Ex-Doctor Of Rhodes Island(Bo...

By zero252

546K 15.4K 10.1K

The Doctor of Rhodes Island is a good man, but even good men can be broken. He tried to endure the loneliness... More

He's Had Enough
What Have We Done
Welcome Home
For the Greater Good
Silver Bell Tolls
SuperNova Prevention
Know Your 'Enemy'
Have we Angered A God
Living Saint
Farsight Enclave
Trial By Fire
Making An Entrance
Terra's Reaction
Farsight Will Rise
Hello Ch'en
Strategic Value Absolute
Maiden Heart
Flawless Victory!
Can We Survive What's Comming
Enemy Of My Enemy
We Will Fight In The Streets.
Ride Of The Valkyries
Battle Won
The Next Arc
Emotionally Compromised
Prelude To Diplomacy
Underhanded Diplomacy
Angry Lung Noises
Farseer Agenta
The Darker Side Of Reunion
Sleep Easy At Last
Preserve Us
Purge Them!
Stand With Me
White Wolf
Lord of Fiends
I Hate/Like you!
Back In Your Arms
A Good Morning
Broken Too
Lupo's Mischief
Don't Panic
A Life Forever Changed
Running Away
The Law
Amnesia vs Love
Caught Pt1
Caught And Shattered
Calm Before The Storm
First Moves
I'm Done Playing
Enclave vs Rhodes Island
Lost & Gained
A Spark Of Hope
A Lupo's Secret Exposed?
Familiar Stranger
Anomaly Containment Corporation
Angel Of Death
The Begining of a Downfall
The Call
Manipulate Fate!
Artillery spam
Harem Assemble
Over The Top
Lascannon or Bolter
Return of the King
Questions and Answers
Our Duty Ends with Death
Safe and Sound
Guerilla Tactics
Kal'tsit and W Confrontation
Kalina's path
Small Talk
Heroic Ursus Girls
Your Eyes
Father & Daughter
Mostima's Choice
False King
Going Solo

Already Broken

3.8K 125 153
By zero252


I couldn't find any Art I wanted for this chapter, so enjoy the above.

Let us get back to it.



Farsight heard Amiya's quiet voice behind him as he watched Agenta stare down at the bodybag before her, weeping quietly.

After rounding up the Rhodes Island operatives and placing them in custody under heavy guard, Farsight and most of the Enclave moved to Rhodes Island, which had successfully relocated closer to the Enclave headquarters.

Amiya, Closure and Warfarin were the only exceptions, brought with Farsight but under heavy watch. Entering Rhodes Island and into its enormous atrium, Farsight, Agenta and those with him were met halfway by Pathfinder 14 and all the Banshees.

Pathfinder and his group moved forward and placed a bodybag before Agenta and himself. Farsight stepped back, giving her some space. Agenta crouched before the fallen Banshee and wept quietly for her friend.


He tilted his head slightly in her direction but didn't respond, more interested in watching one of his division leaders cry quietly.

"Farsight, I didn't know this would happen, I...-"

"Amiya, stop"

Amiya stopped speaking as her rabbit ears flopped downward. The Enclave leader was uninterested in words and looked around briefly, deciding to walk through the gathered crowd of soldiers and out of the atrium.

His movement caught many people's attention, but none attempted to stop or ask him. Amiya moved to follow but was blocked by a suspiciously quiet Lappland gripping her shoulder tightly. 

"Haha, Don't harass him, Donkey... Yea?" Lappland whispered into Amiya's ear, making her tense in worry as she watched Farsight vanish from everyone's sight. 

Not evening registering the name Lappland had called her. Amiya wanted to do nothing but break free and run after him but couldn't. 


Farsight looks around Kal'tsit's office with indifference before sitting at Kal's desk, an act which would have caused him so much grief as the Doctor of Rhodes Island.

Kal'tsit would have walked in with a mug of coffee in her hand and papers in the other but would have stopped and glared at him in sheer annoyance before threatening him to remove himself from her office.

"Kal'tsit... Where are you?"

Something Farsight never thought he would say, but here he was, sitting on Rhodes Island, in Kal'tsits chair and asking where she was. 

Rhodes Island was an obstacle which they had overcome, but Farsight felt empty sitting here, almost as if no problem had been solved at all. Thoughts slowly angered him; in an act of emotion, Farsight shoved the desk. The wooden object resisted briefly due to its weight but quickly tumbled across the room.

Slumped in the chair, Farsight felt lost.

Farsight stood and decided that this room was the cause of this sour attitude and the memories it was bringing, but something caught his eye. There was a small floor safe with a combination lock where the desk once was.

He was crouching down and attempting to open it but failing. With zero patience, Farsight punched the small safe hard, warping it out of shape and with a quick tug, the door was ripped off its reinforced hinges because of his strength.

A part of Farsight's boyish nature hoped for treasure but was disappointed only seeing a few scraps of paper. Farsight sank back in the chair, looking through the secret documents.

Farsight's eyes grew wider with each passing sentence of the documents he read.

"Soldiers!" Farsight called out, knowing there was someone outside the office who would have followed him. Two guards entered the room, avoiding the broken, tipped-over desk and saluted their leader.

"Yes, Commander?"

"Fetch me, Warfarin and only Warfarin."

The two soldiers didn't comment on their leader's ashen expression before nodding and leaving quickly.

Farsight looked back down at the documents again and whispered in disbelief.

"Married? Child?"


