Mha react to The Scp Foundati...

By Gachamason682

189K 2.8K 782

The MHA universe is in for a real shock when they find out about a universe that has real God's, Monster's an... More

Superstitious foundation.
Scp 173.
Scp 096.
Scp 035.
Scp 049.
Scp 106.
Scp 682.
Scp 999.
My Scp Au explained.
Scp 131.
Scp 2295.
Scp The Little Misters.
Scp 058.
Boiled scrambled and fried. (Scp Tale).
Scp 208.
Scp 5031.
Scp 294.
Scp 1765.
Scp 811.
Scp 4715.
Scp 049 vs Scp 096.
Scp 053.
Christmas Chapter, Scp 4666.
Scp 2912.
Scp 3036.
to all the People who keep making Requests.
SCP O5 council, The Administrator, MTF's, Doctor's.
more about my SCP AU. (The O5 Council.)
Scp 001 The Prototype (Dr. Gears Proposal).
Scp 978.
Scp 914.

Scp 054 and Scp 457.

4.2K 69 30
By Gachamason682

"Ok, it's done." Zero said as the File finished Uploading.



OPENING FILE SCP-054 the "Water Nymph".

"Water Nymph? Like, the mythological Nereids from Greek mythology?" asked Momo.

"Pretty much." Zero said.

**Item #: SCP-054

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Subject is held in a watertight isolation room outfitted with specialized climate control equipment. An ornate fountain filled with water stands in the center of the enclosure. Maintenance personnel are required to wear NBC suits while inside the containment area and must spend ten minutes in a special drying room after exiting. In the event of a breach, the surrounding area should be evacuated and the enclosure flushed with liquid nitrogen.

The fountain's chemical levels and volume are to be monitored and maintained. Spring water from ████████ should be used as SCP-054 is highly sensitive to hydrological conditions. SCP-054 has developed a mistrust for human males during its confinement; thus, assignment of female personnel is recommended.**

Everyone was confused by this Information about the anomaly.

"Wait, why does it not trust Males?" Mina asked.

Zero stayed silent for a moment before sighing. "You'll see why in a moment..." He said.

**Description: Out of the water, the subject most often appears as a female humanoid with a mean volume of 90 L comprised entirely of water (other forms are possible, commonly geometric shapes). When it enters a body of water, it becomes indistinguishable from its surroundings.**

The image shown on Screen was that of a Woman made Entirely of water. She had long Watery hair and beautiful glowing white Eyes.

some of the class la and class 1b boys blushed at how Adorable she looked, but with Mineta, he of course was being Pervy over her.

"Wow...shes just as Beautiful as legends say Neriads would be..." Mineta thought, but Tsuyu Immediately slapped him with her Tongue.

**The subject must periodically return to a body of water in order to maintain its volume due to evaporation. Initially found in ████████, it was moved to Site-08 for further study. Subject was initially curious about Foundation personnel and seemed to enjoy interacting with maintenance staff and researchers, and mimicking their forms.**

"Huh, she seems Friendly so Far." Aizawa said.

**After a number of weeks, the creature apparently felt comfortable enough to remain out of the water during routine monitoring, though it retreated when attempts were made to study its composition.**

"what? Why?" Mina thought.

**SCP-054 is apparently composed of normal water, with no detectable differences compared to ordinary spring water from the same source. No thermal, electromagnetic, biological, or other phenomenon has ever been detected in its "body" that would suggest how it animates. Water lost by SCP-054 to evaporation exhibits no special properties when condensed.

Experiments with SCP-054 were halted following [DATA EXPUNGED] two researchers injured. After this incident containment protocols were updated. Subject thereafter exhibited signs of mistrust and aggression around male personnel (which made up the majority of the original research staff). Subject reclassified Euclid.**

Everyone was Shocked and aback by this Information.

"What the heck?! What happened?!" Mina asked.

Zero could only sigh. "You'll see soon enough..." He said sadly.

**Partial transcripts, Audio Journal 054-A:

Water loss experiment
"Subject becomes withdrawn and inactive when denied access to water. Its compact shape is theorized to reduce surface area exposed to evaporation. For the first few days it moved eagerly to greet anyone entering its enclosure, and behaved excitably. Possibly indicates an understanding by the subject that we control its access to water supplies. Subject ceased this behavior yesterday, presumably in recognition that no help was forthcoming."**

"Well, That makes sense." Momo said.

