The Millionaire's Tainted Leg...

By JanePeden

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What could an ex-con running a program for troubled teens and a privileged debutante from New York City have... More

Welcome to Miami
Making Plans
Rough Edges
Feeling the Heat
A Strange Call
Let's Ride
Getting Closer
The Unexpected
Past and Present
Too Many Secrets
Decisions to Make
Wanting More
On Edge
The Dinner Guest
Let's Be Roomies
Lunch with Eleanor
Never Too Late
Sail Away
Trouble Brewing

On the Phone

518 50 3
By JanePeden

"Wait," Tito said, "you're thinking about moving in with Jack's grandfather? What am I missing here?"

She couldn't tell him that it was as much for her own protection as JB's. She didn't expect anyone else to understand the sense of paranoia the felt about Gregory Van Haverton. After all, no one understood before.

She knew, logically, that he was very unlikely to show up in Miami. The flowers, the phone call to her office, these had been psychological, his way of reminding her that he was still out there. That he could contact her with impunity.

After her initial panic at the delivery of the package for her at Camilla's, she didn't feel right living there any longer even though the threat was probably just exaggerated by her fear and frustration. Probably.

She was still uneasy, though, about even the remote possibility of him showing up there when no one was at home but Olivia and the kids. Just to show her he could.

No, she needed to be in her own place. But the thought of living alone in some condo high rise - even with the best security - made her nervous. And she hated, absolutely hated the fact that Gregory had stolen her peace of mind from her. She used to love being alone, having her own space.

"Caylee? Are you still there?"

"Sorry, Tito. I was just thinking about . . . something that happened at dinner tonight," she said. It was true that this was on her mind, even though not exactly what she'd been thinking about.

"What is it?"  The calm supportive tone in his voice made her want to just tell him everything that was on her mind, and she considered it for a moment, then decided no. Instead she told him about what had happened with JB when Jack had stepped away from the table.

"Wait a minute," Tito said when she'd finished, "you mean he's having heart issues and he's keeping it a secret from Jack?"

"I'm afraid so. And before you suggest that I tell Jack myself, I can't. I promised JB."

"I don't get why it's a secret in the first place."

"Jack was already talking about JB moving into a senior community where he could get some support, and God, Tito, JB went off the rails. He was adamant that he doesn't need to be in some assisted living facility, and that he wants to be around people of all ages, not just old people."

"I can understand that," Tito said, slowly. "He doesn't want to lose his independence."

"Unfortunately, it's really not safe for him to be completely on his own. I can do this for him, Tito. He needs someone just to make sure he's okay, remind him to take his pills. He's been like a grandfather to me every since my mom married into Jack's family." She paused.

"And to tell you the truth, I'm not really looking forward to living by myself right now, but I also don't want to be a permanent resident here in Sam and Camilla's pool house."

Tito sighed. "Well, I admit I was looking forward to you having a place of your own, especially now that I'm going to be staying with Eleanor for the next three months. I'm not sure how she'd feel about my girlfriend sleeping over."

Caylee felt a warm glow spread through her body. It was silly. They weren't in high school, after all. But still.

And she couldn't risk teasing him a little. "Is that what I am now? Your girlfriend?"

'That's exactly what you are," Tito said, not backing down at all.

"Yeah, well, if we're gonna' go steady, you might have to do more than just kiss me."  Then she felt a shiver of arousal as she remembered the ride in his mustang to the park in the Wakodahatchee Wetlands, the picnic they shared sitting on the bench on the wooden boardwalk, how she'd brushed her lips casually against his and he responded by yanking her to him and taking over the kiss, making her feel things and want things she hadn't been prepared for. How she'd tried to hide the fact that the kiss had rocked her to her core.

Then she thought about the way his hand had moved ever so slowly up the inside of her thigh when they were driving back from Carlos and Juana's restaurant in Homestead.  How those talented fingers had stroked her without mercy until she came, screaming into the wind while the convertible sped along the coast.

And how she'd been thinking about it ever since then, and wanting more.

"I did more than just kiss you the last time I had you in my car, Caylee." Tito's voice was low and so sexy it made her toes curl. "In fact, you left your panties there."

Caylee took a shaky breath. She hadn't even thought twice about the fact that she'd tossed her panties into the backseat. After Tito had told her to remove them. But she'd sure thought about what he'd done with his hand. And it made her wonder what other moves he had in store for her.

"You told me you had a long time to think about what you'd do when you were with a woman again. I want to know what you're thinking about doing with me."

She walked into the small bedroom carrying the phone, then set it down for a moment when she kicked off her shoes and dropped her jacket on the back of the chair, then slid the long zipper down on her dress and stepped out of it, dropping it on the chair as well. The only other place to sit in here was the bed, so she walked over in her underwear and sat down, then propped head  on the pillows and stretched her legs out. It had been a long day. She'd just relax while she talked to Tito, and then finish getting ready to go to sleep later. She grabbed her ear buds out of the charging case on the bedside table, and let Tito's voice fill her head.

"I'm not going to tell you everything, Caylee" Tito said. "Sometimes it's better to be surprised."

"Hmmm. I like surprises."

"I will tell you that I'm going to start by kissing you, slowly and thoroughly," Tito said in that low voice, lingering over every word. "Then, while I'm still kissing you, I'm going to move my hands to your breasts. I want to feel your nipples get hard before I even take your clothes off. Touch you through your clothes, while you imagine what it will feel like when I finally slip my hands under your shirt, under your bra, and stroke those tight little peaks without any fabric between us. While I consider whether to make you come the first time just from my hands on your bare breasts and my mouth kissing you."

