Reckless Desires | Park Jimin...


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⚠️ The following content is a work of fiction and the story has nothing to relate with the mentioned idol or... More



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Y/N'S POV ::

Parents, a people who are supposed to love you selflessly but that's the thing, your parents has expectations from you and it doesn't matter if it costs your happiness. So no, there's a selfishness even in a parent's love.

I see my father's hand wrapped around my wrist as he drags me inside and something inside me just snaps. It snaps so hard that I physically jerk my hand off of his grasp. I can't help but remember every little moment when I needed my father and he wasn't there. I suck in a sharp breath as my father stares at me furiously. "Just what the hell you were doing with that guy?!" He exclaimed. His loud voice bringing my step mother outside of her room and surprisingly my so called step sister arrives at the scene as well.

I stay silent, my eyes burning holes at my father's figure. I'm burning but not with anger, there's something else that I'm feeling. Hurt. "What's wrong, Daniel?" Emily questioned in a soft voice. "Y/n was hanging out with a guy." My father muttered as a scoff left my mouth. "Hanging out with a guy nowadays isn't a big deal,dad as you're trying to make it." I mumbled. "You kissed him." He stated as I blinked my eyes. "Well good thing you saw then because he is not just a guy. He is my boyfriend." I said.

"Kang y/n!!" He yelled out as I let out a sigh. "Yeah right, Kang y/n. The Kang Daniel's one and only daughter. You don't have to remind me dad." I said, tilting my head to the side. "Y/n watch your words when you speak with your father." Emily said as I turned to her. "Stop poking your nose in between me and my father." I said as her eyes widened. She let out a scoff. "You have no manners to talk." She rambled out as I smiled amusingly. "Glad that you figured it." I said as she rolled her eyes.

"Stop diverting the topic, y/n. What the hell you were doing with that guy?!" My father exclaimed as I turned to face him. "Exactly what you saw. 'That guy' is my boyfriend." I stated in a monotonous. Why do I need to hide my relationship anyways? I'm old enough to decide who I should date.

My father's eyes burns at me. He looks bewildered at my words. "What? What's wrong with that? I'm almost 22 so I guess I am legal enough to date." I said while crossing my arms against my chest. "Out of everyone everyone else in the world you had to go and date Park's son?!" His voice was loud but blinked my eyes in confusion.

My dad knows Jimin.

I shouldn't be surprised but I am. "So.. me dating a guy doesn't matter but me dating Park Jimin matters, right?" I questioned. "What?! You're dating Jimin!" Suzanne exclaimed. Loud enough to gain everyone's attention in the room. A smile appeared on my lips , a scoff leaving my mouth afterwards as I tilted my head to Suzanne. "Is that shocking or heartbreaking to you?" I asked. She glared at me before looking away. "You know him?" Emily questioned her daughter. "A little too much." I mumbled as Emily glared at her daughter before interrogating her. "You know him?" She asked again.

"Mom.. he is Park Jimin, the son of Park Jihun. The only heir of Park Corporations... I know him through internet..." Suzanne rambled out as I internally shook my head. She hides Jimin as if he is the dirty little secret. And that thought itself makes me wanna go bonkers at her. "Oh.." Emily sighs as if the heavy burden was taken off her shoulders. "What happened to the part where you-"

"For heaven's sake y/n!! Stop whatever you are doing! Break off all the things you have with that guy!" My father cut off my sentence as my words and movements came to the abrupt halt. "What?" I asked. "You have nothing to do with that guy or his family! Fuck, this is not even the time for you to date! Focus on your studies!!" My father exclaimed as a low chuckle left passed my mouth. "For a moment there i thought you care about me." I mumbled. "That's because I do. This is why I'm I'm telling you to break off the things with that guy." He stated in a cold tone.

"I won't." I stated, my eyes fixated at my father's figure. "You're breaking all of your contacts with Park's son and that's my final decision." From the corner of my eyes I can see Suzanne smiling and her mother smirking. I step towards my father and stare at him unflinching as I declare my decision. "I am not going to break off things with him and thats my final decision. Father." I stated. "Kang y/n!!" He growled as I nodded.

"Just because I have your last name doesn't mean that you own me, dad. I can make my own decisions. I'm not leaving Jimin and that's final." I stated before moving to walk past him but his words stops me. "His father is not a good person for fucks sake!" My steps halted as I turned back to my father. "But his son is. A very good person. And goodness, I like Jimin not his father." I smiled.

