Under The Stars | Bang Chan F...

By Joybananamilk

26.2K 579 659

A Stray Kids AU Fanfiction. ﹒⪩⪨﹒Themes !! • Zombie Apocalypse ° Mafia Groups and Rivalries • Romance, Thrill... More

Intro - Author's Notes
Chapter 1: Birthday
Chapter 2: Him
Chapter 3: Boxer
Chapter 4: Ring Ring Ring
Chapter 5: Rooftop
Chapter 6: Break In
Chapter 7: Mansion
Chapter 8: New Home
Chapter 10: Flight
Chapter 11: Australia
Chapter 12: Blueprint
Chapter 13: RRS
Chapter 14: Back in Korea
Chapter 15: SSICK
Chapter 16: Perfect Dress
Chapter 17: TMT
Chapter 18: Improvement
Chapter 19: Date
Chapter 20: Mixtape: Oh
Chapter 21: Mixtape #1
Chapter 22: Mixtape #2
Chapter 23: Mixtape #3
Chapter 24: Mixtape #4
Chapter 25: 4419
Chapter 26: Red Lights
★ New Characters !!
Chapter 27: HP BDAY
Chapter 28: Booster
Chapter 29 : A Different Perspective
Chapter 30: Back Door
Chapter 31: Skills Put to The Test
Chapter 32: Baby Steps
Chapter 33: Drive
Chapter 34: Haven
Chapter 35: The Tortoise?
★ appreciation note
★ Special Chapter: Movie Night ★
Chapter 36: And The Hare
Chapter 37: Uncover?
Chapter 38: The Truth
Chapter 39: Halloween
Chapter 40: Progress Further P1
Chapter 41: Progress Further P2
Chapter 42: Levanter
Chapter 43: Double Knot
Chapter 44: Leave
Chapter 45: Maniac

Chapter 9: The Plan

679 14 16
By Joybananamilk

4:35pm, July 31st

I was sitting on my bed, extremely bored. I had nothing to do, I didn't have a phone, and I couldn't leave the mansion. I let out a loud sigh and flopped back onto my bed.

There was a knock on my door. "Y/n, Chan wants you downstairs." I heard Lee Know's voice. I groaned and sat up slowly. "Y/n, come on. Come out."

Jeez, I heard him loud and clear, no need to repeat. "I'm coming!" I shouted and I got off of my bed. I fixed my clothes and walked up to the door.

Opening the door, I saw Lee Know was outside with a stern look on his face, as always. "Come on." He started to walk away and I followed him downstairs.

We entered a large room that was under the ground floor. I think it was a meeting room because there was a long table, a few bulletin boards on the walls with pictures of targets and maps, and there was even a widescreen smartboard.

"Y/n, sit here." Chan spoke, pointing to the chair at his side. I nodded and Lee Know closed the door behind me.

I sat in the chair next to Chan and he gave me a smile. I just nodded and looked away from him. He and I haven't really spoken much for the entire time that I've been here. He mostly sent the others to check up on me or talk to me. I still think this guy isn't to be trusted. He acted super cocky the last few times we met outside of the mansion. Not a good impression on me at all. How did he even know Lily's brother? Was it a coincidence or part of the plan?

"Alright. I think it's time we actually talk about the plan." Chan continued, placing his hands onto the table and clasping them together. "Y/n, I hope you'll hear us out on this. It'll be a lot to take in." He said, looking back at me. I nodded again.

I'm sure it can't be that bad. Right?

Changbin who was sitting next to me cleared his throat. He took out a folded piece of paper and placed it in front of me on the table. It looked like a letter. "Y/n, this is a letter your father left."

I looked extremely confused. My father? Why would he leave me a letter? Why didn't he leave it with Lily's parents? I took the letter and unfolded it.

"Dear Y/n," was what the letter started with, as per usual with any other letter. I continued to read silently.

"I know you'll find this letter some day when you're in a complicated situation, so I'm writing this letter in a way you'd hopefully come to terms with. You may think your mother and I were killed because we ran away from our former gang. And yes, we knew that we would be killed eventually. What's really going on is our former gang got caught up in a bad situation with a rival gang, the TMT. They wanted your mother and I because we had information on TMT that no one else besides us and RRS knew. RRS was not the ones who killed us. The one who killed us was the leader of TMT, Andrew Michaelis. I can't write more about this because your mother and I are running out of time. I left the information with the leader of our former gang, RRS. Find him and also find the leader of SKZ. There's something specific you need to do that will form an alliance that will keep you safe from TMT. Please, follow orders and stay safe. Love, Dad."