Caylee knew her breath was getting unsteady. Wondered if he could tell.

"And I'm going to take plenty of time with every inch of you," Tito said. "So don't plan on getting any sleep the first time I take you to bed."

"Maybe I have some plans of my own," Caylee said.

"Not this time. You already told me you like a man who takes charge in bed. That's what you'll be getting."

God, what did it say about her that those words were so incredibly arousing. That her entire body was tingling right now in anticipation of Tito Martinez getting her naked and doing whatever he wanted with her.

"Ok, Mr. Take Charge, what happens next?"

"Let's just say what happens next will have you screaming my name."

Caylee grinned. "Arrogant, much?"

"It's not arrogance if you deliver."

"Damn. You sure talk the moves. You better deliver."

"Count on it, Caylee. I've been wanting you since the day I picked you up at the airport."

She rolled over, propped herself on her elbows and looked at the photo of Tito she'd uploaded for his contact, as she balanced her phone on the pillows.

"This is more than a hook-up," she realized and said it out loud.

"Of course it's more than a hook-up." Tito's voice sounded irritated. "Don't be stupid."

"Do you always say exactly what you're thinking?"

"Yeah. I do."

"Okay. I like that."

"I'm thinking Bimini."

"What do you mean, Bimini?"

"I mean you, me, naked. Bimini."

Caylee snorted. "You mean, you, me, Jack, Bailey, Joey, and a bunch of OFC teenagers in Bimini? How does us getting naked fit into this picture?"

"I was thinking that the beach house the guys own might get a little crowded. So I booked us a cottage a little way down the beach. A private cottage."

"But . . . aren't you responsible for those kids?"

"We don't need all the adults onsite when the kids are sleeping. And they'll be sleeping. I'm planning on wearing them out so much with activities during the day that they'll be too tired from the sun and the water and the sweat to even think about sneaking out and getting into trouble after lights out. As the founder and CEO of OFC, I'm delegating nighttime supervision to Bailey, my second in command.  With her there, plus the private chef onsite, plus Jack, I think we've got things covered. And if anything did go wrong, I'm only a few houses away."

"Okay, you sold me. And if you're always that persuasive I don't think you need any help talking to donors."

"Who said I need help talking to donors?"

Ooops. "What? No, you don't. Can we get back to discussing about this cottage in Bimini?"

"Two nights. You and me. Alone. And now that I've made the decision about moving in with Eleanor and talked to Maria, my mind will not be distracted. I'll be focusing all my attention on you."

Just the thought of it made Caylee feel weak in the knees, so she concluded it was a good thing she was already lying down.

"Okay, we better stop right now or I won't get any sleep tonight. I'll be trying to talk you into coming over to the pool house."

"I've got an early meeting," Tito said.

"And I'm supposed to be going to court with Jack on a hearing on one of his cases."

"Bimini." Tito said. "When neither of us are distracted."


"There was something I was going to ask you, but it's completely slipped my mind."

"That's what happens," Caylee said, "when you spend too much time thinking about sex, and not having any."

"Talk to you tomorrow."


Caylee ended the call and rolled back over on her back, ready to indulge in a little fantasy about Bimini, and Tito. It was good they were waiting. She like anticipation. And it would be even better after those days on the boat, watching him work the lines and trim the sails, probably with his shirt off, the water spraying his back and the sun glistening on his skin. Watching him and knowing that they were finally going to go to bed together once they arrived.

Her phone buzzed again and she picked it up, answering without looking at the screen.

"What, did you remember?"

"I'd never forget you, Caylee," the voice said. Not Tito. Gregory. Her blood went cold, and all the warm feelings she'd been enjoying instantly evaporated.

"How did you get this number?"

"Why wouldn't I have your number? After all, you're my favorite girl." His voice was smooth, with that patronizing tone that set her teeth on edge. And made her shudder.

"I'm not your girl. I'm not your anything. So you can just fuck off and leave me alone."

His voice changed then, and she could feel the undercurrent of anger coming through the phone. "I'm going to ignore the way you just spoke to me, Caylee. But we're going to have to have a little talk about your attitude very soon. It's time you stopped playing these games and got your ass back to New York where you belong."

Caylee hit end and dropped the phone like it was burning her fingers. Then she picked it up again and blocked the number. It wouldn't help. Now that he had her cell number she'd have to change her number again.

She told herself she was shaking with anger, not fear, as she walked through the pool house and checked the locks on all the doors and windows. She knew he wasn't out there. He was probably sitting in his private club in New York right now, drinking expensive whiskey and deluding himself that they were in a relationship. It was sick. It was sick and it was scary and there was nothing she could do to make him stop.

She'd change her number again tomorrow. Just as soon as she got back from court.

For now, satisfied that the place was securely locked up, she didn't bother with her usual nighttime rituals. She'd felt so sexy lying there on the bed in just her underwear while she flirted with Tito on the phone. But being undressed when Gregory called made her feel exposed. She pulled on an oversize t-shirt, and then took off her bra, unhooking it and pulling it out through her sleeve.

Then she climbed into bed, willing herself to put the call out of her mind and go to sleep.

Author's Note:  What is Caylee going to do about these calls? Why won't she tell Tito, or Jack?

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