"Your attitude reminds me so much of your mother." Emily's words gains my attention quickly as my smile disappears and I move my face to her side. "You remember what happened the last time you took my mother's name with that filthy mouth of yours, don't you?" I raised my eyebrow. The lady gulps down her saliva and looks away.

"So you are not going to leave that guy?" My father asked. "I think you didn't hear me but no, I'm not going to leave him." I said with my chin held up high. "You're going to chose that guy over your own father, y/n?" His voice carried the pain which sure as hell reached me. "Father?" I scoff at word. It tastes bitter on my tongue suddenly. "Do you even know what that word means?" My question sure as hell hit him right where I intended. His eyes falls for a seconds there before he regains his posture and goes back to his stoic expression.

"That guy knows me more than you do,father." I stated, taking steps towards the man who calls himself my father. "Do you know dad that I.. get panick attacks in rain?" I questioned as his eyes widened. "What?" I smiled at his reaction. Surprised! "Of course you don't know because you were always to tell me that i become lazy whenever it rains! And I shouldn't do this!" I exclaimed. "You always told me not to laze around. You even left me all alone in the hospital after the death of my mom because you had a work." I stated. Each of my words doing the work of daggers against my father's flesh.

"You never for once held me close and whispered in my ear and that it would all be alright. You never for once took my hand and showed me the brightness. Instead you were always busy in your work! You kept me away from so many things so I wouldn't be like mom but Jimin... he kept me close, he showed me all of the different sides of world and HE was there with me."

By the time I finish my outburst, I realize that there are tears falling down my cheeks but my eyes don't waver from my father's figure. "I was there dad.. I was there in that car with mom.. her blood was all over me! But you never asked me if I was okay! If I was scared! You never treated me like a daughter , dad.. you... were raising a emotionless doll to take over your empire." I said.

"You know dad, mom might have been ill and mentally unstable but it was not her fault. She only asked two things from you. Your love and time which you couldn't proved her with instead, you pushed her away... knowing well that she was unstable and you never.. never ever... noticed the sadness looming over my smile.." I added, a dry chuckle leaving my mouth. "I... I became someone I didn't wanted to be.. all because I understood that you couldn't give me what I needed. Mum.. didn't did in accident, dad.. she died a little every time you pushed her away. Had you been kept your work aside and held her close then she would've been here today.. in a normal condition." I wipe at tears, hearing the silence of my father's words.

"So don't you dare go on telling me to leave Jimin. I have finally found someone who can give me happiness. A true one. So don't snatch it away because if you do.." I fix my eyes on my father before continuing my words. "...I will burn down everything you've built so far.." My eyes darkened at that while my father gave me a look. A shiny tear in his eyes that never fell down. "Y/n..." he whispered but I already ran away towards my room.

I shut the door of my room before plopping down on the bed with my face buried in the pillow as I scream out my lungs into it. I don't know how I survive the night and when I fall asleep but the night just goes by.

I open my eyes tired the next morning. A kind of sour taste settles in my mouth as I find no text from Jimin.

Did he really thought that I'll leave him?

I click my tongue before shooting him a text and then getting ready for the college. I yet again recieve no texts from the guy so I keep the phone in my pocket and hurry outside my room. Everyone is gathered at the breakfast table just like everyday but I pay no attention to anyone as I walk inside the kitchen and grab myself an apple with a water. I stumble outside the kitchen and make my way outside. "What about your breakfast, y/n?" Emily's voice reach me first as I halt my steps and exhale. I'm in no mood to get on with her right now. I need to reach Jimin first. "Let her go." My father replies before I could as I turn around to look at him.

His eyes is focused on the iPad in his hand while the serving is serving him his breakfast. "I still don't approve of that guy and I never will." He muttered as I scoff leaves my gape. "I never asked for your approval." I said before scurry outside.

The college is in full swing just like every other day. I see my friends in the hallway but I ignore them. For my own sake, I'm keeping a distance from them. Jimin just asked me to do that. I see his bike parked in its usual place so there's no way that he skipped today. I run around, my eyes roaming over the place to find him. After what feels like ages, I finally see Jimin sitting in the garden area of our college. Now that's a least place I expected him to be at. Considering how he likes his own space and solace, I could never imagine him to sit on the bench in garden doing nothing but scroll through some book.