"Yeah, I mean, she is made out of water." Izuku said.

**Temperature extremes testing
"We got authorization to attempt sub-zero testing this morning. The subject became lethargic as the temperature fell, and froze completely after ██████. Spectroscopy of the ice crystal revealed no abnormalities. Ice chips were collected for study. This is in stark contrast to its behavior in the 95 degree tests, when it became aggressive and attempted to escape its enclosure."**

"So Her mood changes Whenever the temperature decreases or Increases? Interacting." Nezu thought.

**"We've submitted a work order to combine the climate control equipment with the subject's standard enclosure, as it has begun to resist efforts to transport it to experimental chambers with increasingly desperate behavior."**

Upon hearing this, Everyone felt a bit uneasy and unsure about how this Scp was handled.

"Huh, that is Concerning." Nezu thought.

**Memory and conditioning evaluation
"Subject has proven unexpectedly adept at navigating complex mazes and solving puzzles. Dr. Seskel has finally overcome the problem of 'motivating' the subject by the application of electrical shocks and/or silica desiccants. He joked that we should have it trained to fetch in no time, and after observing his methods I think he might be right. Note: subject to be allowed a 48 hour recuperation period; it seemed to be lagging in its progress at the end of the week's experiments."**

Everyone gasped at the action of the "Motivating" the Scp and were even more shocked that They had the audacity to say it was working. Their shocked faces then turned into glares and scowls

"What the Fuck?!" Bakugo yelled

"Aren't they supposed to be Researching the Scps, not hurting them?!" Momo yelled as well.

"That's not how you treat Someone! That's really disrespectful!" lida shouted while air-chopping.

"Arent they supposed to be Men of science that do research on Creatures And not take advantage of their positions and abusing it?!" Izuku thought out loud, gripping his notebook.

"I just hope that lady is all right" Recovery girl said worriedly.

"What's with that Guy?" Hawk said as he scratches his head, Very unpleased with the actions of this 'Dr seskel' Guy.

"Well, If you're asking me, i'd say that he's just some A**hole abusing his power." Mirko said angrily.

**Acid/base incorporation experiment [last log entry]
"I am starting with a 0.5 M HCl solution. I have no idea what will happen, but if this thing incorporates homeostatic mechanisms like I suspect then we should get some insight into how it maintains its form. Temperature in the enclosure has been lowered to 278 K to help control fifty-four's increasingly erratic behavior."**

"What!?" Everyone shouted.

"How is that Going to give them more information?!" Mina shouted.

"Yeah! this isn't getting information, This is being cruel!" Izuku shouted as well.

"why are they doing this to her?! She hasn't done anything wrong!" Uraraka yelled.

The Adults in the room were starting to get really fed up with all this 'Getting information' bullsh*t.

"This doctor is really starting to get on my nerves..." Aizawa said Frustrated.

"Agreed, that is Not a proper way to treat a Lady." Midnight said, really Starting to not like this Guy.

"Geez, This guy Makes me want to Beat the sh*t out of him!" Mirko said angrily.

**Incident report

"As soon as the acid touched the surface of the water SCP-054 Became incredibly distressed, it formed into the Shape of a Human face, Eyes widened, mouth opened in a Slient Scream of rage and pain, the Water turned so Aggressively that the Lid of the tank was Shaken loose Allowing it to escape the Boundaries of its Containment. The water then formed into 2 large hands Which shot out of the tank and grabbed the two Nearest researchers, pulling them into the Water and exposing their skin to the acid Now present there, Getting chemical Burns all over their body's."**

"Good, they deserve it!" The students thought.

**"As the two men Pulled themselves out of tank and their colleagues were busy helping them, SCP-054 Took on it's usual Humanoid form and Ran for the door, It then collapsed into a puddle, slipped under the crack In the bottom of the door And made its way down the hall. It was then apprehended Roughly 10 minutes after it's escape by a Team of Guards who Froze it using Canisters of liquid Nitrogen And then carried its icy body back into the Containment facility."**

"Geez, no wonder she attacked Those people! they were torturing her For no reason!" Uraraka shouted.