And that's how the letter ended. I put the letter down and took a deep breath. I needed some time process this, but I knew there was more. My dad knew something was going to happen and before he could explain, he died. He knew that he'd die. I wasn't even that young when he died, and yet he couldn't at least explain to me so I would avoid such a situation?

"Y/n, you good?" Chan put his hand on my back, rubbing it lightly. I was a bit taken aback. This wasn't even all there was to know. There's more. "Yeah, I'm alright. What's the plan?" Chan nodded and stood up, turning on the smartboard.

There was a PowerPoint. This man set up a whole ass PowerPoint for this. I shook my head in disbelief.

"Alright, plan." He pointed to the smartboard. "We need to find the leader of RRS, Y/n's father's old boss." Everyone nodded in response.

"How though? RRS hasn't been seen in a few years. They've been hidden safely. Plus, they're in Australia." Felix explained, eyebrows furrowed in confusion at how we were supposed to find the RRS hideout. Chan nodded in agreement and cleared his throat. He looked at Jeongin.

Jeongin stood up and projected a hologram from his tablet. There was a map with a large circle. "Here's an area in Australia near the sea. This is where most of the cases involving RRS took place. Because of this, I figured that the headquarters must be here."

"But how will we find the hideout exactly?" Seungmin asked.

"We just need to keep an eye out for any suspicious people in the area once we get there. Then we can follow them to the headquarters."

I raised my eyebrows. "You're going to Australia?" Jeongin nodded in response. "And you're coming with us."

I can't go to Australia. I hate planes. Like really hate planes... I shook my head immediately.

"Y/n, you can't stay here. We need to keep an eye on you while we search for the headquarters." Chan explained in a stern voice. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. I'd rather stay here and suffer in boredom than go on a fucking plane and risk the plane crashing into the ocean.

"You can't protest and you're coming with us." Lee Know said, his voice as cold as usual. God, I hate that guy. He's so annoying. I already know I can't protest. I think my temper's getting the best of me, making me take a deep breath to calm myself down.

"Alright, I know. I won't protest. Just do what you need to do." I said calmly.

Everyone nodded and Han smiled at me. "At least you'll be able to go back to your country. If you want, I'll take you anywhere you want there while they search for the headquarters." He offered with a soft and sincere voice. I smiled back and nodded. It wouldn't be that bad if was able to actually go out and spend some time in the country I was born in.

"Alright, it's settled then. We'll have to bring in a team of bodyguards for back up though."

Changbin stood up from his seat. "I'll get the best men I have for the search." Chan nodded and Changbin sat back down.

Jeongin walked over to Chan. "Are we taking the private jet?" They have a private jet? He said it so nonchalantly... Chan nodded and patted Jeongin on the head.

"Alright, meeting over." Chan turned his head to look at me. "Y/n, we'll have to train you for a bit just in case something happens on the way to Australia." Chan pointed to Changbin and Hyunjin. "You two will help her on weapons and combat." And then he pointed to Lee Know. Seriously? "And you'll help her improve her with her overall training like you do with the others."

Everyone nodded and stood up, including me. "Training starts when we get to Australia for Y/n. Changbin will get a team of bodyguards in the meanwhile and the rest of us will figure out a foolproof plan to avoid TMT finding out where we're going and managing to block our destination."

- ,,


I was laying in bed, watching a show called "Black-ish" on the TV that was in my bedroom. It's a pretty good show. It's not because it's funny but it really shows how real world problems can affect people and how some decisions can affect an entire family.

"Hey, Y/n." My door was already open so Seungmin, Han, and Felix just walked in. I sat up and smiled at them.

"Are you hungry? We were thinking about going out for some food." Felix smiled brightly as usual.

We already ate dinner but I was still hungry, and I'm guessing they felt the same way. "Yeah, sure. I could go for some extra food."

