This Time I Will Not Leave Yo...

By zaidaw75

38.5K 2.4K 518

Wei Wuxian destroyed the amulet and got torn apart by his corpses. Lan Wanji was told that his soul mate died... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Family Reunion
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

In Another Life

5K 170 38
By zaidaw75

Wei Wuxian looks at the cultivators before him as he hold the amulet up in the air. He had just pushed his brother away while blood stream out of the freshly stab wound. His eyes glides over to where the last of his family laid dead. His heart breaking inside his chest. First his shijie and her husband and now the only family he had ever known. He turned his eyes back and break the amulet. No use to pro long the inevitable. The corpses turn around and starts to attack him. Not once did he fought back and soon they were tearing him apart. Limb from limb. Some cultivators turn around and threw up. After some time there was nothing left of him,his soul torn apart in the process. Wei Wuxian was dead. Never to be reborn again.

Lan Xichen walked up the path to the jingshi. He was about to tell his brother that Wei Wuxian was dead. He entered and walked in his brothers sleeping area. Lan Wanji opened his eyes and looked at his brother as his brother told him that Wei Wuxian was dead. Tears silently rolled down Lan Wanji's face at the news. Lan Xichen step forward but Lan Wanji shakes his head slowly. Lan Xichen had no choice but to leave his brother alone. When Lan Xichen was gone Lan Wanji whispers sorry over and over again. He had failed his soulmate. He had failed to protect. If only he had a chance to do it all over but he can not. He will not live in this world without the one he loves. He made the only decision he could. He sealed his golden core. The wounds on his back is not as painful as the pain in his heart and soul. Lan Wanji died a few hours later. Not knowing if he will ever see his soulmate again.

Lan Wanji sitting in the class room as his uncle were throwing question after question at Wei Wuxian when he felt a warm gush went through him. For a moment he was confuse.  He shake his head to get rid of the fogginess in brain. He discreetly looked around and realise that he traveled back to the Cloud Recess study time. He turned his attention back to his uncle and Wei Wuxian wondering how did he not see this. How did he realise disrespectful and rude his uncle were. He has been targeting Wei Wuxian since he got here. Had he failed to protect him since this early on. He stood up and could not help himself but to interrupt his uncle." Do not take advantage of your position. Do not make assumptions about others. Do not judge people. Do not assume. Do not partake in gossip". This is only a few of the rules uncle has broken. Will uncle take punishment as uncle has been punishing Wei Ying since he got here. I am not excluded because I have done the same". Lan Wanji said to his uncle as the spatter over his words. The whole class was quite and Wei Ying was looking at Lan Wanji mouth agape. He could not believe that the ever cold and stioc jade had just defended. Lan Wanji turned towards Wei Ying and bowed deeply and said. " This one is sorry for allowing his own judgment be clouded by outside influence. This one hope that Wei Ying would forgive him for his incompetence. This one promise to do better by Wei Ying". Lan Wanji said still bowing. Soft gasps could be heard throughout the room. Lan Qiren looks as if he was about to qi deviate. Wei Wuxian mouth open and close but no words came out.

He walked towards Lan Wanji and just as he was about to touch him he felt a warm wind blowing threw him. He stopped and closed his eyes for a minute shaking his head. When he open his eyes and almost whispered to Lan Wanji. " Lan Zhan please stop bowing to me. I forgive you. How can I not. You are my friend". Lan Zhan lifts his head and looked at Wei Ying searching his eyes and face. He nods his head and looked into Wei Ying's eyes that's when he saw it. A flesh of red in his eyes. ' Can it be? Did Wei Ying also came?". A little hope flare in his heart. Lan Qiren finally got his bearings together and said. " Wanji what is this? Wei Wuxian go to the pavilion library and copy the rules fifthy times and Wanji go to the jingshi and reflect on what you just did". Lan Wanji turned away from Wei Ying and said to his uncle. " I will not .I have done nothing wrong. Uncle has broke the rules not me or Wei Ying. Uncle will not punish Wei Ying for his bright and curious mind". The students were left speechless even Wei Ying. Lan Wanji had just deny a order from his uncle. The rule abiding second jade just said no to his uncle. They just heard a thud and when they looked at the front there laid their teacher sprawled out in the front. Jiang Cheng did not know what to think because he was pretty sure that the second jade hated his brother but his actions right now says differently. Huaisang was watching over his fan. His eyes going from Lan Wanji and Wei Wuxian whose back is towards him. He saw the way Wei Wuxian body had shivered for a moment before he said Lan Wanji's name. It was the way he said for him. There was a hint of pain in it. But why. He thought. Lan Qiren started to move and one of the Lan disciples helped him just as Lan Zhan took Wei Ying's hand and walked out of the class room. Shocked gasps went through the room. Jiang Cheng sprang up and scream." Second master Lan what is the meaning of this". as he ran after them not caring if he is breaking the rules but when he got outside all he saw was white robes disappearing down a path. Wei Ying was shocked when Lan Zhan grabbed his hand and drag him out of the class room. He already knew that he traveled back because he sure as hell ain't dead like he was supposed to be. Oh the Gods must really hate him to send him back to this damn time. He promise if he ever found out who is in charge of his destiny. He is going to kill them,bring them back to life and kill them again for eternity. He does not know if it is even possible to kill a God but he will find away.

