Total Drama preferences

By NoahsWittyTales

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Romantic scenarios of some of the characters from total drama! Since preferences are a bit complicated to wri... More

Request page [Open]
Character list
How you met
What dating them includes
The first date
When you're sick
The first kiss
When they get jealous
New characters (Updated Scenarios)
How they hug you
The type of couple you are
When you get jealous
How they ask you to be their girlfriend
Movie nights
When they walk in on you changing
When they see you upset
Annoying couple things you both do
Going to a dance
Would they kill the spider?
When you see them upset
New characters (Catchup chapter)
When you are on your period
Their love language
The little things they do for you
A day at the carnival
Height difference?
How they react to you having a pet
Who made the first move?
How they celebrate your birthday
When the girls are on their period
How they would help/react if you struggle with mental illness
How they introduce you to their family PART 1
They react to you drawing them
When you're upset with them and they notice - PART 1
Beach days with them

They wake up first

3.8K 30 20
By NoahsWittyTales

Requested by: shroomieissilly

  You and Noah were up late doing study sessions, because it was finals week. You both quizzed each other, while eating take out. It was stressful, yet fun.
    The next morning, Noah groaned, wiping his eyes, then turned around in his bed to see you still sleeping. He smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. He moved a little closer to you, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest.
   Noah smiled at how peaceful and cute you looked while you slept, but he hated to disturb you. He stayed like that, continuing to hold you in his arms. After a few minutes, he decided to just get up to make coffee (or whatever drink you like) for the both of you.
  You let out a small groan, causing Noah to turn around. Noah smiled, seeing you were still asleep, then walked out of his room. He found you so cute and he knew he was going to tease you once you woke up.

  Cody came over to your place last night for dinner and he stayed over. You spent the night watching movies and cuddling.
   When Cody woke up, he noticed you were still asleep. He softly smiled then smoothed your hair a little, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. He then got up to make breakfast to surprise you.
  When you woke up, you were surprised to smell pancakes and bacon. You walked out of your bedroom, seeing the kitchen was a mess and pancake batter was everywhere.
  "Cody, what did you do?" You laughed, giving him a hug. "You didn't have to make anything!"
   "Well, I did it for you." He chuckled, kissing your forehead. "Let's eat."

Last night, you and Duncan went to a party for one of his friends from high school. It was crazy, with a lot of fighting and some pranks. You had fun, despite the drama, but Duncan had to take you back to his place early. He didn't want you to witness too much drama.
  The next morning, Duncan woke up first, and  stretched a little then sat up, scratching his back. He looked down on the bed, seeing you still asleep. Duncan checked the time and it was seven in the morning, so he just laid back down,
then wrapped his arms around you, and fell back asleep. He figured you both wanted to sleep in for the weekend.

You came over to Courtney's place last night to help her with her projects for student council. You both designed posters, while also planning what she was going to do next to fundraiser for the school dance. This was a combination of fun and exhausting.
The next morning, Courtney woke up and noticed you were still asleep and you were still holding her in your arms. Courtney smiled and stayed like that for a minute with your arms wrapped around her. She enjoyed being close to you with no interruptions. No student council, no schedule, just you and her. But she knew she had to wake you eventually.
  "Y/N, wake up." Courtney gently nudged you awake.
  You groaned, then sat up, rubbing your eyes. Courtney was watching you the whole time. You slightly smiled, "What?"
  Courtney giggled, then pecked your cheek. "You're so cute."

You and Alejandro stayed over at each other's places during the weekend, so you always switched off. This week, you were staying at Alejandro's. You both stayed up making desserts, while slow dancing to romantic Spanish music. It was fun, and you never got tired of it, no matter how many times you did it.
On Sunday morning, the next day, Alejandro stirred a little before waking up. He was still half asleep, and slowly woke up, but he noticed you still were asleep.
Alejandro kissed your nose to wake you up then smiled at your tired expression, "Morning beautiful."

You and Heather regularly stay over at each other's places every weekend. Last night, you stayed over at Heather's. She took you to a beach, where you both walked under the stars and talked about school and work. It was relaxing.
The next morning when she woke up, she noticed you were still out like a light.
Heather awkwardly smiled that you were cuddling her close while you slept. Heather closed her eyes for a little, blushing and enjoying it. She decided to not wake you up until the next hour, and she pretended to go back to sleep. Pretending to sleep until you woke up to realize you were cuddling her was easier for Heather to pretend she didn't enjoy how close you two were together.

