Questions unanswered (Tomarry)

By NatashaLavender

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Harry has just finished his first year at Hogwarts when he gets an unexpected visit from a bunch of Auras. Th... More



216 8 6
By NatashaLavender

"Are you sure that he'll be alright here...?" Said Sirius, looking nervously around the room. He looked towards his younger cousin, who was sitting relaxed on the floor with Hadrian's head in her lap whilst she stroked her long fingers through his hair. 

"We have done everything we possibly can for Hadrian. We made him comfortable and if there was something wrong with him, we would've known by now. Hadrian did use a lot of energy and you have some explaining to do. How come you never told us that he was a Calestial....What more do you want us to do Sirius?..." Bellatrix's voice was high-pitched but somehow and soothing.

Sirius snorted disdainfully. "I had no idea he was one. He wasn't showing any of the signs when he was born....But then again, i did get locked up when he was one so maybe....Maybe he did show signs after i left. I'm just getting a tad worried. I haven't told Hadrian that me and Remus both joined the dark side yet. What if won't love me anymore. I lied to him when i sent that letter a few years ago to him on his birthday..."

Bellatrix laughed and shook her head. "What could you have honestly lied about? You never lie and if you do, your not very good at it. Was he glowing anywhere when he was born? Did anything vibrate or move? Did he float? If not then he must of been a late bloomer. Calestrial's that normally don't show signs at birth sometimes only show signs when their angry...I'm sure he will still love you when you tell him. No need to worry about him. He's fine....That's all." 

Hands darted into mated, dark long hair, while the almost grey eyes widened. "That's all? THAT'S ALL? he could of been DEAD! Merlin! I almost went into cardiac arrest seeing him fight of that Auror. We have no idea if that Auror is going to get a whole army of Auror's...Did you see how he practically ran away. What id they take him away again. I can't live without him. It took me years to get over the fact that I would never be able to see him again....His hands glowed and there was a gust of wind that knocked a chair over when he was born but when Dumbledore arrived, he said that it was just an early stage of accidental magic..."

"Dumbledore obviously tried covering that up. How did you not notice that. I'm surprised Dumbledore didn't ask the Potters to allow him to marry Hadrian then and there. Calestrial's are really rare. Everyone wants to have one of their own. You don't know the story behind it, do you?..." It was Rodolphus's time to talk.

"No. I only know that powerful Celestial's show signs when their first born and that there extremely rare. So rare that people are willing to kidnap them and even kill whoever is in their path's to get to them. How is it really rare though? How is Harry one?...." Sirius asked looking impatient.

"There's a couple of books about it in Riddle manor. Long ago, there was a lady who was also a witch. She got tired of other witches and wizards who bully her and make fun of how she's not as strong as them so, she made a potion. she had no idea what she used in the potion because she wasn't copying it down. That's why there so rare. It was genetic at first but...then they started to die out and become instinct. They thought that it was because of the potion that she used. They thought that the potion only allowed so many people to become one. After that, there were only a couple of people that were Calestrials. I think that's why Dumbledore covered it up." Bellatrix explained.

"Some people think that it's genetic, whilst other people think that it's lady magic that allow people the ability. They call it really rare because no one has seen a Celestial in over thirty years. That's why they thought they died out. They have many abilities that make them so special to the public's eyes!" Rodolphus finished exclaiming with excitement on the subject.

"What Sorts of abilities do they with hold? What makes them so special to everyone?..." Asked Sirius, getting more into the conversation.

"They haven't really been tested but they have been known to do many things. Boy Calestrials are more special then the girl ones because they are able to have babies in which the boy Calestrials are called Celestial carriers. They have healing powers and just with a simple kiss on the hand or lips...Calestrials can apparently allow you the ability to live forever or as long as they do. The ability goes away once and if they die. The only known way to kill a Celestial is if they wish upon it or a silver blade through the heart. That's why they were known to be extinct...." Bellatrix said before looking down at Hadrian in her lap.

"What powers do they have though?...." Questioned Sirius.

"Normally it's elemental magic. Like, weather adjustments, Fire powers, water or ice powers and earth powers as well. I'm guessing Hadrian's weather power is wind." Explained Rabastian.

"Wow...No wonder they're so rare...."

"Yes....Anyways cousin, beside from the Celestial talk....You avoided my question earlier....What did you lie to Hadrian about?"

"I lied to him about his first word....I'm the reason James hates him so much. I used to be around him most of the time and they used to palm him of on me like they didn't care. When Hadrian was about five months old, James and Lily started expecting him to say his first word....even though his twin brother hadn't said anything either. I came round with remus and they all in the living room. As soon as he saw me he got super excited and shouted the word 'Dada' at the top of his lungs. I told him that his first word was 'Paddy' I lied." 

"That's not your fault cousin...That's Potters. Hadrian obviously loved you guys more considering they used to make you guys practically raise him yourselves. He will be fine with you guys being on our side. Don't keep him in the dark otherwise your just as bad as James and Lily Potter. You have to trust him."

Sirius sat down next to harry on the cold floor and brushed a strand of dark brown hair out of his face. "Poor Hadrian. He has now got two crazy blacks on his back. Not to mention an overbearing Lestrange patriarch.

