𝖎𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖛𝖎𝖔𝖑𝖊𝖙...

By Robb_sweet_stream

13 1 1

One day Osferth's life changes. From a simple bastard nun, she has to accept the status of a princess to marr... More


13 1 1
By Robb_sweet_stream


big note

Actions take place in the real world. I mean, no dragons. This is the late Middle Ages, so there is armor

Country names not included

Targaryens are just representatives of some kingdom, but I didn't specify which one 

There is no historicity or logic here, it's just a love story

Thanks to my wife for helping with the cover

!TW! it's not serious 


Targaryens sought to annex as much land as possible to their kingdom. They sowed terror and fear. All the kings trembled with fear that one day an army led by a white-haired man would approach their fortress, and anarchy would begin. Everyone will be ruined, people will be taken into slavery, the royal family will be killed, and the Targaryen deputies will remain to rule on an empty land. Many monarchs have given up and opened fortresses to save themselves, because they would have had a bad fate anyway. It is better to become a lord without power and swear allegiance than to be killed. It didn't get easier for people, anyway, some were taken into slavery or they succumbed to oppression by the invaders.

In this way, the Targaryens kingdom grew, and grew to the point that it occupied a vast territory.

The white-haired people were famous for their rage and ability to control. There was no army that could stop them, except for one. People in the kingdom of Alfred were famous for no less fury and courage. They defended the kingdom at the cost of their lives and for many months did not let them break through, despite the difference in people. Targaryens army outnumbered them, but this did not give them the advantage to capture the kingdom. They constantly admitted losses when they tried to take the kingdom.

But the problem was that Tagaryens surrounded them and were not allowed to communicate with the outside world. Food was running low and people were starving. They could not go beyond the kingdoms and fortresses. Their king knew that Targaryens would torment them until they themselves surrendered. The king did not want to surrender the kingdom and understood that he would have to make concessions.

King Alfred decided to arrange a meeting with Prince Aemond. He was famous for having annexed many kingdoms at a young age. Aemond was famous for his cruelty and for the fact that he liked to mock people. Whether it's physically or mentally. The man doesn't care if it's a king or a commoner. Alfred understood that it was unlikely that they would be able to agree on something, much less force them to leave, but it was worth a try. He couldn't watch as his people gradually deid from hunger.

One day he rode a horse through the gates of the fortress with his three best defenders - Uhtred, Finan and Sihtric. They are very cool men and lick the king's ass.

Alfred drove off and looked seriously at the Targaryens army, he had such a face as if he crap himself. The people in the armor with the dragon design stopped scratching their dirty assholes and started looking at them.

- I have something to talk about with your prince! - proudly said the old sucker.

Everyone neighed.

- Are you giving up? - one man asked.

- No, I want to talk! I have a suggestion, call your prince.

They went to call Aemond. The king sat tensely on his horse and looked up at the clear, dull sky, counting the clouds. It seemed like a very long time had passed while they waited for the prince. But they really waited a long time for him, Aemond deliberately lingered in order to humiliate.

Targaryen Prince arrived in black armor that was so clean that it shone. The servants rubbed it for a very long time from blood and dirt, so that every time he looked beautiful. His moonlight-coloured hair was long and showed against his armor. A large sword hung from his belt and inspired fear. Behind him were several guards in the same beautiful armor with a dragon banner. Their army really inspired fear and admiration for the beauty of the armor. Even their horses were richly dressed, their horseshoes shone and seemed to be made of silver. The man looked pathetically at his opponents. He haughtily raised the point of his chin up and waited for them to speak.

- Aemond, - the king cleared his throat, - I have a favorable condition for you.

- What, stupid king? - Aemond said with a laugh, - Decided to give up?

- No, - Alfred answered more rudely than he meant to and bit his lip. He must not disrupt the negotiations. Alfred looked anxiously at Uhtred next to him, and he nodded to him as a sign of support, so that he continued, - I ask for autonomy. We will obey you, but we will not change the laws and will not accept your faith.

Aemond laughed, and his guards took up the laughter behind him. Everything mixed up in an unpleasant sound that made my head hurt. King Alfred winced. When Aemond laughed, his crooked teeth were exposed, many were black. Inside the black is not only his teeth, but also his soul.

