The Lost Princess {the 100}

By harrington0845

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Currently working on re-writing and making it longer. Edited Description: One Hundred Years ago the world was... More

Cast Aesthetics
More Cast and Aesthetics
01. The Beginning
03. Octavia Blake
04. Meeting Murphy
05. Puppy Love
06. The Mistake
07. Upper Section
08. The Promise
09. Birthday Twins
10. Sweet Sixteen
11. Dying Ship

02. The Birth

82 2 0
By harrington0845

POV Abigail Griffin

 I watched as the lights along the hallway flicker and begin to blur as the searing pain shoots through my abdomen. Nothing could have prepared me for the pain I would be feeling as my cervix dilates before I can even reach the medial station. It is all my fault, as I could have immediately gotten my husband to take me, but I just couldn't.

I have been hiding a major secret from him that could get all of us killed. Jake has always been a man of his word, one who die if his loved one was in danger. I couldn't possibly tell him as he would be more than ready to sacrifice himself in place of our baby. The truth was I was minutes away from breaking the law, because of these melon sized babies that are ripping me apart at this very moment. You heard me, I said babies, these two twin girls don't even realize their life will never be together. 

Painful thoughts of what was to come, the excruciating pain I felt throughout my body, and on top of all of that I was all alone. The moment that me and Jake had been talking about since we got pregnant, now that moment will never come. I know this guilt will never go away, but that will have to be my new reality if I ever want to protect the people I love. 

After hours of agonizing childbirth, the pain was too much, and I felt faint as the world around me blurred once more. 


When I awoke, I was blinded by the bright hospital lights. Rubbing my eyes, I attempt to sit up but feel sharp pains erupt through my whole body. Squinting I begin searching the room for my babies. In the corner I see two glass containers holding both of my babies and next to them is my best friend, Jackson. His face lights up as soon as he sees I'm awake. 

"Abby, thank god your alive!" Jackson ran up to the side of my bed with a level of worry I have never seen on his face. Out of all of the stressful situations we were put through together as doctors performing lifesaving surgeries. "Why wouldn't I be?" I try to smile at him, but it feels weak. "That was nothing," I attempt to joke, but his worried expression never fazes. 

"I'm serious bitch, I've never seen that much blood before!" I feel the gross amount of spit leave his mouth as he shouts but my arm is far too weak to get it off. Instead, I just sit there trying to force the biggest frown that I can in this situation. "I am so sorry," he begins to quickly try and wipe my face with a rag, but we both can't help to break out into laughter. 

I hadn't even realized that Jackson had been there the whole time during the childbirth. Warmth immediately filled my body, and I didn't feel as alone as me and my best friend sat there laughing. 

"On a more serious note, you really have to name and meet your daughters so we can move to the next part of the plan." Reality suddenly struck me as I remembered that I would have to say goodbye to one of my precious daughters. I nodded softly, and Jackson immediately went to fetch one of my two daughters. The only solace I took was knowing my twins were going to be born fraternal. They wouldn't be able to recognize each other, and as long as I keep them separated, they should be safe. 

Jackson begins to approach me with the sweetest little angel in the world. "She popped out first, so technically she's your oldest." Jackson tries to joke as I just burst into tears at the first touch of her soft skin. I have never seen anything this beautiful in my life. I can't even imagine how I would react to holding both of them in my arms. My other daughter is probably just as angelic as her sister. A little tuff of strawberry blonde hair sits a top of her head, and as her eyes begin to open two blue swirls of stormy shining pools meet my own. 

"My sweet Augustine, I-I will love you forever." I strutter out through my tears as I hold my sweet baby close to me. She smells so clean, yet her existence alone would be seen as dirty. Yelling is heard from down the hall, and I immediately recognize it to be my husband. I look at Jackson panicked, and he just nods while taking my baby from my arms. 

I watch stunned as he turns down the hallway the opposite direction of my husband. Just like that, the angel I held in my arms was ripped away. Jake came rushing into the room, and as soon as he sees me it's like he finally let out all the anger he was feeling. Happiness filled his eyes; however, I couldn't even attempt to recuperate the feeling. The only thing on my mind was my sweet Augustine that I would never get to see grow. I would never experience her first steps, or fully get to know the beautiful, strong women I know she will become. 

Jake notices the worry eminent on my face and quickly comes to comfort me. "What is wrong my love, is the baby ok?" He asks rushed, and worried of my response. "No, no she's ok. I just haven't gotten to hold her yet." Guilt immediately pangs my chest, as I know Jake will never get to hold Augustine. 

He gets up to get our baby and brings her to my side. She has the same tuff of strawberry blonde hair, and I am met with a slightly lighter shade of blue eyes. I don't even attempt to stop the tears that flow from my eyes. I know now that I never will get to know the happiness of holding both of my babies at the same time. I felt the soothing feeling of my husband's lips on my forehead and the calloused warm pads of his fingers wiping my tears. 