"Amiya of Rhodes Island"

Agenta looked at Amiya and her two companions with cold indifference, but the bloodshot eyes and messy look after crying removed most of the Farseer's intimidation.

"Yes?" Amiya looked up at Agenta.

"As of this moment, Rhodes Island belongs to the Enclave. Your operator's answer to Farsight, you go where we tell you and fight who we command you to, Understood?"

Amiya, Closure and Warfarin stared at Agenta in shock, not expecting that.

"We understand" Amiya's shock gave way to contemplation. What choice did she have?

"Certain operators will be punished by Farsight himself, specifically Nian and Blaze, but others as well..." Agenta told them her face, expressing she wanted to punish them herself. They could only guess it was Nian she wanted.

"Hey!, Let her go!" 

Everyone turned to see Sussurro being dragged into the atrium alongside a wounded Dr Silence, who had a bleeding head wound. 

"Operator Sussurro, stop!" Closure called out, getting the Vulpo's attention. Sussurro saw the three allies and calmed down. 

"Amiya, Closure, Warfarin! You're all okay," Sussurro smiled at them in relief.

Sussurro and Silence were placed by the other members of Rhodes Island, who looked at the two in concern. Warfarin moved to Silence, checking her head wound; Silence was barely conscious.

"Saria and Ifrit are gonna be pissed," Warfarin mumbled.

Not long after, another figure was dragged in.

Amiya's eyes widen as every Enclave soldier tense. The temperature in the room seemed to drop as the unconscious and wounded Nian was hauled into view.

The nasty puncture wound was visible on her stomach for all to see, her once flawless skin, marked by blackened veins, overtaken by the back venom of the now-dead Exarch.

Everyone watched with hitched breath as Agenta relieved a pulse pistol from the nearest soldier and pointed it at Nian's forehead. All those close backed away from Nian, not wanting to be hit by her blood and brains if Agenta pulled the trigger.

"Please, don't," Amiya's soft voice echoed through the silent atrium, hoping Agenta wouldn't do it.

Agenta ignored the Cautus as everyone continued to wait in anticipation, wondering if Nian was about to get her brain blown out. Agenta's gun hand started to shake as seconds passed, which only worsened with time.

In a moment of clarity, Agenta lowed the gun and sighed. All those around had different opinions on Agenta's choice. Many wanted to see Nian get her brain blown out, while others didn't want her to die so quickly. Some don't want her to die since she only protected her home.

Agenta looked at Nian one last time, then at the soldiers holding her up. 

"Get this piece of Sh*t out of here."

She tossed the gun back to the soldier and walked off without a word.


Warfarin watched the Farseer walk off but found herself grabbed by two guards and dragged off.  

"Eh? Hey, Hey! Amiya!" 

Amiya and Closure watched Warfarin get manhandled and tried to approach but were blocked by more soldiers.

"Wait!" Amiya reached out but was quickly pushed back.

"Commander Farsight wants to speak to her."

"Let me go with her, please!" Amiya wanted to go with her and see Farsight.

"He just wants her," The soldier says as he points at Warfarin as she is pulled away in the same direction Farsight left.

Closure pats Amiya's shoulder in comfort. "Don't worry. She'll be fine."

"Us, tho? I'm not so sure" Closure's tone surprised Amiya and registered what she said. Amiya followed Closure's line of sight and saw W walking towards them with a smirk.

'That's not good,' Amiya thought.


If there were one word to describe how Warfarin felt, it would be Awkward.

Standing in Kal's office with none other than Farsight, the man Warfarin was trying to help Kal'tsit get over and failing miserably. He was paying no attention to her as he looked over whatever was in his hand, the desk was thrown away, and a small safe in the floor was ripped open. 

"Ehem, long time no see Doc."

Warfarin gave the man her best smile, fangs and all.


The nickname annoyed Warfarin, but she decided not to argue with the man who held their fate in his hand. Farsight looked up at her for the first time since entering the room, he was pale, sweaty and his eyes were red. He held out what he was holding to her, and with slight hesitation, she took it from his grasp.

"Is it true...?" 

The Vampire's blood-red eyes scanned the page she held before looking up and staring into Farsight's eyes; Warfarin spoke softly but cautiously.


"...I'm still married to her..." 


"She was pregnant?"


"Where is the child, now?"


"Where is the child, Warfarin."

Warfarin never withdrew her eyes from Farsight's shattered, enraged, hopeful ones. 

Taking a deep breath, "It might break your heart."

Farsights shakes his head slowly and looks back at her.

"Already broken"



I struggled with this chapter.

It would have been a court-type chapter where everyone is judged individually, but then I realised how many people there are, which could get tedious fast.

So I will dish out punishments for those we know of, like Nian, Blaze and others, for different things.

Did anyone get the two references? Two different TV series.

I have taken a gamble with the Kal'tsit child concept. It was spontaneous, A dark secret that had never been mentioned before. So secret that Warfarin or Kal have ever mentioned it.

No, Kal'tsit is not pregnant but was... Is it somewhere in Terra, or is it dead?

I need your help, people! With this unexpected child of Kal'tsit. Is it alive or dead? Many expect Texas to have the first child, but what if a child was born before? What do you think? I have ideas for both scenarios, but one is happy and the other very sad. If the child is alive, it will create a whole new motive for Farsight to go out and seek it. Thoughts?

I need to get Kal'tsit's arc out the way so we can move on with the story, so a few more chapters, I think of Kal'tsit and the others of Rhodes Island. After that, we can move on to Siracusa and Laterano's spanking.

I own no Art or Gif's

Thanks for the votes and support.


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