Goddess of Victory: Nikke - T...

By Knightkerching

20.3K 548 305

RC-1207, nicknamed Sev, was an elite clone commando who was part of Delta Squad during the Clone Wars. Shortl... More

1: The Infernal World
2: Corruption
3: Suspicions for The Hunter
The New Delta Squad
4: First Assignment
5: Hunter in Exile
6: The Hunt for Chatterbox
7: Elusive Opponent.
9: Rapi and the Hunter's antics

8: Out of Action

1.3K 46 21
By Knightkerching

Sev POV. 

My head felt numb after the transport ship got shot down and my vision was a bit blurry. I heard a female voice calling me as she held my body tightly. 

Marian???: "BA-01 down! BA-01 down! Please respond! We've been shot down! BA-01...! Useless piece of....! Commander, I can't get through the Ark!"

Sev: (Marian....???)

Marian???: "Commander... No! You're going into cardiac arrest."

Sev: (Cardiac arrest...??? AGAIN?!?!?!?!)

Marian???:  "A... AED...! AED! Charging...! Clear!"

Marian???: "Commander? Are you okay? Can you hear me? Smile if you can hear me."

I felt like hallucinating but I got my act together. After being fully conscious,  I was dragged by Rapi and Emma to safety after being rescued from the wreckage. 

Rapi: "Commander, Are you okay?"

Sev: "I-I'm fine... *Breathes deeply* Give me a sitrep."

Rapi: "The Raptures have surrounded the crash site and they are currently converging into our position."

Vesti: "There's a lot of them. We're almost surrounded."

Eunhwa: "Cover the east front. If they break through there, We would be in deep trouble."

I got up quickly and began organizing the line. Grabbing my DC-17m blaster rifle, I proceeded to the east front to plug the gap. Rapi was shocked as I proceeded to kill some Raptures as energy beams flew across my head. Some dented to my armor but my shields held as they were low-powered.

Eunhwa: "Commander! What are you doing?!"

I proceeded to single-handedly repel the advancing Raptures, going as far as to fight them in a melee to which the Raptures were unused. Dualwelidng my DC-17m blaster rifle and my vibroknife, I shot those I couldn't stab and bludged to death those stupid enough to come close to me. 

Sev: "Absolute! Cover the left! Delta! On the right!"

Rapi and Eunhwa: "Yes Commander."

Sev: "Mihara, on my double."

I proceeded to mount the autocannon in line of the sight to the center and proceeded to mow down thousands of Raptures. Scores of them were cut down as I supported Absolute, Wardress, and my squad by providing suppressing fire. 

Anis: "Commander! That place is too dangerous!!!"

Neon: "Master sure is crazy."

I ignored them as I proceeded to singlehandedly defend the center with little to no support. Despite the danger, I remained cool under fire as Rapture electro beams flew across my position. I'm Coruscant's wrath! And I will always be one! They couldn't help but admire me under duress as I showed them that I could stand on my own feet and not hold them back. 

Sev: "Anis! Vesti! Yuni! Concentrate fire on the walkers and armored units!"

Anis, Yuni, and Vesti target the armored Raptures as they go down in droves. However, I was starting to be pinned down while I started reloading the autocannon. My position is too exposed but I'm used to it since Geonosis. I remained level-headed despite what I had to be while knowing I would be shot at and one stray energy beam going through or around the shield could end it all. Even so, I will refuse to die not until I see my squad. 

Rapi: "Everyone, Cover the Commander."

I found the round belt next to the fallen debris and proceeded to reload it under fire. Just being on the battlefield with these scores of enemies, There's no way I can miss even if my eyes are closed. The battle raged for two hours until the Raptures were eventually forced to retreat. 

Mihara: "Amazing! We wiped them out."

Eunhwa: "Enemy neutralized."

Anis: "Is that... all of them?"

Sev:  "Asking for more? I can do this all day."

Anis: "You're crazy, Commander.  Though... Thanks for saving our asses back there."

Vesti: "Th-Thank you, Commander."

Eunhwa: "Tch! You're too careless. You do know that rash move of yours could you get you and us killed?"

Sev: "Don't talk to me! I take calculated risks. That's different from being rash. Now shut up and secure the area!"