"Yeah! she was so Nice and they were just so Cruel to her!" Mina said. "Those Guy's got what was coming to them!

**Addendum 054-B: After five years with no incidents, subject rating has been downgraded to "Safe" on recommendation of Dr. ████████.**

"Well glad to hear There's at least one Person in this File That has Some common sense." Momo thought.

**"Experiments will resume under the auspices of biology unit E7. But this Time, the Subject's Boundaries are being Honored and it is allowed adequate time to rest and recuperate between experiments."**

"That's right, she should be treated with respect. Because she doesn't just take the form of a person, She also has feelings, thoughts and a will her own." jiro thought.

**"But Caution should still be exercised when interacting with subject. All use of punishment in order to motivate the entity has been suspended, as it has shown itself to be more than willing to cooperate if it is treated with respect."**

When the File ended, Zero turned to the audience, sighing before he did.

"Well, what do you think?" Zero said.

Everyone just stayed Silent before turning back at him with glares on their Faces.

"Why on Earth would you allow them to do such horrible Things to that Scp?!" Mina shouted.

"Yeah! i mean, She didn't do anything to any of you And yet you treated her like that?!" Uraraka yelled.

Nobody could see it, but Zero had a look of sorrow underneath his mask. "(Sigh) I understand why your upset about the Things we did to 054, but in our defense, She was the first anomaly that was actually kind to anyone and since every Scp that we had in the Foundation at that time were Vicious and Evil monsters we had to take Caution. I know it doesn't excuse the things we did to her, but I want you all to know that I'm not proud of the things I let happen to her, I know we shouldn't have jumped to conclusions but I guess we realized it too late..." Zero said sadly. "I apologize for allowing such a thing to happen."

After a minute of Silence, someone spoke up.

"It's ok Zero." Izuku said to him. "I Understand that you were just being cautious and wanted to make sure everyone was safe, It still doesn't excuse what you all did to her, but I can at least understand your reasoning." He then turned to the other's. "Please, Let's not be too Harsh on him ok? He wasn't aware of the Scp's intention And he just wanted to be Safe, Since they never had a Friendly Scp before. Plus it's that doctor we should be mad at, He was the one to suggest the experiments its his fault!"

After another Moment of silence, someone spoke up again

"I think we should at least be glad that 054 is Ok And is being treated better now." said Nezu.

"Still, it was a bad idea of you to allow Those experiments! She seemed so nice and you just kept hurting her!" Power Loader angrily criticized Zero.

"We truly are sorry for letting it happen..." Zero told him.

"Please don't blame him any longer... I'm sure he learned from That experience And We shouldn't make him feel more guilty about it than he already is." Izuku told the staff members.

"Accidents happen all the time, so I won't blame you too much for what happened," said All Might. "Like the principal said, it is at least good to hear that They are treating her better now!"

Zero smiled under his Mask. "Thank you everyone...for being kind." He said. "Btw, There's still another file I would like for you all to see and Trust me, this is going to be interesting."

Everyone Nodded in agreement and turned back to the TV.



OPENING FILE SCP-457 The "Burning man".

"The Burning man?" Izuku thought. "Mhm, I assume That means this Scp has something to do a Fire."

**Item #: SCP-457

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-457 is to be kept in a 5m x 5m chamber with no less than 22.9cm (9in) of cumulative fireproofing via various materials (asbestos cement, perlite boards) upon all surfaces and a blast-proof observation window with emergency blast shielding installed. The opening to the chamber must consist of at least two temperature-controlled and airtight chambers that may be sealed in case of emergency. SCP-457's chamber should be kept at high humidity with a drainage system installed in the floor, as well as a misting sprinkler system installed and running constantly, and emergency hoses capable of at least 2.1 MPa (300 psi) of water pressure.**

"Well, that should be expected." Izuku thought.

**SCP-457 is allowed a small structure upon the wall of its chamber that remains water-free, but only allows for minimal protection and preservation of form.