We sit there for a while just admiring the child that we created together. "Do you still like the name we picked earlier?" He asks nervously, as he knows I was still hesitant of the name. While we were discussing I was pushing for the name Augustine while he was pushing to name her after his father, Clarke. 

Feeling guilty from already have naming our one daughter without him, I give in, "Yes, even though we didn't pick it," I pinch is hand with as much strength as I could muster, "you did." He just smiles wide in response and kisses me passionately. Everything feels bittersweet, and I can't stop myself from thinking of the baby I just lost. 

The plan past that point was to give her to a trusted friend who works in the Factory Station. I am well aware of the condition difference between the sections of The Ark, but for this to work they need to be as far apart as possible. Working as a doctor did come with privileges like being able to even attempt at surpassing this law. However, Jake grew up and lives most of his life in the Mecha Station and so he doesn't like to go against the Council. 

The man I gave Augustine to had lost his wife about two weeks ago in surgery. She died giving birth to their daughter, and so did the baby as well. Jackson said he was the perfect person to ask because we knew he was a family man and was well respected in his craft. I had heard about him from the market that is held near Hydra Station in the middle section. The name Tal Fairchild spread like wildfire through the Ark for his notorious use of recycled goods to make all types of beautiful sculptures, and also useful household items. 

When Tal agreed, I was so happy but was also weary of giving my child to just anyone. So, me and Jackson broke another rule and looked through his file in the Ark guard quarters. The only way we were able to do this was because Jackson is sleeping with many of the guards, including the one that guards the files. While Jackson distracted him, I snuck in and found nothing too suspicious. Which made sense because anyone who breaks rules in the Factory Station usually doesn't live to see themselves getting a file. With this I choose to trust this man. It might have been a mistake, but anything is better than her dying. 

I was brought back into reality when I saw Jackson from the doorway giving me a nod and a sad smile. 


POV Eric Jackson

Every emotion was flowing through me at once to the point where I just feel numb. I know this child isn't mine, but I love Abby so much that she already feels like family. Even though I am holding my own death in my hands, I can't help but want to protect her with my every fiber. If anyone knew that I was helping Abby with this, I would be put to death immediately. Unlike her, I don't have the luxury of growing up in the upper sections. I was born in the power sector of the Ark in the lowest section. The hardest part is knowing how this baby will have to grow up. 

The only comfort I take is knowing Tal is well off enough to care for a child. As I walk up to the door, a feeling of dread washes over me and I almost turn around. My body has different plans than my brain as I slowly begin reaching to knock. The door is opened, and I'm quickly ushered in by the tall but skinny blonde man. "Quickly, we wouldn't want anyone to see." He leads me to a small cradle that he already had set up in the corner. 

I presume it was for his daughter before she didn't make it. However, no one knows that his daughter died, and we only released the records of his wife's passing. This was the first step of our plan; Tal would stay in his house often because he was "spending time with his new baby." In reality he is just receiving his new baby at this very moment.

"I honestly don't know what to say man." I honestly don't, I just hope this wasn't a mistake. "Are you sure you're prepared for this?"

"Yes, I am, I already have the supplies ready, and my wife prepared me for this." Tal looked a reck, like he hadn't slept in days. These deaths must really be hitting him hard. 

"Ok Tal, you better protect this sweet angel with your life." I walk up to him and place the sleeping baby in his arms. "Abby named her Augustine, I hope you don't mind but can you keep it?" He didn't even look up at me once, his eyes have been glued to Augustine's face since he received her in his arms. Finally peeling his eyes away, he asked "That's a beautiful name, but why?"

"Abby wanted to leave her child with one thing that was from her." He just nodded at that and turned to put the baby in her new cradle. Tal stood there watching the child begin to fall asleep with a blank expression. I wanted to just leave him to his thoughts, so I pat him on the shoulder and make my way back to the hospital sector. 

When I make it back, I see Abby holding her newborn as Jake sat by her side admiring them in awe. When she looks up at me, I don't see the happiness reaching her eyes and I just give her a knowing nod. Looking at the girls I can already tell that they will take more after Jake then Abby. They both had light eyes like Jake, while Abby had brown eyes. All I hope is that they will both have the same fight that their mother has. She is the strongest person I have ever known, and she has taught and helped me so much. Abby does anything she can to save people, and she shows it every day in the emergency room. I trust that she knows this is the best and only option. 

I just really hope we made the right choice. 


Hello everyone, this is more accurately the first chapter. I have officially rethought some of the concepts and this is just the beginning of editing and rewriting this story. I really hoped you enjoyed it up until this point, and I hope you will stick around for more.


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