Stuck In Love With A Thug (Ur...

By imneshaj

7.6K 135 27

"He made me believe I was worthless and alone, I felt I did something wrong, and I deserved it." Those were t... More

019. Finale
Book 2 sneek peak.


285 5 1
By imneshaj


"Where is Bean? Please pick up," I mumbled once I pulled up to the gated community that he gave me directions to.

My nerves were still bad from the thought that Damian was following me. Although I knew it was impossible, because I saw no signs of him on the highway, I was still scared. I had gotten away from him once, so I knew the next time we crossed paths, I'd be a dead woman.

"Yo," he answered.

"I'm at the entrance. You didn't give me a gate code to get in," I told him.

Bean sent me the gate code, and I quickly put it in. I would feel 100 percent safer locked in a community that Damian knew nothing about. Plus, there was a security guard outside in a booth to assist anyone who did not have a code. That damn sure wasn't up Damian's alley. After the shit he just pulled at the store, the last thing he would want to see is anyone dressed in a uniform.

I felt relieved after entering the community and making it to that first stop sign. The neighborhood was beautiful. The homes looked to be about three stories high, with huge yards. It was dark, so I couldn't see much of the neighborhood, and to be honest, I wasn't trying to. All I knew was it seemed to be a safe area where people with a whole bunch of money lived.

When I pulled into the driveway, the garage door opened, and I paused. There were no lights on at the home, so I instantly got a lil' nervous because why was the garage door opening? I looked down at my phone, which had started to vibrate, and picked it up. I quickly answered it after seeing Bean's name across the screen.

"You can pull into the garage. I'll set the security once you're inside, so you're good until I get there. I'm on the way, Ma," he spoke.

"Okay, I'll be here waiting for you."

"Bet. Make yourself comfortable. You need anything?"

"No, I packed a few things from my house before I pulled up to the lake, so I should be good. Thanks anyway."

"I ain't talking about clothes, I'm talking about food. There are a few places by the crib to grab some take out if you want any of that."

"No, I'm good. Thanks, anyway."

"Aight, be there in a few. Make yaself comfortable," he said and then hung up.

I did not budge once I hung up the phone. Instead, I sat inside my car and reclined my seat. I didn't feel comfortable roaming around his house without him there. I was not some groupie ass bitch who was excited to be in a mini mansion with a club owner. As a matter of fact, I can't even tell you why I was really at his house. I had just come over because I had nowhere else to go. Crystal had betrayed me in the worst way, and Damian left me with no money to my name to get myself a room for a couple of nights. I was just out there, lost, confused, and didn't have the slightest idea of what I would do next.

The first thing that came to my mind was the fact that there was a dead man at the store I had just left. What if they had me on camera and tried to arrest me? What was I gonna do? I couldn't go to jail for something I had nothing to do with! Rion would try to lie on me and make me go down for it, and I was losing it just thinking about it. There was so much going on to the point that it almost made me go insane. I needed someone to talk to, someone to hear me out, someone to hear me cry. I needed someone to tell me everything was gonna be alright.

At a time like this, I would damn sure be calling Crystal and telling her everything that's unfolded, but I couldn't do that. I couldn't trust calling her at all, especially after finding out she had slept with Damian and didn't tell me. She was the ultimate backstabber and trusting her could be the reason I ended up dead somewhere. For all I knew, she could tell Damian where the hell I was. I couldn't trust it, and I damn sure didn't trust her anymore. I couldn't trust anyone. Everyone I loved had stabbed me in the back and was the reason I was in this situation.

Just the thought of my reality sent me into tears. I loved Damian like no other. He was my first boyfriend, my first love, and he took my virginity. I thought he would be my husband, and we'd get married, have a handful of children running around, and live a good life. He wasn't always this violent. When we first met, everything was perfect. Damian was everything to me, and I was everything to him, but things took a turn and haven't been right since. Now that I've finally broken free from him, I would never go back. I didn't care if I never found love again-I damn sure wouldn't go back to get it from him.

After wiping the tears from my eyes, I grabbed my wig brush from the passenger seat. I had to pull myself together before Bean pulled up. Although I was going through a lot right now, I damn sure didn't want to look like it. Good thing my lip wasn't too swollen. Damian had backhanded the shit out of me in the store, but this time, my face didn't swell. I would have hated to look Bean in the face with a swollen lip right after he saw me with a black eye a couple of days ago. The black eye was enough.