I'm still pissed off how Chatterbox managed to escape as he knows something that they shouldn't know. Clenching my fists, He must know something about the Republic forces on this planet as I stabbed the fleeing Rapture with my vibroknife violently to vent my frustration. 

Emma: "Rapi!"

Rapi: "Emma. Long time no see."

I took a deep breath as I saw Emma hugging Rapi. She must have belonged to that squad before she was transferred to me. While they were busy talking, I proceeded to dissect the Rapture's memory core to know more about their whereabouts. 

Emma: "Hey, What's the big idea? You left the last time without even saying goodbye!"

Rapi: "...Sorry."

Emma: "Well, You seem to be doing well, and that's good enough for me. 

Rapi: "I... seem good?"

Emma: "Your expression has changed."

Rapi: "Me?"

Emma: "Yeah. So, Did you finally find it?

Rapi: "I'm not sure yet."

Emma: "Too bad. Either way, I just want you to be happy."

Vesti: "Ra-Rapi, How are you doing?"

Rapi: "Vesti."

Vesti: "Oh boy... The tears... here they come..."

Rapi: "I see you haven't changed a bit."

Eunwha: "That's enough chit-chat."

Rapi: "...Eunwha."

Eunwha: "Your reputation precedes you, Rapi. Every single time we meet, You're getting yourself into a different jam."

Anis: "Come again?"

Eunwha: "You act like the world is your playground, but all you're doing is making everyone's lives more difficult. Then again, That's typical of you, isn't it? I see you haven't changed much either. Either way, You're just as defective... that should be recycled for spare parts."

Anis: "Hey, Watch your mouth!"

Eunwha: "Butt out. Can't you see the adults talking here"

Anis: "Emm... Her character is no joke."

Emma: "There she goes again... I apologize for Eunwha's behavior. She doesn't take kindly to strangers."

Eunhwa: "Hey, stop talking nonsense."

Sev: (Chatterbox, You've learned too much about the Republic and me. I can't have that. Even in my death.)

Emma: "What, you can't tell me that's not the truth..."

Eunhwa: "Tsk!"

Sev: "Squad, Form up. We have to regroup at the nearby radio tower 10 klick south of our position. It's dangerous staying here since they knew exactly where we are."

Mihara: "Isn't it better if we stay here? We would stand a better chance in holding the line on this position."

Sev: "We're in a ruined state and we would be exposed to Rapture artillery. They would surely blast us to pieces after they regroup for a counterattack."

Eunhwa: "Rapture artillery? What rubbish are you talking about?"

Rapi: "Commander, There have been no sightings of any kind of Rapture artillery. No information has been confirmed about this you speak."

Anis: "Commander, I know you're crazy. But please don't make up-"

Sev: "You better find a foxhole to hide now in 3... 2... 1..."

A sudden series of explosions interrupted us as we proceeded to take cover from the incoming artillery strikes. I'm sure these Nikkes aren't always the brightest tools in the shed.

Eunhwa: "This is ridiculous! Where is coming from?!"

Sev: "This place doesn't offer much cover. Retreat towards the city. Fall back!"

Wardress, Absolute, and Delta squad retreated from the crash site as we raced towards the city. I was still wary they might ambush us and staying on the crash site is a suicide idea. 

Sev: "Squads, Sound off!"

Mihara: "Wardress, here."

Eunhwa: "Absolute, unscathed."

Rapi: "Delta squad, all combat ready."

I then proceeded to contact Shifty to ask for another airlift to get us out of this place. We can't afford to fight in prolonged pitched battles, especially when we're at a disadvantage and exposed. Moreover, We're outgunned and outnumbered. It didn't take long for us to get to the radio tower as I made contact with the Ark.

Sev: "We'll make our stand here. Wardress, Absolute, Evaluate sector."

I then proceeded to slice through the communications array console and I successfully managed to establish contact with the Ark. 

Sev: "Delta Squad to Ark, Requesting another evac now! Popping smoke to mark our location."

Shifty: "Commander, What happened? We lost contact with you for four hours."

Sev: "Raptures shot down our transport and Chatterbox escaped. We're holed up on this second radio tower. Can we get a transport out of here?"

Neon: "There's a helipad here, Master."

Shifty: "I hear you, Commander. The transport ship will be arriving soon. ETA 5 minutes. What exactly did you do to cause this much chaos?"