I shake my head before running towards him. "Yaah! Park Jimin!" His head snaps in my direction as I stand in front of him. "Y/n.." he whispered before I took a seat adjacent to his. I don't waste any other seconds before throwing myself in his arms. He wraps his arms around me softly, letting out a sigh as he rests his chin on the top of my head. "Why didn't you text me? Where were you so busy?" I hate how i sound like a clingy girlfriend but I can't hide the fact that I expected him to text me at least. After everything happened yesterday.

"I'm sorry.. I got up in some work.." he pulls away before placing a soft peck to my forhead. "And you forgot about me? Tell me that you were thinking about me leaving because of my father." I stated while he interlaced our fingers together. A smile tugging at his lips. "I knew you are not going to leave me because of your father." I blink my eyes in confusion. "You're a little rebellion, little Siren. You'd anything to go against your father and his will to keep us apart wouldn't have been fulfilled anyways." He sighs as i nod my head in agreement. "I was just confused why he gave that kind of reaction. You know, even my father called me and lecturer me." He said as I tilted my head.

"What? How did he know?" I questioned. "Well.. I wouldn't be surprised if I found out that my father has someone tailing on me." Jimin sighs. Disappointment seething through his words as I give a light squeeze to his hand. "You know, our fathers are rivals. That's exactly why father is pissed about us dating." I stated. "Yep. They are rivals but there's more to this story, y/n.." I crook my brows in confusion. "What is?" Jimin sighs yet again as he tells me the story of the part of my father's past.

JIMIN'S POV | Flashback ::

I was staring at the blank screen of my phone after hanging up on my father. His words doesn't seem to leave me at all. More than the fact that I went with my emotions, he is mad about me dating Kang y/n, Kang Daniel's daughter.


The question was deep and I couldn't seem to get the answer. I just know there's more behind this just a Kang's daughter thing.

"You can't like her."

His voice again haunts me. It looms over my head like a creepy shadow. He wasn't this pissed when I dated Suzanne neither was he this much angry when I had my heart broken by the very first girl I came to like after my mother. If anything, my father was pleased to find one more reason to mold me into a emotionless prick.

I exhale a heavy sigh, my brain working at it's finest as I join and two and two together. Kang Daniel is a business tycoon and so is my father but I've never seen them both together for even once. Even at the yearly ball, they never talked. Suddenly I find myself grabbing my laptop as I type out about Park's Corporations and Kang's Corporations. The relationship between the both CEO was not mention in any of the articles. The both company has nothing to do with each other for years. That until I search some old articles and find the thing that I needed.

An article from nearly 26years ago gets my attention. I stare at the headlines and the photo attached to it.

"The two best friends taking over the world."

The picture is of my father with Kang Daniel. Both are beaming with happiness, having an arm wrapped around each other. A scoff leaves my gape seeing my father all smiley because I don't even remember the last time I saw him smile. My fingers glide over the keyboard as I keep scrolling to read few more articles about them. All of them are ages ago which clearly shows that they were close friends. But then there aren't any article of them together after Kang Daniel got married.

Did my father had a crush on his wife or what?

Y/n's mother was known to be beautiful but then again, my father would never fall for a beauty and he will never break his friendship over that matter either.

I curse out loud while shutting my laptop close. If i ask my father about his past history, then he will never tell me. Not after finding out about my relationship with y/n. I let out a sigh before storming out of my room and towards my father's room which he occupies whenever he comes to visit me. My eyes roam around the empty room,taking in the simple interior design and plain furniture with walls. Not a single picture of any family members or friends is hanging on the wall. I shake my head before moving towards the drawers. I do remember that he writes a dairy. Maybe if I found it then I might find something.

I search over and over again, only to find out that my father hasn't kept his old diaries here and even latest ones is with him. I nearly lose all the hopes that I had as I plop on the bed with a heavy sigh leaving my mouth. I tuck my hand under the mattress absent-mindly and suddenly pull out a picture. Its a old one. Very old one. I narrow my eyes as I focus on the faces before pulling out my phone and clicking the picture.

There's no doubt that my father was once best friend with Kang Daniel then what changed so drastically that they became such enemies where to see each other's downfall became their goal.

