To Be A Hero Special Issue 2:...

By TenshiWarrior

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Shota loved Alcina. He loved her like he never loved anyone. Yet like everything else, like others that mat... More

Prologue: I'm A What...?
Chapter 1: Quality Time
Chapter 2: Under the Cherry Blossom Tree
Chapter 3: Taking a Sick Day
Chapter 5: Beware of Sales
Chapter 6: A Day of Baking
Chapter 7: The Day of the Dead
Chapter 8: Lost in UA
Chapter 9: Midday Manteene

Chapter 4: Family Is Everything

16 0 0
By TenshiWarrior

(Opening Theme: Kobato Opening 1-Magic Number Performed By Maaya Sakamoto)

The sound of the ships horn stirred Shota as he couldn't help but let out a groan. Momentarily he seemed to have forgotten where he was until he felt the world basically rocking. He managed to sit himself up as he let out a yawn.

"What time is it...?" He groaned before---


He soon found himself being tackled by Little Reina as he fell back on the bed--A familiar object fell from the dresser. "Ow---" Shota said.

"Shota-niichan its morning now!" Reina said, "Wake up now!"

"---I'm pretty awake since you hit me like that." Shota said.

Reina jumped on the bed slightly, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

Shimizu soon came into the room as she couldn't help but laugh a little. "So this is where you went off to Little Alice." Shimizu said before she picked her up, "Sorry about that Sho-chan, she really wanted you to join us for breakfast."

"She has a funny way of waking people up." Shota said.

"Well---There's still time before they open up the restaurant---" Shimizu said, "---So we can go to the baths they have on the ship."

"Aww, but I'm hungry now." Little Reina said.

"I know, but we didn't have a chance for a good bath last night since we got in so late." Shimizu said.

"... Do I have to participate?" Shota asked.

"Well this room didn't exactly come with a private shower, so you'll have to." Shimizu argued.

Shota groaned as he said, "I should have stayed in bed.."

BAM--Went the door suddenly, revealing that Malcom had been the one to kick down the door. He had been wearing nothing but a kimono the ferry had provided.

"Sorry I'm late!"

"...Yep, I knew waking up was a bad idea." Shota said.

"Come on you!" Malcom said as he dragged him out of bed making Shota scream out of surprise when he fell on the floor, "A good bath will wake you up!"


Malcolm replied with a smile, "No way! You're gonna enjoy this vacation standing up with us!"

"You say that and you're dragging me across the floor!" Shota said.

Reina only laughed, "Shota-niichan and Malcom-niichan are funny!"

"They are." Shimizu said, "Now lets get washed up before breakfast."

"Okay!" Reina said as she hopped out of Shimizu's arms, "I'm gonna go get Katsura-neechan!"

"Don't run, you'll trip!" Shimizu called out as Reina ran out of the room. She couldn't help but shake her head as she smile, "I don't know where she gets that from." It hadn't been long before she noticed a ring box on the floor. She picked it up before she opened.

"Is this a---?"


-Men's Public Bath-

Shota didn't understand why the people he knew were always so pushy. He thought he could enjoy some time to himself without a care in the world. Yet---Here he was sitting inbetween Hizashi, Malcolm and even Oda.

"... It's one thing for you guys to talk me into coming to Okinawa---" Shota said, "---But this is where I draw the line."

"Aw come on Sho---!" Hizashi said, "---It's been a long time since we did something like this you know!"

"Sit back and relax with the guys!" malcolm told him. "You could use this time to spend with friends you know."

Shota told him, "You mistook me for a villain back in UA."

Malcolm laughed as he patted his back hard, "That I did, but Jo talked me out of it and it all worked out."

"I sometimes think you're trying to kill me.." Shota said.

"For what it's worth though, I'm glad you decided to take us up on our offer!" Oda said, "You'll love meeting more of our family. It'll be good for you and little Reina!"

"I didn't think you even had family in Okinawa." Shota said.

"You'd be surprised." Oda said, "We have Family in Osaka, Hokkaido, even Kyushu!"

"And this is why you guys are rabbits." Shota said.

"So how's father life for you now?" Hizashi asked, "You handling everything okay?"

"Aside from a few invinited guests, it's going fine." Shota said, "I just don't get how Al was able to handle it."

