Stockholm Syndrome | Monkey D...

By MorganGiles3

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This is a modern AU there will be no devil fruit abilities. The unknown lady chuckled, "No, no," She cooed... More

Trigger Warning!
Chapter One: The Horror Begins

Chapter Two: Hurt

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By MorganGiles3

The steam rolled out of the shower in waves. The lady had decided she was setting the temperature for the captured man. It felt hot, too hot. Luffy's eyes widened as he felt the heat of the shower. He was going to burn. "It's too hot." He whispered, avoiding eye contact with the lady.

The raven-haired woman paused, "Is it?" She asked, tilting her head to the side, eyebrows furrowed. "I'm sorry." She apologized, glancing at the water before lowering the temperature.

Luffy gulped, relieved she didn't hurt him. After the first incident, he's been afraid to raise or voice his opinion, even though he should be used to being hit by now with his backstory.

His father badly abused him growing up after his mom left. Not just degrading words and yelling. He would beat him. He found that in his friend, Nami, as well. He hated admitting it to himself but felt slightly safer being here. He was barely hit, and although he was starved, drugged, and sexually assaulted, he didn't mind too much; the lady had otherwise been nice to him. Don't let that get to your head, Luffy. He thought, a frown on his lips. I have true, good friends waiting for me at home. I have to get out.

"Is the temperature right now?" The lady asked, gesturing towards the water with a concerned look.

Luffy hesitantly stepped towards it before sticking a hand into the water, "Yeah." He responded, voice low.

The lady clapped, a happy smile on her face, "Good! Now get undressed and hop in." She said, her feet not moving an inch from where they were planted.

"Please leave." He said, his voice unwavering for what seemed to be the first time since he got here. He wasn't going to strip in front of this lady.

"No." The lady responded, her smile lowering into a straight face.

"Leave," Luffy demanded, his eyes staring at her, turning his body towards her so she couldn't attack him from behind.

Those beautiful red eyes of hers stared back at him. He noticed the lady's pupils racing all over his body. A disturbing glint in her eyes. "Strip." She responded, her voice sounding like a predator to prey. "Now."

Luffy frowned, "At least let me get undressed without you watching me." He almost pleaded, knowing she wouldn't simply let him shower alone.

The lady sighed in annoyance. "Fine."

Luffy quickly got to work on his clothes, he was scared and embarrassed. The lady was growing impatient, and he knew that he wanted to do this himself, he had to do this himself. The four walls around him slowly melted into a black void as he began to panic. He knew he needed to get some form of dominance, some form of control in this situation, but the fear was constantly pushing down his bravery and courage as each tap of her shoe echoed in the black void that his mind had formed around them almost as if she was stomping down his courage, making him seem like a mere insect used for her twisted desires. It left no choice. I have to, I need to feel like I have some level of control, please, please be a little more patient.

The lady tapped her foot, slowly removing her trenchcoat.

Luffy's breathing halted, he had never seen her without the trenchcoat. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Quickly he removed his shirt, his hands shaking violently with fear.

He didn't want this.

He didn't want this.

Luffy's breaths came out in short gasps, he felt like the walls were caving in on him, and he was scared. So incredibly scared. He squeezed his eyes shut for a second, imagining he was somewhere else, somewhere calm and peaceful with Zoro and Sanji.




Immediately his dream shattered, she was getting more impatient, and he needed to do this quickly. His shaky hands reached down, and ignoring the feeling of vomit in his throat, he slowly pulled them off. Tears swam in his eyes, threatening to dance down his face, and he pulled off his underwear.

"Done?" The lady asked, her voice laced with impatience.

"Y-Yes," Luffy whispered, and as soon as the words left his lips, he was slammed against the wall. The lady's hands traced his face gently, her red eyes calm and shining with adoration. Luffy gasped, the wind knocked out of him, the pain from his barely healed wounds returned, and he coughed roughly, the tears falling from his eyes. "Stop." He whispered, the feeling of her hands gripping his arms felt like a semi-truck, making him unable to move, or even breathe. The little bit of control he barely grasped slipped through his fingers like the tears from his eyes. Powerless.

The lady's red eyes, once filled with adoration changed in a split second to rage, her hand rose, and a punch landed directly on his face, Luffy crying out in pain at the sudden action, the vomit he felt earlier rising. "I WAITED!" She screamed, gripping his hair with the same hand that punched him, the other squeezing his neck tightly. She yanked his hair, pulling his head back as she glared down at him threateningly. "I waited, this is your fault, if you had just let me earlier, this wouldn't be happening." She whispered, her emotions completely changing to one of faux sympathy. "Don't you understand that I love you?" She asked, her hand moving from his hair to his cheek before she gently rubbed her finger against his lip.