JIMIN'S POV | Present ::

"What?! You mean my father was actually best friend with yours?!" Y/n shrieks as she pops the lollipop in her mouth. It took me too much time to tell her the whole story and didn't realize when our college ended. We both were walking towards the parking lot. "Stop yelling like that." I muttered while shushing her. She hums while narrowing her eyes as she pulls out the lollipop with a 'pop' sound leaving her mouth.

"Damn, Kang Daniel has secrets i wasn't aware of." She mumbled as I tried to focus on her words but damn those lips looks luscious and absolutely inviting. A smirk ghosted on my lips as I shook my head before placing my arm around her shoulder. "Are you planning to use that secret against your father?" I questioned as she stares at me with a raised eyebrow. "Don't tell,you did not consider doing that." I let out a low chuckle at her words. "Actually.. i did.." I shrugged my shoulders while she smiles before continuing to suck on her lollipop. We reach towards my bike as I pull away from y/n.

"How are we going to find the reason behind them becoming enemies?" She mumbled. My eyes followed her again and she is still sucking on that lollipop. Never in my life I ever had a thought of becoming a lollipop this badly.

Thats gross, Jimin.

But she looks hot.

Screw you, brain.

I curse out before listening to my intrusive thought as I quickly place my hand on her nape. I pull her face closer to mine as her eyes widened. Its a matter of time and as I turn her around before pinning her against my bike. My one hand holding nape while my other moves to pull the lollipop out of her lips. Y/n's black jacket falls off from one shoulder because of the quick movements, revealing her honey skin. I exhale softly. Our faces inches apart as she does the same. "Can you stop doing that?" I grumbled out. My voice coming out deeper than usual.

Why the fuck its so hot in here?!

"Doing what...exactly?" I can see her eyes sparkling as a smile forms on her lips. "You exactly know what I'm talking about?" She shakes her head in denial. "I don't know.. besides can you step away? We are in public.." She does opposite to her words as she places her arms around my neck, pulling me closer than I already am. "Is it my fault that a simple lollipop triggered you?" She bats her eye lashes as shake my head. "Its not the lollipop,Little Siren. Its the way you were sucking on it while making those sinful sounds." I muttered, the pad of my thumb brushing against the corner of her lips.

"I just sucked, Jimin.." She whispered. "Then why don't you try sucking again?" I questioned, she raised her eyebrow in a question as I tilted my head before latching my lips onto her. Sucking her lips more and more as she let out a gasp, not getting the moment to breath. My grip around her neck tightened as I kissed her as hard as I could. Taking all the excess off her lips which that stupid lollipop has left. Sweet. She tastes extremely sweet. She fists the fabric of my shirt, her knees going weak as they start shaking slightly. I kiss her so hard that she had to lean back a little to kiss me back. "Jimin..." a moan escaped her lips while I continued to suck the oxygen outta her.

"Jimin..." She hums while fisting my shirt tight. With a last suck on her lower lip, I pull out. A 'pop' sound leaves after I pull away. "Now that's the sound that I like.." She breaths heavily, a glare fixed in her eyes. "You did not just..." She mumbled, her cheeks red as I stroker her hairs to fix them up. "You ruined my hair." Y/n muttered as a smile tugged on my lips. "You look wild" I whispered in her ear. "My lollipop fell off!"

"I'll buy you new one so long as you don't make that sound and don't suck at it with that look in your eyes." I stated. "What look?" She questioned as I rolled my eyes. "The look which made me replace your lollipop with my lips." I mumbled as puckered her lips,standing while crossing her arms against her chest and leaning back to my bike. I was staring at her when I suddenly heard someone clearing their throat. Both of us turned around to stare at Suzanne. My smile instantly disappeared as I glared at the girl standing before us. " it is true that you both are dating huh?" Suzanne scoffed.

"I thought I made it clear yesterday." Y/n mumbled with a monotonous. "Out of all people.. you had to go and date her?" Suzanne pointed at y/n with a shake to her head. "Why? Cause she is so much better than you?" I questioned. "I don't see how she is better than me?" Suzanne raises her brows while staring at y/n up and down. "Are you done? We have somewhere else to be." Y/ stated. "Of course you do." Suzanne replied. I grabbed y/n's hand in mine before she does something. I tugged her closer. "Let's go." I mumbled. I can clearly sense the kind of looks Suzanne is getting us. "Bitch." Y/n whispered before following me.