"Well to be fair she did have two kids so she was a natural at it by that point!" Hizashi said.

"Though if it's any constellation, you're doing alright." Oda said.

Shota only sighed before sitting, shoulders deep in the water.

"Hey, don't look so down, man." Hizashi said, "Believe you me, you're not the only parent that is feeling anxious about your kid."

"Who said I was feeling anxious?" Shota said.

"Dude, it's written all over your face!" Hizashi replied

"Come on, it's not that hard to tell." Oda said, "After all, it is your first time being a parent, even if she doesn't know it."

"At least, you got us to show you the ropes!" Malcolm said.

"Showing the ropes does not involve you spoiling her." Shota stated.

"You worry too much man!" Hizashi reassured him.

"Plus I do this with Floyd and he's fine

"I fear for your son's future." Shota said.

"Hey now, don't be like that!" Oda said, "Not all of us are as energetic as us."

"Trust us, you'll love them, and they have such a nice house in Okinawa!" Malcolm added.

"... So you tell me." Shota said as he rolled his eyes, before he stepped out of the bath, "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go have breakfast."

"Aww come on soak in for a little while longer!" Hizashi said.

"If I soak in any longer, I'd become a prune--" Shota said, "---See you at the restaurant."


The dining area had been a buffet style that everyone on the ferry had enjoyed. Their had been varieties of food. After Shota had gotten dressed and fixed himself up the best he could, he found Shimizu, Katsura and Sonya with little Reina whom they were trying to keep her still.

"I want a pork cutlet bowl for breakfast!" Reina said, "A big pork cutlet bowl!"

"Aw you silly bean, that's a lunch food." Katsura said, "How about some pancakes instead?"

"It's got chocolate in them~" Sonya added, "And you can have them with strawberry jam!"

"Strawberry jam!" Reina cheered, "Strawberry jam!"

Katsura gave a laugh as she said. "Maybe we should have taken Floyd with us. I know he loves his chocolate pancakes with Strawberry Jam as much as you do, Reina."

"Josephine and her husband took him over to Singapore remember?" Shimizu said, "Since it's their family vacation."

"Plus Floyd still has to go back to school in America." Sonya added.

Reina soon noticed a pudding cup and went to reach for it. Though she had been struggling, even as she stood on her tippy toes. Shota decided to make his presence known. He walked over and leaned over before getting the pudding cup, which Reina had noticed.

"Shota-niichan!" She said gleefully.

"Ah, there he is!" Katsura said, "So glad of you to join us."

"Did you enjoy your morning bath?" Sonya asked.

"If by enjoy it, you mean having to deal with both of your husbands--" Shota said as he handed Reina the pudding cup, "---Then no."

"I knew you'd love it." Sonya said.

"Where are the boy's anyway?" Katsura asked.

"Still in the baths, they'll be here soon." He replied.

"Aww shame---They'll miss the pancake hour." Katsura said, she soon shrugged, "Ah well, let's go get a plate and find ourselves a table!"

"Yaay!" Little Reina cheered before she followed behind Katsura. Shota had been about to get his plate to gather food along with Shimizu.

"So then, it must've been nice to catch up with everyone." Shimizu said, as her ears twitched, "You seemed to have enjoyed yourself Sho-chan."

"I really didn't." Shota said, "They keep showing up practically up at the door since I got Reina home."

"It can't be helped if they're just concerned." Shimizu said before getting herself some salad.

"Seriously they're worst then the papa---" Shota started to say before he finally felt his pockets. He looked a little panicked, "Oh no! No, no, no, no, where is it?!"

"Where's what?" Shimizu asked.

Shota ignored it as he looked to the floor, "Damn it no! Don't tell me it slipped out of my pocket!"

"Are you by chance---" Shimizu said, as she held out a familiar object to him, "---Referring to this?"

Shota looked shocked by the sight, and especially the fact that Shimizu had it. "Where did you get that?!" He said.

"I found it, in your room." Shimizu replied, "You dropped it when the boy's came for you."

Shota immediately swiped it from her, before he put it in his pocket. "You---Didn't look inside did you?" Shota asked.

"Of course not---" Shimizu replied, "---Sides, I know all to well what its supposed to be."

