Dead Of Night - Jace Wayland

By snatchingmyweave

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" When the daylight disappears, you'll find no shelter in this tangled web of fear" this is @rowanmorgenstern... More



941 17 3
By snatchingmyweave

Of Men and Angels


Elara sat with her back leaning against the headboard of the bed, gazing at the words that were written on the photograph. The words 'Warrior Princess' Stood out to her the most, especially with the upcoming war against Valentine falling upon them rather quickly. The girl knew the day it came she would be ready to fight, to fight for her new friends, The angelic boy she had grown to appreciate and adore and finally her family. Clary and Simon had been by her side since the beginning of her mundane life and now to her Shadowhunter life, they were her family.

Elara sighed as she gingerly reached into the box beside her, plucking out a picture of Cheryl Lestrange. A smile graced the girls features as she gently ran her finger tips over it, feeling herself fading away.


Screaming and shouting could vaguely be heard as a young woman, Cheryl Lestrange, lay lifeless on the cold bloodied ground, a young man was shaking her shoulders with tears repeatedly falling down his angelic face.

"Cher, please wake up." He cried while rasing his hand up to her face, caressing it gently, smearing blood onto her face as he did so. "My darling, Cheryl, oh how I wish you would open your beautiful brown eyes to gaze upon me once more."

Veins appeared under the man's eyes, his once blue eyes glowed a vibrant red as he bent down towards the girls face, tears still falling from his now monstrous eyes and falling onto her pale cheeks." I will make you come back to me, Cher, I can't live without you." His voice grew stronger as he bit down into his arm, letting his blood flow quickly as he pressed it against her soft lips, urging her to drink, hoping she would.

His hope soon drifted away as she made no movements to awaken, with one sudden action he took the sword from beside him, already wanting to kill the demon he was becoming.

His painful cries could be heard as he raised his hand and plunged the sword into his chest, in his last dying breath he whispered one final word.



Elara gasped as a single tear ran down her cheek, after witnessing two deaths in one memory wasn't something that could be dealt with lightly. The vivid images of the blood coating Cheryl's clothes and face, the crying of the man still lingering in her ears.

But what scared her the most was what he changed into, she knew it to be some kind of vampire, but nothing like what Camille nor Raphael were. Could Cedric have been a different type of Downworlder? Elara merely thought she could try to find out. But she would need to search for a photograph of him, Cedric Harrington.

Elara placed the photograph she was holding down and immediately set off towards the bookshelves, searching everywhere for the Harringtons, a photo album to be precise. She hoped Magnus had one.

As if her wishes had been granted she came across a book that made her grin "The Harringtons, bingo." She immediately snatched it from it's place and kneeled down to sit upon the floor, gently opening the book as she rested her back against the bookcase.

Elara slowly ran her fingers over the picture of Cedric and two other people, Cedric's blue eyes seemed vibrant even upon the photograph. Those eyes alone could make anyone swoon, no wonder Cheryl fell in love with him. Elara's vision soon faded once more.


"You can't do this to me." Cedric yelled as he pulled against the restraints, his body laying upon a mental table. His arms were red and bloodied as he struggled to escape. "Let me go!"

"You know we can't do that, son." A man spoke up walking over to the boy, the same vibrant blue eyes and black hair also graced the man's features, but a loving glint gleamed within his eyes. "The demon within you is aching to get out and we know you can't control it."

"I can father!" Yelled the boy, turning to look towards the corner of the room where a woman stood, silently crying, her brown hair fell down her back in perfect curls while her dark blue eyes held fear "Mother, you can't let father do this, please!" he cried out.

"I'm sorry, Cedric" The woman sobbed louder "But your father is right, you might harm Cheryl, we can't have that."

"I would never harm her!" Cedric shook his head "I love her!"

"We can't test fate with you and her." His father yelled "Many other copies of her will be created from her blood as soon as she dies, that can't happen."

"What do you mean, Robert?" Asked the woman, whom was no longer crying, her face now void of emotions.

"Robin" The man frowned at her "Cheryl's blood is special, if it was to seep into the earth's core any Warlock could get their hands onto it, especially Mary, she will not hesitate to create copies of that beautiful girl."

Cedric struggled even more against the restraints at the mention of his partner, just talking about her dying made his blood run cold. Not seeing her everyday, the way she laughed and spoke gentle words to him. The world wouldn't turn for him without her being alive, his world would end along with her.

