Always You. Only You

By MFlowerBug

10.2K 532 48

Wei Ying tripped over his own foot and fell - Eyes closed tightly he waited for the impact of falling on the... More

Author's Note ( Please read )
CH 1
CH 2
CH 4
CH 5
CH 6
CH 7
CH 8
CH 9
CH 10
CH 11
CH 12
CH 13
CH 14
CH 15
End Note

CH 3

707 41 1
By MFlowerBug

It is a nice morning. Sun shining birds chirping.
Wei Ying sleeping without a worry in the world and Jiang Cheng trying to break his door down to wake him up.

See,Just the perfect morning !

Wei Ying groaned and covered his ears.

" Ugh Jiang Cheng go away "

" What go away ?
It's 10.30 am wake up RIGHT NOW. WE ARE LATE !"

Wei Ying groaned again he have no interest in getting out of bed.
He can't be blamed. He stayed up till late night reading all the things people said about him.
It was funny at first, everyone talking about how awkward Wei Ying looked while Lan Wangji was holding him.
Some said Wei Ying looked like a cute fanboy.
But after sometimes things started to go downhill.

It was actually Lan Wangji's fans who started it.
They said Wei Ying always liked to cause trouble he was probably trying to use Lan Wangji for popularity now.
The one who pulled Wei Ying out of the crowd was Jiang Cheng without a doubt, so more proof that they were trying to gain popularity.

The fans of Twin Prides fought back saying they don't need to use such methods for popularity.
A fight broke out between the fandoms ( once again )

A different group although found the most interesting thing a ship between the Twin Prides and the Twin Jades.

Wei Ying couldn't handle anymore. First that incredible bashing on him ( he agrees he is a troublemaker but those things were exaggerated ) then forming a pair between him and Lan Wangji.

That looked too real to Wei Ying.

He finally understood why Wen Qing asked them stay away from the internet. He don't know about Jiang Cheng but it's too much for him !
So, when he finally decided to put his phone down it was 2.30 am.

As a result he is now late to practice. When Jiang Cheng said they are late it was an understatement because they were supposed to start their workout at 8 am.

" We are already this late, no need to hurry anymore ", Wei Ying answered as he rolled down his bed with great difficulty.

" You want Wen Qing to kill us ? "

Wei Ying opened the door all blurry eyed and shirtless,
" We are already half dead it will be better to die fully
Why are you late anyways ? " he said giving emphasis on ' you '

Jiang Cheng just sighed, " I too oversleep sometimes "

"Hmm "

" What ? "

" I just said hmm "

" You ! - get ready now ! We can't be late to our photoshoot too "

" Huh ? What photoshoot ? "

" You are driving me crazy now, just get ready ", Jiang Cheng rubbed his forehead and said helplessly as he walked away from Wei Ying.


"That's it for today good work "

" Thank you "
Wei Ying shook hands with their photographer, bowed and gave a stiff smile.
He can't dare to look to his side where Wen Qing is standing glaring daggers at him.

First they didn't make it to practice and their dance instructor yelled at them and Wen Qing, then they came late to the photoshoot and Wen Qing got yelled at again.
Wei Ying can see the viens popping on her forehead and he is sweating profusely under her gaze.

" We will continue Jiang Wanyin's single shoot now "
Wei Ying actually released a sigh in relief, when he heard this
It means the time for facing Wen Qing's wrath got delayed.

" Wei Wuxian will you remove your makeup now ? "

" Uh- Yes, let's go "
Wei Ying gave Jiang Cheng a thumbs up before following into the makeup room.

" Your manager is angry today ", his makeup artist said as he loosened his hair which was tied in some complex knot.

" Of course, you saw how late we were. We even missed our practice today "

" Were you two playing games all night again  ?"

" Don't laugh ", Wei Ying whined
" We just had a rough day. Although I don't know what Jiang Cheng was doing.
He is so stingy he is just ignoring me since morning "

The makeup artists chuckled, all of them are used to these sibling banters of the Twin Prides.
It makes the set lively.

" He said the same thing "

" What ? "

" Uh- nothing nothing, now close your eyes"

20 minutes later Wei Ying is walking down the street his mask and hat in place.
Even though he is not supposed to come out alone, when has he ever listened to anyone so he did cam - uh- sneaked out of the studio alone.

As long as no one recognises him it's all fine.

He put on his headphones and walked into a cafe.
It's a warm and cute cafe. He didn't notice before but there are bunnies inside.

He ordered a frappe and played with a white bunny.
He don't really like small animals but this little bun is just stealing his heart as it nibbled on his fingers.

There was not much people inside the cafe so he took his mask off and sipped his cup.
Then he forgot to put his mask back on as he left the cafe.