He was confused, his mind flooding with thoughts, her behavior strange and sudden. There was nothing he could do, nothing he could manage to say.

Please, please stop, it's not my fault. It's not... is it?

Luffy felt the tears drip from his eyes, and he sent her a small smile. "I'm sorry." He whispered shakily, deciding to play into her game for now. "It's my fault." He didn't want to be hurt anymore, he didn't want that. He just wanted this to be over.

The lady smiled at him, a caring smile.

Luffy just now noticed that she is naked. The fear rose again, wrapping him in a blanket that felt like an abyss of something he couldn't quite place, something disorientating and disturbing. Something vulgar.

I don't want this, please go away.

"Let me give you that shower." The lady smiled softly at him, gently leading him into the water. Luffy obediently followed after her. He felt the weight of the shackles that he was forced to wear when he was first brought here returning, dragging him down into something unruly and horrifying but unable to move a single inch.

Stop, don't. Please don't.

The lady put the shampoo in his hair, gently massaging his head, trying to relax him. Luffy was silent, his eyes distant. This was wrong, and new. He had never experienced this before, never been touched like this before, he didn't like it. He tried to go back to the other world.

It didn't work.

It didn't work.

The lady hummed a tune, the same one his mother used to when she was around. He absentmindedly relaxed, his body doing so without his will, the blanket of fear seeming to almost comfort him, in a sick, demented way. The lady dragged her fingers through his hair, washing out the remnants of the conditioner.

When did she put that in? The time seemed to slow down as he realized this was happening all too fast for his liking, this was happening, and he felt so hopeless, disgusted with himself for feeling that way.

The lady smiled, a smile that was so charming it sickened him. She grabbed the body wash, pouring some on her hands, and it dripped slowly. She massaged his shoulders, dragging her hands until she reached right above his v-line, and massaged that area.

His body reacted in a way he didn't want it to, his penis hardening, but he felt no arousal. He stared at himself, horrified by what his body was doing to him. Why? I don't like this, I don't want this, why is my body reacting in such a way? His heartbeat picked up, making him dizzy, there was so much confusion in his mind, his conscience tormenting him, blaming him for allowing this to happen.

The lady looked up at him from her crouched position. "See? You want this too."

I don't want this.

Luffy felt his face lose its color, the lady standing up and washing him off. She sat him down on the bathroom floor, taking him out of the tub. Luffy followed, he couldn't say anything, there was nothing he could say, he felt lost. The invisible shackles locked him down on the ground, and he was unable to do anything, unable to move or breathe, the once demented comfort now a weight on his chest that he couldn't remove.

The lady climbed over him, her own body just barely hovering over his. "Say you want it." She whispered.

"I don't," Luffy spoke for the first time, refusing her request.

The lady snarled, slamming his body against the floor, and positioning herself above him before she slammed her body down.

"You.. just like that. and this." She said calmly, but her actions spoke differently, she forced his hands above his head, and leaned down, biting into his skin so roughly it drew blood. She seemed to drink it.

Luffy screamed, his eyes widening, as the scream ripped his throat raw, it was filled with despair and hopelessness, a hatred burned deep within him, and he cried. "Stop!"

She didn't stop; she wouldn't, and he knew that.

She bounced on him, after removing her teeth from his neck. The sound of skin slapping together made Luffy vomit on himself, it made his head spin and his heart race, he felt broken. The vomit didn't stop her. Luffy's begs and pleas didn't stop her.

She wouldn't stop.

"Oh fuck..." The lady moaned she bounced on him rapidly, grinding against him now and then, and every time she did, Luffy felt even more disgusted. He hated her.

His body didn't.

Luffy, being a virgin, lost his first time to his rapist.

"Stop." He demanded, his voice strong, and stern, but she didn't stop. Luffy groaned a sound he wasn't familiar with, filled with arousal that his mind didn't understand. Luffy smacked his head against her chest angrily, forcing her back, and he instantly removed himself from inside her, but she got up, grabbed a metal pole from the toilet paper holder, and smacked him over the head, dazed, he fell to the ground, and she immediately continued, beating him as she raped him. When she finished, unfortunately, so did he.

Inside of her.


Luffy was curled up in his room, his migraine raging from the pain of being hit in the head so many times, he cried silently to himself, his body aching violently.

Luffy stayed like that for a while, the pain of his body forcing him to sleep.

The lady watched him, her eyes sad. "My poor baby." She whispered, walking into his room and messing with his hair. "You didn't have to be like that, it would have been all better if you just listened to me, you know I love you." She whispered. "You wanted it just as much as I did, I know you did." She said, her red eyes gleaming with something unseen before they darted over to the wound on his neck. "At least you will always have a unique mark of me." She whispered, her teeth marks on his skin going to scar.

The lady watched him for a couple of hours, whispering things into his ear, and blaming him for what had happened.