The three of them nodded and Han handed me a bag. "Felix got you some of his older sister's old clothes. We're not sure if they fit or not, but you need something to wear outside of course." I nodded and thanked them before they left my room and closed the door behind them.

- ,,

The clothes Felix brought weren't bad actually. They looked good and like something I would wear.

I wore a baggy white shirt with a jacket and some baggy jeans. I brushed my hair in the mirror when Seungmin knocked on my door. "You ready?"

I put the brush down and walked over to open the door. Seungmin smiled at me and soon lead me downstairs.

"Seungmin." He turned his head as we walked into the main kitchen where Han was leaning against the fridge and doing something on his phone. I guess he was waiting for us, and Felix of course. "Hm?"

I sat on top of the counter and sighed softly. "How did you guys know that the letter was from my dad?"

Seungmin sat down on the counter next to me. "Well, the letter came in an envelope with your father's name on it. And we actually knew about this for a few years. We just needed to find you and keep an eye on you until the time was right." I nodded.

"Alright, we ready to go out?" Felix came downstairs with Chan, Changbin, and Jeongin. I raised an eyebrow. I didn't think Chan would come along. Chan smiled at me but I simply looked away.

"Yeah, we're ready." Seungmin patted my back and we both got off of the counter. Han got off of his phone and put it in his pocket. "Where's Minho and Hyunjin?" Han looked around.

"We're here." Changbin said, coming into the kitchen area with Lee Know. Damn, Lee Know too. Am I really supposed to have fun?

- ,,

I expected us to go to a small food place or something but nope, we're at the club Lily and I went to called Euphoric. Speaking of Lily, I wonder how she's doing right now. Is she okay? I hope she's not worried about me. It makes me sad not being able to see her.

Chan put his hand on the small of my back and lead me and the others upstairs to a dining area. You could get food here?

"What do you want to eat, doll?" Chan looked at me as we all sat down in a more secluded area in the corner. I swear if he keeps calling me doll, I'm going to punch him in the nose.

"Why do you keep calling me doll?"

Chan raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Why? You don't like doll?" I shook my head and rested my arms on the table. "Alright then... Babygirl." I immediately stepped on his foot under the table, he hissed but didn't say anything.

Hyunjin laughed, noticing how Chan was annoying me. "Do you guys want to eat hotpot?" Everyone started to nod their heads yes; Lee Know called for a waiter and ordered some hotpot for us.

The restaurant part of the club smelled really nice. The smell of fried chicken and other foods filled the air, making my tummy grumble. "Are you hungry?" Chan asked me, giving me a soft smile.

I squinted my eyes at him. "I don't know. Would I have agreed to go out with you guys for food if I wasn't hungry?" This guy asks the most obvious questions, I swear.

"No need to give attitude." He turned his head to talk with the others.

It was a while before we finally got our food. There was also some fried chicken, grilled chicken, pork chops, fried shrimp, steamed shrimp, crab cakes, and other yummy foods.

Chan peeled the shrimp for everyone and prepared the utensils like he was a father taking care of his kids. I could see him being a pretty good dad. Why was I thinking of that though? Focus on the food, Y/n.

Felix gave me some slices of meat he already cooked in the hotpot and I thanked him. He gave me a warm smile before he quickly looked away from me after looking at Chan. Confused, I turned my head to look at Chan. He had a stern look at his face like he was warning Felix. What's his problem?

I shook my head and started to eat along with everyone.

Demons by PLAZA played in the club downstairs which oddly made me more sleepy. RnB music always made me sleepy because it wasn't too "pop". I personally loved listening to PLAZA. The music always gave off such a good and sexy vibe and you could honestly just listen to the music whenever. At least for me.

I had already finished eating but the guys got some drinks and more food. I was pretty sleepy so I decided to rest my eyes. My head rested against the wall for a while, slowly blocking out the sound of the guys chattering about how Jeongin was so mischievous as a child and how Hyunjin should model.

I felt a hand pull my head away from the wall slowly and onto a shoulder. Chan rested my head on his shoulder. I hate to admit it but I liked it. It wouldn't hurt to stay like this for a bit and rest my head comfortably on his shoulder rather than against the hard, cold wall. I heard Chan chuckle softly, I can tell he's amused.

I could get used to this a bit.


Reference to outfit:

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥



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