" That - is- isn't that Wei Wuxian ! "

" Huh ? Yes it is - "

Wei Ying turned to see a group of people probably students.
He touched his face - and he did it again !
He is an idiot, he will not protest anymore when Jiang Cheng calls him idiot.

He started walking without thinking anymore and that group of people followed him calling his name.
He started running, he has no idea why he is running but he is running.

Neither Jiang Cheng nor Wen Ning were with him, no one can save if he got kidnapped right now, is what he thought.

He bumped into someone (again)
" Sorry sorry ", Wei Ying said as he tried to get away
But the stranger pulled his hand,
" Come with me "
Wei Ying felt like his heart will come out of his chest. He is terrified,
' Is this it ? Is he getting kidnapped ? He is too pretty to get kidnapped and kill '

He followed the stranger anyway.

The group behind him has gotten bigger somehow. They are saying something else too, he couldn't really hear it.

That stranger had pulled him inside a corner made by two buildings.
Their chests pressed together, so close they can even hear each other's heartbeat.

Wei Ying sighed when he saw that group of people has lost them.

He looked up to see the stranger's face.
Only now did he notice how close they were standing.
Under the framed glasses that man is wearing there is a pair of golden eyes.

Wei Ying stuttered, " Lan -"
" Shh "
He covered Wei Ying's mouth with his hand

The man standing in front of him is Lan Wangji. In felsh and blood !

Wei Ying will faint. What is this situation, did he really meet Lan Wangji two times in two days
When he said he wanted to meet Lan Wangji again as soon as possible, he didn't mean it literally.
To top his misery they are this close again.

' Jiang Cheng save me ' he thought weakly


" Come in "

" Where is this ? "

" Bookstore "

" I - I can see that "

" It's safe, I come here often "

Lan Wangji nodded at the owner and went inside.
Wei Ying too gave an awkward smile before following Lan Wangji.

" Uh - thank you f-for helping me.
Uh- Lan Wangji ? "

" Lan Zhan
Call me Lan Zhan, it's my name "

Wei Ying looked at him surprised then smiled , " Then my name is Wei Ying "

" I know "

" Hehe "

There was a sitting spot inside, it was not for everyone. It was for Lan Wangji only.

Even though they are talking for the first time their conversation flowed smoothly.
From Lan Wangji's new drama to the upcoming music awards.
Wei Ying never takes long to warm up to people but Lan Wangji is different.

It's as if they have known each other for a long time.

" Wei Ying have you ever thought about acting ?"

" Acting ? "

" Mn "

" ... "

A blur of scenes went through Wei Ying's mind
Some messy voices could be heard

" I - "

He got interrupted as his phone rang.
It's Jiang Cheng.

" Excuse me ", Wei Ying said
' I need to buy Jiang Cheng his favourite milkshake ', he thought

" Hello A-Cheng ~ say what do you want ~ "

' I don't want anything from you !
Where are you ? '

" I am uh- your shoot is over ? "

' Yeah we are heading back.
That is the only reason I am asking, I am not worried about you or anything '

" Yeah yeah I know. You go back first then, I will come later. And I am fine "

' What do mean ? Wei Ying don't do anything stupid. I swear I - '

" That might be too late now "

' Wha - '

Wei Ying hanged up.

" Do you need to go back now ? I will ask my assistant to send you home "

" Aah ! Don't bother, I am not in a hurry.
Can I have your number ? "
He grinned holding his phone forward

" Mn "
Lan Wangji took it at once.

" Um Lan Zhan I wanted to apologise "

" For what ? "

" At the airport - it was an accident I didn't mean to cause you trouble "

" Wei Ying is not a trouble "

" Really, you don't mind ? "
Wei Ying's eyes twinkled

" Mn, really "

" Heehee "

They talked some more before Wei Ying bought some magazines to show gratitude to the owner.
When they left, both of them are smiling.

That bookstore is actually owned by one of the Lans.

" So, that's why you were so confident that it was a 'safe' place huh ? " Wei Ying laughed

Lan Wangji brought him to his apartment in his own car.

Wei Ying got out and leaned in front of the window.
" Let's meet again ah Lan Zhan ? "

" Mn, let's meet again "

Wei Ying stood there till he couldn't see the car anymore.
Then he turned around, his face changed

" What was that ? That ? Was it a dream? Reality ?
Did I really spend so much time with The Lan Wangji ?
Am I going die ?
Jiang Cheng ! Open the doorrr ! "


Wei Ying was so lost he didn't hear the sounds coming from the car that was parked just opposite him.

What do you think Lan Wangji was doing on the same street as Wei Ying ? 🤔

Was he stalking Wei Ying 😱
Was he just visiting the cute bunny cafe 😚

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