- Did I say something funny? Alfred asked. He wanted to kill the prince in front of everyone and put an end to the insufferable boy who was fit to be his son. But he must keep calm.

- Yes, what can you offer in return? Do you think we'll just leave? You shook my nerves, we have been holding your fortress for several months now, everyone wants to go home. We won't leave with nothing.

- Our land will be yours. We will supply you with as much harvest as you want. You will be able to trade with us... And the entrance to the sea is completely yours. We'll pay tribute, I'll give you a ransom as much as you want.

- I want your land, - Aemond interrupted, - You yourself barely have enough crops now, your people are dying of hunger. We need to expand our kingdom, and your miserable chests of gold will not meet our needs. I could kill you on the spot, - Aemond took out a sword, to which Uhtred and his brothers did the same, - But I don't think that then the doors to the fortress will be opened for us anyway and we will be here for some more time. I will lose more people. I don't want unnecessary spending. You are kind of boyaguz, but kind of bold. A strong-willed old man. The pride of your people kills and delights me. Others would have given up long ago. You know, that's what, I'm going to talk with you, but on my terms. I already want to stop it faster.

Alfred looked relieved and almost smiled. Can he drive them away? He is ready to give as much gold as he likes, but keep the kingdom and himself.

- What do you want? - he asked.

Aemond thoughtfully looked up at the sky and screwed up his eyes against the sun.

- My mother tells me it's time to get married. I agree with her, I need an heir to continue the annexation of lands. Give me your daughter. I will marry her, and our child will rule your lands after your death. You will receive temporary autonomy and we will leave without touching you

Alfred opened his mouth, but then fell silent. On the one hand, it is very advantageous. Who knows, maybe Aemond will die and then the contract will be terminated. Anyway, now there is no choice. But there is one problem...

- I don't have a daughter. In fact, my daughter is already married...

The king mumbled under his breath.

- Then go out and wait until everyone dies of hunger, - Aemond waved his hand.

Alfred bit his lip, but it suddenly dawned on him.

- Bastard, I have a bastard. Girl, about your age. I gave her to a convent. I can... I can legitimize her, she will become a princess equal to you in title and a wife.

- Osferth!? - Finan shouted, but his friends looked at him angrily and he fell silent.

The daughter of King, Osferth was a quiet, calm girl who lived in a monastery from birth. All nineteen years she served for prayers. Uhtred and his friends knew her well. She considered them friends and more than once bandaged their wounds.

- A nun? - Aemond grimaced, - They are not particularly beautiful. But I'll take a look at her tonight and let you know if I agree. Negotiation over.

Aemond turned his horse around and rode proudly.


Osferth looked fearfully at her friends with large blue eyes. She was very worried about them, knowing that they would go on a dangerous mission. The girl ran to hug them when they returned, but they did not respond with the same enthusiasm. The men looked scared. Did something terrible happen? Was the gate to the city thrown back to that hideous prince? Will the kingdom come under his rule? They spoke at the same time and interrupted each other, almost hysterically. Osferth almost did not understand what they were saying and she was scared.

- My father... Wants to legitimize me? - Osferth asked, silencing everyone.

They started nodding.

- Legalize me to become the wife of a disgusting invader? - she asked, almost crying. She didn't believe it was happening.

She wanted to die on the spot, crying with fear. She did not want to become the wife of the enemy. It's a sin, she can't get married. She wanted to cry from resentment that her father, whom she had never seen and sent her to a monastery, remembered her only when he needed her. She tried to pull herself together, because she saw that men were worried and she was really important.

Uhtred took her by the shoulder and stroked her like a father.

- Yes, this is the only way out. Your son will be the next ruler, - said Sihtric, trying to even out his breath.

- I ... But I can't deny my faith, - salty tears flowed down her young face, her eyes stinged.

- But this is the only way to save the kingdom. Everything depends on you. Our people will disappear because of them... - said Uhtred.

- Believe me, we don't want to give you away either, - Sihtric sobbed.

- I... - she couldn't find the words.

- They will take us by force, like a horse fucks a mare, - Sihtric clenched his fist, as if he wanted to hit someone.

Everyone spoke emotionally, except for Finan. He seemed to be in a trance at all and just looked disappointed.

