Masterpiece (Motionless In Wh...

By mediagirl94

248 12 0

Y/N and Ryan are no strangers to danger. in fact, they shared a dark and complicated past. They had once been... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Two

26 1 0
By mediagirl94


As soon as you were done with your dinner you rush back to your apartment. You had several scattered around America, each one linked to a different identity, this one happened to be one of the more lavish ones, a penthouse suite in a new building that hardly had any residents yet due to the eyewatering price tags. You shed your dress, heels, and jewellery and throw your hair up into a neat bun on top of your head knowing it was more practical than being down. You slip into something come comfortable and casual, an outfit to conceal weapons without standing out from the crowd. You hadn't grown up fancy, but over the years and the money you'd earned allowed you a taste of the rich life.

Opening the top drawer of the desk in your office, you dislodge the concealed panel and a simple mobile falls out. You might work alone but that didn't mean you didn't have contacts around the world who would help for a price of course. Only two kinds of people had multiple phones, criminals and people committing affairs, you were the kind that paid better.

You dial a familiar number hoping that it hadn't been changed, Jake was a hacker and a very good one at that but recently his crew who went by Black Veil Brides or BVB for short had come into some trouble and his paranoid self probably had changed all their phones to make it harder to reach.

You raise an eyebrow on the third ring as someone actually picks up the phone, 'hello,' Jake says, just like your basic phone he probably didn't have caller ID either.

You tap your nails on your desk, 'Hi Jake it's y/n, I need your assistance tracking someone if possible. I can pay the usual price.'

Jake hums, and you hear monitors down the line coming to life, 'You do pay well y/n I'll give you that much, what's the name?'

You pause for a brief second and bite your lip, 'Err Ryan Sitkowski, one of us.'

The typing on the other end stops, 'Are you being serious y/n? Is this business or personal?'

You roll your eyes, 'all business, someone offered me a nice amount to kill him quickly. Will you help me or not Jake? You're not my only contact.'

Jake sighs loudly, 'Fine, you know the drill. Come to our place in around an hour with cash of course.'

You smile, 'Haven't you moved after the little situation?'

'Oh shit yeah we have...hold up a second let me get you the new address,' Jake curses, then the typing resumes.

Next to you on the desk was the jewellery box, and you realised you could kill two birds with one stone, 'Jake is Jinxx in, I need something authenticating.'

'He should be, I'll reach out to him. Give us an hour and I'll have everything you need,' Jake replies and simply hangs up without giving you the new address.

Before you ring him back out of frustration a message comes through on your phone, Jake had sent you the new address. If you intended to kill Ryan, you wouldn't be coming back here for a bit so you'd need to pack supplies before heading out to see Jake and Jinxx.


The taxi pulls up outside a normal-looking townhouse, if this is where BVB were holed up they'd definitely chosen somewhere no one would think to look for them. You sling your hold all around your shoulder and pay the driver before getting out onto the quiet street.

You wait until the taxi pulls away before walking up the steps and pressing the doorbell.

The front door swings open and looming in the doorframe is Jinxx. You sigh a breath of relief thankful it wasn't Andy who answered because he could be a judgemental asshole and something about this target wouldn't sit straight with him.

'Good evening Jinxx, so lovely to see you again,' you say, and walk inside the house as he steps aside.

He grunts, 'Yeah same back at you y/n. Andy, CC and Lonny are on a job. Jake said you had something you wanted me to look over.'

You pull out the jewellery box and hand it to him, 'I was given this as a downpayment, is it real and what's it worth?'

He takes the box and quirks an eyebrow in your direction, 'forgetting something y/n,' he jokes.

Your eyes go wide and you fumble for a small envelope in your jacket before handing it to him, 'shit, sorry, here you go.'

Jinxx nods, 'Jake's in the basement.'

You nod back at him and make your way towards the basement door, while over your shoulder Jinxx walks upstairs. This was a really nice house.

Jake was sitting in front of a bank of monitors. He spins around in his chair as your foot creaks on the last step, 'Hey y/n. You got the money?'

You nod and pull out a second envelope and approach him, 'Yes. You got the information?'

Jake rolls his eyes and gestures behind him at the screens, 'Of course, I do, and something extra that you might find interesting.'

You pull up a chair from the corner of the room and squint at all the monitors not sure what you were looking at, 'what did you find?'

Jake turns back around, and for a split second you see the regret on his face before he masks it with a friendly smile, 'I found out from a friend that Ryan has also been given you as a target y/n.'

Your eyes go wide in shock and surprise, now this was a twist you hadn't been expecting. You gulp and try to keep your composure, 'I see, so where is he, Jake?'

'He and his crew are already in the city and have been for a couple of weeks now working another job. They are using an old warehouse in the docks as their base. I'm actually a little offended Ryan went to someone else for information on you y/n,' Jake says coldly, sounding ticked off.

You pat your friend on the shoulder, 'probably because he knows we go further back Jake, nothing personal just business. I'll always go to you because you deliver the goods in a timely manner and occasionally throw in a few extras.'

Jake grins at you, 'You're right y/n I really am the best. So what's next?'

You snort, 'like I'm going to tell you my plan, Jake. Just know I have a way out for once it's done.'

'Everyone locally knows about you and Ryan in the past being partners, how long has it been since you last saw each other?' Jake asks.

You stand up and push the chair back into the corner not answering him straight away.

Only when your hand is on the bannister do you answer him, 'Five years,' you mutter.

You leave Jake in the basement and decide to track down Jinxx who'd gone upstairs. It looked like you'd be seeing Ryan a lot sooner than you would have liked, but luckily you came prepared. You drop your bag in the hallway and start gearing up. You'd always preferred blades to guns, whereas Ryan was the opposite, but you strapped on a gun just in case you needed something a little extra.

Once you're done gearing up you look up upon hearing wooden stairs squeak, and see Jinxx coming back down with the box in hand.

'The pieces are very much real, I estimate their worth at $200,000. Very nice indeed,' Jinxx states matter of factly, being very good at his job.

You take the box off him and slip it into your bag, 'Thanks Jinxx, whoever hired me knew I liked shiny things.'

Jinxx smiles and shakes his head, 'Be careful y/n, I don't want to lose a decent client and I know Jake feels the same way.'

You nod at your old friend, 'I'll try my best Jinxx, until next time. Say hi to the others for me.'

Jinxx opens the front door for you, and you quickly leave, heading back into the night.

Now you knew Ryan and his lot had been in town a couple of weeks, you were surprised this was your first time hearing this. He probably got your name the same night you got him, so it looked like you were both on an even playing field. However, you had no fixed address whereas Ryan was holed up in a warehouse, easy to track down and easy to kill.

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