In less than fifteen minutes, the garage door opened, which made me jump a little. Just the sound of the garage door sliding up gave me anxiety. I kept thinking that Damian would burst through the doors and start shooting shit up. He was crazy as hell, so I expected the worst from him.

"Sup, gorgeous?" He eyed me up and down once he got out of his car and hit the alarm.

"Hey," I dryly said, and pushed my hair behind my ear.

"You didn't get out of the car after I hung up with you? I told you to make yourself comfortable," he said as he opened the garage door and held it to let me walk in front of him.

"Wow, this is dope," I said once I stepped into the kitchen.

The garage door led us straight to the kitchen area, which was warm and welcoming. The glistening chandelier looked like jewelry hanging from the ceiling. Like a big ball of diamonds on a chain. He had a white kitchen with a marble waterfall island right in the center and white designer bar stools. His taste had to be expensive because I had never seen a kitchen designed so nice and clean. You could literally eat off the shiny tile floor.

Damian and I weren't poor when we were together, and we lived an okay lifestyle, but it was nothing compared to what was in front of me. The ceilings throughout the house made me feel like an ant. The four-car garage with multiple luxury cars showed his lifestyle before I even walked inside. Bean was living it up, and his house décor was so dope and made you feel at home.

I moaned once my feet sank into the living room carpet, and I flopped on the couch. I had never felt carpet so soft in my entire life.

"Anything in particular you want to watch?" he asked.

"Nope, but I would prefer a Lifetime movie." I smiled a little.

This was definitely a getaway house. The house to make you forget anything outside even exists.

Bean flopped beside me on the couch and pulled out his weed and blunts.

"I had a long day today. I need to smoke," he let out after he exhaled.

"Tell me about it," I replied, having flashbacks of the things I had encountered that night.

"I'm surprised you showed up. I thought I was gon' have to stalk you," he joked.

"Actually, you did. How did you know I would be down at the lake? You had to be stalking me."

"On some real shit, ma, that shit was coincidental as fuck. I really do go out there to smoke and think from time to time. You just happened to be there. I'm glad I caught yo' ass, though. He made it happen for a reason."

"Yeah, everything sure does happen for a reason. Thank you again. I mean it. If you hadn't showed up, I would be on my way to hell right now."

"Nah, I don't think so. You don't seem stupid enough to drown yaself. I mean, I get it, muthafuckas go through shit, and we do stupid shit, but I know for a fact you wouldn't have pushed the gas, ma. You scary." He looked at me with the serious face.

"What? Wow, scary, huh?" I chuckled.

"Hell yeah. You should have seen the fear in your eyes when I walked up. You looked scared as fuck. I knew you weren't about to do that shit, and I'm glad you didn't."

"After what happened tonight, I wish I had," I said, looking down at the carpet.

"What's up? Talk to me, ma." Bean inhaled the smoke from the blunt.

I barely knew Bean, but I felt like I had known him for years. The vibe was just right, and talking to him felt like talking to a close friend. He'd already seen me at my lowest, and I do mean lowest, so I felt comfortable talking about what happened. It may seem weird since we had just met, but sometimes strangers have your best interest more than folks you've known your whole life.

"After we left the park, I started to follow you, but I had to stop to use the restroom. I ended up running into my ex-boyfriend on the way out, and let's just say things didn't go well. Once again, he put his hands on me and damn near killed me."

"Who the fuck is this nigga? What's his name?" he asked.

"Just listen, please. All I need is for someone to listen, just listen to me. I need to get this out before I run myself crazy." I became slightly frustrated.

"Aight, cool. I apologize, ma. I'm here to listen." He nodded his head.

"So, after he tried to force me to leave with him, the clerk intervened, and it got ugly. He shot him right in front of me. He killed him, and somehow, I got away. I don't know how because he's always had an advantage when I tried to put up a fight. I drove straight to the address you gave me without even thinking twice. So, I'm letting you know, in case the cops are after me, that I didn't have anything to do with that man getting killed. I know it will probably be on the news and everything, so I'm letting you know myself," I explained.

"You ain't got shit to worry about. Now, what's this nigga's name? I'm gonna make sure he never fucks with you again."

I hesitated before giving him Damian's name because I was scared. Damian had done the most devilish things to me, but I wasn't a killer like him. I didn't want to be responsible for him dying, because I knew karma would be knocking at his door in no time. The last thing I wanted to do was get in the way of anything God had coming to him. I knew if Bean was asking for his name, he wanted to do anything but talk to his ass.

