In The Midst Of Serendipity

By Iwrites11

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DO NOT COPY MY WORK Mir's! The name itself screams power. Mir's are the most influential and rich nawab of t... More

Author's Note
Characters and Asthetics
|Chapter 01| Mysterious Hazel Orbs
|Chapter 02| A Bloom In The Garden
|Chapter 03| The Cumbersome Excursion
|Chapter 04| A Horrendous Stratagem
|Chapter 05| The Emergence Of Her Distress
|Chapter 06| Her Dreadful Time Period
|Chapter 07| An Indifferent Redendvzous
|Chapter 08| A Change For The Bright Side
|Chapter 09| A Change For The Worst Side
|Chapter 10| The Uncanny Play of Destiny
|Chapter 11|It's Already Fated
|Chapter 12| Eye To Eye Clash
|Chapter 13| Some Matters Secrets
|Chapter 14|Unpleasant Situations
|Chapter 15| An Abrupt Proposal
|Chapter 16| The Fixation Of Fate
|Chapter 17| The Eve Of Henna
|Chapter 18| The Union Of Two Souls
|Chapter 19| The New Inclusion
|Chapter 20| The Reception Day
|Chapter 21|The Inkling Of Undesirable
|Chapter 22| Those Virtous Orbs
|Chapter 23| The Reminiscence Of The Past
|Chapter 24| The Notion Of Self Doubt
|Chapter 25| Irrelevant Arguments
|Chapter 26 |The Tint of Jealousy
|Chapter 27| An Event Attended Together
|Chapter 28| The First Display Of Care
|Chapter 29| The Change In The Atmosphere
|Chapter 30| Chaoctic Feelings
|Chapter 31| The Unexplainable Tragedy
|Chapter 32| Sniffles In The Dark
|Chapter 33| The Overdue Acceptance
|Chapter 34| The Blooming Relationship
|Chapter 35| The Uneasiness Inside
|Chapter 36|A Farewell To The Deceased
|Chapter 37| The Process Of Healing
|Chapter 38| The Breaking Point
|Chapter 39| Moving On
|Chapter 40| A New Beginning
| Chapter 41| The Audacity Of The Bad
|Chapter 42| Blazing Hazel Eyes
|Chapter 43|Series of Forgiveness
|Chapter 44| Destined Together


4.7K 112 21
By Iwrites11

As promised guys, here's the epilogue. I really hope you like it. I wanted to make it simple and random just focusing on the leads. Enjoy the update.....


Shiza's POV (Edited)

"Shah Zain, can you please tell me where are we going?"

I asked again for the millionth time now. He chuckled before shaking his head and just saying

"You'll see when we reach there."

He shrugged and chuckled seeing my frustrated reaction. It's been two weeks since Aaban and Kinza got nikkah-fied. They were enjoying their time together in the beautiful valleys of Swat.

Shah Zain also decided to take me somewhere for vacation too. He said that since we didn't go to our honeymoon. It would be the best time for us to also enjoy our time together alone for some time.

Since that day, he has been preparing for the vacation. He kept it a secret from me about where we're going. He stated that it would a surprise for me to see it only when we reach there.

He even hid the tickets from me. I tried to even secretly find the flight tickets but I don't know where he hid them. I really can't find them. I huffed before stepping out of the bed and walked towards the dresser.

I started to angrily comb my hairs. I could see Shah Zain stopping his work and looking at me combing my hairs. He was eyeing my angered expression with amusement glinting in his eyes.

He kept his laptop aside before making his way to me. I also had stopped combing my hairs and I started to stare at him from the mirror. He finally stood behind me before sliding his hands on my waist and pulling me closer to him.

He nuzzled his face in my neck before groaning. Butterflies erupted in my stomach on his action. I don't know but whenever he is in close proximity with me, my mind goes haywire. The way his warm hands wrapped around me. His touch always gave me a sense of warmth and safety. Whenever he's beside me, I felt like I don't have to be afraid of anything.