All personnel entering SCP-457's chamber should be wearing at least Class-A temperature-controlled, flame-retardant sealed suits, and enter in groups of three, with two members equipped with high-grade blast shields and emergency fire extinguishers. Personnel should only enter SCP-457's chamber in order to supply SCP-457 with its daily allotment of fuel material, or to examine and repair any damage to the chamber or sprinkler systems.**

"Fuel?" Mina asked confused.

"It will make sense later." Zero said.

**Should SCP-457 engage personnel in a hostile manner, it is to be controlled via emergency extinguishers and hoses until it retreats back to its safe chamber.

In the event that SCP-457 breaks containment, emergency sprinkler systems will be triggered and personnel will be supplied with extinguishers and blast shielding.**

"Well, that seems like the Type of appointment someone would use against the Creature like this." Mina said.

**Description: For all points and purposes, SCP-457 appears to be a sentient being composed of flame. SCP-457's actual composition is unknown,**

The Imagine they were shown, was that of a Man that appeared to be covered or made out of Fire and Flames.

"Woah, he doesn't seem like a Pleasant Scp." Denki said.

"So, this Creature is like a Fire version of 054?" Deku asked.

"Well, not really, just watch the video and you'll find out." Zero said.

**and has proven to be invisible and undetectable by any known means, but is shaped out by the flames it produces, often assuming a human-like form if given sufficient fuel to assume that size.**

"So it grows bigger if it drinks Fuel?" Nezu asked.

"Yes, Scp 457 is capable of growing in size whenever it drinks any Fuel." Zero Explained.

"Interesting." Nezu said.

**SCP-457's most rudimentary form appears to be that of a single flame, comparable in size to that of a matchstick. In this form, SCP-457 possesses only the simplest of directives and shows no signs of being unusual compared to any other flame beyond a penchant for suddenly flickering to burn human hands, and the ability to 'jump' to more flammable materials or other flames, which it then assimilates into its total form.**

"Well, that should be expected. I mean, it is living Fire." Mina said.

**As SCP-457 grows larger, it is able to assume more complex shapes, and its intelligence grows with size and fuel sources. SCP-457's method of intelligence is unknown, but upon reaching an approximately human size, SCP-457 almost always assumes a human-like form surrounded by and composed of flames.**

Deku started writing that down. "So not only does it grow in size, but it Also becomes smarter the bigger it gets..." he thought to himself.

**SCP-457 has been observed to communicate through writing letters out of its own flames, charring them onto the wall or other surfaces, and more rarely through speech, created via high-pressure, superheated air and the crackling and pops of flames. Once SCP-457 reaches an unknown threshold of size and fuel source, SCP-457 splits into two beings, and so on so forth. However, multiple beings of SCP-457 are aggressive towards each other, and will either attempt to consume or extinguish their doubles, especially if there is only a limited amount of fuel at hand.**

This information immediately caused everyone to become a little uneasy.

"Geez, hearing that remained me of 173..." Denki said.

"Well, at least they Attack each other when do that, so I don't Think we have to worry so much." Momo said.

**SCP-457's behavior is largely predictable, as its goals are simply to acquire larger sources of fuel and to spread. The danger of SCP-457 comes from its ability to increase intelligence with size, and apparent ability to learn and mimic behaviors.**

"Well, that's considering..." said Aizawa.

**This has led to it purposely damaging and sabotaging sprinkler systems and, in rare circumstances, set up relatively complex traps. It has also attempted to trick or reason with personnel to be released or have access to more fuel. Due to SCP-457's unique composition, variable intelligence, and uncooperative nature, its psychology may not be accurately determined in accordance with any human analogy.**

"Mhm...It seems like this Scp is more Cunning than we thought." Nezu said.

**SCP-457 was recovered in ██████, █████ in the summer of 2007, after multiple wildfires were attributed to it. It is unknown where or how SCP-457 initially formed. Investigation into the potential of SCP-457 being responsible for other major fires is underway.**

"So they currently Don't know where It came from." Momo thought.

**SCP-457 attacking a forest prior to capture, note increased size. Photo taken just before splitting threshold met.


An Interview between Doctor ████ and SCP-457.

Dr. ████: Can you speak, currently?

SCP-457: Yes.

Dr. ████: Good. Would you mind answering some questions?