  You spent the night over at Emma's house since you both had a day off from work at the same time. It was relieving to finally get to relax after weeks of working with clients.
Emma felt herself start to wake up, then she turned around in her bed, noticing you were still sleeping. It took everything in her to not freak out and wake you up. She gushed at your cuteness, then moved closer to you, bring you to her chest.
Emma began to play with your hair. She inhaled your scent, feeling a blush creep on her face. She didn't care that she was completely fangirling at this point. She continued to keep playing with your hair until you woke up.
"Hmm?" You groaned a little. You felt Emma running her hands through your hair.
You blushed when you realized what she was doing. You didn't say anything and continued to relax in her arms, while she played with your hair.

"This movie sucks." You chuckled, turning off the Tv.
   "Definitely. It was a waste of money." Kitty sighed, laying down on her bed.
   You felt yourself about to get exhausted, so you laid beside her. You pulled Kitty into your arms, burying your face into her hair.
   Kitty smiled, blushing a little. "Goodnight Y/N."
  "Night." You mumbled, drifting off to sleep.
   The next morning, Kitty woke up first, and felt butterflies when she realized you had a tight grip on her while you slept. She tried reaching for her phone that was charging next to her bed to take a picture. Unfortunately, this woke you up.
  "What? What time is it?" You groaned a little, letting go of her, as you sat up.
  Kitty huffed playfully. "You just missed the opportunity for a cute selfie!"
  "Fine, I'll just go back to bed then!" You chuckled, playfully glaring at her. You pulled Kitty's covers over you, pretending to sleep, until she pulled the covers off of you.
  "Can I have a good morning kiss instead?" She laughed.
   You shrugged, then pulled her into a kiss.

Mike had a nightmare about Mal the night before, so he woke up pretty early, around 5:30am. He dreamt that Mal was back, and that Mal hurt you. Mike shot up from his bed in horror, worried about that actually happening. Mike knew he would tell his psychiatrist if Mal were to come back again, and Mike himself would never do anything to hurt you. To his relief, you were curled up in a blanket, completely safe.
  Mike felt his racing heart begin to go back to a normal pace. He scooted closer to you, bringing you close to his chest. He kissed the top of your head, trying not to wake you up. He smiled, putting his chin on top of your head, then closed his eyes.
  He would always protect you if anything ever happens to you.

Mal hated to admit that whenever he slept, he dreamt of you. Those dreams were either too cliche and cheesy for him to actually follow through in his waking life or they were spicy. Sometimes, Mal doesn't believe how you're interested in him because of how scary he can appear to other people.
Mal stirred a little in his bed, before he felt himself start to wake up. He blushed a little, slightly embarrassed that he was holding you tightly in his sleep.
"I need to stop being such a sap." Mal thought to himself, but didn't let you go. Instead, he continued to hold you close to him, as he fell back asleep.

  "I've never had anyone stay over before." Scott told you, walking into his room with you. "So, I apologize if the room is messy."
  You glanced around Scott's room, and the only mess were the cups everywhere. It didn't bother you too much though.
  "There's a first time for everything." You smiled, sitting on his bed. You and Scott watched movies, and ate dinner then felt asleep together on his bed.
The next morning, when Scott woke up first, he was almost startled to see you there. Since he never had anyone over at his apartment before, he almost forgot that he invited you over.
Scott smiled to himself, then buried his head into your hair. He began singing to himself until he fell back asleep.

You and Trent went to a concert for Taylor Swift's era's tour the night before, and it was fun staying up late to sing her songs. After the concert, you and Trent went out to eat, so you both go home very late, and you were exhausted.
  The next morning, Trent woke up first, then the memories of last night hit, when he thought about how much fun you two had at the concert. It was even better that Taylor Lautner happened to be there and performed stunts. It was impressive.
  Trent held you close to him, thinking of more ways to create beautiful memories with you today. That's what he cherished the most with you; Everyday was an opportunity to make more meaningful moments.
   After a few minutes, Trent got up to make you some breakfast and tea. He knew you'd want to start the day off with something sweet and refreshing to eat before you two were off to some other wonderful memory.

When you and Gwen couldn't sleep last night, you both took a late night drive around the town to have deep conversations while listening to music. This was you and Gwen's thing whenever you both had a hard time sleeping. Gwen struggled with insomnia, so it was common for your dates with her to be late.
Surprisingly, the next morning, the tables turned and she was the one to wake up first. She groaned a little, but stopped when she noticed you were still asleep.
  Gwen grinned, then brought you closer to her chest. She kissed the top of your head then whispered, "I hope I look as cute as this while I'm asleep, Y/N."