"I don't want to put you in the middle of that. The good thing is, I got away from him, and I'm glad. Don't worry about my problems. How was your day? I know you must be going through it after all that happened with your sister. You feeling okay?"

"Yeah, shit is crazy as fuck. I wish I could pinpoint who shot my lil' sis, but until I do, I'm gon' sit back and let God bring it to me. He always does."

I swallowed hard. Each time Bean spit those words out, I always got nervous. It almost felt like he was talking about me, and he knew I had something to do with it. This shit was torturing the hell out of me. I had no business hiding something I didn't do. I had to stop being scared to air out Damien's dirty laundry, because if he already wanted me dead, he couldn't care less if I was killed for something he had done.

"Bean, I got something to tell you," I looked him in the face and said.

Right before I could open my mouth, his phone started ringing really loud on the kitchen counter.

"Hold that thought, ma," he said and ran to his phone.

I swallowed hard and pushed my hair behind my ear. My hands were sweating, and my heart was racing. I didn't know what the hell possessed me to come clean at that moment, and I didn't know if this would be the worst mistake of my life. This man could kill my ass right in this house, and no one would even know I had stepped foot in there.

"That was my Mom. She's up and can't sleep and shit. Had to talk her into lying back down. You know, even though I'm hurting like hell about my little sis, it's hard for me to show it in front of her. I gotta be there for her because I know I'm all she got. If my pop can't be there, I gotta be."

"She's lucky to have you around. Y'all are lucky to have each other, especially during a time like this. When I lost my mom, I was out here all alone. I was left to deal with the fact that I'll never see her again, all by myself. I ain't have nobody. I guess that's why I was always so terrified of ending things with my ex. Afraid to be alone. You guys are lucky to have each other. Grieving is difficult when you gotta do it alone. So, where's your dad? Is he still with your mom?" I asked.

"Yeah. They been together since high school."

"So, why isn't he there for her? You know what? I'm sorry. I'm being too nosey."

"Nah, you good. What's the point of getting to know each other if we can't talk about anything? Ya feel me? But to answer your question, he just doesn't show emotion like that. Don't get me wrong, he loves the ground she walks on, but he has a hard time showing it. Shit is complicated."

"I never got that. How can you love someone without showing them? My ex was big on that. He always told me he loved me, but he sure as hell didn't show it."

"I know my pops loves my mom. He was just raised in a house with his folks, who didn't know how to show it in an affectionate way, and that shit rubbed off on him. He provided and shit, and when it came to making sure the fam was good, he was always on point. But that nigga you been with was on bullshit. Any nigga who puts his hands on the woman he claims to love doesn't really love her. My pops and mom been together damn near thirty years, and I ain't never seen him hit her. That nigga is insecure and gotta learn how to love himself before he loves you."

"Damn, why does it feel like I've known you forever? I swear I've never been so comfortable talking to a person like this. I'm usually all shy or whatever, but with you, I don't know. It just feels like I've known you for a while."

"That's just the vibe, baby. Anytime real people are in the same room, you gon' get a real ass vibe. That's why I fuck with you. Since day one, it was something about you. I knew you was a real one."

"I know you gonna think I'm getting into your business, but are you seeing anyone at the moment? I'm only asking because I just got out of a bad relationship, and I really don't have time to be hanging out with someone else's man. Even though we aren't on any type of levels, I figured I'd ask right out the gate, so I won't get into another messy situation."

"If I had someone, you wouldn't be here, ma. I don't rock like that. I'm a grown ass man. The only thing you gon' get out of me is the whole one hundred, and I'm gon' expect that shit back. Keep it real with me, and I'll keep it real with you. It's that simple." He puffed on his blunt some more.

We continued to talk about everything imaginable. From childhood memories all the way to real life shit that we'd been through as adults. Bean and I shared so many similarities in how we were raised and how much our parents valued family. My parents did not play about us being a close-knit family, even though I was the only child. Every night, we ate dinner at the table and talked about our day. Bean's family did the same thing, and he even mentioned me going to his parents' house for Sunday dinner whenever his mom got well enough to do it. He made me feel so beautiful with his compliments on my smile each time I told him more about me. I just felt like I was talking to my best friend rather than someone I had just met a few days ago. Shit got real once he popped the bottle of champagne. The conversations got deeper. He was taking shots of Hen while I sipped on the Bellaire.

