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By jaestarz

85K 3.3K 1.5K

"Thank you for your help, Ms. Hwang. You're officially free from all trials of law," Agent Kim announced loud... More

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1.4K 48 38
By jaestarz

"Okay, Ms. Hwang, are you ready for the gender reveal of your baby?" Doctor Sana asked me with a smile.

"I'm really nervous, but yes..." I took a deep breath, focusing my eyes on Jaeyun.

While Doctor Sana was applying the gel on my stomach, I noticed him attentively watching. By the look of it and the smile on his face, I knew he was more than excited to see our baby on screen.

"Alright, now..." she took a seat next to me and pulled the monitor closer to us.

"Are Mommy and Daddy ready?" she asked, seeming as excited as we were.

"Yes, I'm so excited!" Jaeyun cheered while I just nodded with a smile on my face.

"Okay, by the looks of it..." she analyzed the ultrasound video on the screen while moving around with the transducer.

"It's a... Girl! Congratulations!" Doctor Sana announced.

"Yes!" Jaeyun stood up from his chair and started jumping around.

"Did you hear that, love? It's going to be a little baby girl!" he took my hand and continued jumping.

"Yes, I heard," I laughed, amused by his behavior.

"Congratulations, you both, I'm so happy for you," Doctor Sana interrupted.

"Thank you so much and thank you for checking up on our little one," I gladly told her.

"With pleasure, I hope I get to visit your little girl when she's born," she stated.

"You're more than welcome to come," I informed while she was cleaning the gel on my stomach.


"Oh God, I really can't believe it, soon we'll have two Yeras walking around..." Jaeyun had the biggest smile on his face while admiring the ultrasound picture in his hands.

I just giggled at the thought of it.

"I thought you'd be more happier about a boy," I admitted, looking at him.

"I never cared about the gender. As long as our child is born perfectly healthy, I'm the happiest man alive," he kissed my forehead.

"And in order to keep it healthy, you're not allowed to stress yourself, that's why I decided to have the wedding after it's born," he reminded.

"You're overreacting, it won't stress me that easily," I defended, walking hand in hand with him.

"I did my research, I know what I'm talking about. Besides, Heeseung also thinks so, he even hired someone trustworthy he said to do your job at the company while he's away," Jaeyun shrugged.

"I'm just so glad he isn't doing my work instead and really listened to his body. I miss him so much, he's been gone for almost three months now," I pouted.

"You visited him three days ago," he jokingly frowned.

"Exactly, it feels like months!" I sighed, "The last time I saw him, he was so happy of how big our girl got."

"We still have to tell him that it's a girl," Jaeyun remembered.

"Let's go to him, I don't wanna tell him such important information over phone," I suggested.

"Their visiting time is already over, we can go tomorrow, alright?" he recommended.

"Yes," I answered, noticing the cold weather.

I haven't realized that it was already October. It was windy and probably started to pour soon, I regretted not taking a coat with me.

"Are you... Shivering?" Jaeyun halted.

"Only a bit," I admitted.

"That's not a bit, your hand is shaking, your nails have gotten blue, your lips pale and your teeth are slightly chattering," he noticed this all in a matter of seconds.

"You're insane for noticing these things," I stared blankly at him.

"Take my coat," he started taking it off.

"No, then you'll be cold," I stopped him by putting my hands on his arm.

"I couldn't care less, if my girl is feeling cold then I'll do anything to prevent it," he stated.

"I have an idea," I smiled, knowing it was kind of silly.

"Your coat is large enough, so just hug me into it," I immediately wrapped my arms around his torso underneath the coat.

"See, now Mommy and Daddy are in between their baby," I looked up at him.

He looked at me with big heart eyes and then finally brought his hands close to each other, so the coat hugged me whole, "You're adorable."

I just giggled and snuggled into his chest, "I love you, my Jaeyun."

"I love you too, my love," he kissed the top of my head, then lifted my chin and kissed me on the lips.

"Let's go buy her some clothes now that we know the gender," he suggested.


Me and Jaeyun strolled hand in hand through the aisles of a baby store, excitement radiating from our smiles. The anticipation of welcoming our little girl into the world was overwhelming and choosing adorable outfits for her felt like a special bonding experience.

As we perused the racks filled with tiny dresses, onesies and adorable accessories, my eyes sparkled with joy. My growing baby bump made it even more real that our family was about to grow.

"I can't believe we're going to have a baby girl," I gushed, gently caressing my belly. "I hope she inherits your radiant smile, Jaeyun," I giggled.

He grinned, placing a hand on my back to support me as we walked. "And I hope she has your kindness and compassion, love. She's going to be one lucky little girl, that's for sure."

We continued their search, carefully selecting a variety of outfits in different colors and styles. I was drawn to adorable floral dresses, while Jaeyun couldn't resist picking out some cute onesies with funny slogans like "I'm not crying, I'm ordering dinner".

As we approached the section with miniature shoes, Jaeyun's eyes widened with delight. "Oh, love, look at these tiny little sneakers! Won't they look adorable on our little princess?"

I chuckled, my heart swelling with love. "Absolutely, I can already imagine her taking her first steps in those. She's going to be a fashionista just like me."

After hours of shopping, we finally made our way to the checkout counter. With the bags of baby clothes in hand, we walked out of the store, our hearts full of excitement for the new chapter of our lives.

