(Highschool DXD X Star Wars O...

By DarrenJudkins

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Disclaimer: I don't own Highschool DXD, Star Wars, or any pictures, videos, or gifs I put into here. Only thi... More

Obe Bio
Luna (Star Wars) Bio
Chapter 1: Journey To A New World
Chapter 2: Encountering And Meeting Devils
Chapter 3: New Friends And Training
Chapter 4: First day And The Familiar Forest
Chapter 5: Riser And Final Training
Chapter 6: Rating Game
Chapter 7: Battle With A Dark Lord
Chapter 8: Aftermath
Chapter 9: Hidden Pain (Short)
Chapter 10: Kiba's Pain (Short)
Chapter 11: Church's Warning
Chapter 12: A Talk With Sirzechs
Chapter 13: Duel Of Fates
Chapter 14: True Power Unleashed
Chapter 15: Reunification
Chapter 16: Lost Time (Short)
Chapter 17: Meeting Gasper
Chapter 18: An Evil Plot (Short)
Chapter 19: Return Of Riser
Chapter 20: Phoenix God Vs Sith God
Chapter 22: Attack Of The Sith Part 2
Chapter 23: Revelations
Chapter 24: Aftermath and Farewell
Decision + Extra Vote
Final Story Choosing Vote

Chapter 21: Attack Of The Sith Part 1

181 2 0
By DarrenJudkins

With ORC

Over the past few days, everyone has been still happy about the victory over Riser. Obe still has everyone keep up with their training however because they all know someone helped Riser get more powerful. Meanwhile the Sith are watching from the shadows, concealing their presence.

Revan: So when do we attack?

Bane: We have to get them separated first.

Nihilus: Ir kait isar tu purpose mes isar anas? (Translation: And how do you purpose we do that?)

Bane: As long as everyone follows the plan, they and the one named Obelisk will be dead.

Sion: So what's your "grand" plan?

Time Skip 1 Week

The group is watching Sauron and Obe spar as part of their training. Obe has been teaching everyone how to fight against someone with a lightsaber and Sauron though this was an effective way. The group watches carefully with every strike the two Sith make, seeing every movement and executed moves and combos. The sparing session comes to an end after an hour.

Sauron: Excellent work today Obe, your attacks are getting more powerful.

Obe: Thank you Sauron.

Luna: *looks at Errith* Its nice to see those two getting along huh?

Errith: *looks at Luna* Yes it is.

Sauron, Obe and Errith then give a look of seriousness.

Rias: What's wrong?

Errith: We sense a disturbance.

Sauron: I can sense these disturbances at 4 different locations.

Kiba: You don't think they could be more Sith do you?

Obe: Can't take that chance.

Issei: Can you say where Sauron?

Sauron: *nods as Rias brings a map, he points to specific locations* Obe should head to the town center, Errith and I will head to the docks while Luna and the rest of you head to these abandoned buildings here.

Koneko: Why are you making Luna come with us and not Obe?

Sauron: In case these disturbances are Sith, Luna has great skills with a lightsaber so she'll be able to fight, but she'll need assistance if it comes to it. Let's move out.

Everyone goes to their respective points to find the disturbances.

With Luna And ORC 

They arrive at the abandoned buildings in a few minutes.

Issei: Not seeing anything so far.

Kiba: If only you traded your nose.

Everyone shares a laugh until Rias silences them.

Rias: Remember why we're here.

They search the buildings for a while before they regroup.

Issei: So far only thing here is junk and shadows. *tosses an old snow globe*

???: Even shadows have their uses.

The group turns to the voice to see two figures reveal themselves.

The group prepares themselves for battle.

Luna: *ignites her lightsabers and glares at the two men* Who are you two?

Bane: Might as well tell you, I am Darth Bane. *gestures to next to him* This is Darth Sion. The last Sith you'll ever encounter.

Luna: I've heard that before.

Rias: Everyone ready?

Everyone but Rias: Ready!

With Errith And Sauron

They arrive at the docks.

Errith: I'm not sensing anything yet.

Sauron: Be on your guard. They could be hiding their presence.

???: Itin Duobe' Ideja. (Translation: Very well thought.)

Sauron and Errith turn to see who spoke to them.

Errith: Who are you?

Nihilus: Nu Sua Urvaz nihilus. Tave Galas Lord j'us Abid Valia Visaz Ziur. (Translation: I am Darth Nihilus. The last Sith you both will ever see.)

Errith and Sauron charge at Nihilus igniting their lightsabers.

With Obe

Obe had reached the central park of the city. He only sees many families having fun as he searches. He then hears a scream as many people run away. Obe ignites his lightsaber as someone approaches him.

???: I was wondering when you would show up.

Obe: I don't believe I've made your acquaintance.

Revan: You may call me Revan. Your next opponent.

Police cars pull up behind Revan as police pull out their guns and point them at Revan and Obe.


Revan responds by throwing a Force Push at the officers, but Obe was quick to respond by getting in front of it and counter with a Force Push of his own.

Revan: So its true, you do put others safety above your own.

Obe: Leave the innocent out of this. I'm your opponent.

Revan: *chuckles a bit* You really have no idea how badly you've been played do you?

Obe: What are you talking about?

Revan: Did you honestly think we were only after you? *Obe's eyes widen under his helmet* I sense you now know our plan?

Obe: Divide and conquer.

Revan: Exactly.

The two charge at each other. 

