DominationFell (Undertale AU)

By Crookedwingedangle

147 28 0

Some short glimpses at my own version of the LustFell AU, no explicate sex scenes but marking it mature anyw... More

Simple Introductory lessons
Goat Mommy
Introducing; Navi, Trouble, and Legs 4 Days
A Date with Papyrus
Garbage Rave Fukboi
The Benefits of Friendship
Befriending the Brat-Tamer
Exabitionist Robot Strippers
Short Shorts 2: Electric Boogaloo
The Royal Scientist is a Yandere
Short Shorts 3: Straight to Video
Daddy Dom

Short Shorts

12 3 0
By Crookedwingedangle

Spice cream

Frisk's breath came out in cloudy puffs, they rubbed their hands together to warm them. At first the magical snow didn't seem too cold, maybe because there was no wind down here, but as they dove into the snow drifts and slid across the ice over and over (all they had to do was go left, straight, left, straight, right, straight, why was that so hard?) it began to sink into their bones and make them shiver.

"Hey, Human, you're not gonna freeze to death or something are you?" he asked, trying to sound snarky, but Frisk could hear the care in his voice.

"Probably not. I'm just getting cold; I could really go for a hot cocoa or a hot snack right about now." Frisk mused.

Flowy was quiet for a minute before suddenly musing, "If you don't mind dealing with one of the vendors, I think I know a place where you can get something warm."

"As long as I can pay in gold, lead the way." Frisk replied, already excited at the prospect of warming up even slightly.

Flowy directed them to a tall blue bunny monster standing in front of a food cart, he was in a mesh top with rows of piercings down his right ear.

"Hey there lil mama, want something sweet to melt in your mouth?" He asked with a wink.

"umm, yeah how much for something to warm me food...not like...Flowy!" They called as the bunny smiled at them like he thought they was adorable.

Yeah, Frisk, way to sound like a grown adult that knows what you're doing.

"Hey! Their eyes are up here Bunny Boy, and we would like two spice creams please." Flowy piped up from over Frisk's shoulder.

"Whelp there either five G a piece, or free for a kiss." He offered holding out his hand and smiling.

Frisk popped ten gold pieces into his hand. Somehow, they just kept finding it as they ran from encounters.

The Bunny monster chuckled and handed them, ice cream!?

"Ummm Flowy? How is this gonna warm me up?" Frisk asked the flower, as they handed him one of the fudge pop looking treats.

"Never had a spice cream before huh?" The large bunny monster asked pocketing the gold. "Man, you're in for a treat. This happens to be the perfect weather for a spice cream."

Frisk shrugged taking an experimental taste of the treat, only for warm spicy liquid to run down there throat.

"That's just like Spanish hot chocolate. How does it do that?" Yhey asked in amazement, staring at the popsicle.

"Magic." Was all Flowy replied as he ate his spice cream.

When Frisk finished the treat, they realized that the popsicle wasn't the only thing that was spicy about spice cream.

You're so hot my zipper is falling for you. was written on the empty popsicle stick.

"...Flowy, what does your stick say."

"...I'm on top of things, would you like to be one of them." He said deadpan before tossing the stick over his shoulder.

Man, the underground is weird. Frisk thought walking into town.

Striped Shirts

Frisk had nearly gotten accustomed to ignoring the cat calls, so they nearly walked right by someone calling out to them.

"Oh hey!"  They immediately stoped as a yellow blur fell in front of them.

"Are you alright?" Frisk asked curiously.

"Hehe, oh yeah, I'm good dude." The monster replied, shaking snow off of his face and rocking to hop up, since he had no arms. His Black and Red striped shirt hung off one of his shoulders. "I uhh, just wanted to say hey, I don't see a lot of other virgins. I can tell because we're both wearing stripes...I guess I just wanted to come over and say hey...but ummm well that probably wasn't cool."

" just bounced back up, so that was kinda cool." Frisk replied introducing herself to the armless monster.

"I'm MK, it was nice meeting you dude." The yellow lizard introduced himself shyly, before going back to talking to a small circle of friends, who looked like that might have been laughing at their friend for striking out, but they patted his back good naturedly.

Once he was out of earshot, Frisk asked, "Flowy, what did he mean?"

"I...I'm not really sure when that started. Strips used to show people that you were a kid underground, but then kids got rare. Anyone who actually manages to have a kid sends them to the School, so they can be fed and given expensive magic supplements to make sure they're the healthiest that they could possibly be. So, since no kids out here were in stripes it kinda started meaning something else. Like a sign of inexperience or innocence. People tend to go easier on people who are still in stripes." He explained.

"This is them going easy on me?" Frisk chocked out, in horror as they walked into the town library.

Honey Mustard

Frisk couldn't stop staring. 

Sans had invited them to Grillby's for a quick bite to eat, but Frisk could barely pay attention to him when the club was so interesting. There were poles on each of the tables, brightly colored magical drinks, just out of reach of the dancers' movements. It looked like all the dog monsters were playing a heated game of strip poker off to one side, none of that was as interesting as the bartender. Grillby himself.  

The elemental in front of her was bright purple with blue whisps floating up in what could pass for hair. He wasn't wearing a shirt, just a glittering ruby bowtie and tight black pants that revealed that he was...just purple fire? 

How did he even hold things? How did he not catch any of the drinks on fire, or the bar? 

"So, he's your type?" Sans mused from Frisk's left, causing them to shake their head, about to insist that they didn't have a type, but the skeleton continued with a wink, "It's okay, I get it. He's pretty hot."

Frisk snickered at the pun, "Yeah, I get it your humerus." They replied, with an exaugurated eyeroll.

"Hey if you don't like funny bones, I got another bone I can give you." He flirted, though Frisk got the distinct impression that maybe he wasn't being serious.

"That the best you got?" They challenged.

"Like you could do better." He replied, passing Frisk a menu, after a short though they turned to the skeleton and replied,

"I took French and Spanish in high school." They baited as the elemental put a sinfully golden looking pile of french-fries in front of them. 

"Kay, I'll bite, what about it?" Sans asked, holding a bottle out to Frisk, "Ya wanna try some of this honey-mustard? Grillby home makes this stuff and its amazing."

"Just bragging that I'm a cunning linguist." They replied, taking the bottle and completely ruining their fries as Sans burst out laughing. "aww man, that would have been great."

"Nah, don't worry about it. That was a fucking good one, so I'll trade ya. I love this shit anyway." He said, swapping his burger for Frisk's fries, and then, turning up the bottle of Honey mustard and drinking straight from it.

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