Not long they arrived at the jingshi and Lan Zhan let him in through the door. Wei Ying looked around after Lan Zhan had let go of his hand. So Lan Zhan he thought only the bare minimum and yet so stylish. Lan Zhan made some tea and wave Wei Ying over to the table. They sat down opposite each other as he poured them both a cup. When they were done Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying who now looks at him curiously. Lan Zhan does not where to start. He does not even know why he brought Wei Ying here all he knows is that he needed to be alone with him. "Lan Zhan why did you bring me here? I assume that this is your residence". Wei Ying asked Lan Zhan. " We need to talk. I know that you are not the Wei Ying from this time line. To answer your second question yes this is my private residence ". Lan Zhan answered him. Wei Ying lifts one eyebrow and gave a smile. "Yeah it looks as if who ever is in charge of my destiny did not want me to die in peace. So I assume you came back to minutes before me". Wei Ying answered him. "Wei Ying before we talked about anything else there is something I had to make clear to you first. I have never hated you. Because of my inability to speak my true feelings it might have come of as that and that I don't like you. I have always since you came from the burial mounds been concern about you and I just wanted to help you. When I asked you to come back to the Cloud Recess with me. It was to hide you and help me. That's all I wanted to do but it came out wrong the way I had said it". Wei Ying looked at him with big unbelieving eyes. " You did not wanted to punish me or let your sect punish me. Oh Lan Zhan I'm so sorry I thought that you hated me and only wanted to punish me for my crooked ways. So many things could have been avoided. You were right the resentment did play with my mind.
So now that we are honest I think I can tell you the truth about why I had no choice but to choose the crooked way. I had no golden core". Lan Zhan looked at him wide eyes tears pooling in it. "Wei Ying but how? How did you loose it. Was it Wen Zhuliu?". Lan Zhan asked. Wei Ying shake his head no and said. "You remember Wen Qing". Lan Zhan nods his head yes." Well she is not for nothing the best doctor of our time. Jiang Cheng lost his core and I gave mine to him just before I got thrown into the burial mounds". Wei Ying told with tears in his eyes. Lan Wanji looked at him sadness in his eyes. " I'm sorry Wei Ying I should have known or at least had an idea". Lan Zhan said. " How could you I had never let anyone close to me. I was so scared that they would found out". Wei Ying said to him. They both sat in silence for a while. Lan Zhan thought to himself that whether or not Wei Ying will return his feelings or not he will still be his friend. He has nothing to loose and he will still stand by his side this time around as his friend. He could feel his ears warming hoping Wei Ying would not see it before he said. "Wei Ying I know this is probably not the best or the right time but I want to share something with you". Wei Ying looks at him ever serious and say ok. " Wei Ying I see you as my soulmate and I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you if you would have me and let me". He said face serious but he never break eye contact with him. He could feel his ears getting warmer. Wei Ying's mouth hang opened. Mouth open and closing. Lan Zhan found it a bit funny because to see Wei Ying speechless is really something. Wei Ying's face started to turn warm and red when a conversation similar as this pop up in his head just this time Lan Zhan are saying those words instead of him. It did not go exactly as this but it's still the same meaning. "I still am. I also see you as my soulmate Lan Zhan. Maybe this time we can make better decisions then the last time. I do feel the same it's just that I never realise it before and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you Lan Zhan ". Face burning red which Lan Zhan found very quite and it brought a small smile to face. And once again Wei Ying found himself speechless. Oh that smirk is definitely devastating Lan Zhan should never ever looked at anyone like that only him.