With Luna And ORC

Luna is dueling against Bane as Orc do what they can against Sion. Bane is relentless with his attacks against Luna, but she's able to counter with precise timing against him, always waiting for the right time to strike. Bane attempts to do a jumping slash against Luna, but she counters by doing a backflip kick, hitting Bane to the ground. 

For ORC, the training Obe gave them to fight against a lightsaber wielder is proving affective against Sion. Rias and Akeno use their magic to keep him at a distance and distracted while Koneko, Kiba, Xenovia and Issei are able to get close and attack Sion relentlessly. At one point, Xenovia was able to cut Sion's hand off, making him drop his lightsaber, but he shocks everyone when he picked it up and it attached itself and healed. Before he can get his lightsaber, Issei charges in and attacks Sion quickly and viciously. Koneko, Kiba and Xenovia join in and keep attacking Sion. Kiba is able to get close enough to slice Sion's head off, they regroup as they cheer in celebration.

Bane: *gets up and uses the Force to get his lightsaber* I must admit I am impressed with your skill Miss Luna. You've earned my respect as a lightsaber duelist. *looks at Sion's body* You can get up now Sion.

Everyone gets confused as they all get horrified when Sion's head reattaches itself to his body and he gets up. Sion smirks as he quickly uses the Force to get his lightsaber.

Bane: *turns to Luna with lighting in his hand* Now the true fight begins my dear.

Bane charges at Luna, she is able to block his lightsaber attacks, but for every lightsaber attack she blocks, he uses lighting on her. She winces in pain as he continues this, but she's able to fight it off and continue attacking him. Bane then decides to use more power in his lighting against her, launching her into a wall.

For ORC, Sion begins using his Force abilities with his lightsaber attacks. He kicks Koneko away while he uses Force Push against Issei. Sion slashes at Xenovia, but she's able to block it with her holy sword (I know probably not possible, but I would consider magic something able to block a lightsaber, correct me if I'm wrong.), it catches Sion off guard as Kiba stabs him in the face and kicks him away. Sion heals from his injuries and continues his attack until they all see Luna zip past them right into a wall.


Luna tries to get up, but Bane keeps using his lightning on her, enjoying her torment. ORC can only watch in horror as Sion continues his attack on them. Bane gets closer as he uses more power in his lighting.

Bane: You and your pathetic friends were never a true match for us. Especially your lover will fall to us. *Luna's eyes widen* His death won't come quickly, when he's beaten into the ground and barely alive, we'll bring him your heads. Let him know he failed you all before slowly ending his life.

Bane laughs as he uses his lighting at full power on Luna, but to everyone's shock, she begins to stand. Bane's eyes widen under his helmet as he tries to use more of his lighting on her, but she is able to get on her feet with her head lowered. Bane, in shock stops using his lighting.

Bane: H- How is this possible!?

Luna raises her head.


She screams as she unleashes a huge Force Repulse that launches Bane and Sion away. Bane uses the Force to get some rubble off of him.

Bane: How is this possible!? I couldn't sense you having a big enough connection!!

Luna: I guess with all you were telling me, along with shocking the hell out of me, you made my rage unlock my connection. (I'm going off of how Savage unlocked his connection essentially.)

Bane's eyes widen as he realizes he caused her to unlock her power. Luna uses a Force Dash to quickly get to Bane and slice his head off. She looks to Sion.

Sion: You can't possibly kill me, my hatred keeps me going.

Luna: But it's the Force helping your rage keep you alive. Let's see it keep you alive when its severed from the Force.

Luna takes a deep breath as she concentrates. She remembers a talk with Obe.


Luna and Obe are practicing as they begin to tire a bit. They sit down for a break as Obe notices a look on Luna's face.

Obe: Something on your mind Luna?

Luna: I've been thinking about some things about the Force lately.

Obe: What kind of things?

Luna: *looks Obe in the eyes* Is there... a way for someone to lose their connection to the Force?

Obe: *takes helmet off at meets her gaze* I won't lie to you, yes. *Luna gives a shocked look* I only know of one though.

Luna: What is it?

Obe: It's a Force ability called "Sever Force". It's only effective depending how much power the user puts into it.

Luna: How do you mean?

Obe: An example, if I did it on Hades, but didn't put much power into it, it only would cut him off from his connection for a few minutes at best. If I used a lot of power however, there's a chance it would cut his connection completely.

Luna: I guess that makes sense, but why doesn't anybody use it in battle?

Obe: Because of the concentration needed to do it, but if you successfully do it, you can really cripple any Force user.

End Of Flashback

Luna opens her eyes as she unleashes her power upon Sion. As her power unleashes on him, he feels himself getting weaker and weaker until she stops. Sion feels his life leaving him.

Sion: W- what did you do to me?

Luna: I took your connection to the Force. You'll never hurt or threaten anyone ever again.

Sion dies as Luna begins to fall over, Kiba catches her.

Kiba: You ok Luna?  

Luna: Just a bit tired.

Rias: We need to get to the others.

Asia heals everyone then they all begin to head for the docks.

Issei: Why are we heading to the dock first?

Luna: I know Obe can handle whoever they have against him, plus its smart to get more help first. *thinks to herself* Please be ok Obe.

Screen Fades To Black

To Be Continued

A/N: That's Chapter 21 everyone. I'm really sorry it took me so long to get it done, but here it is and I hope you enjoyed it. Cya in the next chapter everyone.

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