Shota turned his back to her as he went to get his food. "You were going to propose to Alcina---" Shimizu said, "---Weren't you?"

Shota didn't answer, as Shimizu noticed his expression. "... Sho-chan, you---"

"Hey! Sho!"

Shota looked over in a certain direction as he saw Malcom out with just his towel as he laughed

"Please tell me you have clothes on.." Shota said.

"You kidding me?"

He soon took it off as he soon saw he was wearing black shirt with black pants, trenchcoat and pants

"...Malcom..Don't tell me." Shota said before--

Shota found himself in a green hoodie and jeans while Oda had a black trenchcoat with pants while Hizashi had a jacket, white under shirt and goggles.

"...I should have never agreed to this." Shota said.

Reina couldn't help but giggle at the sight of appearance, "Shota-niichan, it's not halloween! Why are you wearing a costume?"

"...Blame it on your uncle Oda.." Shota said as he had a vien with Oda laughing.

"I bet Al will like you with that outfit, Sho!" Hizashi said.

Shota gave a look as Hizashi raised his hands.

"Al?" Reina said, "Who's Al?"

The adults had gotten nervous before Oda replied, "Uh she's a very close relative of ours! And she's very fond of Shota!"

"Really!?" Reina said as her eyes sparkled, "Does that mean they're boyfriend and girlfriend?! Like the couple in the lovey dovey movies?!"

"You can say that.." Shota said before he looked at Hizashi again this time with a leer as he laughed nervously.

Shota soon sat next to Reina before he asked, "Anyway---What exactly are we going to do in Okinawa when we get there?"

"Oh we've got all sorts of things planned!" Katsura said, "Since we our extended family owns a beach house, we're going to have ourselves a beach day!"

"Beach day?!" Little Reina said with excitement, "We can have a beach day?!"

"Now the Beach? Seriously?" Shota asked.

"Hey, we're not gonna let you be a staycation dad all day. Now do we?" Katsura said.

"Beaches and me don't mix." Shota said.

"It'll be fine Sho!" Hizashi said, "One day at the beach won't kill ya!"

"... Still not gonna go." Shota said.

Hizashi had a smirk as he said, "I have a swim trunks with your name on it."

"... I hate the fact that it doesn't surprise me." Shota said.

"I can't wait to have a beach day!" Reina cheered, "I'm gonna find a ton of shells! And--And paint them! And make a big and beautiful sand sculpture!"

"Oh are you?" Katsura said.

"See? Even Reina's ecstatic to go." Malcolm said with his eyebrows moving

Shota only had a twitch as he only said. "I hate you guys so much right now."

"We love you too buddy!" Oda said as he patted his back.

Shimizu couldn't help but have a softened look as the conversation continued. She couldn't help but think if it, and what it meant. She had reminded herself to ask about it again later.



"...I'm already regretting this." Shota said.

"Relax, you'll thank us in the future~" Hizashi said.

Everyone began to disembark the ferry. Shota, Hizashi, Shimizu and the Aiharas had followed the crowd. Little Reina wanted to run ahead, though Shota made sure he had her hand in his the whole time.

It hadn't been long before they reached the dock where they were met with a few faces that Shota found somewhat familiar.

"Hey! Masashi! Akira!" Oda called out as he waved.

The couple they had approached had been a young couple. One having short black hair wearing a orange and yellow hawaiian shirt and the other wearing a yellow and orange hawaiian shier and black shorts.

"Hey there Oda!" Masashi said

"What up, lil brother!" Akira added as he and Oda exchanged Hand grabs and hugs.

"Ah, it's good to see you two again, you haven't aged a day!" Oda said.

"How about you, you got older!" Masashi joked as the three of them exchanged laughs.

Akira soon noticed Reina as he asked "And this lil firecracker must be--"

"Hi!" Reina said, "I'm Reina Nouki! I'm six years old!"

"Awww aint she the cute one!" Masashi said. "And where's her parents?"

"Right here.." Shota said with a twitch.

"Wait--no way---isn't that Eraserhead the Underground Hero?" Akira asked.

"Oh yeah, the shy one!" Masashi said.

"I---" Shota was about to shout before he said with a look, "---I'm not shy."