"Must be nice being his second, right? Can't relate when I was his first in everything." Suzanne's words reach us, making y/n's step halt. I shut my eyes as I take in her words. She was indeed my first in everything, including a heartbreak. I turn around to protest but y/n steps forward as her eyes get fixed on Suzanne's face. "Being his first really doesn't matters when it's only the past and has no place in present or future. You're nowhere here." My ears perks up at my girlfriend's words. A small smirk settles on her lips that I kissed so hard just minutes ago as she continues staring at Suzanne as if she has seen something so dirty that it makes skin crawl.

Y/n crosses her arms as she takes a step closer to Suzanne. Her eyes glaring at the girl in front of her. "..and also, I intend on being his last so keep your wannabe self away from us." While Suzanne's face pales , y/n's eyes darken as she drops another words. " don't wanna get your pretty little face ruined, do you?" Suzanne blinks while gulping down as y/n innocently smiles while stepping back as if she hasn't just threatened her step sister who also happens to be my ex.


"Just leave. Suzanne." I cut her off as she glares at y/n before glancing at me and then back at my girlfriend. "Are you threatening me?" She questioned. "Oh my my! No!" Y/n gasped. "I'm advising you. Trust me, you don't want to get your face an appointment with my fist." Y/n stated. "You're menace y/n." Suzanne said. "Looking at your behavior, I assume otherwise." I stated before grabbing y/n's hand and pulling her towards my bike. Suzanne leaves while stomping her feets. Y/n keeps glaring in her direction while I keep thinking about the words she used.

I intend on being his last.

My heart does a flip every time I think about it. I tug at her hand before she takes a seat behind me on my bike. "My last, huh?" I questioned, her cheeks reddened in seconds as she looked away while I stared at her from the rear mirror. "Shut up." I chuckled at that.

I intend on being her last too.


"What are we supposed to do?" Y/n questioned with a pout on her face as she plops down on the couch at my house. I let out a sigh before passing her the glass of water. She chugs it down in one go. "Are you actually stressing about our fathers?" I questioned, she rolls her eyes while shaking her head. "I don't need my father's approval to be with you, Jimin. I'm done chasing the goals he set for me." She stated. " what do you wanna chase now?" I questioned. "Happiness." There's a glint in her eyes. Something that i can't decipher in words.

"Happiness isn't something you chase. It's something you find." I mumbled, her eyes snapping in my direction. "Is it? Then... is there something you'd like to chase?" She questioned as I blinked my eyes while staring at her. "I'm going to chase you, until you find your happiness and once you do find it then I'm going to be there with you." I stated. A soft chuckle erupt from her mouth as she throws her head back. "Its you idiot, you're the happiness." She said as my eyes widened. "Thats... poetic." She shrugs her shoulders at my words. "Blame all the books that you made me read." I shake my head.

"But honestly... I wouldn't like your father to dislike me. It all will be disturbing." I muttered before letting out a sigh. She places her hand on mine before throwing a small smile at me. "Then we have to find how they both became an enemies." My brain is blank for a few minutes until I remember something or rather someone. "Why don't we ask your mother?" Y/n questioned as I shook my head. "I'd rather cut myself in two halves than talking with that women." I stated while she curses out. "Actually... there is a person who can help us..." y/n's eyes sparkles at that. "My dad's secretary. That man has been with my father since the day my father took over my grandfather's position as the CEO."

"Then he must know about it all." Y/n added as I nod my head in agreement. "Why don't we go and talk with him?" She questioned. "He is not in Seoul at the moment. We can find Mr Lim at his house in busan,next week." Her smile drops at my words. "Why next week? And why Busan?" She questioned, a frown visible on her face. "Thats when my dad comes back from his business trip and while my father will visit the company in Seoul, I'm sure Mr Lim will go to meet his family. I need to talk to him in absence of my father." I stated. "We. We need to talk with him." Y/n added. "I'm coming with you too."

I open my mouth to protest but she cuts me off. "The relationship between our father affects us equally, Jimin." She stated. "So we are going Busan together?" She hums at that. "But... how and what are you going to tell your father?" I questioned. "I'm gonna tell him that I'm going on a trip with my boyfriend!" She exclaimed as I chuckled. "You're not going to say that!" I exclaimed. "Sure I am." She smiles so wide that it reaches her eyes, making her appear so happy and so alive that its impossible not to miss y/n's smile.

I just can't believe that this is the same girl who threatened Suzanne.