"Do you miss her sometimes? I mean, do you often think about her?" I asked after he mentioned his ex-wife.

"Hell, yeah. I miss everything about her, but I've accepted that she ain't coming back. Cassie was the love of my life. She was my everything, and because I lived a rough lifestyle, she was taken away from me," he vented.

"That's sad. I can't imagine," I responded, unsure of what to say after his sad revelation.

From what I understood, Bean loved this woman wholeheartedly and treated her like the queen I damn near begged Damian to treat me like. It's crazy because there I was, in a relationship with the man I thought was my soulmate, begging him to do exactly what Bean had no problem doing for Cassie. There really were some men out in the world who could love a woman the right way. That's all I ever wanted. I just wanted someone to love me unconditionally and to love them back. Instead, I gave Damian years of my life that I'll never be able to get back.

"Yeah, but I've learned how to move past it. It's my past, and I'm trying to build a future. Maybe you can be a part of that."

"I don't know about that, Bean. I mean, you are a nice guy, and surprisingly, I'm comfortable around you. But with me just getting out of a crazy relationship and you still dealing with the loss of your wife, I just don't know if all this is too soon or what," I replied.

"I respect that. Just don't forget what I said. I meant that shit." He took another shot of the liquor in his glass.

Damn, why the hell this man had to be so fine? Why couldn't he be unattractive? That way, my pussy would stop thumping each time he licked those smooth lips. I swear I never had a thing for light-skinned men until now. Bean was definitely giving come here, lil' mama. I want to fuck you, vibes. But I couldn't go that far with him, not yet. Well, at least that's what my mind was telling me. I was on this wine and forgot all about the crazy shit that was going on in the real world. I felt like I had escaped it all. Sitting in Bean's living room on his fancy furniture while my foot soaked in the soft, furry rug, I felt safe, and my mind was relaxed.

"Goddamn, baby girl. You drinking that wine quicker than my auntie can down a forty. You good?" he asked.

I almost spit my drink out, trying to hold my laugh because Bean was right. Every few minutes, my ass was pouring another glass. The more I drank, the better I felt, though. Little did he know, ya girl needed every ounce of what was in my cup. I had been through hell and back over the past few days, and I couldn't turn down the opportunity to wash those problems down, even if it was just for a few hours.

"What's wrong? You can't keep up?" I smirked at him.

"Shit, if I downed these glasses like you doing, my ass would be around this muthafucka laid out. I ain't trying to fall asleep, not while I got yo' pretty ass in front of me." He chuckled.

"You think so?" I asked and took another sip of the champagne.

"Think what?"

"You think I'm pretty?" I stared into his eyes like I was starring in a love scene on a soap opera. Butterflies ran through my stomach once he looked directly into my dark brown eyes, grabbed my chin, and stared some more.

"You are beautiful, ma. Look at you. You got that smooth chocolate skin, big brown eyes, beautiful body, and your teeth are straight. You ain't walking round here with Morton's foot or none of that weird ass shit."

"Wait, what the hell is Morton's foot?" I chuckled.

"When ya second toe is bigger than the big toe. That shit is ugly as hell."

I immediately looked down at my pretty pink polished toes and wiggled them. I burst out laughing once he explained what it was because what in the hell would even make him look at something like that?

"That's funny as hell! Why would that even matter?" I kept laughing.

"Shit, women with that shit are mean as hell."

"You are hilarious." I couldn't stop laughing.

"Stand up for me. I wanna see something."

I looked at him suspiciously and smiled. I was tipsy as hell, but I wasn't drunk, so I felt confident to stand up and poke my hips out without feeling like I would fall.

"Dammnnn, hell yeah! She got the bo legs!" he yelled as he stared me up and down.

"You like what you see?" I flirted.

"Do I? That ain't even a question, ma. That ain't even a fuckin question," he replied, looking at me like I was Sunday dinner.

I flopped back on the couch. The night was going so well, and I was having an amazing time with Bean. Although we were both going through a traumatic time, we had done nothing tonight but compliment each other and laugh. Those were the vibes I've always wanted with Damian. I just wanted to smile and have a good time. As I stated before, I wasn't a going out type of person. I was a more chill type of chick who would easily turn down a night with the girls just to enjoy vibes like this with someone I loved. Bean was damn sure a vibe.