Both sat in silence while Lan Zhan poured another cup of tea for them both. "So what are we going to do? I am not willing to lose my core again not if I can help it. We need to protect your sect from burning down and lotus pier. I don't know if I'm willing to go back there,and the way Jiang Cheng had change after everything I don't know if I can trust that he won't do it again. I can't let shijie and her husband die. Lan Zhan tell me what I should do". Wei Ying told Lan Zhan. He was quite for a moment a small crease between his brow before he said. " We can get married or if you do not want to do that you can defect from the sect". Wei Ying thought for awhile about what Lan Zhan had said. "Your uncle will never allow us to get married Lan Zhan. You know that he don't like me that much and how would it looked us suddenly wants to get married after just knowing each other for a short while". Wei Ying said. "Wei Ying in our first life do you remember when we got pulled into the cold cave". He nods his head yes. "You remember me binding our hands together with my forehead ribbon and us bowing infront my ancestor Yan Li. Well we technically got engaged ". Lan Wanji said with burning ears and the red spread down his neck and dusted his cheeks. Wei Ying was shocked and said."Lan Zhan how could you not tell me. So we were like engage the whole time. Ah and to think I thought you like mian mean. How stupid of me". He said with a soft chuckle. "Wei Ying I never liked mian mian ". Lan Zhan said. "I know that now Lan Zhan ". Wei Ying said laughing. "But really Lan Zhan what are we going to do". He asked Lan Zhan. "I have an idea. I don't know if are going to like it though". He answered. "What is it?". Wei Ying asked curiously. "We can both defect from our sects. But before we can discreetly strengthening both our sects wards. Wei Ying is good at talisman making. I just don't want to be here anymore not after what had happened ". Lan Zhan said to him. Wei Ying touch his nose with his hand thinking before he say." I have a few talismans I can make to protect them. But where will we go and what about the war. The indoctrination at the Wen sect". "You have lived in the burial mounds before. I will take anything we want and what we will need. We can work from the outside we will still helping them. Maybe we can convince Wen Qing and let us discreetly start taking her family away to safety. I think if we look hard enough we will found some place other then the burial mounds to house them". Lan Zhan said hopefully. "It's definitely something to think about. Maybe we can come up with a proper plan before the lectures ends. I the mean starts to look for a suitable place. I don't want my family to die this time. Thank you Lan Zhan ". Wei Ying said to which Lan Zhan answered." There is no need for thank yous and sorry between us Wei Ying.  This is the right thing to do. But we will have more time to talk over the course of the time". Wei Ying smiles and nods his head. Ah my fuddy Buddy he thought to himself.

Lan Xichen who heard what happened was also not so please with his uncle treatment of Wei Wuxian. Yes the boy is a little wild and loud and unrestrained but his was the adult here he has no right to judge the boy just because of who his mother was. Holding a grudge over his beard got shave for years is ridiculous. Wanji was right in reminding their uncle of the rules he was breaking. He also heard that his brother dragged Wei Wuxian out of the classroom so he on instinct made his way towards the jingshi. He stopped short on knocking on the door. He knows it's wrong to eavesdrop on others conversation but what he hear made him curious and the more he listened he got confused. But what made his heart almost stopped was when Wanji said that the two must defect from their sects. Why would Wanji want to do that. And why is Wei Wuxian talking about him losing his golden core. What the hell is going on. Marriage his little brother wants to get married. It's to much he turns around and made his way to the hanshi. He needs to talk to the two boys and find out what is going on.

Jiang Cheng is still fuming. The second young master just dragged his brother away God knows where to. He can hurt his brother or even kill him with nobody knowing. What is pissing him off more is that his brother just let him. If anything happens to him he will break his legs let his golden core heals it and then breaks it again. He also starting to get worried because they have been gone for a long time now. He could here the disciples whispers about what had happened. So much for the gossip rule he thought. Sometimes he wonders why the Lans even have these stupid rules if they are not going to enforce it. He wondered how old Lan Qiren is doing. Shame the man had to be taken to the healers after Lan Wanji march out with Wei Wuxian. He really he does not know what he did to deserve such a brother like him.

Huaisang walked around the Cloud Recess fanning himself lazily. His mind still at what happened earlier in the classroom. He had show the moment something happened to the two of them but he can't put his hand on it. Whatever it was must have been life changing. The way the second jade talked to his uncle is most out of the ordinary. He will never reprimand his uncle in defense of Wei Wuxian and he most definitely would not apologize like that. Something had happened and his not liking it one bit that he does not know what it is. It is grating at him and it's frustrating at the same time. He haven't spotted the two since then so they either left the Cloud Recess or the second jade took him somewhere else with in the Cloud Recess and the only place he could think of is the jingshi the second jade private residence. No outsiders are aloud that deep into the Cloud Recess what a shame. But not all is lost he will found out one way or the other.

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