a self-taught shinobi (Cancel...

By WolfSama8

688K 10.7K 2.7K

naruto is tired of his teachers teaching him nothing jiraya only taught him how to use the kyuubi Chakra, and... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66 + sneak peek
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69 + new story sneak peek
chapter 70
chapter 72 + new story
chapter 73
chapter 74
chapter 75
chapter 76
chapter 77
chapter 78

chapter 71

2.5K 50 18
By WolfSama8

Few days later

*We see Naruto training on the back of his house trying to mix his chakra chains with his fighting style when the doorbell was heard. Naruto cleaned himself putting a shirt back on. He went to the entrance and opened the gate seeing Hinata waiting for him there*

Hinata:h.. hello Naruto San, Neji told me you wanted to speak with me?

Naruto:yes, let's take a walk it's too beautiful a day to stay inside

*Naruto walked ahead of her with Hinata following shyly behind him. Naruto rolled his eyes a little and slowed down his page so he and Hinata would be walking side to side*

Naruto:answer me something Hinata that's something been bugging me ever since I found out....recent news


Naruto:why do you like me?

*Hinata flinched looking mortified, Naruto didn't really care how she was feeling he made a promise to Neji that he would rip this like a band-aid*


Naruto:i asked why did you like me so much? I've been trying to get my head around it for the last couple of days and I'm deeply confused, we haven't had any real meaningful interactions, we didn't hang out outside of missions, we couldn't even hold a conversation you would always pass out. So why like me?

*Hinata's head was spinning, she was confused wondering who told him*

Hinata:i....i guess i admired your commitment to training, I admired how you wouldn't give up no matter what, I admired how you wanted to give Sasuke Uchiha another chance no matter what he did you weren't gonna give up on him or any of your friends

Naruto:hm. Then you should find someone else since that Naruto is dead and never coming back

*Hinata flinched as Naruto turned around and looked at her with a serious expressions*

Naruto:the Naruto your talking about was a boy who just wanted friendship and all he received was manipulation, heartbreak, abuse and lies. The Naruto your talking about was alone feeling as if no one gave a damn about him since he was always getting blame, he was always getting looked down on, he had to fight just to be heard he was not a happy person. No that Naruto was depressed to the point some days he would fake being sick and would stay in his room and just cry until his eyes were dried, that Naruto was a boy without a family and more importantly without any real friends

Hinata:t..that's not true!

Naruto:it kinda is, your just so blinded by a fantasy that never happened, when in reality I had to be on watch by the Anbu so I wouldn't commit suicide, and don't get me wrong it's not because they cared about me. No it was so that the kyuubi wouldn't be released, the old Naruto to this village was nothing more then a jailer for the Shinobi and a demon for the civilians. But I suppose I can't blame you for thinking that way I mean be honest Hinata hyuga we were never really friends. Only difference is that you weren't my friend because you were to shy to come up and just talk to me so I can forgive you for that unlike ino and Sakura who both abused me verbally and physically. If you can be honest with yourself you didn't even love me as you say I wasn't a romantic partner I was a dream to you a dream you could never make real

*Hinata looked down as tears involuntarily fell from her face*

Naruto:if I'm being honest with you we would've never worked to begin with a real romance should be based on friendship first and that's just something you never tried to do with me, you were too scared to disappoint your family and be friends with the demon to ever have any type of relationship with me apart from the occasional team up. Unlike with Sakura, ino and the rest of those bastards with you I'm not trying to be mean or hurtful since I know your a good person

*Naruto grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket and cleaned hinata's tears*

Naruto:but I have to tell you the truth so you can finally move on and find someone else since it's far too late for you and me to be anything but friends in the future, so cry if you have to but know that with me all you'll have is a friendship if your finally brave enough to take it. Good day Hinata and good luck

*Naruto flickered away and landed on a roof where Neji was waiting and saw the whole thing*

Neji:it would appear that once again I am in your debt Naruto this time for helping Hinata open her eyes or well at least the beginning of that process

*Naruto waved his hand dismissively as he grabbed a dango from Neji's plate*

Naruto:you owe me nothing, your one of the few people I consider a close friend might be even a closer friend then Gaara but that's a conversation for another day. When is Tenten gonna talk to her?

Neji:she was told of our plan and is waiting for her to go to the hyuga compound

Naruto; i would follow your cousin if I were you make sure she doesn't get poisoned by the yellow and pink snakes of this village

Neji:yes, again thank you my friend

*Neji did something extremely rare and actually cracked a smile, Naruto smiled back and patted him on the back*

Naruto:don't mentioned it, we both got screwed by fate we need to stick together

*Neji nodded and disappeared jumping from rooftop to rooftop following her cousin home. Naruto sighed as he closed his eyes and cracked his neck, when he opened them he wasn't in Konoha anymore.

*He was reversed summoned to the place where the toads live Mount Myōboku*

Naruto:i swear if i was reversed summon by Jiraiya I'm gonna start a fucking war with my slugs

*Naruto muttered bitterly and overall just tired of Jiraiya's antics, with a sigh he walked deeper inside the mountain walking pass the toads who just ignored him*

Shima:ah Naruto there you are

*Naruto looked down looking at Shima, Shima smiled a bit awkwardly at Naruto since he was frowning looking at her*

Naruto:Shima is there any reason why I'm here? Let me guess it has something to do with the 8 year old pervert of a child Jiraiya

Shima:while he does play a part this is more from gamabunta and gamamura

Naruto: fantastic then let's go see that damn asshole so I can go home unlike the lot of you I have things to do

*Shira was about to reprimand Naruto for his complete lack of respect but Naruto just walked passed her without a care going to gamabunta's favorite hot spring. Sure enough there he was waiting with most of his body underwater with gamamura and Jiraiya there waiting for Naruto*

Naruto:why am I not surprised that your lazy ass is always here. Do you even do anything anymore or do you have your subordinates do everything for you including wiping your ass

*Jiraiya paled as gamabunta looked angered his body slowly rising from the hot springs*

Gamabunta:what did you say?!

*Gamabunta bellowed out as he grabbed Naruto with his tongue and lifted him in the air. Naruto for his part looked as calm as can be as his skin turned white and acid replaced his sweat, once the acid made contact with gamabunta's tongue he released Naruto screaming. Naruto landed on the water walking on it calmly back to his original spot*

Gamabunta:you little shit that hurt!

Naruto:and does it look like I care? Last i checked I don't have a contract with the toads so this is highly inappropriate I'm sure Katsuyu wouldn't be too happy to know you kidnapped her next summoner

*Before gamabunta could retaliate he was slapped by fukasaku sighing in disappointment for the chief toad*

Fukasaku:enough both of you. Naruto we don't mean to insult you we would simply like to talk

Naruto:and I personally don't have anything to say do you Yakuza looking wannabe mother fuckers. Give me one reason why I should talk to the summons that pick favorites? So why don't you do me a favor and bring me back to Konoha I have a mountain of paperwork to prepare before my big meeting with the heads of the other Shinobi villages

Gamamura:it's really a quick conversation, we simply want to clear up some things from our end after that you'll be free to go. You can leave right now but I do hope you'll at least consider it

*Naruto sighed having a bit of a soft spot for the old toad since it reminded him of hiruzen. Naruto took out a piece of wood placed it on the ground and did some hand signs, the slap of wood became a tree chair that Naruto sat on*

Naruto:let's make this quick

To be continued or 3 chapter ahead on Patreon



Gracias especiales ah:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe


nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy

Jameil fluker




William Washington



True V Munoz-Bennett

Shawn sachs

Jamel Collins

Thanks again for the donations

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