Stockholm Syndrome | Monkey D...

By MorganGiles3

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This is a modern AU there will be no devil fruit abilities. The unknown lady chuckled, "No, no," She cooed... More

Trigger Warning!
Chapter Two: Hurt

Chapter One: The Horror Begins

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By MorganGiles3

It had been months. Luffy has been feeling like he's being watched for months, but every time he looked there was nothing he didn't understand what was happening.

"Zoro, I'm serious I feel like someone is watching me!" Luffy yelled, angry that none of his friends believed him. He was overwhelmed and felt crazy. I know it's real, I'm not making this up!

"Okay, say someone is watching you, why?" Zoro responded. His voice sounded as tired as he felt and he was annoyed Luffy kept bringing this up. "Why would anyone in the world watch you, of all people?"

"I don't know!" Luffy whined, "It's freaking me out..." He whispered, voice tired. He knew he wasn't the most attractive person his friends made that very clear. So, why would anyone watch him? He has nothing to offer them, he's not good-looking, and; he's not very smart either.

Huffing in annoyance, he slammed his locker shut, getting ready in a changing room for P.E.

"So? There is no reason to overthink not shit goes on in this town." Zoro reasoned, waiting patiently for his friend to get done.

"You're probably right," Luffy sighed, quickly leaving the changing room. "It just makes me uncomfortable feeling this way, and sure I could defend myself if anything happens, but it's annoying feeling like this all the time."

Zoro nodded, agreeing. "C'mon, Shanks is probably gonna beat us into the ground since we're late."

Luffy shuddered, scratching the scar on his cheek. "Yeah, yeah, let's go."


Luffy needed help, and he needed help badly. The boy was injured, bleeding out with a slash across his chest. His friends disappeared, and he doesn't know where they are.

Oh, right, they're at the mall. I'm supposed to meet them. Luffy thought, grasping at his wound, breathing heavily in pain.

"Please, someone help me," Luffy called as he couldn't do anything else. The attacker remained unknown to him.

Luffy heard footsteps as someone walked closer to him, and a beautiful, tall, black-hair female walked up to him in concern. "What happened? Are you okay?" She asked as she walked closer to the injured boy.

Luffy grew tense as he didn't trust this lady, "Yeah, I'm okay," He responded, trying to look closer at her.

"Don't worry, I want to help you, and we can help each other. I understand how hard it must be, but I will help you. You can trust me, okay?" The lady responded, squatting down to his level with a small smile.

This is too good to be true, Luffy thought, avoiding eye contact with the unknown woman. How'd she get here so fast? I got attacked no more than a minute ago.

"Okay," He whispered. His dark brown eyes clashed with bright red ones. The lady smiled as she picked him up with ease, her hands slightly shaking, her red eyes scanning the area.

Luffy was shocked she could lift him like he weighed nothing, and that sinking feeling of dread crept up his stomach again. "Where are you taking me?" Luffy asked as he was starting to panic when they passed the hospital.

His question remained unanswered, and after the feeling of something pricking his skin, he was out cold.

When he awoke, he was in a dark room, a metal feeling against his wrists. Luffy panicked, worry blurring all his thoughts together in endless confusion, and he felt like throwing up. "Oh, you're awake," A voice said.

Luffy glared at where the voice was, putting his worry in the back of his mind and facing the enemy before him. "Who are you?!" He yelled, trying to move toward the voice with no success as the sounds of chains snapping together echoed around the dark room. His heart sped as he began realizing his circumstances.

"Ah, my name?" The voice chuckled a dark, eerie chuckle. "That's not important,"

Luffy was scared out of his mind. Why me? He thought.

The voice flipped a switch, causing the room to light up, the light flickering now and then. The black-haired lady was standing before him. "Your wound is all wrapped up, so you're welcome," She said, clapping her hands together happily, "I was worried."

Luffys eyes widened as he took in his surroundings. The bed he was laid against was old and smelled of rot. The floor creaked as she walked closer to him. His eyes shook in fear, he had never experienced something like this before, and it was horrifying. I have been good, I haven't done anything wrong, right? Is this just some fucked up prank from my friends?