Back home, we carefully organized the baby's wardrobe, placing each tiny outfit in its designated drawer. As I gazed at the precious clothes, a mix of emotions washed over me - anticipation, love and a hint of nervousness.

"What are you thinking about, love?" Jaeyun asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I smiled, leaning into his embrace. "I can't help but wonder what kind of mother I'll be. With you by my side, I know we'll be a great team in raising our little girl."

Jaeyun pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead, his voice filled with reassurance. "You've already shown so much love and care. I have no doubt you'll be an amazing mother. We'll figure it out together, every step of the way."

"For now, let's go and eat, I'm sure you're hungry," he kissed my forehead and guided me to the kitchen to continue making our meal.

I sat at the kitchen island, my pregnant belly slightly visible beneath my loose-fitting top. Jaeyun, determined to care for me, stood by the stove, whisking a sauce for a special dinner he had planned. The scent of herbs and spices filled the air as he continued working diligently.

The aroma made my mouth water and my anticipation grew with each passing minute.  I hadn't eaten for eight hours now and to be honest, I was starving.

However, as Jaeyun finished preparing the sauce and put it on top of the macaroni, I noticed something as my body froze.

My brows furrowed, my hormones and heightened emotions amplifying my reaction. "Jaeyun, this sauce doesn't taste right at all," I exclaimed, my voice laced with frustration, "You added tomatoes, I told you that I don't like them."

Jaeyun looked like he felt a pang of guilt and confusion as he tried to understand my reaction. "But I followed the recipe, love. I'm sorry if it's not up to your expectations," he responded, his tone defensive, yet sweet.

"I don't care if the recipe said it. You shouldn't have added tomatoes, why are you not being thoughtful?" I snapped.

"What? I just forgot, I'll remake it," he picked up the plate in front of me.

"Just say you don't care about what I want! I've been telling you for months that I hate the taste, yet you decide to simply forget?!" I continued letting my rage out.

"It's not that much of a big deal, I know you're hungry, but that doesn't give you the right to treat me this way. If you continue to act like that, just make it yourself the next time," he calmly spoke, yet his voice was cold as he stared daggers into my eyes.

"I'm carrying your baby! Why are you so selfish?!" I confronted, standing up to face him.

"The past few months, all I've been thinking about was you and your health, don't you dare to call me selfish!" he finally snapped back.

"Now it's my fault?!" I didn't stop.

"You know what?" he dropped the wooden spoon into the sink. "Do it yourself," he walked off and bumped his shoulder against mine, a thing he does whenever we get into an argument.

The tension in the room rose as our argument escalated, each of us holding firm to our perspective. Jaeyun struggled to understand why I was becoming so upset over a mishap, while I felt unheard and frustrated.

Once he almost reached our shared bedroom to close the door, I suddenly clutched my belly, hissing as a look of surprise crossed my face.

Jaeyun's worry instantly replaced his frustration as he rushed to my side. "Yera, what's wrong? Are you okay?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

A momentary pause filled the room as I caught my breath, a mixture of emotions playing across my features. "Jaeyun," I said softly, my voice tinged with vulnerability, "I just felt our baby kick for the first time."

Jaeyun's eyes widened, my heart melting at the realization of what truly mattered in that moment. He took a step back, his face softening with understanding. "Oh love, I'm so sorry for our argument. I didn't realize what you were going through," he said remorsefully.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I nodded, the weight of our disagreement dissipating. "I overreacted, Jaeyun. These hormones sometimes get the best of me and I'm sorry too," I whispered, my voice filled with genuine remorse.

In a moment of clarity, we both recognized that our disagreement had been fueled by emotions that paled in comparison to the joy and love we felt for our unborn child.

Without a word, Jaeyun wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. We stood in a warm embrace, connected by our shared love and the precious life growing inside my belly.

As our argument faded into the background, we focused on the gentle flutters and kicks of our girl. I placed Jaeyun's hand on my stomach and together, we continuously felt the tiny movements that reminded us of the miracle we were blessed with.

"I'm so happy, thank you for gifting me a child," I could see the tears in his eyes as we laid on the couch, his head resting on my belly.

Without warning, we heard the sound of the doorbell. Jaeyun got up to check whoever it was. After a minute, I noticed a frustrated Jay entering the living room.

"Hey Jay," I smiled, my hand still on my growing belly.

"I have no time and temper to be friendly," he rushed in with his laptop to sit on the couch.

"Why? What happened?" my eyebrows furrowed.

"You'll never guess, guys," he exchanged looks between me and Jaeyun.

"Will you tell us or..?" Jaeyun broke the silence.

"Okay, you already know that Heeseung apparently wasn't working the past few months because he's in the hospital, right? I've been trying to help the company since then and of course I have to get some data from Heeseung's laptop because all the documents are in there.

An hour ago, I had a client who wanted to book some models for his runaway show and the contacts were inside Heeseung's e-mail. When I opened it, the first thing I saw- Oh my God!" Jay rested his head in his palms.

"What happened? You're making me worry," I stared at him with concerned eyes.

"Did you guys know Heeseung's gonna get married?" Jay finally dropped the bomb.



If you're curious about how Yera and Jake's story will continue and about Heeseung's sudden marriage, go ahead and read the sequel!!!

It's mainly Heeseung's story, but Yera and Jake will play a big role there and will appear with their little baby later.

Again, thank you so much for supporting this story by voting and commenting, it helped me a lot. T-T

See you in "False Alarm"!

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