"You shouldn't have been such a tease." She said before she left his room.

In the morning, Luffy slowly got up, his body aching, the memories of the night prior causing vomit to rise in his throat. He felt disgusting and confused, and he hated himself. He hated her... but she made him feel so good, and that is why he hated himself.

Luffy walked towards the mirror in his room, staring at himself. He looked horrible. He has bruises, his once tan skin looking pale. The mark on his neck from her bite aching painfully. He reached his hand up, trailing the indents on his skin, a sharp hiss leaving his lips. "This isn't my fault..." He whispered, his hand moving down his torso, feeling over the bruises as his eyes watered, "This isn't my fault..." He repeated, looking over his features as a feeling of self-disgust filled his chest, a crushing weight he couldn't quite decipher. He moved his hand to trace the wound on his chest, his eyes closing, and he let out a soft, pain-filled groan. "It's not my fault."

Is it?

"It's not my fault, but if I would've just..." He trailed off, the tears finally escaping his eyes as he wrapped his arms around himself in a hug, the ankle chain slightly digging into his skin. "It could've been avoided..." He mumbled, his lips quivering as he slowly sat down, pulling his knees to his chest as he let out a soft sob. "This is all my fault..." He whispered, his shoulders shaking violently as he broke down. "It's my fault."

The lady listened to him from behind the closed door, her red eyes filling with tears, a plate of food in her hands. "It's not your fault..." She whispered to herself, staring at the oak door as tears slipped down her face. "It's my fault." She mutters, wiping her tears away and walking into the room.

Luffy tensed but didn't move from his spot, his head lifting and turning to look at the lady. His face was covered in tears and snot was falling from his nose. He didn't speak, simply watching her.

"Hi," The lady whispered, a small, sad smile on her face as she approached him, her trenchcoat back on like it normally was. Her steps were slow as if walking towards an animal. "How are you feeling, darling?"

"I'm fine," Luffy whispered back, his voice groggy and a bit rough from his crying. He took notice of the food in her hands, and his stomach automatically growled in want.

The lady smiled, nodding and completely believing him. She sat down in front of the broken boy, her trenchcoat spread out behind her. She wore a skin-tight long-sleeved black shirt underneath it with some black dress pants and a pair of combat boots. She held out the food for him, waiting for him to take it.

"Thank you-"


"Eat the food, darling. You have to get healthier. I don't want you to die." The lady whispered, placing a hand on Luffy's chin, her long black nails slightly scratching him.


When did that happen?

Luffy shook it off and took the food, eating it slowly. He was nervous just looking at her, and disgusted with her, but he couldn't help but remember how she felt.

He analyzed the lady, eating quietly and ignoring the itchiness on his face from his dried tears. Why did he keep remembering such a traumatic event? Did he want it? I'm so confused, I hate her and yet I feel... attracted to her.

He felt disgusted with himself.

The lady watched quietly, observing her lover. She looked calm, her bright red eyes tracing over his features, and a soft smile was on her lips. Her lover has been such a good boy, and she couldn't help but be proud of him. "I'm so proud of you." She said, a soft and caring look in her eyes.

Luffy froze, nobody had ever said that to him. Ever. He let his eyes travel across her features, and a tiny smile made its way onto his face. She was gorgeous, she had good-sized breasts, and she was curvy and toned. A strong, tall woman. She was pale, and her eyes... those bright red eyes looked so alluring, but he hated her.

His smile disappeared.

This isn't just a lady who's proud of him. This is THE LADY. The lady who has been abusive to him. She's horrible. She's hit me. She's raped me. She starved and drugged me.


"Sunshine, why are you sad?" The lady asked, a concerned look on her face as she held his arms in a caring manner.

"I want to go home," Luffy replied, his breathing ragged as if he had been sobbing, his face stained with tears. "I just want to go home."

The lady frowned, wrapping him up in a hug, and gently rubbing his back. "They hurt you there, darling. I can't let you go back."


She's keeping me hostage to protect me? That doesn't sound right. She's been nothing but cruel. Luffy thought, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he looked at the lady, his lips in a straight line. She doesn't care about me. She just wants to use me.

"Eat, darling." The lady said, gently grabbing Luffy's hand and directing it to the food. It seems he's stopped eating.

Luffy obeyed, and began to eat again. These little snippets of memories were hurting his head and they kept coming, forcing him to remember what happened while he was drugged. I don't want to remember. I don't want to remember the trauma.

Luffy kept silently eating as the lady watched him, a content smile on her face. She loves him, deeply. He just has to realize that. She placed her elbow on her knee, resting her head in her palm, and silently watched him eat as if he was the most interesting thing in the world, and to her, he was.