"And where's Missus Eraser?" Akira asked as ir made Shota blush

"Actually---Shota is acting as the guardian of sweet little Reina here." Shimuzu said as she patted her head, "Isn't that right sweetie?"

"Yup!" Reina said with a smile.

Shota gave a sigh of relief as he held his chest.

"Anywho, what do you say we get this party started!?" Akira said.

"I AM, LET'S ROCK BABY!!" Hizashi cheered.

"In that case---Our ride is over this way." Masahi said.

The two of them lead the group towards----A hummer limo?

"It's such a big car!" Reina said as her eyes sparkled.

"This---Can't be yours." Shota said looking to the couple.

Akira repiled "it's one of the 100."

Shota's eyes blinked as he asked "...100?"

"It was an impulse buy day." Oda told him.

"A what da---" Shota started to say before---

"LETS GOO!!" Hizashi cheered before pushing Shota into the hummer, while Reina climbed inside with Shimizu's help.

"...I'm REALLY regretting this." Shota said as he sat himself up.

Reina cheered with joy, "Beach day! Beach day!"

"Next stop! The Fiji Resort!" Akira said as he started up the hummer limo as they drove with the traffic.


Shota had been taken aback at the sight of the resort itself. It was almost been as though he was in an entirely different place that wasn't Osaka. It had been filled with so many people, and one or two waterparks for kids to enjoy. The beach houses were as spacouous on the inside as it is on the outside with vibariant yellow rooftops.

The moment they entered the room they were staying in they were in sheer awe.

The beach had been basically the backyard.

Reina couldn't help but squeal as she started to run through the room.

"What do you think?" Akira said, "Best room in the house huh?"

"How does a family of pro heroes own a beach resort?" Shota asked.

"You can thank our services in America for that!" Oda said as he slapped his back

"We used most of our retirement money to invest into this resort and it was worth it!" Masahi said, "We recently got in the top ten list of best resorts on the planet!"

"And if you think this is nice, wait till you see the master bedroom, you'll be sharing with little Reina!" Akira said.

"Huh?" Shota said.

Reina's eyes sparkled as she said "Really?! I get to spend time with Shota-niichan?!"

"Yes you do!" Akira said before Reina started to cheer.

"I wanna see! I wanna see!" Reina cheered as Shota picked her up.

"Okay, okay calm down." He said to her.

As the two made it to the master bedroom, Shota himself was in awe of how it looked. The whole beach had been in view, and their had been an open porch. The bed had been kingsized and had new silk sheets. Pillows---He lost count after three.

Reina squeed before jumping on the bed; she started to bounce on it like a trampoline.

"... Please tell me this room isn't what I think its meant for--" Shota said as he noticed a certain bottle on the counter, that gave him a slight blush, "---That Old--!"

"Hey Shota-niichan!" Reuna said "Jump on the bed with me! It's like jumping on a cloud!"

Shota had a look before looking at the whole room noticing the quote on quote, "rare amenities" around "Oda...."

"Hey little Reina!" Oda soon said as he leaned onto the doorway, "You ready for beach time?"

"Beach time!" Reina cheered as she couldn't help but jump higher.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Shota said, as he caught her, "You're gonna hurt yourself if you jump any higher."

"Lets go to the beach Shota-niichan!" Reina said, "And then we can jump on the bed!"

Shota couldn't help but have a small smile at little Reina's enthusiasm, "Okay, but first we need to get sunscreen on you, so you don't get burned."

"Kay!" Reina said excitedly as she bounced in his arms.

"Oh, I got the perfect swimsuit for you Sho!" Oda said before he showed off his swimsuit, "TADA~!"

Shota looked over before his face turned to disgust as he saw it had been a speedo, with red strips.

"... I---Am NOT wearing that." Shota said with a look.

"Oh come on, The ladies would love you-"

"NO!" Shota shouted scaring Reina. He noticed this before he calmed down and told Oda, "I'm fine with my own swimsuit thanks."

"Come on, Shota." Oda said.

"I REFUSE." Shota said as he activated his Quirk, while his hair levitated.

"Whoa okay now--" Oda said, "---No need to go pro on me."

"... So cool..." Reina said in awe as her eyes sparkled.