Sev: "Are you dumb? Can't you use your brain once to think why? We got attacked after Chatterbox escaped and we're being pursued by Raptures who are after his memory core."

Shifty: "Calm down, Commander. You don't have to be so angry and direct it towards me."

Ingrid: "What did you say?!"

Sev: (Great... It's that high-strung and demanding mongrel again. I don't know whose worse. Her or Syuen.)

Ingrid: "I will ask again. What did you do to cause all of this?!"

Sev: "You could say I dissected Chatterbox's brain while he was unconscious and installed any crucial information on a hard drive. Can't install all of it since the hard drive is full and a memory core from one of the commanding Raptures can tell you something."

The Nikkes, Ingrid, and Shifty all looked at me with stern expressions and this was strange for me. If this is from the Republic, I might earn myself a medal or two. For a government fighting an enemy more than that of the whole duration of the Clone Wars, They're doing a bad job and the command system is nothing less of a... FAILURE! 

Anis: "Y-You did what?!"

Mihara: "So that's why you had your knife earlier."

Yuni: "Hehe~ I didn't think you were this creative in inflicting such pain."

Eunwha: "Tsk! You are a lunatic! You just painted a huge target for us for that?!"

Sev: "You have room temperature IQ? Huh?! Of course, They will do anything to make sure that what I have never reached you. What should I do? Huh?! Fight blind with my hand tied on my back? No wonder you all lived underground like rats for a century. Wasting bullets on Raptures without knowing their objectives and whereabouts."

Everyone was surprised at my answer to the point that Eunwha was taken aback by my answer. Anis, meanwhile, was laughing her ass off. I was pissed off at the Raptures at this point that they gave me another reason why I should genocide them.

Anis: "Told you! I told you! The Commander doesn't give zero tolerance for an Emo such the likes of you."

Neon: "Master, I didn't expect that. Were you always talking like that?"

Vesti: "Well... Umm... If he knows how Raptures behave and intel about it... Could it be?"

Sev: "I see the transport ship. We're going in. Squad, Form up!"

Eunwha: "Tsk!"

Scene Change, Ark, 3rd Person. 

As soon as Absolute, Wardress, and Delta Squad returned to the Ark, Troubles began immediately upon arrival. Enikk, the supervisory AI that maintains order and stability throughout the Ark, casts judgment on the Sev and the Nikkes that accompanied him on an unauthorized mission and brought an excess number of Nikke. 

Enikk: "First, You went to the Ark carrying out an operation without prior report."

Sev: (You moron! Syuen jammed all comms and prevented us from making contact with anyone.)

Enikk: "Second, You brought five Nikkes with you, far more than necessary."

Sev: (Tsk! After fighting the one of chief lieutenants of the Raptures, I'm sure three Nikkes are enough. No wonder you all never won this war.)

After Enikk casts her judgment, Sev gets off lightly with a 2-day ban from missions, as he brought invaluable intelligence and the mission he undertook was for the benefit of humanity. The Nikkes don't get that much mercy. Rapi and Mihara, leaders of Counters and Wardress respectively, are sentenced to memory erasure for taking these missions despite knowing they were unauthorized. This was done separately without Sev's prior knowledge of the judgment on her squadmates.  Judgment rendered, Enikk declares court adjourned.

Sev was fuming as he was sitting on his heels and he felt played off by Syuen. On the first day,  Sev pushed himself to the point of daily exhaustion, often collapsing into his bunk at the end of training, without any Nikkes to make sure he stood a chance against the Raptures if would operate alone. Using his Verpine Shatter Gun and vibroknife, He slaughtered all Raptures the simulation without remorse and often came out on top despite the odds. 

On the second day, Sev decided to have a break as he wanted to visit the recently opened Cafe Sweety. Andersen left an envelope on the table and Sev decided to read the letter. 

Sev: (To Sev, Here's your payment for your services. Sorry about the ban on missions for you. But, Don't worry. Use the downtime to explore the Outpost. If you would excuse me, I have a meeting in five minutes... Andersen... What did you send me this time?)

He cautiously opened the envelope and he saw a shiny credit card-like currency. Sev nearly lost his mind and was confused as to why he had been given such currency. For the first time, He had money of his own. In his days serving the Republic, He never held a single credit for his own and could only see or hold it. 