Sammy stayed over at your place, after you both spent the night singing karaoke and dancing to pop music.
  "Sing it Sammy!" You laughed, encouraging her to let loose.
   Sammy gave a shy smile then began singing by herself to the lyrics.
When Sammy woke up the next morning, she thought it was the cutest thing that you were cuddling her close. She smiled, feeling safe and happy that she had you. She lightly played with your hair then blushed once you woke up.
You smiled, sleepily. "Good morning, Dandelion."
With that, she had enough. Sammy took a deep breath, then pulled you into a morning kiss.

"Was this better last season or should we set the trend for this season?" Jen asked you.
You and Jen were going over fashion trends in her room, and it was beginning to get late, so you were tired. You both slept together in her bed, and she didn't want to stop cuddling you, even when you complained she was hogging all the blankets.
  The next morning, she woke up first and immediately gushed at your cuteness. She nuzzled into your shoulder, then felt herself fall back asleep.

You stayed over at Mickey's place, watching YouTube videos and eating snacks. It was a simple night, where you both cuddled and just enjoyed each other's company.
The next morning, Mickey woke up first, seeing you cling to him instead of the pillow he gave you. He felt a deep blush take over his face, and he got extremely flustered. This had never happened before.
Mickey got so overwhelmed by your cuteness that he backed way too close to the edge of bed by accident, then fell off and hurt his nose.
You woke up quickly then got off the bed, trying not to laugh as Mickey sat up from the floor, "Mickey! Next time be careful."

Jay stayed over at your place for the first time, since you usually stay over at his place. You made sure he was as comfortable as possible and did what you could to accommodate for his medical conditions. For the most part of the night, you both played video games, and watched cartoons. He felt carefree and relaxed.
The next morning, Jay woke up first then the memories of last night hit him, when he realized he was staying over. He tried to hold you closer to his chest, but he ended up accidentally punching himself in the face when he tried to pull you towards him since you had a blanket over you.
"Jay? What's wrong?" You mumbled, feeling yourself wake up.
Jay had a bright blush on his face, "Nothing. Good morning, Y/N!"

You and Jo went on a road trip together the whole day, then stopped by a beach on the way home to play volleyball together. Jo was competitive as usual and kept demanding a rematch whenever she lost. By the end of the day, both of you were exhausted. So, instead of you two cooking dinner together like you always did, you just ordered takeout then went to sleep.
"I had fun with you today." You smiled then yawned, sinking further into Jo's bed.
Jo smiled sleepily, "Just go to sleep, you sleepy head."
The next morning, Jo woke up first then realized she was cuddling you. She blushed hard, and almost let you go out of shock. She immediately softened when she heard your light snores and admired how cute you were. She almost forgot about her morning run, when she decided to wake you up,
"Hmm.. What time is it?" You groaned, wiping your eyes.
Jo stared at you, feeling herself freak out on the inside at your cuteness.
Jo shook her head, snapping out of her trance. "Oh.. Uh.. It's seven in the morning. Let's get ready for our run."

It's been raining all week, so naturally the mood had been gloomy. All this rain made you sleepy, especially from how cold it was. You stayed over at Brick's place, where he made you hot chocolate and threw a bunch of blankets on the bed.
The next morning, it was raining again and Brick woke up first since that's what he usually does to work out. He got up from the bed, noticing you were still asleep. Brick smiled then planted a kiss on your cheek, before leaving the room to make you breakfast. He figured to skip his morning run since it was raining and just stay in and eat breakfast with you.

   Eva did everything she could to not lose her shit in front of you at Total Drama's reunion party last night. It still pissed her off that she didn't get a chance to compete in any other season besides Total Drama Island, and that she got voted off the moment she came back. It was really irritating for her to see the contestants who did vote her off, especially when they bragged about their moments in the show without her there. She did her best to keep her cool just for you.
  The next morning, Eva woke up first, still feeling exhausted about last night and how angry she was. However, when she saw you asleep, she began to soften up. She smiled gently, feeling a little awkward. She hated showing her gentle and kind side, even when you were asleep. She tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, then pulled you close to her, feeling her angry thoughts from the night before disappear.