"This isn't funny. Stop this prank," Luffy demanded, his voice wavering in fear as she kept coming closer. Sweat dribbled down the side of his head, and he gulped. "T-this isn't funny anymore..." He said, almost begging for this to be some fucked up prank.

The unknown lady chuckled, "No, no," She cooed, leaning closer to him, their faces almost touching. "This isn't a prank."

Luffy held in a whimper of fear, he is just a high schooler. He fought now and then, but had never been in a life-dangering situation like this. "TAKE ME HOME, GODDAMNIT!" Luffy yelled, smashing his head into her nose.

The woman stumbled back, holding her nose as blood seeped through her fingers, a hard glare on her face, contorting it. "FUCK!" The lady yelled, grabbing at the doorframe. "Do that again, I fucking dare you, I know where your friends live." The lady growled, her red eyes seeming to glow a little brighter.

Luffy froze, his friends. He wasn't crazy. She was watching him. His body trembled in fear, his stomach churning in horror. "Leave my friends out of this." He demanded, glaring right back at her. Luffy would not allow her to hurt his nakama.

"Oh, I don't want to~" She cooed, regaining herself and stepping towards him again, "I will if you try to leave, and I will if you so much as fight me. I assure you. I would probably start with the annoying bitch who kept hitting you." The lady said, pushing him further on the bed.

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Luffy screamed, ripping his throat and hurting his wound. "DON'T HURT NAMI! PLEASE DON'T HURT HER!" He cried, "Please..." He begged, his tears falling from his eyes like waterfalls.

The girl frowned, "She shouldn't mean that much to you; only I can mean that much to you." The lady scowled, smashing his head against the headboard, causing him to yell out in pain. "YOU'RE MINE!" She screamed, smashing his head again and knocking him out.

"FUCK!" She yelled, slamming the door, quickly locking it.


When Luffy awoke, his head throbbed, and his bandages needed to be redone, but he didn't think she was going to do it for him. "What did I do to deserve this?" He whispered, tears pouring from his eyes. He was lost and didn't know what to do.

It has been hours, and the mystery lady has yet to return to him. Has she left me here to die? Luffy thought, panic settling like a weight on his chest. I have to get out of here. He quickly looked around the room he is trapped in, noticing a TV in front of the bed playing a news channel of some kind. There was a dresser on his right side, pushed up against the wall right by the bed. There was nothing else close by.

ignoring the TV, he decided to try to open the dresser. Slowly, he moved, his gash aching with every tug of his body, blood staining the gauze.

"Here in the town of grandline, a nineteen-year-old boy has gone missing..." The TV blared, stopping Luffy in his tracks as he slowly turned around to find his face on the screen. His heart dropped.

"It has been two days since anyone has seen or heard from him. His name is Monkey D. Luffy. If you have any information, please call XXX-XXX..." The news reporter continued.

"What?" Luffy whispered in shock, "Two days?"

"Son, if you're seeing this, please come home, I'm sorry I was mean to you the last time I saw you. I'm so sorry, please, I'll be better," His father, dragon, stated, looking at the camera and directly into Luffys soul.

"He thinks I ran away..." Luffy gasped, his hands shaking as he tried to reach up to scratch his scar. "Dad, I didn't run away; please find me..." He whispered.

Throughout Luffys life, his father was mean to him, mostly because of his mother's leaving, but he never really took it personally. Hearing his dad begs him to come home destroyed him.

"Monkey D. Luffy was last seen wearing a red cardigan with jean shorts, a yellow wrap around his waist, and a black trenchcoat. He was last seen by his friends while walking on the street close to a mall..." The reporter continued.

Luffy gulped, looking at the clothes he was wearing, "I'm not crazy." He mumbled, lightly dragging a hand down the side of his waist as the chains clinked together, his eyebrows furrowed and a frown upon his lips. "This is happening to me..."