"Thank you for inviting me over here tonight. I appreciate your company," I looked at him and said.

Bean didn't reply. Instead, he grabbed me by the chin and leaned in to kiss me. I passionately kissed him back.

We kissed for what felt like five minutes. It wasn't sloppy or rough. Bean took his time with me and gently matched his tongue with mine. With the way our tongues were locked, I wanted to hop on top of him and give him a piece of this pussy. He had me wetter than the ocean, and I was ready to ride the wave.

In the midst of us kissing, Bean tugged at my pants, and I reached down to unfasten them for him. I knew I had just met him and all that good stuff, but I was a grown ass woman who needed to be fucked at that moment. There was so much pressure built up inside of me, and I needed to let it out.

After I had gotten undressed and was down to my panties, Bean kneeled on the edge of the couch and spread my legs as wide as they would go. He slid his hand down my panties, and I promise you, I could have cum right then. Once he slid my panties off, he stopped to stare at my beauty.

"Damn, you got a pretty ass pussy," Bean complimented me.

I knew he wasn't lying because Damian would take all types of pictures of me and keep them in his phone to look at whenever he got horny and wasn't home.

It had been a while since I had any head from my own man, so I damn sure wasn't about to stop Bean from handling his business. My pussy was throbbing like hell while waiting for him to put his mouth on me. He put his head closer to my pussy, and I raised my brow when he stopped to smell it.

"I had to make sure that hygiene was on point. I don't play that shit, ma. If I'm gon' eat yo' pussy, you gotta keep that shit clean," he said with a straight face.

I wasn't the type of female to be walking around with a smelly vagina, and I never had a hygiene problem, so I knew I was good to go.

Bean used his right hand to part my pussy lips, and as soon as I felt his tongue slide across my pussy, I let out a moan. He pressed the tip of his tongue right at the bottom of my labia, where the two thick folds come together and curl around each other. His tongue flicked against me, and I rolled my hips, sucking in air because the feeling Bean gave me was so intense. He used his fingers to spread my pussy lips again, then moved his mouth up slowly, and flicked his tongue rapidly on my clit, damn near having me about to cum within seconds.

I didn't want to cum just yet. The feeling of his long, warm tongue was too enticing. I wanted this feeling to last forever. Rotating my hips around and around while rubbing the top of his head had me falling in love with his head game.

Bean took his tongue off my clit and licked around the folds of my pussy, teasing me and damn near making me go crazy. Each time he came close to licking my clit, I would move my pussy, forcing his tongue to brush against it.

Finally, he covered my clit then licked it up and down, causing me to squirm and moan. Bean stuck his tongue inside my pussy, and I heard him moan as he tasted every bit of my sweet juices oozing down to my ass.

"Oh, my God. Fuckkkk!" I moaned in pleasure while Bean ate the pussy like it was his last meal.

"Shhh. No talking," he whispered while he continued to feast.

I laid my head back and didn't say a word. His tongue flicked across my clit once more, causing me to squirm again. Every time he moved his tongue, my pussy would jump, and I became slightly frustrated because at that point, I needed to cum!

Bean took two fingers and inserted them into my pussy while he let his tongue work on my clit. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter.

"Oh, my god, Bean! I can't hold it! I'm about to cum!" I yelled.

"Cum for me, ma. Come for daddy," he whispered.

I grinded on his fingers while he sucked on my swollen clit, sending me into straight ecstasy. My juices oozed right out onto his fingers. Exhaling, I stared at Bean in disbelief. This man had just eaten the holy spirit out of my pussy. I'd never had head so good in my life.

I was dripping wet and could see his dick standing straight up. He pulled out a condom and wrapped it around himself. I didn't stop him because after that head, I knew his dick had to be good. So, I flipped over and put the deepest arch I could in my back.

My pussy was still throbbing, and my walls needed to be beat.

Bean put his dick inside of me, and my walls instantly gripped his dick. I could hear him moaning from the feel of my tight and wet pussy as he began to stroke.

"Damn, you got some good ass pussy," he whispered while grabbing me by the hair and continuing to fuck me from behind.

Bean had me bent over for at least ten minutes before I felt him getting ready to cum. He was fucking me like the savage he was, and my pussy enjoyed every minute of it.

"I'm about to cum again!" I moaned.

"Arghhhh, fuckkkk!" I heard him moan, and in less than five seconds, he came with me.

I flopped my naked body on the sofa and tried to catch my breath.


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