"Come on lets get you sunscreen." Shota said as he took Reina to the restroom.

"Sunscreen, then beach time!" Reina cheered.


Once they had gotten their swimwear on, they headed to the beach right away. Little Reina had been in a onesie decorated with peach blossoms, while Shota had been wearing gray swimtrunks with a black hoodie. Most people on the beach couldn't help but look at him oddly.

Especially towards a certain Aihara man, wearing a speedo.

"Did you seriously have to wear that?" Shota asked.

"What? Katsura liked it." Oda said

"You're supposed to be a grandpa, aren't you?" He said, "Is something like that even normal?"

"Of course it is!" Oda replied, with a smile, "The ladies love it!"

As he walked around it, the ladies one by one couldn't be helped but be petrified with horror. Some even buried their faces in the sand at the sight of Oda in a speedo. Shota only groaned as he shook his head.

"...Why did I wake up today?" Shota said.

"At least---He's trying new things." Shimizu said as she had been in a casual blue bikini, though she couldn't help but have an awkward face.

Katsura had a grey bikini herself as her eyes sparkling before they became hearts "Oh My Oda-honey!"

"Hey there, Katsu!" Oda said with a wave just as her wife got on and they exchanged a kiss causing Shimizu to blush.

"Is that a new speedo you're wearing?" Katsura asked, "It is looking so good on you!"

Oda had said, as he showed off, "Right? I told you you would love something like this~"

"... I don't know you." Shota said as he went over to where they set up on the beach.

"Shota-niichan---" Reina said, "---Can I go find shells? Please?"

"Sure, just stay where I can see you, alright?" Shota said as he sat on the towel he set up.

"Kay!" She said before she went towards the water with a bucket and shovel in hand.

"And don't jump in the water!" He said.

"I won't!" Reina said, before she jumped over a wave as she laughed. "Hey little listener!" Hizashi said as he had been wearing yellow orange trunks, "Need a hand in finding those shells?"

"Yeah, Uncle Hizashi!" Reina said.

Shota watched as the two of them went over to the waters searching for shells. It hadn't been long before someone held a can of beer to him.

"Here." Shimizu said, "Heard it's the best thing they have in Okinawa."

"... Thanks." Shota said as he took the can from her.

She sat beside as her ears twitched. She took a sip from the can herself. "So---" She said, "---Are we going to acknowledge it?"

"... Acknowledge what?" He asked.

"You know---" She said, "---About the ring?

Shota stayed silent at this as he watched Reina play with Hizashi, as she had been doing her best to collect shells.

Shimizu sighed, "Sho-chan... I know it was a big step you wanted to take with Al. And if she had known what you wanted to do... I'm sure she would've come back to you."

"I know..." Shota said, "... But how could I know when she was---"

He sighed as he took the ring out of the pocket of his swim trunks. "This was my way to show her I would've been with her no matter what happens. That she could rely on me whenever she needed. But..."

"... You thought she would say no?" Shimizu asked.

Shota only groaned as he hid himself with the hoodie he had on.

Shimizu only laughed, "Sho-chan, I know my sister more than anyone. I wasn't lying to you when I told you she loved you. While I can't say I understood her choices, I know her feelings are genuine, and she never liked to lie."

Shimizu placed her hand on his shoulder, "I know it seems like the world is against with everything that's happened... Especially with what happened to Shirakumo-kun..."

Shota's look softened at the mentioning of the name.

"But something I do know..." Shimizu said, "... If she was here, I'm sure she would jump at the chance to marry again. Especially if it meant she could be with you."

"... You... Really think so?" Shota asked.

Shimizu nodded as she had a smile.


Reina ran over to him, holding a conch shell, "Look, look! Uncle Hizashi and I found this!"

"Did that wash up at the shore?" Shota asked.

"Yeah, just now!" Reina replied, "Can I take it home? Please?"

Shota smiled at this as he patted her on the head, "Of course you can."

Reina cheered as she had the brightest smile on her face. The smile that always seemed to remind Shota, of the person he loved most.

Or rather, a person he would always love.

(Ending Theme: A Place Further than the Universe-Ending From Here, From Now On Performed By Inori Minase, Kana Hanazawa, Yuka Iguchi, Saori Hayami)

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