The tears once again returned to his eyes, the reality finally hitting him. He didn't know where he was, who the lady was, or how far away he is from home. He wasn't in control, and that scared him. Luffy was so afraid.

The door creaked open slowly, causing him to snap his head up instantly as the lady finally returned. "Good, you're awake." She hummed, her black hair swaying as she walked closer to him.

Luffy said nothing, glaring at her angrily as his head continued to throb in pain.

"Oh, don't give me that look." She said, an evil glint in her eyes and a blush on her cheeks. "I see your bandages need redoing,"

He gulped, his eyes starting to shake in fear, analyzing every part of her as she approached, "Stay away from me." He demanded, his voice strong beside his shaking hands and labored breaths.

The lady stopped, looking him up and down in annoyance, "Shush, let me treat you."

Luffy moved as far away as he could, despite being trapped on the bed, the chains clinking together harshly, "No, let me go. I want to go home." He responded, his voice rough from the lack of water.

The lady shrugged, rolling her eyes, "Do you want to die?" She asked, genuinely curious. If she doesn't address his wounds, he will die.

His breathing stopped, and his hunger struck. He hasn't had anything to eat or drink for two days, his wound his open, and his head ached. Luffy groaned quietly as the pain hit him.

"Do you want food?" The lady asks, tilting her head, a caring look in her eyes.

"No, I don't want anything from you, I want to go home." He stated the glare on his face.

The lady sighed in exasperation, rolling her eyes. "Oh, shut up," She demanded, her tone as annoyed as she felt, "I'm going to patch you up and give you food, and you are going to eat it."

Luffy groaned as his head pounded, not responding to her. He was too hungry and in much pain to respond, his body aching. "Why can't I just go home?" He questioned quietly, his tears falling from his eyes as he began to shake with quiet sobs. "I just want to go home..."

The lady frowned, seeing him cry, "You are home." She said, "This is your new home. Isn't it wonderful?" She beamed, a happy smile on her face, "You and me, together forever doesn't that sound so nice?" She asked, leaning closer to him.

Luffy cried harder, his body trembling as the sobs racked his body. She's crazy, he thought, I don't want to be here anymore... I want to go home.

Her black hair swayed as she moved closer once again, grabbing the medical supplies from the suitcase she had brought with her, "Now, now, it's okay." She cooed, gently patting him on the head. "You will start to love it here, I promise." She continued, her voice sounding slightly entranced at the thought, her eyes shaking with excitement.

Luffy didn't know what to say. There was nothing he could say. Even if he tried, the words wouldn't form correctly, and they would come out a jumbled mess of nonsense and fear, sounding desperate and pleading.

Ignoring his silence and not asking for consent, she gently cut his bandages off and ran a hand down his torso, a small, creepy smile appearing on her face. This is what she had wanted for so long, and here it was, sitting before her in a mess of blood and tears, crying for their new family. Crying in happiness for all of the love she had shown him. She traced her hands down his abdomen, gently caressing his body like he was made of glass.

"W-what are you doing?" Luffy stuttered, fear rising in his voice. Panic danced frantically in his eyes. He tried moving away, but the chains kept him tight on the bed. "Stop." He said.

Ignoring him, she continued, moving her hands lower, close to his waistband.

"STOP!" Luffy screamed, scared, and traumatized by everything that happened. "Don't touch me." He begged, pleading for the lady to stop, but she didn't.

"Come now," She responded, setting the medical supplies to the side with her free hand, "Isn't this what you want?" She smiled, her eyes deranged and her teeth white and sharp, "Look," She said, pointing to his shorts where a bulge was sticking out, "You want this just as much as I do, don't be ashamed. There's nobody around for miles." She chuckled, running her free hand through his black locks.

Luffy trembled, hating his body for betraying him and feeling disgusted at himself. "No, no, no, I don't want this. I don't. I don't. Please stop." Luffy stammered, shame-filled tears falling down his eyes. "Please stop. I won't fight anymore. I won't, I promise." He begged, vomit rising in his throat at the thought of what she would do to him.