- Please, everything depends on you. This will not be considered a sin if you have children in a legal marriage, - Uhtred stroked her soothingly. It hurt himself, because Osferth was like a sister to him. She bandaged his wound more than once or listened to his confession. It was dreadful to imagine what the invader would do with her. He will trample such an innocent girl into the dirt, but they must sacrifice something. Even Osferth. Now Uhtred feared most for his family and his daughters. Uhtred knew they would surely be raped or taken into slavery if the invaders got through. Or they will die of hunger. His voice trembled with pain and the fact that they would have to give something.

There was a very tense atmosphere in the room. The darkness of the monastery seemed to be gathering around them. Darkness and silence choked them.

- Let's give another girl instead of Osferth? - Finan suggested, finally raising his voice.

He's on a special relationship with Osferth. The man is closer to her than the others. He gave her gifts that she did not accept. Finan offered her a relationship and wanted to marry her. He boasted to everyone that they kissed (although in fact she kissed the bruise on Finan's cheek so that he would not get hurt) and for this Osferth was offended by him. He asked for forgiveness for a long time, and yet he was able to. The man could not give Osferth to some invader, he is disappointed.

Osferth didn't know if she loved Finan, but she liked spending time with him.

Osferth lowered her eyes, tears dripping from her eyelashes.

- Please, for all of us, - Uhtred took her chin, - You should please him. Only you can save us, everything depends on you.

Osferth felt such pain, the moral pain is stronger than the physical one. But she understood that for her sake the fate of the people and the kingdom really depended. She can't let them down. Osferth cannot let him enter the kingdom and mock people. She will put the burden on her fragile shoulders. Osferth will endure everything for them. She will pray fervently for the rest of her life because she married an enemy. Osferth will feel angry, but will save everyone. She will raise her child so that he will bring prosperity to their kingdom. 


 When Alfred legitimized his daughter, they began to prepare her for a meeting with the invader.

They don't have much time, everything should be ready by the evening .

Everything happened in Uhtred's house.

For the girl, it was necessary to draw up a menstrual calendar. Every lady and princess has it. Her friends took care of it. Osferth blushed terribly when Uhtred asked when she had last bled. She didn't remember.

Finan drew a calendar on paper.

The situation is terribly stupid. Fuck shit.

- Fuck your mother, how can you not remember when you had cherry juice flowing from your pussy? - angry Uhtred.

- Don't call it cherry juice, it smells awful, - Osferth turned away offendedly.

- Ew, let's not go into details, - Sihtric grimaced.

Everyone laughed. These are their last minutes, when they have fun together, albeit for such a stupid activity.

- Communicate that we will never remember this incident, - asked Sihtric

Everyone agreed.

While the men were compiling the menstrual calendar, Uhtred's wife heated the bath. The room was hot and stuffy. Osferth became ill. She immediately broke into a sweat. There was a lot of water in a small bath, and aromatic oils from flowers were poured into it. Osferth stared blankly at Uhtred's wife for a long time and waited for her to leave.

- What are you looking at? Get undressed, - said the woman, wiping sweat from her forehead.

Osferth opened her eyes in surprise and blushed. She never undressed in front of anyone.

- I can take care of myself, - she whispered.

- Do not be shy, what did I not see there? I am a woman, you are a woman. You have the same cunt as me. You have boobs just like mine. I'll help you, it'll be faster. Get used to getting help. You will have many servants who will wash your cunt and take out your shit in a pot, princess.

The woman's rude words made her laugh, but her embarrassment did not go away. She considered undressed something vile. And sinful. But she must hurry.

Osferth closed her eyes and slowly took off her loose dress, throwing it on the floor. She covered her chest with her hands.

The hot water burned her delicate skin and she screamed. Once completely in the water, Osferth began to rub her skin with fragrant oils. Uhtred's wife washed her hair.

- You have a very beautiful body, - she said.

- Thank you, you too, lady...

The woman gently rubbed her back with a coarse washcloth. Osferth relaxed and closed her eyes. She did not believe in what would happen next and tried to enjoy the moment.

- And do not worry before marriage, - said the woman, rubbing oil into her back, - A husband is not only a contract and an agreement. This is pleasure and love. And don't be afraid of your wedding night, honey. You won't get hurt.

The girl shuddered, because they touched on a topic that worried her. She nodded as a sign that she had heard, but this did not calm her down.