Geoff threw a party last night, and invited nearly all his friends from Total Drama, along with friends from high school. It was fun, yet exhausting to socialize with all these people. You and Geoff had to stay up late to clean up his place after the party, because everyone was so sloppy and drunk.
The next morning, when Geoff woke up first, he freaked out seeing you cling to him, still out like a light. He blushed and kissed the top of your head. He got up to get ready to buy you breakfast at McDonald's, since you both were too exhausted from last night to cook.

   "These milkshakes are delicious." You said, taking a sip of the (favorite flavor) milkshake.
"They sure are." Justin chuckled.
  You and Justin went on a date at a cafe to drink milkshakes then spend time together to go rollerskating. Justin was a little clumsy, but he had fun. Afterwards, you stayed the night at his place to watch weird TikToks and make fun of some of the dance moves with him.
  The next morning, Justin woke up first, then felt flustered when he saw you were asleep as he held you in his arms. He smiled at your light snores, then held you closer to him, adjusting you slightly so you could be buried further into his chest. He felt like he was doing a good job at protecting you as he held you, even though he's crap at physical defense.

You and Dj helped his mom prepare foods for a church party she was going to attend the next day. Afterwards, you stayed over at Dj's because you were going to the party with him the next day anyway.
  "Mm." Dj mumbled then felt himself begin to wake up. He sat up a little, seeing you were asleep. He smiled softly, admiring your features. You were beautiful to him while you slept and while you were awake. It was such a win-win situation for him to be in.
  Dj got up to make you breakfast and just let you sleep without him bothering you because you were going to attend the party with him in the afternoon, so he wanted you to be well rested by then.

You and Lindsay had a mini 'Spa night' at her place, where you gave each other makeovers and did your nails, while watching movies. This was a typical night at Lindsay's, because she's such a girly girl.
The next morning, Lindsay woke up to you holding her like a pillow. She blushed, and freaked out, not knowing if it would be mean to wake you up. She fell back asleep, then woke up an hour later, completely forgetting that you were over at her place. She ended up rolling on top of you, startling you.
"Get off." You laughed, trying to shove Lindsay off of you.
"No. I'm too comfy." Lindsay teased, pulling you into a kiss.

  Izzy wakes up at the most odd hours sometimes. She either wakes up too early or too late, depending on what scandalous shit she's up to. Izzy spent the night going on some adventure, and of course, she dragged you along. So, the next morning, you were exhausted. Izzy has way more energy than you, and that's a fact.
Izzy woke up, then noticed you were still sleeping. She smiled deviously, then began kissing you all over your face.
"What? What time is it?" You groaned, sitting up.
Izzy giggled, wrapping you into a big hug. "Good morning, baby girl."

You and Harold had fun challenging each other on some video games the night before while eating pizza. You both played Five Nights at Freddy's, so it was hilarious watching Harold get scared at all the jump scares. You kept teasing him about it, but he insisted it wasn't funny. That didn't stop you from laughing though.
The next morning, Harold woke up first then freaked out. He thought you would be the one to wake up first, since you were always up before him. He grinned at how cute you looked when you slept, and he wanted to just kiss you. However, he knew to only kiss you when you were conscious.
  Harold was unsure what to do but decided to just hold you close to him, while you slept since it was still early.

Tyler took you to homecoming the night before, then you slept over at his place afterwards. Sadly, your school's football team lost, and Tyler was frustrated.
"Those guys are idiots! If I was on their team, I'd win for them!" Tyler huffed, walking into his house.
You laughed, "Are you sure, clumsy?"
"Whatever!" Tyler exclaimed, trying to hide his smile.
"I'm just joking." You smiled, kissing his cheek. "I'm sure you would've won.. With a little practice."
The next morning, Tyler woke up first, then was shocked to find you still asleep. He was surprised he didn't knock you off the bed in his sleep. He held you as close to him as possible, but this ended up waking you up.
"Tyler, let go of me. I have to pee."

  Chris took you as a guest to an award show last night for some of Total Drama's contestants. You were introduced to some of the contestants, and a lot of them were surprised you were dating Chris. You were kind, unlike him.
"That was fun." You chuckled, walking into Chris's home with him.
"Plenty more of that came from." He winked, bringing you into a kiss.
"Oh shush." You giggled, kissing him back.
The next morning, Chris woke up first, then smiled at your sleeping figure. He wasn't sure if he wanted to wake you up just to annoy you or to enjoy how cute you looked. He decided to wake you up to annoy you because you looked cute while you were awake anyway. Plus, he wanted to hang out with you and he didn't want to waste time while you were asleep, when you could be spending time with him.
"Y/N." Chris whispered, nudging you. He glared at you, noticing you didn't even stir. "Y/N!" He said louder.
You groaned, sitting up from the bed then glared at him. "Why did you wake me up?"
Chris shrugged, then began kissing you.