SCP-457: [[No reply]]

Dr. ████: I'll take that as a no. How do you feel about being confined?

SCP-457: [[Crackling]] Dislike. No fuel. No air.**

Everybody was confused by this.

"What does it mean by that? Doesn't it already get enough fuel?" Denki said.

"It sounds like It dislikes the amount of fuel that the Foundation gives it." Deku Commented.

"Geez, how much Fuel does this thing want?" Said Sero.

**Dr. ████: We have provided you with adequate air and fuel to survive.

SCP-457: Can not burn. No fuel.

Dr. ████: Are you saying that you cannot grow?

SCP-457: Grow. Need. Must grow. [[457 moves about containment area as if searching]]**

"What the hell is this thing look for?" Bakugo asked.

It seems like it's looking for Fuel..." Momo said.

**Dr. ████: How do you feel?

SCP-457: Hungry.

Dr. ████: Do you feel anything besides hunger?

SCP-457: [[No answer, 457 approaches blast shielding separating it from Dr. ████]]

Dr. ████: How do you feel about humans?

SCP-457: They burn. [[457 moves closer to blast shielding, appearing to examine the window and Dr. ████]]**

A chill went down everyone's Spines as they heard that.

"Jeez, sounds like this Thing has so little respect for us." Mina said.

"So it only sees humans as a way to make it grow Bigger..." Izuku thought as he write that down.

**Dr. ████: How do you feel about fuel?

SCP-457: It burns. [[457 places a 'hand' upon the blast shielding to no effect]]

Dr. ████: Please move away from the window. Or we will be forced to reduce your size considerably.

SCP-457: [[No reply or signs of understanding. Does not move.]]

Dr. ████: ...How do you feel about water?

SCP-457: [[Emits a high-pitched scream of superheated air and presses body against blast shielding.]]**

Everybody was staring to get concerned at this Point, Cuz they didn't like where this is going.

**Dr. ████: Please move away from the window, or we will be forced to turn the sprinklers back on.

SCP-457: [[Backs away from the window, still screaming, hissing, and snapping.]]

Dr. ████: Do you understand that? Stay away from the window, and you will not be doused.

SCP-457: [[Quiets and remains still for several seconds before approaching window again, stopping several feet away.]]

Dr. ████: Do you understand?

SCP-457: Want fuel. Want air. Want burn. Want to burn. Want to burn. Want to burn. [[Repeats self, growing louder and beginning to move about containment area rapidly, apparently searching walls and ceiling for a way out]]**

"Okay, this thing needs to calm down!" Kirishima said.

**Dr. ████: There is not a way out, if you would please...what is it doing? Is it looking for a way ou-

[[At this point in the interview, SCP-457 managed to severely damage much of the sprinkler system and destroy a portion of the fuel injector that had been sustaining its intelligent form, giving it free access to several gallons of gasoline.**

Everybody was shocked at the Sudden turn of events.

"Well, that can't be good!" Said Mina.

"No kidding!" Said Sero.

**The interview transcript was recovered via security footage from before the blast. SCP-457's temporary breach of containment came from an exploitation of the sealant used to attach the blast shielding to the rest of the chamber. How SCP-457 managed to learn of and exploit this weakness is unknown, and it has since been moved to a higher-security chamber.]]**

"Now I can understand why this saying is so hard to contain." Denki said.

"Yeah, it appears to be more clever and smarter than anyone thought it would be." Momo said.

**Addendum 2: Due to the excessive resource requirements in keeping SCP-457 contained, locating a permanent renewable fuel source is currently a high priority. Proposals so far include, but are not limited to:

• Use of starch dust obtained from SCP-1689 potatoes.

• Use of SCP-124 to rapidly produce sources of bio-fuel.

Approval of one or more of these proposals pending review.**

"So are those Scp's gonna help with 457 obtaining Fuel?" Nezu said.

"Indeed." Zero simply replied.

**Cross-testing for SCP-457

Item: SCP-054**

Everybody was really Taken aback by the name of this Cross-test.

"What?! Why are putting 054 against an Scp like 457?!" Mina said shocked.

"Yeah! Don't you think putting Two elemental Scp's together is a bad Idea?" Asked Izuku.