- I understand. But that prince ... - she sighed and sat more comfortably, - He is a monster, an invader.

- And what? - the woman chuckled, - My husband is also an invader, but he is gentle with me. When you give birth, your prince will be more accommodating. Believe me, even the most severe men are weak in front of their pregnant wives .

She didn't take her words seriously.

The girl was washed. Uhtred's wife wiped her with a coarse towel and gave her a robe.

Next was a selection of dresses. Uhtred and the men were arguing about this. They laid out several coats on the bed almost fought, judging which one would be more suitable.

- We need orange. Men are attracted to bright colors, - said Finan, holding an orange dress with short sleeves.

- Firstly, she will freeze in it, and secondly, are you also attracted by bright color? - Sihtric insisted on a gray dress, but it was too poor and Osferth's breasts would not look beautiful.

There was a blue dress with a rather deep neckline. It is difficult for Osferth to choose an outfit due to her tall height and features of the figure.

All the same, they chose the blue dress.

Osferth was terribly uncomfortable in the tight dress. She wore only loose dresses that did not emphasize her femininity. It was not pleasant for her to see how her breasts are seen. She tried not to look at the neckline and how pale skin was visible from there.

Against the background of soft blue, she seemed pale and fragile, the color suited her sad eyes. The men in the background discussed how cute she was and cheered.

osferth's dress 

Osferth stared at herself in the mirror and grimaced in disgust. Uhtred's wife came up behind her and put her arms around her waist.

- You are so beautiful, like a real princess, - she wanted to somehow cheer up.

- Princesses don't have protruding nipples and don't wear sheer dresses. Also, I don't have panties on, - Osferth whispered.

The woman chuckled.

- The dress is not transparent. Yes, the fabric is thin. But it should emphasize your femininity and impress. Although you have small breasts, they are very beautiful and firm, - she pinched Osferth's chest, from which she screamed and blushed terribly.

When the dress was chosen, it was time to pick up the jewelry and do the hair. Uhtred's wife offered some of her jewelry.

Osferth sat in front of a mirror while men circled around her and picked up jewels.

Finan put several rings on her fingers, and Uhtred thought about what to do with her hair. He suggested making a bundle. Sihtric said hair and need to dissolve and friends agreed with him.

- Can I put a necklace on her? - suggested Uhtred.

- Idiot, it will take attention away from the boobs, - the wife hit him on the head.

When it was all over, Osferth felt uncomfortable. During the preparation, she did not think about the prince. She was worried that women touched her and looked at her. She also had a headache from the screams of men and their quarrels. Now she got scared.

Her body was covered in a cold sweat from the thought that she needed to meet the man who would become her husband. Her knees were shaking and she was holding herself back from crying.

Osferth was given clear instructions. Keep hers back straight, do not tremble and do not cry. Speak confidently and do whatever he wants.

Before went to the prince, she was given a few minutes to be alone and gather her strength. She decided to pray and for the last time feel like a little nun, not a princess.

As she knelt, the silence of the room was broken by the creaking of the wooden door. Finan entered, although he was forbidden and, in principle, not allowed to approach her because of his love. He looked very sad. The former nun did not know at all that he knew how to be sad. She got up from her knees and straightened her dress, looking at her friend.

He stood in the doorway for a few seconds. They looked into each other's eyes and were silent for a long time, although they wanted to say a lot. Sharply, Finan went up to her and hugged her tightly, pressing her him. He simply inhaled her scent and enjoyed the last moments when she was around. His heart wanted to fall from sadness. Osferth felt the same way.

It was impossible to look at her, so beautiful and sad.

- Now you are a princess, - the man said quietly. His voice was soothing, - I'm sorry that I touched you and joked about shit.

She let out a laugh.

- But I did laugh.

When he pulled back, he took the pendant out of his pocket. A small blue stone on a golden chain. He put it in Osferth's hand.

- No, just don't refuse. Take it as a memory of me and friends, - he squeezed her hand into a fist.

Osferth silently nodded.  


The girl was led through the prince's camp to the main burgundy marquee. It was seen by the fact that she was large and decorated. The prince loved everything beautiful.

She was accompanied by Uhtred and her friends. All were worried.

