on her face. This is her first time hiking.

"Are you okay?" She ask, concern etched on my face.

I nods, but she can tell i am struggling. So, she slows down and walk beside me. "Just take it one step at a time." I don't know if she is being sarcastic or not.

I thought she would be the one to struggle but seems like she is fit, after all exercising is her part time hobby, she just lacked the opportunity. Either way it is annoying for her to have the upper hand.

It takes around seven hours to go round the crater. There are outstanding untouched landscape and also impressive lava caves. We have already done so and i am too exhausted.

We stop and the other side is a vast expanse of dry plain, stretching out as far as the eye can see. It is an incredible view. The plain stretches out before us like a vast canvas, dotted here and there with small clusters of trees and shrubs. The sky is a brilliant blue, with not a cloud in sight.

Athena looks at me, a smile on her face. "Thank you." She says and stands up. She screams at the top of her lungs.

"Now you can scream." The words spill out of my mouth and she turns to give me a death look.

"Don't tempt me to push you down, and never to be found." She warns and squats to sit.

I gesture zipping my mouth and raise my hands in surrender.

We share snacks and water in silence and enjoying the view from this vintage point.

"I think there is no better way of exploring the world than by foot. " She says but i am just lost staring at her beauty and the different woman seated with me.

She turns and my hands moves to the back of her head where her hair is pinned up. I release and it falls down to her shoulders. She hates her hair as she feels it is not full enough.

"I could say i feel like i am on top of the world but why say it when in reality i am." I say and she looks away to hide her smile.

I take my phone and turn my playlist on. I stand and ask for her hand which she accepts. The music begins, a haunting melody that seems to echo through the mountains. I take Athena's hand, and we begin to move, slowly at first, our bodies swaying to the beat. As we dance, the wind picks up, lifting her hair.

I look out at the vista, and I feel as though I am part of the mountain, part of the earth itself.

We spin and twirl, lost in the music, lost in the moment. I feel a sense of freedom that I have never experienced before, as if I can do anything, be anyone.

The music crescendos, and we come together, our bodies pressed against each other. I look into Athena's eyes, and I see something there - something deep and painful. She looks like she may cry but fights to hold herself together.

As the music fades away, we stand there, holding each other. And in that moment, I know that I will never forget this dance, this moment, this feeling. It's as if a part of me will always be up here, on this mountain, dancing with Athena to Sobrio, our song, that is what it has become.

"I wants to do this again," I get caught up in the moment.

She gazes at me and disentangles from my hold and i feel empty without her, she turns her back on me. I wish i could see her face, it gives away her thoughts, but she keeps it hidden.

"You have too much faith of just a complicated situation we are in," She mutters and turns.

She looks sad like the first time we were in the same room and our parents were initiating a wife swap.

"What is so bad about that?" I enquire.

"It is too soon and i haven't healed yet," She says.

"I will be there with you," I try to reason with her.

She shakes her head and wipes a stray tear, "I can't. I can't hope for anything anymore, life has a way of giving me something and before i can fully unwrap it. It snatches it away. I accepted my fate." Something solemn and heavy hangs over her like a dark cloud as she says.

"What fate?" I ask her.

"No one can love me." She answers.

"But..." I stop myself realizing if i say what i was about to say i will be proving her right. I don't know what i feel for her, what am i even suppose to feel for her? misery and betrayal brought us together. Is telling her that i like her manipulating the situation? The thought of that when this over and i will not be able to see or be with her just drives me mad.

"We can come as friends," I just want to relish the thought that she will be always in my life regardless of the title she will hold in it.

"I hope," She says.

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