Shudders: Retribution

By Lilas___

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[Tsundere and Yandere Demons x Reader] A world where demons and humans can live amongst each other. ... More

Chapter 1 - The Awakening
Chapter 2 - The Savior
Chapter 3 - The Kill
Chapter 4 - The Trailer
Chapter 5 - The Fabric
Chapter 6 - The Geese
Chapter 7 - The Motel
Chapter 8 - The Trees
Chapter 9 - The Stable
Chapter 10 - The Stable pt. 2
Chapter 11 - The Partners
Chapter 12 - The Map
Chapter 13 - The Storm
Chapter 14 - The Skull
Chapter 15 - The Vines
Chapter 16 - The Shot
Chapter 17 - The Boy
Chapter 18 - The Beach
Chapter 19 - The Trio
Chapter 20 - The Guns
Chapter 21 - The Moment
Chapter 22 - The Stunt
Chapter 23 - The Alone
Chapter 24 - The Repeat
Chapter 25 - The Questioning
Chapter 26 - The Bittersweet
Chapter 27 - The Disturbance
Chapter 28 - The Confrontation
Chapter 29 - The Decision
Chapter 30 - The Ambush
Chapter 31 - The Realization
Chapter 32 - The Argument
Chapter 33 - The Help
Chapter 34 - The Gap
Chapter 35 - The Training
Chapter 36 - The Robbery
Chapter 37 - The Sewers
Chapter 38 - The Appreciation
Chapter 39 - The Dream
Chapter 40 - The Peace
Chapter 41 - The Note
Chapter 42 - The Broken Heart
Chapter 43 - The Hostage
Chapter 44 - The Oblivious
Chapter 45 - The Apology
Chapter 46 - The Cut
Chapter 47 - The Train Yard
Chapter 48 - The Mother
Chapter 49 - The Love
Chapter 50 - The Address
Chapter 51 - The Release
Chapter 52 - The Despondent
Chapter 53 - The Answer
Chapter 54 - The Interrogation
Chapter 55 - The Make Up
Chapter 56 - The Covetous
Chapter 57 - The Clash
Chapter 58 - The Room
Chapter 59 - The Hold
Chapter 60 - The Traitor
Chapter 62 - The Party
Chapter 63 - The Peril
Chapter 64 - The Puppet
Chapter 65 - The Lovers
Chapter 66 - The End

Chapter 61 - The Fate

888 95 157
By Lilas___

Violence Warning ⚠️

      Dodging the arm of a teleporting Elitist, (Y/N) ducked past and whipped her vines to slash against them.

      She stumbled into a room and slammed the door shut as two Elitists banged their fists against it and tried to break it down. She held her body against the door and looked around for a way out. She was in an operating room of sorts and just like everywhere else, the windows had bars. But she saw that there was a caved-in hole in the ceiling.

       She sucked in a deep breath and quickly ran from the door just as one of the Elitists rammed into it. They stumbled inside while she threw her vines up to grab hold of the foundation in the hole and started pulling her self up.

"Get back here!" An Elitist yelled and grabbed hold of her legs.

       She gasped and kicked fiercely at their head. "Let go of me!"

       When they were resisting, she made more vines appear from her sides that shot toward them and stabbed their arms, forcing them to let go. She pulled herself up through the hole once she was free and stumbled to her feet.

       As she pushed through the new room's door, she desperately tried to come up with a plan.

       Where should she go? What should she do? She was being chased and didn't know where she was going. If there was a chance she could hide, how long will it be until they found her again?

       Another Elitist came out in front of her, one that was much taller than her. She ran into them from their sudden appearance and they grabbed her by the nape and shoved her against the wall. She yelped form the impact as they held her down. When they went to call for others, he vines circled around her back and fiercely swiped down at the Elitist's arm, slicing it but not enough to fully cut it off. It still forced the Elitist to let her go as they growled in pain but she quickly turned around and kicked them back with all her force.

        She pushed past them once the teleporting Elitist arrived and created a portal in the floor that she fell through. (Y/N) screamed and hit the floor of a different hall and soon many hands grabbed her to keep her pinned to the floor. She struggled against them as it took five to hold her down by her arms and legs.

"Hold her!" Spoke a very furious Indi who approached and pointed her knife at the girl. "We take her to Zankora and then we find Xed. He needs to pay for his traitorous crimes against us!"

        (Y/N) grunted as they forced her to her feet and started dragging her off. She struggled against them and even used her vines to attack two of them, but the bigger of the group balled their fist and swung at her head.

        The punch knocked her head to the side as if she just got hit by a cinder block. She fell weaker in the Elitist's grasp as ringing filled her ears and her vision blurred. This made it easier for them to continue dragging her.