   You and Katie spent last night laying down on your trampoline gazing at the stars and talking about plans for the next day. You both often spent time on the trampoline because 1.) it was fun and 2.) it was a good place to have conversations. You and Katie planned out a shopping day for the next day to go to different thrift stores then get lunch afterwards.
  The next morning, Katie woke up first, and immediately began to fangirl at how cute you looked while you slept. She tried to hold in her squeal, and hugged you closer to her chest. She began to kiss your cheeks, then you ended up waking up.
"Katie, what the hell?" You chuckled, playfully shoving her. "Is that your way of waking me up now?"
Katie smiled, then nuzzled into your neck. "Maybe."
"You're going to tell Sadie, aren't you?"

  "Our first night together at a hotel! This is going to be so much fun!" Sadie squealed, clutching her pillow in excitement.
"Yeah! We finally get to go on vacation together!" You laughed, smiling at Sadie's cuteness.
  "Let's go on the slides!"
   "Let's go!"
  You and Sadie took as much time in the hotel's water park as possible, not wanting the day to end. When the evening came, you both went back into the hotel, already ready for the next day.
  The next morning, Sadie woke up first, and she was about to wake you up because she was excited for your adventures at the water park for the day. However, she found you so cute that she didn't know if she should wake you up. You just looked so relaxed and peaceful.
After thirty minutes, Sadie's excitement for the water park took over, so she thought, "That's it! I have to wake her up!"
Sadie got a pillow then began hitting you with it. You quickly woke up, sending her a glare. Sadie giggled then brought you into a hug, "Good morning, gorgeous!"
You hit Sadie's face back with a pillow then you both got into a little pillow fight.

Sky invited you to watch her train for the Olympics downtown, so you spent the night at her place afterwards. Before you arrived to her house, you both stopped by a cafe for ice cream and some cake.
The next morning, Sky woke up first and turned too quickly, almost knocking you off the bed. She felt embarrassed yet relieved that she didn't disturb you like that. She gently moved your hair away from your face, smiling at you. She thought you looked adorable, despite your hair being a total mess.
  You stirred them woke up, and wiped your eyes. "What time is it?"
Sky giggled then kissed your nose. "Time to wake up. Let's get breakfast." 

You and Vito almost spent the whole day at the beach, so you watched the sunset together. Vito had his arm wrapped around you, as you both conversed together until the sun went down.
  At his place, he made sure you were relaxed and welcomed, because he wants you to come over often. He made sure to wash the sheets on his bed, so you could have fresh covers to sleep on, and prepared some food.
  The next morning, Vito woke up first and noticed you were sleeping. He felt proud seeing you snuggle deeper into his covers.
  Vito playfully glared at you, then pulled you close to his chest. He whispered, "Save some of that for me!"

You and Jacques sang along to the musicals you two watched in his bedroom. You both watched musical after musical, not caring how late it was. Jacques had to keep getting up to make popcorn because you both kept finishing it. No doubt that you'd have a stomach ache the next day.
"Come on Y/N! This is the best part!" He laughed, nudging your shoulder. He looked down then realized you were asleep.
Jacques smiled then got up from the couch and carried you to his bed. He kissed your cheek then laid next to you.
The next morning, Jacques woke up first then noticed you were still sleeping. He gave you a swift kiss on the forehead before leaving to make you some breakfast and some juice. He knew you'd have a headache from the night before with all that popcorn you ate.
"Jacques?" You asked, getting up from the bed.
You felt your heart skip a beat, seeing that Jacques prepared breakfast for you.

You sat in the crowd, watching Josee and Jacques' performance last night, cheering them on. They were still your favorite dancers, despite Josee being your girlfriend. You weren't biased, they really were talented.
  Josee stayed over at your place last night, but she was the one who woke up first. She played with your hair a little, but decided to stop incase you woke up. However, she continued to play with your hair because she couldn't resist it. It was calming to her.
  Unfortunately for Josee, you caught her in the act when you woke up. You grinned at her embarrassed expression the tiredly pinched her cheeks. "You're so cute."

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