Inside, everything was no less richly furnished. There were wooden furniture made of light wood with beautiful patterns and a lot of guards. Everything is like a castle. Osfert looked around with interest, she had never seen such luxury, and this is a marquee.

In the center stood a tall man with blond hair. He was not in armor, but in his usual leather clothes. The man folded his hands behind his back and looked haughtily at people.

Osferth bowed deeply to him, as did Uhtred.

Let him feel that he is respected. Osferth lowered her gaze and looked down, despite the instructions that she needed to look at the prince. Fear blew everything out of her head. The man looked scary.

Aemond just stood and looked at her, the silence frightened.

He assessed her with his eyes and what he saw, he liked. The girl radiated purity and innocence. He wanted to spoil her and betray her to sin, as he did with everyone.

She is much more beautiful than he thought. The girl is cute and a little funny, especially her protruding ears. But he won't say it out of pride. She's so scared around him, he likes to be scared. People, formerly insolent, standing in her defense, are also silent as a sign of respect.

Aemond went up to her and grabbed her chin with his big hand. He has rough skin from holding the sword. The touches are also rough. Osferth almost screamed. Aemond lifted it in his face and twisted it in different directions, like a commodity. He liked her eyes and lips. He pushed her lip down to look at her teeth. The teeth are not even, but there are no black ones. So she smells good from her mouth.

Rough touches were unpleasant. Osferth felt herself trembling when he was near. She is afraid of him. It radiates anger and self-confidence. The girl endured while he touched her face.

Aemond withdrew his hand.

- You are not very beautiful, but I like you, - he finally broke the silence, his voice seemed disgusting for a girl.

The men took a deep breath that he was satisfied.

Only Finan looked at him angrily. He wanted to kill the impudent prince or in his place. He was comforted by the angry looks of his friends. He should not show anger and disrupt the look.

- Your name is Osferth, isn't it?

She looked up.

- Yes, my prince.

Aemond grinned.

- Why do you say my prince? We are equal in status, girl. This is how your servants should address me like that, but you shouldn't, - he deliberately insulted her friends.

There was an awkward silence, but not for long.

- I want to see you without clothes. I should know what they slipped me - he wanted to fully humiliate his future wife in front of important people for the ruler, so that they would report to him about his attitude towards him.

His request made Osferth flinch and blush. What? He is joking?

Finan barely restrained himself from sudden movements. Sihtric approached him and poked him in the side.

- But, but why? - Osferth's voice sounded very quiet and capricious.

- Are you deaf? - He looked at Uhtred, - Painted fagot, you decided to slip me a deaf stupid wife who does not understand the first time?

Osferth's palms were sweaty and she stood in a stupor. She turned to the men for support, but they nodded. Osferth didn't want to do this in front of a stranger, guards and friends. This is terrible, she will never wash off such a shame.

- I'm waiting. Or do you have a dick that makes you not want to strip? - Aemond spoke with irritation.

- Take off your clothes, honey. Do what he wants, - said Uhtred.

She knew that there was no other choice. Osferth reached out with trembling fingers to the strings on her dress. She closed her eyes so as not to see the shame. Osferth held back her tears. The girl slowly untied it and began to lower dress. First she bared her pale shoulders. Aemond looked greedily as she exposed her small breasts with hard pink nipples from cold and fear. Then, she took off her dress to the waist and he saw her flat stomach and how narrow the waist was. She had completely lowered her dress. Her rounded hips beckoned to squeeze them. Her pubic hair did not grow much, they were light.

It seemed to Osferth that a very long time had passed while Aemond looked at her. She was afraid to open her eyes. The guards politely turned away. Her friends closed their eyes too. Only Finan stared blankly at his straight back and a small mole on his buttock. The man hoped no one would notice.

Aemond liked what he saw. The girl's body is very beautiful and slim. Her thighs are soft and she will give birth easily.

I would rather that the time would come when he could make her a child.

He approached her and squeezed her small breasts in his hands, enjoying the elasticity. The man ran his finger along the nipple, yelping a quiet sigh.

When it was all over, Osferth felt empty and dirty. Her friends were no better off. They just looked at the public humiliation of the girl and could not do anything. The main thing is that Aemond liked the girl and he said that he agreed. In the morning they will go home, where he will marry her and announce to the family. Uhtred and his friends will go with him to confirm the marriage  

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