       The further they dragged her, the faster she tried to recover. She can't let them take her to Zankora. She planted her boots into the floor but they were kicked out from under her soon after.

       She could feel her anger build up. The desperation and fear she felt only propelled it further.

        Indi kept an eye out for Xed. She was waiting for him. Ready to enact his punishment for going against their Mother and attacking a fellow Elitist. As much as it hurt her for someone she felt close to going against them like this, she balled up her fists and held her knife tighter.

        They should've taken his obsession seriously. Then maybe Chey wouldn't have died...

"What the- HEY!" An Elitist shouted that made Indi glance up.

        But a figure was already rushing toward them at such speed that no one could keep up. It flew past them and took the Elitists holding (Y/N) with it.

        They all grunted in pain as something sharp was pierced through their chests and they flew back toward Indi. She had to use her own quick movement to dodge their bodies.

        The Elitists all tumbled to the ground, bleeding from their chests and struggling to stand. (Y/N) had fell as well when she was suddenly released and she looked back to see a familiar figure with its spider legs out and in a defensive stance.

"Come on!" A hand grabbed her arm and pulled her up. They tugged her to start running and when she turned to see who it was, a wave of surprise and relief flooded her. "B?!"

"No time to talk! We have to run!" B called as the two started running.

          (Y/N) glanced back to who she knew was Dog who looked erratic and ready to kill anything that moved. As some of the Elitists got back up and Indi glared at the running girls, Dog let out a shaky screech and rushed forward.

         (Y/N) ran with B as they turned down a different hall and dipped inside of an old bathroom. They both forced the door shut and locked it before (Y/N) fell to her knees to catch her breath. B also took a second to recuperate but didn't linger too long.

"I was trying to find you..!" (Y/N) gasped out and looked up at her friend. "W-Where were you?"

"We were... trying to find you too." B huffed and moved to stand straight. "Dog saw you running by chance. We were starting to think that crazy guy got away with you."

         When did Dog get here? She wasn't expecting to see him and could still hear him fighting with the Elitists whom they had just run from. He sounded like a monster. Screeching and slashing his legs at the enemies. She's never heard him act like this before.

"W-What's wrong with him..?" She asked as they both listened to the fight.

"Dog has this... beast inside of him. If he fully lets it out-" B spoke as a loud crash and more of Dog's violent growls came. "That happens..."

       (Y/N) flinched at the crashing sound. Dog was always so meek and quiet that this was a stark contrast to his personality.

"As long as we stay out of his sight, he won't attack us. We need to wait until he calms down a bit." B muttered.

        (Y/N) slowly nodded and sat fully on the floor. Her hand moved to rub the bruise on her face and hissed at the sting it left. If Dog and B didn't intervene, she didn't what would've happened. "Thank you..."

"Thank me when we're free." B spoke as started pacing around the bathroom. "The Zones should be here soon and once they are, we need to get out of here as fast as possible."

"We need to find Yama!" The demon girl remembered and gripped her claws into her jeans. "I won't leave without him!"

         B hasn't forgotten about the doctor. They've been keeping an eye out for him too but haven't found him yet. They were lucky to even stumble across her when they did. "We haven't seen him. This place is so full of crazies that we've had to avoid literally everywhere!"

"I knew he shouldn't have left..." (Y/N)'s voice shook and she gripped her claws into her jeans tighter. Fear filled her heart at the thought of Yama getting hurt or captured. "I can't lose him. I can't..."

         B went over and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. She can see just how stressed (Y/N) has been. "We'll find him soon. We won't leave without him."

         They both flinched when a loud crack of thunder sounded and soon the sound a rain hitting the building followed.

"Shit..!" B cursed. She hoped the storm wouldn't start now. From how dark the sky was and the loudness out of made her worry about the Zones.

"Can we leave now?" (Y/N) moved closer to the door and placed her ear against it when the sounds of fighting had died down. "Is Dog ok..?"

         B placed her ear against the door as well and pursed her lips. Dog said he'll take care of the Elitists while they ran but he'll find them afterward. Still, she didn't want to separate from her demon brother. "Come on. Keep your guard up."

        (Y/N) nodded and followed B into the hall.

        They both stayed cautious as they went back to where the fight was. B held her knife closely while (Y/N) readied her vines. The Capturer held up a hand for them to halt once they reached the corner and she peeked around. "Oh shit..."

        (Y/N) narrowed her eyes and moved to look around the corner as well and almost gasped at what she saw.

          When B said that Dog had a beast in him... she wasn't exaggerating.

          It looked like a slaughter was left in the hall. The Elitists that were chasing after (Y/N) were now all left on the ground, mutilated and bloodied. Some had their arms or legs torn off, others with gaping puncture holes in their chests. But Dog wasn't here.

         And neither was Indi.

        A loud growl and something breaking came from further off. Both girls glanced at each other before rushing toward the commotion.