The lady paused, seeming to think about his offer, before slowly and carefully removing her hand from underneath his shorts, her other hand still going through his hair. "Okay, I will wait for now," She said reluctantly. "I won't wait forever," she warned him before once again grabbing the medical supplies and getting disinfectant wipes, wiping over his chest calmly.

Luffys heart raced in relief, the body still shaking like a leaf in fear, happy she stopped. He was so scared, watching as she moved her hands on his body as she cleaned him, worried she will change her mind and continue to assault him. His thoughts raced with the thought of escape, not knowing how he would. I'm not smart. How could I even possibly hope to escape? No, stop it. You can do it, just think, goddamnit, think!

The lady hummed a calming tune as she assessed his wounds. Smiling happily, she watched her hand run over his body with the disinfectant wipes. Gently she removed the wipe and looked at the wound, noticing she had to sew it up. "I apologize," She said, looking up at him apologetically, "It seems I have to sew up your wound, or you're going to die."

Luffy gulped, his blood flowing from the wound heavily, making him feel weaker by the minute, wondering how he didn't notice this before. Shakily, he tried to touch his chest, hissing in pain as the chains snapped him back on the bed. I can only go so far...

The lady grabbed some black gloves, quickly putting them on, "Goodnight." She said, covering his mouth with a rag that stunk of some chemical, "I don't wish for you to feel pain." She whispered.

When Luffy woke, his wound was again wrapped up, his head ached more than before, and he felt groggy and gross. "I wish I could take a shower." He whispered. His chest was stabbing with pain, coursing through his body like lava, untamed and violent. He is so tired, and everything in his body hurts. His throat was raw, and his stomach gurgling in hunger.

Ever so slowly, he reached his hand to the draw of the dresser next to him once again, the sound of metal dragging against wood causing him to wince in pain as the sound pierced his ears.

His heart raced in his chest, begging for the mystery lady not to return yet, begging for freedom. His hand shook as he slowly opened the draw, pulling it as quietly as possible. He lifted his head to see if there was anything in it, only to find an envelope.

"What?" He whispered, inwardly cursing at himself as his throat flared with intense pain. He grabbed the envelope, gently bringing his hand back so as not to cause more pain to himself.

Curiosity got the better of him, and he opened the envelope. 

Pictures, there were pictures, hundreds of them—all of Luffy. Every single image was of him. Luffy gasped, a hand barely reaching his mouth as sobs again wrecked his body. "What the fuck..."

Bile was rising quickly in his throat, burning as it grew. Not wanting to vomit on his already disgusting form, he leaned over the side of the bed, heaving all over the rotted floors.

When did she take these? How long has she been following me? What the fuck is happening? His thoughts raced with numerous questions. Sweat fell from his skin as he panicked. Does she go to my school? I'm not crazy. Why did nobody believe me?

"The search for Monkey D. Luffy continues..." The T.V. blared, scaring Luffy as he whipped his head at it, pain rushing through his body as his arms yanked against the chains. How long have I been missing?

Luffy's thoughts continued; I could've beaten my attacker. Why am I so weak? Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? Fuck!

"Luffy," The voice cut all his thoughts as he recognized Zoros's voice through the television. "I'm going to find you, I promise."

Luffy's heartbeat slowed. He trusted Zoro. He would be found. I'm going to be okay.

"Monkey D. Luffy has been missing for a week, his father and friends are desperate for answers, and the search party continues..." The voice trailed off.

"A WEEK?" Luffy yelled, shock and fear in his voice. Why don't I remember? How has time gone by so fast?




Footsteps. The lady was coming. She was coming for me; she was going to kill me. I'm going to die. I vomited all over the floor. She's going to murder me. Luffy scrambled back into place on the bed, fear shuttering his being. I'm going to die.


"Here, take a sip of this water..." The lady said, cooing as she pushed away his hair, "It'll make you feel better."