"You're so handsome." The lady whispered silently to herself, her long black nails gently tapping her face in slow movements, her eyes never leaving his face as he ate. She was lucky that she remembered the silverware, but he didn't use it anyway as it turns out her love is a hands-on person.

He didn't hear her, too deep in thought. This whole situation was confusing to him. He was like a lost puppy who needed a helping hand, and the only one who could help him right now. The lady.

The lady was the only person he could rely on currently, and that scared him. He didn't want to rely on her or anyone for that matter, but especially not her. He just wanted to be alone.

Soon enough Luffy finished eating and she took the plate and silverware away, closing the door behind her as she left. He looked down at himself, clenching his fists tightly, biting his bottom lip, and turning away from where the lady had just been and ended up looking at the mirror.

"I'm disgusting." He whispered, glaring at his broken reflection, a scowl on his lips. "I'm fucking disgusting." He hissed, raising his clenched fist as if he was about to punch the mirror before freezing. She would kill me if I broke her things.

He sighed, and wandered around the room, his chain dragging as he went. He found a little sewing kit in the corner by a desk that he had not realized was there prior and sat in the chair, grabbing the box carefully. Upon opening the box, there was a full kit along with some scissors. Luffy reached his hand in the box, only to get stabbed painfully in the finger.

"Fuck." Luffy grumbled, taking his hand out and looking at his new wound, it wasn't too bad, just a small puncture. He waved his hand and continued to look through the box. His eyes trained on the sharp scissors more than once as he did so, and eventually, he just grabbed them. "Maybe..." He whispered, looking down at himself. "Maybe if I'm gone, then I'll finally be free. Not just of her, but of them." He talked quietly to himself. "They don't care about me anyways, if they did, they would've believed me."

Luffy opened the sharp metal blades of the scissors and looked down at himself. "Yeah, it would be better for everyone." He mutters, not giving himself time to think, before stabbing himself in the stomach right into his barely healed wound the sound of the sharp metal ripping through his skin, tearing him open once more caused him to lose it. A gasp of pain leaves his lips, but he feels no fear. Tears fell freely from his eyes, but he felt no worry. He pulled the scissors out, his skin pulling with the scissors just a bit, blood covering the metal blades and he rammed them right back in, a bloody cough leaving his lips, but he didn't fall to his knees.


"I care about you, don't you get that, darling?" The lady whispered, looking down at Luffy who had his head in her lap.


"You don't care." Luffy scowled and ripped the scissors out of his stomach once more, only to stab himself again. "I'm all alone." He whispered, his voice weak and his breathing ragged, tears falling from his eyes and a sob leaving his lips. He fell to his knees, a loud sob escaping his lips as he grabbed his stomach, the pain blinding. "Nobody loves me..." He sobbed, his blood flowing down his arm and his head resting on the floor as he curled around himself.


"I love you, darling." The lady said, her voice soft and caring as she wiped away some of Luffy's tears, a soft smile on her lips. "You just have to realize that."


Luffy sobbed harder, his consciousness fading. He felt alone, a blanket of despair his only company. He didn't want to be here anymore. He hated himself, he hated her, and he hated living. All of his life, there has only been pain. His friends doubted him, his father abused him, and the lady.

The lady had been nothing but cruel.

Don't lie to yourself. The lady cares.

Luffy scoffed at his thoughts, blood falling from his lips, and his eyes glazed over. He curled just a bit tighter around himself. "The lady doesn't care. She's the reason I'm here in the first place." Luffy mutters, his breathing a mere wheeze, and every word he spoke was followed by vicious coughing and more blood. He lay there, covered in his blood due to his actions.

To protect you. You were getting abused every day. She brought you here to protect you, idiot.

"No." He responded to himself. His body screamed at him, and the smell of metal covered the entire room. The lady was nowhere in sight, she was gone.

She left just like everyone else in his life. Just like his mother.

Luffy lay there, drowning in his blood with no help rushing to his rescue. He was dying, and he felt at peace for the first time in his life. He was so tired, and he was letting go. He wanted to let go.



Oh God...

Luffy cried harder, his body trembling in fear at what the lady would do to him. He just wanted it all to end. He didn't want to keep living in fear or walking on eggshells. He just wanted to be free.

Then it hit. He had just tried to kill himself believing all of his friends didn't care.


"I will find you."


He tried to leave Zoro alone in this world. The two of them are close friends, best friends, and he wants to leave that man alone. He began to hyperventilate, applying pressure to his wound.

Save me, please save me. I'm sorry, Zoro. I'm sorry. Lady, please save me. I need to get to them. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Save me. Save me.

Luffy sobbed harder, his body shaking violently. He needed to live. He needs to see his precious friends again, he can't leave them like this. "Please..." He whispered, a coughing fit wrecking his body and blood splattered on the ground. I didn't mean it. I didn't. I want to live.

Please save me. Please, lady, please save me.

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