Sev: (Wh-what is this...? I do need some coffee after this. I suppose I will find out how much is inside it.)

Sev took the credit card and proceeded to Cafe Sweety on foot. He could see various Nikkes in the area and the place operated sort of a semi-operating forward operating base filled with luxuries to entertain some Nikkes. When he arrived at Cafe Sweety, It was not the cafe he initially expected.

Sev: "What the..."

Milk: "What's this, you ask? It's a coffee vending machine."

Sev: "If you would excuse me, I'll just get one."

Milk: "Well then, We got three drinks on the menu. Sugar Coffee. Milk Coffee, and Cream Coffee."

Sugar: "C'mon, just relax! You're our first customer, so have some Sugar Coffee on the house."

She then gave the hot sugar coffee that Sugar was holding to Sev. 

Sugar: "Taste it and tell us about it"

Milk: "Just a sip."

Sev: "How much would I pay for this?"

Frima: "Yes. Try. Then pay."

Without hesitation, Sev turned around and raised his helmet for a bit to drink the hot sugar coffee. Frima, Milk, and Sugar can't believe to hear Sev gulping the hot coffee like it was nothing. 

Sev: "This is... the best coffee I tasted so far!"

Sugar: "So it doesn't kill humans. Good to know. Then Nikkes must be able to drink it as well."

Frima: "Nice. Sell it."

Milk: "I told you it'll be fine!"

Sev then gave the payment to the delight of Cafe Sweety. He didn't care much about them though, Sev just needed a coffee to cool his temper. 

Milk: "Now, Time to divvy up the shares. It's my idea, so I get the lion's share."

Sugar: "I should get 40%. I'm the one who got the vending machine."

Milk: "You must be pulling my leg! Who gave you the idea to sell coffee using a vending machine in the first place? Me! So I get 40% of the cut!"

Sev: (Why did I even bother?)

Frima: "Objection."

Milk: "Why?"

Frima: "Me. Leader."

There was a moment of silence as Milk and Sugar looked tensely at Frima.

Milk: "Well well, aren't you something? You didn't even lift a finger and you're proclaiming yourself as a leader? You lazy oaf!"

Sev: (Milk is a feisty and loud one.)

Sugar: "There's no other way." 

To Sev's surprise, Sugar draws her weapon and aims it at Milk while he's sipping his coffee. 

Milk: "What, You wanna make something out of it?!"

Milk also takes out her gun and aims it on Sugar and Frima does the same. It was a Mandalorian standoff; a confrontation in which neither side could win.

Sev: "Stop."

Milk: "What is it now?!"

Sev: "Can I have another one? You'll go out of business if you do this here and destroy that thing keeping your little enterprise afloat."

Milk, Sugar, and Frima looked dumbfounded at Sev. Everyone holsters their weapons back like it was nothing as Milk reverts back to her calm self and asks Sev's order. 

Milk: "What is that you like?"

Sev: "A Milk Coffee."

Milk: "Good choice. One hot milk coffee coming right up!"

Milk then proceeded to the vending machine and happily gave him a Milk Coffee.

Milk: "Here. This is the best Milk Coffee you'll ever have that the Ark can't beat."

Sev continues to drink his new milk coffee. 

Sev: "You may continue."

Milk: "With that out of the way, We'll settle this using rock-paper-scissors."

Frima: "No. Pure chance."

Milk: "Well, What then?"

Sugar: *Looks at Sev* "You got any ideas?"

Sev: "How about this? Since your names are strangely related to drinks that you have, That would be your guide."

Sugar: "Guide?"

Milk: "Spit it out. I don't have the time nor the brain to delve into it."

Sev: *Sighs* "If the customer buys Milk Coffee, That money goes to you, Milk. If someone buys Sugar Coffee, You know what I mean. I bet someone such as the likes of you will now be able to understand."

Sugar: "Earn what you sell... not bad."

Milk: "You're very smart, Commander."

Frima: "Acceptable."

Sugar: "Alright then, That's the rule from here on out."

Just then, Sev recieved a call from Anis. 

Anis: "Commander, Rapi is here and we'll be going out on a mission again."

Sev: "Good. More Raptures. More kills."

To be continued....

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