I turned around before pouting at him. Maybe my pout will soften him. He looked at me with narrowed for few moments before saying

"You know this won't work on me. I am not telling you and this is final."

I groaned loudly before pushing him and stating irritatingly

"Please. My anxiety will kill me. At least, give me a hint. A hint won't hurt your surprise."

I looked at him with hopeful eyes. Maybe, seeing my hopeful expressions, he would turn down his surprise plan and tell me. My plan started working because his face turned into calculative. He started to think. My insides bubbled in excitement.

That's it. He would tell me now. Finally, I can be relax. But my hope was short lived before he burst my hopeful bubble with his cruel words

"Nope! I'm not telling you. Now, please let me work. You're distracting me."

He walked towards the sofa and sat down causally. I was staring at him wide eyed. He chuckled seeing my expression. I stomped my foot on the ground and whined. I placed the hair brush on the dresser with a loud thud before making my way to the bathroom and slamming the door shut wanting him to hear it.

I only heard an amused chuckle in response causing me to groan out loudly..


"Shah Zain, this is so beautiful!"

I exclaimed in pure happiness. He had taken me to London. It was so beautiful and the way the cool wind hit my face, I instantly love the atmosphere. He had successfully kept his surprise. The whole plane ride, I was asleep since I didn't get enough sleep the day before and the whole flight passed with me sleeping in and out. After we reached the airport, I was awake and when we reached the hotel, I was mesmerised.

The snow fall and the windy cool air was hitting my face perfectly. My hairs were open and flowing against the wind. He chuckled before slipping his arms around my waist. We both were standing in the balcony of our hotel room.

The view here was spectacular. The snow was falling from the sky and hitting our faces along with the wind. It was such a perfect moment and both me and Shah Zain were enjoying it. He nuzzled his face in my neck before asking

"Did you like the hotel room?"

I eagerly nodded my head before turning towards him. I hugged him and squeezed his back before thanking him

"Thank you so much for bringing me here. It such a beautiful place."

He laughed before pushing my hairs away from my eyes. He then stated gently

"I can't wait to take you to explore it."

I smiled before turning my back towards him again. I leaned against his back before I stated

"We can go exploring tomorrow. For now, let's just enjoy this beautiful view."

He laughed before saying

"As you say, my wife."


Shah Zain's POV

I was all dressed for the first day of our exploring. I was clad in a thick pairs of pants along with high black boots and thick woolen white color turtle neck sweater. I was wearing the black overcoat over it too. Since it was chilly outside, I also asked Shiza to dress warmly.

Now, I was fully dressed and waiting for Shiza to came out. It was about 30 minutes since I have been waiting for her and still there's no sign of her coming out. Woman really took time to get dressed.

Finally, the door opened and she came out. She was dressed in a beige colored pants with grey sweater which has a high neck. She was wearing a long white overcoat to top it.

Her hairs were open and she was looking at me with hope. This was her first time wearing western clothes. She was little reluctant about it but I assured her that she isn't wearing anything scandalous. Her outfit is purely modest. She paired up her look with short white boots.

I smiled before complimenting her

"You are looking really beautiful, wifey."

She blushed before thanking me in her soft and tender voice. I then said

"Shall we leave now?"

She nodded her head before grabbing her purse and following me out of the hotel room. We boarded the local bus since Shiza insisted. She wanted to experience the bus ride of London. She was looking outside the passing by people and trees with mesmerizing eyes. I smiled seeing her happy. Her happiness means the most to me.

Finally, we reached our spot before we both stepped off the bus. Her jaw dropped to the ground as she stood before the London Eye. She turned to look at me before asking eagerly

"Are we going to ride it?"

I smiled before shrugging in response. She ran towards me before holding my arm and saying

"Please, please I want to ride it. Please please."

She started to plead and she was looking damn cute in her woolen hat over her hairs and jumping up and down like a child. I laughed before pinching her cheeks and assuring her

"Don't worry, my cute little wife. We will ride it."