"Yeah, that's exactly what we thought, but when we did the Test, Something unthinkable happened." Zero said.

"What do you mean?" Uraraka asked confused.

"Just watch and find out." Zero replied.

**Dr. ████: Bright, are you sure that scp 054 will be friends with this fiery scp? like its not possible for elements to mix!

Dr. Bright: look. its just a test. What could possibly go wrong?

Dr. ████: well, if your Right about this.

Dr. Bright: I'm always right!**

"Geez, Talk about it Irresponsible..." Aizawa grumbled.

**when Dr. Bright put SCP-457 in the containment chamber of SCP-054, The Anomaly frozen in place upon Sight of the Water Nymph. SCP-054 was singing a beautiful and Hypnotizing song that was Soothing and wonderful to listen to. SCP-457 just Stood there As 054 Continued to sing, unaware of the Anomalies presence.**

"Wait, it's not attacking her?" Mina said Confused.

"Looks like it." said Sero.

"But why?" Uraraka said.

**After 054 was done Singing her song, she stood up and faced the Anomaly behind her. Upon seeing it, SCP-054 waved at 457, which made 457 became Uneasy with each passing second, but somehow, 054 managed to calm The anomaly down And spoke in a language that No one could understand. but whatever it said, it managed to make 457 enter a Docile state. ████ and Bright we're concerned and watch in amazement as 457 put it's fiery hand on 054's arm.

SCP-457 didn't feel anything,**

Everyone was surprised by this.

"Wait, how is Scp 457 not being Affected by 054s water?" Momo asked.

"Well, we currently don't know the reasoning for that, it may have something to do with SCP-054's Anomalous abilities, but that's my Personal theory." Zero said.

**Bright and ████ were actually amazed to see these Elemental SCP's touching each other.

SCP-457: i.......feel......happy.......**

"It's seems to really enjoy her presence." Mina said.

"I know I would be..." Mineta said before getting smacked by Tsuyu's Tongue.

**For awhile, both SCP's remained content for Approximately 5 Hour's Before the Test was declared a success and Security force member's dragged SCP-457 away from the Room.

After Test Report:

When the Test was over, SCP-054 Was reported feeling lonely after 457 was dragged out of the Room and SCP-457 was reported feeling agitated by being away from 054.**

"So those two didn't like being separated?" asked Nezu.

"Pretty much." Zero simply replied.

"Is it weird that I'm starting to ship those do?" Mina thought.

**An Interview was then played out by Doctor ████.

Addendum █:

An Interview between Doctor ████ and SCP-457.

Dr. ████: How are you Feeling?

SCP-457: Lonely. [[457 moves about containment area as if searching]]

Dr. ████ : Really? How so?

SCP-457: Need her.

Dr. ████: Need Who?

SCP-457: Water.

Dr. ████: Are you referring to 054?

SCP-457: Need her. [[457 moves closer to blast shielding, appearing to examine the window and Dr. ████]]

SCP-457: With her. Felt something. Never before. Feel...Happy. Need her. Need her. Need her. Need her. Need her. [[Repeats self, growing louder and beginning to move about containment area rapidly]]**

"Yup, just what I thought, there's definitely a Romance between these Two~" Mina thought with her Shipping senses.

**After the interview, Dr. ████ committed that SCP-457 seems to become more docile when in the presence of SCP-054.

Daily meetings between the two Entities And these are Currently pending.**

After the video ended, Zero turned to the audience and said. "So what did you guy's think?"

"Well, it was Certainly interesting." Uraraka said.

"I still can't believe Scp 054 managed to calm down 457." Said Denki.

"Me nether." Said Sero.

"Yeah, it truly is Interesting to see, Considering how Scp 457 is. But still, It is good to know that there is good in Even the darkest of hearts, Which is something I wish I could say for some other anomalies..." Said Zero. "But at least most of them actually have hearts, unlike a certain Holiday ruiner..."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Uraraka asked curiously.

"Well, since it's almost the holidays in my Universe, I should Give you some insight about a certain Scp That has something to do with Christmas." Zero said.

This information Immediately caught everyone's attention.

"Really? Which one would that be?" Izuku asked curiously.

"I think It's best if I just show you all..." Zero said as he Uploaded the next File.

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