Rodolphus now started to chuckle. "Can you image what Father would say when he learns about this incident Basty? He would say "Are you completely insane? or has your brain shrunk like Merlin's old balls?" I swear Basty that when we tell him in front of our lord, he will enjoy watching Father disown us!"

Rabastian nodded absently. "I think our lord will find great pleasure in that. Maybe he will then see that Hadrian is apart of our family. He needs us. All of us. Including old Snape and the Malfoy's. He needs protection from the ones that will try and claim him for themselves. He needs the love that he never received from his so called 'family'...."

Rodolphus snorted his nose inelegantly. "It was bloody stupid of him. He should of known that he was one of them.....Hadrian should've calmed down before it got worse. I just hope our lord will save us before the Auror's come and test him. You know what would happen if he comes back positive. They will lock him and try tests like they tried before. They ended up killing the last one..."

"I thought you said they didn't do any tests on them?!" Sirius asked looking furious.

"They only got through two tests before the boy Celestial died. They got him pregnant and sliced open his chest with a silver blade to get the embro out after a few weeks of it growing. That's how they knew that a silver blade kills them. They grew the baby in a tank and started doing tests on it. They only thing that they found is how much energy the baby had and the baby could heal herself pretty quickly. Nothing else other than that. They put her in an orphanage after that..." Said Rabstian and watched Sirius as he swallowed thickly and his face turning pale.

Sirius looked at Hadrian like a Father would to his son lovingly "You right. We need to help him. He's part of our family now and family always comes first."

Bellatrix turned her head back towards where Hadrian's was laying. Her new family member, lay incredibly innocent as if he hadn't used Celestial magic just hours ago. That spectacle of sheer power and dark magic did not fit Hadrian's sleeping angelic face, if they all wouldn't of seen it for themselves, they wouldn't of believed that it happened at all.

But it was true. Hadrian was incredibly strong. Stronger than they all thought possible. They all thought it came in waves whenever they looked at him. It was an indescribable feeling, all they could say was that the sheer power that he displayed was addictively good and that they wanted to see him do more. Even with Hadrian laying on the ground so defeated, so emotionless. They all started to have doubts about what his future held.

Sirius let a frustrated growl escape his lips as he ran a hand through Hadrian's hair. He hated seeing his nephew like this. It was killing him. He looked away for a moment. Towards the cell bars, towards the desk where Hadrian had wrote a letter just earlier, hell he even looked at his fucking nails. Anything to avoid looking down at Hadrian's peaceful-looking face. 

"Are any of you going to say hi and hug me, or does a boy really have to die for a little affection these days....?" Came a hoarse voice from below them. 

Sirius turned his head so fast, that his neck hurt from the sudden jerky movement.With wide eyes, he saw his nephew's normal green eyes, teasingly gleaming at them beneath long, dark eyelashes. 

"Hades! Thank god!" Sirius began to grin widely.

"Hadrian Jamison Potter! I know you hate that word but I'm using it!" Sirius exclaimed, before throwing himself at Hadrian and picking him up and into his arms. "Don't you ever do something like that again! Fuck, keep in mind that I'm just an old man. My heart can't take anymore!" 

He brought Hadrian closer into his arms and breathed in his scent. "I don't know what I'd do if i lost you..." He whispered.

Hadrian laughed. "Everything is always so intense with you Paddy...I'm fine!"

Grey eyes gleamed dangerously. "You passed out, Hades! You raised the whole fucking room to the ground. You made - damn - an Auror nearly piss his pants. In fact, I'm pretty sure he did considering he ran away as fast as he possibly could, leaving the dementor to follow on behind him...."

Hadrian was unimpressed and pursed his lips. "Ahhhh...Your so upset that you can't even thank me for saving you life. That dementor looked like he was about to suck the living day lights out of us....Yes your correct...You must be aging....."

"AGING!....I was just joking young man! I'm still old enough to tickle you to death....Why didn't you tell us you were a Celestial?..."

"I'm a what?...." Hadrian asked, looking confused.

"A celestial is something not many people are born with....In fact it's very rare. So rare that you can't tell many people that you have it otherwise they will be after you. You a boy calestial so you're able to have babies. You can heal people and you can live for as long as you want. You also have elemental magic..." Explained Sirius.

"I haven't seen any books on that....Babies?.....Why would i want to live and watch everyone else around me die?"

"Calestials are really are that's why. There are a few books in Riddle manor. They are able to have a lot of babies. That's why so many gay men want to kidnap them whereas the girls want to kidnap them for their sheer power. You will be able to make whoever you want live forever with you. You just need to kiss their hands or lips. But you must know if you can fully trust them first because if you give them this ability, you won't be able to take it away unless you die." Said Bellatrix with a sympathetic smile in which, Hadrian nodded in understanding.

Hadrian didn't know whether this was because of his wish or if he actually got born with the ability but whatever it was, he was scared. Normally he doesn't get scared, but he was. He wanted to live a quiet life with his new family. Not be the centre of the worlds attention. He now knew why Dumbledore didn't want him being famous....It was because of his special elements of magic. Dumbledore wanted him to himself. Hadrian felt a sudden shift of rage and anger.

No way was he going to let Dumb-as-a-door take control of his life. 

Not when he just got his Father back in his life.

Hadrian wouldn't let him.

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