She yay in excitement and started to fast walk towards it. I chuckled seeing her overly excited face before following her too.

I buckled the lock on her before sitting beside her. We were sitting in the ferris wheel. She was really excited to ride it but as she sat down, she was getting nervous. I could see it in her eyes. I gently grasped her hand before assuring her

"Don't worry, we will be ok. I won't let you fall."

She smiled before nodding her head. Her hold tightened on my hand when the ferris wheel started to run. She closed her eyes as the ride started. She was missing out the fun so I told her

"Shiza, open your eyes. You'll miss the fun."

She slowly opened her eyes. She looked to her surroundings and gasped. The ferris wheel was moving around and the view was a sight for sore eyes. The river flowing, the bell tower stood against the floor hard and tall. The way people were seen very small from a moderate height. I pulled out my phone as the ferris wheel stopped at the high spot. Shiza was still busy eyeing the breath taking view.

I smiled before kissing her cheek. Due to my action, she turned to look at me and I captured that moment right there. She laughed when she saw me capturing it. I showed her the picture and it was perfect. She smiled before saying

"It's wonderful."

I nodded my head before kissing her forehead and enjoying the rest of the ride..


We were walking hand in hand on the busy streets of London. It's our third day here. We had visited the bell tower, some common restaurants and museums. Shiza was enjoying every bit of the exploring. We hardly spent our time in the hotel. We used to walk down the street to watch the street singer singing or dancing. We would try the ice cream from the roadside ice cream trucks. She even played football with random children in the playground.

The way her smiles uplift my mood is beyond my thinking. Seeing her happy and laughing made me felt like I have achieved something so amazing in my life. Her smile, her laugh, her grin, every thing made me fall in love with her again all over.

She was right now eating strawberry smoothie which we brought from a local breakfast restaurant here nearby. She was instantly intrigued by the sweet aroma of the strawberry. Of course, her wish was my command and I bought her the smoothie.

She was now happily drinking her smoothly with one hand while her other hand was locked with me. I rocked our hands back and forth before I stopped and stated

"Let's sit over there."

There was a bench over a few steps ahead. The river was flowing infront of it. It was a nice view. She nodded her head before we made our way to the lake and sat down on the bench. She was looking ahead at the birds and the people while I was lost looking at her.

Such a beautiful woman all to myself. How did I get so lucky? She is the most beautiful woman ever and I can't believe that I got to spend my rest of the life with her. I wanted to always see her happy. Her smile is the most beautiful feature in her after her heart.

Her kind heart is what attracted me to her in the first place. I prayed to Allah to grant her health, happiness and all the love in the world. She truly deserved it.

The sound of snapping fingers brought me out of my trance. Shiza chuckled before asking

"Where are you lost?"

I smiled before replying

"I was lost in you."

She instantly blushed and stated shyly

"Stop it!"

I laughed. She's the cutest. I decided to tease her

"Ha!! You look like a damn red tomato."

She gasped cutely before rubbing her cheeks. I doubled over in laughter. She eyed me narrowly before also breaking into fists of laughter.

After her laughter died down, she said sincerely

"Thank you Shah Zain for everything. You're the best."

I twirled her hairs in my hand before shaking my head and saying

"No, you are the best."

She chuckled before placing her head on my shoulder as she gazed ahead at the view. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to me. We both sat there quietly enjoying the tranquil and the peaceful setting of the environment where no one can disturb us. Where only us existed....


Here the epilogue is done. I can't believe we have reached the end of this story. "In The Midst Of Serendipity" is officially finished here. I thank each and everyone of my reader who read my story and shower their love on it. I can't wait for more stories to come in the future.

The other thing is that guys I'm taking a break for a few while. It won't be a long break though. I will be back on July 17th In Sha Allah with hopefully a brand new story.
If you want to ask any questions regarding my two novels, you can ask me on my Instagram with the same as my Wattpad name.

I'll see you all very soon
Till then take care
Allah Hafiz

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