What? Luffy froze; she gave me water. When? Why did I just now remember it? His eyes widened in realization. She drugged me. I forgot she drugged me.


The door opened.

"Oh, dear, what a mess you made." The lady tsked, holding a plate of assorted meats. Her voice was unnervingly calm. Luffy glanced at her in shame, scared of what she would do. "Don't worry. I was planning to move you to a different room anyways." She chuckled.

Luffy looked up at her in surprise. Hope started to fill his eyes. He could make a run for it. "What?" He whispered, his voice raw and throat tender. His stomach growled at the smell of meat. "Is... is that for me?" He asked, worry filling his voice at the prospect of her taking it away.

"Yes, this is for you, sunshine." She responded, a sharp-toothed smile on her lips. "You've been so good; I had to reward you."

Luffy gulped, thinking of eating the only thing on his mind, hunger blinding him. "I've been good?" He whispered. Nobody had ever told him that or even told him they were proud of him.

The lady hummed, nodding her head happily, "Yes!" She exclaimed, causing Luffy to flinch in fright, scared he had said something wrong. "You haven't tried to escape and have been so sweet to me." She said, her voice filled with love and delusion.

Luffy didn't remember being sweet to her.

"Now, eat this. You look so frail." She said, worried. It almost sounded like she wasn't the one who caused him to look this way; she was.

Luffy ignored what she said to focus on the food. "I can't eat." He whispered, tears gathering in his eyes as he realized his predicament. The chains were too tight, and he couldn't lift his hands far enough to reach the food.

"Now, now, don't cry. It'll be okay." The lady said, reaching into her pocket and grabbing the key, "I'll unlock your chains, but if you try to run for it, I will kill one of your friends." She threatened—a menacing glare on her face.

"I won't, I won't, I promise," Luffy reassured hurriedly, fear striking his heart in a painful stab and looking at her with pleading and truthful eyes.

"Alright," She nodded, gently reaching for the lock, unlocking it, and placing the key back in her pocket. "There you go," She whispered, a greedy look in her eyes as she looked at Luffy. She wanted him but would wait until they got to his new room.

Luffy hurriedly stood, walking toward the food, stumbling and leaning against the wall, nausea gripping his insides as he vomited again. The lady backed away quickly, not wanting vomit on her trenchcoat. "I-i'm sorry," Luffy whispered, shame and regret filling his voice. He didn't want her to take his food away. "Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The lady chuckled, "Don't worry, it's okay." She shushed, pulling him lightly towards her, steadying him. "Let's take you upstairs, hm?" She hummed.

"Okay." He responded, his words slurred with the pain of his body. He is so hungry. So, so, hungry.

Luffy hesitantly nodded, his legs feeling like jello, chest aching in pain. He reached up to his wound, rubbing it lightly to ease it up. His arms weighed like stones on his body, having not moved them for a week. His muscles dwindled, and he wasn't as in good shape as before.

The lady gently took his hand, holding the assortment of meat in the other as she walked him up the stairs. Luffy leaned against the surrounding walls to help him walk, his body barely working with him. No, the lady didn't trust him not to try to run away, but she knew he needed to eat, and she couldn't stand the smell of vomit any longer.

Luffy breathed heavily, his chest shaking as he walked up the stairs. To him, it seemed like an endless staircase. He groaned in pain, almost passing out from the strain on his body.

Finally reaching the top of the staircase, Luffy heaved, trying to gather air into his lungs. Before looking around, everything was dark, it seemed to be nighttime, or maybe it was just the blackout curtains the lady had hanging in front of her window. He could barely see anything as the lights were off. "It's dark," Luffy stated, wondering if his skin got paler.

The lady nodded, "I don't want you to get too good of a layout of my house." She replied, waving him off. "Come now," she continued, grabbing his hand and leading him to what appeared to be a kitchen, although he couldn't tell. The plate and a cup were set in front of him, and he hesitantly grabbed a piece of meat before devouring the plate in a hurry. His stomach protested angrily due to it shrinking without the usual food.