"Why would Mary wish to create copies of our dear, Cheryl?" Robin frowned, turning to look at her son, who could drown in his own tears with how much he was crying. Her heart ached for him, but she knew what they were doing was to keep him safe.

"She has beauty no Mundane nor Shadowhunter has ever possessed." Robert began, turning to look at his wife "Mary has been obsessed with Cheryl, always wanting to be around her, falling in love."

"Mary loves Cheryl?" Robin gasped as she placed her hand up to her mouth, shock flowing through her. Cedric's cries stopped as he stared up at his father who pressed a needle into his arm "Mary made a vow to herself that if anything happened to Cheryl, she would create a new vision of her, so her beauty would always be seen." Robert rook the needle away, placing it onto the cold surface of the table next to his son who was now falling asleep slowly.

"A doppelganger." Robin spoke up, now understanding what he was saying "But wouldn't that come with a price?"

"Yes." Nodded Robert "Everytime a new Doppelganger will be born, they grow stronger." He paused for a second, reaching down to run his fingers through the now sleeping Cedric's hair. "But every doppelganger will be destined to die, they will be born warriors, willing to die for anything and everything."

"So they'd be raised only to die for the world?" Robin shuddered as she placed a hand up to her heart. "How do you even know this?" she moved to take her husband's hand into hers. Robert reached up and touched his hand to her cheek.

"Because It's happened before."


Elara's eyes fluttered open as so many emotions ran through her. She was destined to die and the only reason she was alive to begin with was because of the Warlock, Mary and her obsession over Cheryl. The same Warlock who sealed Elara's fate the moment she was born.

That's why she was called the 'The Warrior Princess', because it was  true, she would fight and die for anything and everything that was right for the world. Elara would give up her life if it meant saving millions of innocent lives of Shadowhunters, Downworlders and the Mundanes.

Cedric seemed to also be a demon, which meant he was like Elara. But the girl was glad she hadn't let that part of herself out into the open and she hoped she never would. But even by the mere memory she had witnessed, it seemed Cedric was the one who accidentally killed Cheryl, meaning his parents were right, it's hard to contain.

But what exactly did Robert mean by this had happened before? Was there another person before, Cheryl, who had many Doppelgangers of them running around somewhere out there in this world? All because of Mary, many other Doppelgangers would be born but many would also die.

Elara understood that everyone in the world was born to die, but knowing it was already seeled in her fate to die young, scared the girl. She didn't even know if she was allowed to grow old, have a family or even experience the world.

Already being a shadowhunter lowered her chances of living past her twenties, so what did being a Doppelganger give her but the unknowing doubt of her own death.

Cheryl died by the hands of her lover who seemed to also share dark secrets like Elara, he was a demon. Her blood coated his hands while he screamed out her name, hatred flowing within him for himself as he painfully killed his demon but also sacrificed himself in the process.

Marlo died by keeping Elara safe, her love and caring nature towards the girl made her walk out of Magnus' apartment that night after giving the small baby to him before getting ambushed by demons, killing her painfully and slowly. The love of her life, Raphael Santiago, found her minutes later as he cried over her lifeless body, trying to change her into what he was, but he didn't know that Marlo was already a creature of the night, her life couldn't have been saved.

Then there was Elara, she didn't exactly know what her future held nor how she was going to die. But she knows it'll come one day, and when that day dreadfully comes she'll be ready to great death with open arms, as long as she died for the right reasons, she'd be at peace with it.

But for now the girl would live in the present, she'd live for those she loves and for those she'd lost in the past.

Until that dreadful day comes upon her.


Hehehe, don't hate my ass for that plot twist , blame old me, blame her real good.

Shortest chapter ever I think, so crumbs until tomorrow.

But what did you think? Give me all the feedback your hearts desire.

The next chapter will be resuming from where the show continues, so I hoped you liked Elara doing her own things, there's definitely more chapters with her doing that if I  remember correctly.

Also younger me makes me cringe sometimes with the TVD likeyness, but I know I can't change it because of the plotline of Elara. So I apologise for my thirteen year old self and her mind.

Also I somehow can't spell doppelganger correctly because my phone won't let me do the fancy two dots above the a. So I cry about that a lot.

But anywhore, any spelling errors inform me so I can change them and again FEEDBACK LOVELIES I NEED IT. I crave it.


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