Few days later I inform Jungkook and Taehyung about my trip to Busan and they give me all kinds of panick reaction. Just what I needed. "The hell you mean your father found out and you're going to Busan suddenly?!" Jungkook exclaimed, eyes wide and hands flying in the air. "And why are you going all alone?!" Taehyung exclaimed, a deep frown settles in between his eyebrow with his eyes going wide. I shake my head at that. "I'm going with y/n and.. yes the hell my father found out and I have to go Busan as to know why he hates Kang Daniel." I muttered, keeping my can of cola on the table.

Jungkook twisted his lips, going back to the painting he was making as we were hanging out at his house. "You know.. I can ask my father about it too." Taehyung suggested as I shook my head in denial. "You think that I didn't consider that? Uncle Kim was not in my father's contact during those days." I stated the fact to which Taehyung nods. "Whatever though, just don't get in trouble because you're not going alone." Jungkook said as I let out a scoff. "You think,y/n can't protect herself?" Both of them let out a chuckle at that.

"But I wonder how your father found it out." Taehyung stated as I let out a sigh before sipping on my cola. "Maybe he has someone tailing on me?" I muttered the question. "Or y/n's father told him." Jungkook said while tilting his head to the side, his hands busy with the painting. "Then how did he find out?" Taehyung questioned. "He saw us out of his house, kissing." I mumbled before pressing my lips together. "That's not the concern right now." I added. "Okay! Call us if something happens." Taehyung said before getting up from his seat. "Are you leaving?" I questioned as he nods.

"Well then I'm coming with you too." I stated before getting back on my feets. "Goodbye, kook." We both said in unison to the guy who is focused on his painting. I glance at Taehyung who shakes his head at the lack of acknowledgement from Jungkook. "We are leaving." Taehyung pressed the words while Jungkook waved us off,not even darting away from his painting.

The daya goes down in a whiff and finally it was the time I leave for Busan with Y/n. She insisted on going in her car so here i was, driving the car while she was sitting at the passenger seat with music blasting from the speakers. "Do you always play loud music while driving?" I questioned while she shakes her head to the music. "Nope. But today I'm in a good mood and I'm not the one driving." She smiled as I shake my head.

"Why are you in a good mood?" I questioned. "Because I told my father that I'm going out with my boyfriend and he didn't say anything except giving me a disappointed stare." She stated, now decreasing the volume. "That makes your mood good?" I raise my eyebrow in question. "Sometimes ignorance is good than harsh words. He stayed silent so that made me happy and I'm used to his stares though. It stopped bothering me long ago." She mumbled, placing her knees on the seat as she hugs them closer to her chest.

"Do you want to eat something?" She shakes her head in denial. I keep driving towards our destination. The girl besides me keep company until she eventually falls asleep. A soft smile tugs at my lips as her head falls on my shoulder while I'm driving. I stop the car in corner to settle her on the seat so she wouldn't get any cramp after waking up.

Two hours later, I stop the car and look to my side, seeing y/n still sleeping. I stroke her cheek with my knuckles before waking her up. She squint her eyes, taking in her surroundings. A frown on her face as she scrunch her nose. "Where are we?" She grumbled. "We are in busan. I thought we should eat before going to his house." She sighs heavily before nodding.

I get off the car before opening the door for y/n. Her phone chimes with a notification and she ignores it while shooting a smile in my direction. Walking inside the kitchen we take a corner table. I excuse myself to use the washroom while she orders our food.

When I come back after few minutes I see y/n staring at her phone blankly. The color leaving her face. "What's wrong..?" She jumps at my voice before flipping her phone and keeping it aside quickly. "Nothing." She adds quickly as I blink my eyes. "Did you order anything?" I questioned while taking my seat. "Yeah.. i did.." her voice comes husker and it just adds more to my doubts because she clearly isn't okay. "I need to use washroom, please excuse me." She mumbled before getting off the table while I stare at her retreating back as she walks away. Her legs are shaking and I couldn't ignore the slight tremble of her hands.

Is she hiding something again?

I quickly shake my head. Y/n won't do that. Not after everything that happened few months ago.

Hope she tells me, whatever it is.

-To be continued

A/N :: Sometimes i forget that Jimin was actually an ace student in his school and not to mention but the guy has been the class president for constant 9yrs like wtf that's so hot of him and I'm so jealous 😭😭😭 🤌🏻

Anyways, please vote and comments ♡

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