Luffy struggled to breathe as he inhaled his food, his chest reminding him that he was in much pain. Just let me eat. He thought towards his body angrily, hunger depriving him of his usual thoughts. His body cannot focus on anything else.

The lady watches gleefully, enjoying watching him eat the food and drink the water she had prepared, she didn't intend to starve him, but work had kept her busy.

The plate was soon empty, but Luffy wanted more. He didn't know when he would eat next. He wanted to have a storage of food and energy, but the lady refused to give him more.

"Please, more," Luffy begged, his eyes pleading with the lady.

"No, I already told you no." She said, her voice stern. "It won't do anything but bad to you. Now, let's go to your new room." She ignored his pleas, simply picking him up and taking him upstairs. Everything was dark. No light on in the house at all.

Luffy analyzed the unknown lady quietly, wanting to remember her features for when he escaped and was too weak to fight back. Her black hair was long, past her shoulders, he guessed. She was wearing a trenchcoat, and her lips were red. There was something off about her that he couldn't quite place. Her face was almost heart-shaped, and she was at least a couple of inches taller than him, his height being 5'8 1/2. Luffy guesstimated that she was 5'11, nearly six feet tall. She has a burn scar on her neck. He wondered how far it went down. She has freckles, and her skin is pale. Her eyes were the shape of almonds.

"We're here." The lady said, opening his new door with one hand as she held him easily, "I've got to feed you more. You weigh a lot less." She whispered.

The room was much nicer than his previous one, and he couldn't help but feel appreciative. There was a closet built into the wall, but unfortunately, no window, which he was disappointed about. The bed was a lot bigger than the twin-sized one he was on earlier and looked softer too. The main thing he noticed was how it didn't smell of rot. He wanted to cry. It felt like it's been so long since he didn't smell the decay of the wood.

Chains. There were chains in here too. Luffy didn't want them. He didn't wish to wear the chains. He quickly moved out of her arms, sluggishly moving away from the room, "No. No. No chains, no chains." He panicked. The noise haunts him. "I don't want them. Please don't make me wear them, please." He begged, traumatized tears falling from his eyes, anything but the chains. He wanted to be able to move, even if it was just a little bit. Sitting in darkness for so long, unable to move, only hearing the T.V. scared him. He wanted to be able to move. "I'll be good. I'll be good." He repeated, eyes staring at the chains in unprecedented horror. Out of everything, why do the chains scare me so much? I don't want to wear them.

The lady sighed with a frown, "You have to. You'll run away." She said.

"No, I promise I won't. I'll be good. I'll be good, don't make me wear it, please." He begged, not taking his eyes away from the chains.

The lady hummed, a thought crossing through her mind. "Here," She said, pulling out a different set from the suitcase she always seemed to have on her. "This is an ankle chain; it won't restrict your movement in this room." She explained, removing the bed restraints and putting in the ankle one. "It's almost like a dog leash," She joked, "It gives you the room's distance, but you'll be able to move around. You will not be able to leave this room at any given time unless I take you out of this room, understood?"

Hesitantly Luffy agreed to the compromise, as long as he could leave the bed, as long as he could move. "Can... can I take a shower?" He asked, his voice dripping with fear at her reaction to his request.

"Oh, yes, that's a good idea." The lady smirked. A glint in her eyes that he couldn't quite place.


"No, no, no, I don't want this. I don't. I don't. Please stop."


Luffy froze. That's the glint.

"Let's go get that shower started, hm?" She hummed, her voice sounding like nails on a chalkboard. Maybe it was just my fear. Luffy rationalized. He liked her voice.

Luffy didn't answer, tears gathering in his eyes again. His fear crushed him like an elephant on his chest. The lady leads the way to the bathroom, her hand firmly gripping his so he doesn't run. Please don't. Please don't do this to me. His heart raced painfully in his chest as he felt bile rise in his throat, but he pushed it down. He was upstairs now. He didn't think her reaction would be like his vomit earlier.

They made it to the bathroom. 

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