        The further they got, a sense of dread began to grow in (Y/N)'s chest. There were fresh claw marks and slices in the walls and floor that helped lead them to where the spider demon had gone. And once they reached a set of broken doors, they heard his choked screech that made B rush forward and slammed through the broken doors open.

        (Y/N) followed in after and almost fell back in shock once her eyes met that mask.

         Zankora's mask.

         Dog choked for air as Zankora's large clawed gripped his throat and lifted him into the air as if he weighed nothing. His legs tried striking her but she was quick to grab them with her other hand before they could stab her. They were in some office room that looked absolutely leveled with the far wall that Dog was being choked at was caved in and led to the throne room below. Indi stood nearby, hunched over a desk with her arm wrapped around her bleeding side.

"Dog..." Zankora's low and whispery voice growled as she pulled him closer as if she were inspecting him. "You should be... with your owners..."

"Let him go!" B furiously shouted as she gripped her knife tightly.

        (Y/N) was shaking from seeing Zankora but clenched her teeth and stood with B.

        Zankora tilted and turned her head slightly at them. Her sights fell on (Y/N) first. She wasn't in her cell...

"I thought I told you... not... to escape again." Her tone became more aggressive.

         (Y/N) glared. "You should be saying that to Xed."

"Xed..?" Zankora spoke and kept her grip firm on Dog who was steadily reverting back from his erratic state due to his fear.

"He's betraying us!" Indi moved to speak as she kept her glaring eyes on the two girls. "He was going to run off with the girl behind out backs. He attacked Chey and is a traitor, Mother!"

        The leader fell silent. No one dared to speak or even move. B and (Y/N) wanted to so desperately help Dog who was starting to choke more and his chest burning from lack of air and Zankora's steadily tightening grip.

"Xed..." The leader lowly growled the name as her head faced the floor. Her grip on Dog soon ended when she turned and threw his body roughly into the ground. He grunted and tumbled toward the girls who quickly ran to his aid.

       Zankora turned to Indi before moving back toward the caved-in portion of the room leading to the throne room. "Consider Xed an enemy... and kill those two."

       Her long and misshapen finger pointed toward B and Dog. She had no use for those two. It was (Y/N) who she wanted.

"Yes, Mother." Indi grunted as she pulled her knife out started stalking toward them.

        Since Dog was still recovering, (Y/N) moved to protect them. Growing her vines and is determined to keep her friends safe.

         But Zankora sneered at the defying girl and soon disappeared into a portal. Not even a second later did (Y/N) started falling through the floor where she stood, the small office room turning into a much larger one. She didn't realize what had happened until she fell against the hard floor of the throne room. She groaned and moved to push herself up but was forced back to the ground by Zankora's large foot that pushed against her back.

"You've given me... too much... trouble." The leader hissed and pressed her foot down further, slightly crushing (Y/N)'s chest against the ground. She struggled to breathe but Zankora wouldn't kill her. She needed her blood.

"You would've been dead if you were... anyone else. I wouldn't have to waste... my time... like this." Frustration, exhaustion, the need for control. Those and more filled up the leader and if (Y/N) wasn't Zankoku's successor, she would've been have died like the rest of her community. Zankora's never had to put this much work into anyone and she wished she could make an example out of the girl.

         (Y/N) gritted her teeth at her chest being crushed. Tears pricked her eyes as her vines moved out to defend her, but they were pulled flat against the ground and prevented from moving any further.

"That's enough... Zankora..." Came a low and raspy voice.

        (Y/N) could feel her blood go cold and be used against her. Her limbs locked against the ground and she couldn't move a single inch of herself. She tried controlling her own blood but it was like her power was stripped from her entirely.

         Zankora moved her foot from her back which allowed the girl to finally breathe. The leader stepped back but kept her sights on the girl while the new demon approached.

         (Y/N) could see them but she felt a cold hand touch her hair that sent fearful shivers down her spine. She heard their heavy footsteps, their ragged breathing, and saw the large shadow that casted over her.

         If she wasn't already being held against the floor, she would've frozen anyways.

"No... more running... child." The voice slowly spoke. Their hand continued to move through her hair until they graced the skin on her cheek. "No more... fighting. You will... provide... for his will. That... is your... fate."


        Something landed behind them that made Zankora look up and her sights landed on the body of Indi that laid limp on the ground. Her knife and the knife that belonged to the Capturer were both deeply impaled through her skull.

        A deep feral growling came from the walls that Zankora turned to see Dog slowly climbing down with his sights trained on her. But at the command of a voice, his sights turned on the other.

"Kill Bodhi."

        (Y/N) felt her heart beat faster at the familiar voice.

"He's the weakness." Yama ordered Dog. The spider demon let out a screeched and rushed for his target.

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